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    Selia was waiting around, sitting on a coffin in a mausoleum, when it suddenly slid ackwards. She stood up and watched as a man walked up through the opening, muttering about some kind of curse. "Hello. I see that this is the entrance. Which one are you? Dirge? Brynjolf? Mercer? Delvin? Saphire?", said Selia, the last one mockingly.
    The bald man turned, saying, "Delvi-" Selia cut him off, devilishly saying, "That's all I needed to know. He" She cut off his head and let it roll down the hole he had climbed out of. She stuck a rock in the entrance so it wouldn't close and ran to find Jacoby.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Now that he had his tainted meal, he met with Sapphire outside the Bee and Barb. They went down to the graveyard so she could show him the entrance inside. Along the way, he saw Selia, next to a headless body wearing Thieve's Guild armor. "Delvin! Damn it, Jacoby! What happened to no murder? The plan?" All Jacoby needed from her was her information and her outfit. Seeing as she was no longer needed for the info, an evil grin grew ear to ear across Jacoby's face. "I'm sorry to say Sapphy, but it appears that my boss has already obtained the info I needed from you. In other words, there's been a change of plans. Still don't follow? My point is... you've outlived your usefulness, HAHAHAHA!!!" With great speed, he unsheathed his dwemer short sword, plunging it into Sapphire's abdomen, and once more across her throat. "A little ahead of schedule are we now, boss? Hah, no matter, the sooner this gets done the better. If my calculations were correct, Vex and Dirge should be down there at the moment. If you wish to help, I would slip into my new costume." He quickly grabbed whatever loot he could obtain off the bodies and stripped Delvin of his gear, wearing the outfit over the clothing he was wearing at the moment. He slid the door open and proceeded down the hole.


    Selia stole Sapphires clothes and slipped them on over her own, as they were quite large. She followed Jacoby downstairs, drawing her swords. They opened and climbed down a hatch, entering a large cistern littered with beds and training areas with a few people walking around. "Do you know who we're after down here? I'm in the mood for blood, though if you wnat we can just poison them, though if so I should probably leave. I'm not good with restraining myself! Hahahah!", said Selia.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Where were they? Hides was pacing back and forth twirling an elven knife around his finger, Where in oblivion was Verlok and Stilletto. Hides looked over to where Cleaver and Razor where. One look into Cleaver's eyes and Hides calmed down, that man and his dammed blue eyes. The legion escorts where poisoned and Hides had spent last knife poisoning men who had contact with the "infected." With this sickness spreading Hides soon had to spend more and more time pretending to cure the "sick" in his infirmery. By Sithis will I have to finish the contract, Hides pondered asking the target if he would let Hides start amputating. Gods, Hides thought, maybe this Dee Jamba will become his knew identity. A vacation, his escape. God where were they, Hides nodded as Cleaver and Razor got up to man the main gate, with so many people sick they got deputized to take the night shifts. Hides looked out his window in the colonies keep, watching the sunset. It was red, a bloody reckoning must be nigh.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    "I was going to let the minor Thieve's Guild members scatter at first, but I realized leaving just one loose end unattended to could come back to haunt us. We're getting rid of the lackies now." He slowly climbed down the ladder as explained the game plan. "First Priority: Vex and Dirge do not die. Tonila and Vekel are waiting for us at the bottom. I'll give them the poisoned food which they will take back to the Flagon and serve to Vex and Dirge. On their way out, they will lock the door behind them. At that point, the Cistern will belong solely to us! Hehehe! If Vex and Dirge were to die in this outcome, Mercer and Brynjolf will be suspicious of the fact that only the Guild's fences survived, putting them on alert. We're walking out of this unsuspected." They proceed to the Cistern where he gave Vekel the food. They waited a minute before the couple left the area and locked the door behind them as the peons of the group were just minding their own business. "Hah, that bloodshed you craved so badly is just moments away, boss. Just pick your meat and have fun carving!" Another Dark Elf approached Jacoby wondering who the two were. "Who the hell are you? New recruits? We--" He wasted no time, Jacoby unsheathed his blade once more, plunging it into the elf's torso, then kicking him off the sword and into the Ratway's filty water. The five remaining members took notice, charging at them.


    The Fabled Stealer Of Sweetrolls
    I suddenly jump up into the carriage with Stilletto behind me. "Sabercat pounced out of the blue and grabbed her, had to slit it's throat and keep running." I look up for the first time and wave. "Verlok. I'm here to do whatever you need me to do. Stilletto is fine by the way, that saber wasn't exactly on it's A Game." I begin sizing up everyone in the carriage, wondering who will try to slit my throat first.


    Selia saw the other members charge at Jacoby and herself, so she quickly drew her swords. First, a wood elf lost both his legs and then his head. Next, an imperial simply lost his head. She stabbed a man through the torso and saw Jacoby take care of the other two. "What now?", she asked, smiling.


    The Loner
    Q'sala took a look around at her surroundings. The land outside of White always seemed baren and cold to her. Not her favorite place to be but better than some others. She continued on her way, making sure to keep under her hood so no one could see her face.

    She soon came up onto a tree that held a note thatt was pinned by a dagger. She looked around to see if anyone saw then took the dagger and quickly read the note. "Theives Guild needs me again," she muttered to herself. She lit the paper on fire and watched it as it burned to ashes. "I best go. While the weather is good traveling weather. Who knows what teh weather might change to in Whiterun," she told herself.

    She then ran as fast as possible across country towards Riftern.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Good Verlok is here, Hides thought, well then that leaves one thing. Hides turned to the other argonian when they got into his room that the dictator had gifted him, "The kill is yours I exspect a sense of professionalism. If possible only the target, and don't get spotted. This is the first test from me." Hides soon left the room, and entered the infirmery. Let us see if he is lost, Hides thought, just might have to welcome one more into his fold of those called his Knives. Take the lizard out of the brotherhood but you cant take the brotherhood out of the lizard.
    Dar'arjo was tried. He had been riding through the country side of Skyrim for the better half of the day, and was finally nearing Riften, though he needed to find a place to sleep as it was it was almost nightfall. As he made his way past lake Honrich, he decided to set up camp on one side of the road, and after taking a swig of skooma, started planing how he would approach the thieves guild, and how he would offer his services to them. The only thing he knew of the thieves guild, was that they made their home in the ratways of Riften, and that they already had a fence of their own. "Now, while they already use Tonila as a fence, where she happen to....lets say...disappear, they would be rather open to finding a replacement," Dar'arjo said to himself. "Of course, there always that rumor of a second thieves guild that lives in Riften, but they probably don't compare to the veterans of the ratway, Mercer and Brynjolf are more then a match for this "other" guild. So, I guess my best chance is trying to take out Tonila first, and then offer my services to the guild, they cant possibly refuse." And with that final thought, Dar'arjo turned over on his makeshift bed, he drifted off to sleep.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    "This... is the grandest day of my existence! HAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAA! Jacoby had become a kid at a candy store, hovering over each and every body, robbing them of the valuables and possessions that once belonged to them. Now with his pockets almost overflowing, they were ready to commence the second step in this plan. "Vex is currently being sent back up to the surface via the Ratway entrance to seek Brynjolf out. I'll leave through the secret entrance we came through and have a little chat with a few guards, I have something special planned for that ignorant witch. Thank you for your part in this, and as a token of my gratitude, you get to have the kill of the day! Dirge is in the Flagon protecting the Guild's Home, it's a shame he doesn't know that everyone that's still here is his enemy... and the food should be getting to him by now. Kill him, and make him fear every last breath, hehe. I'll meet with you back up in Riften soon enough." Jacoby left Selia with the final kill as he headed up into town, ready to strike a deal with a few guards. Killing Vex would be too simple. If it wasn't for her robbery of eager clients supporting Jacoby's market, the black market would be as big as the Thieve's Guild. He didn't want to kill her, he wanted to humiliate her, a thief's ultimate embarrassment. He wanted her behind bars.


    "Haha! Oh, that's a wonderful name! Dirge... I might mount his head on my wall! Oh, I'll kill him with his friends dagger!", said Selia. She ran up to the Wood Elves dead body and found a steel dagger. She ran out into a pantry, which led to the Ragged Flagon. She sneaked forward, casting invisibility and muffle. She silently moved up to Dirge and materialized, saying, "Hello! Goodbye!" "Wha-What?", he replied. "It's your turn to die! Haha!", she said as she stabbed him in the stomach, then in the eye. Finally, she stuck it into the guards skull. "I love my job! Here, Vekel, you can have this! At least, I assume you're Vekel, since you appear to be the bartender.", she said, tossing the dagger she had taken from the Wood Elf towards his counter, where it stuck. She ran back into the Cistern area and climbed up the ladder, into the graveyard. She pulled a chain, causing the ceiling to slide back, revealing the surface. She walked out and kicked Delvin and Sapphires bodies into the hole. The Redguard woman ran up to the gate, sliced the head off of another guard behind the gates, jumped up onto a nearby building, and pulled herself up onto the wall. There she saw two guards and a Khajiit. She dove down, killing the two guards, and walked up to the Khajiit. "What are you here for? If it involves the native Thieves Guild, I'm afraid you're out of luck, skooma addict!"
    In his many travels, Dar'arjo had come to expect even the most random of events to happen in newly discovered places, such as having two city guards murdered right in front of you by a strange redguard woman. Even so, he was a bit surprised, but decided he might as well act politely to this stranger. "Greetings redguard" He said, as he bowed and sweep his hat off his head in his usual way of greeting. "Dar'arjo at your service, best fence in all of Tamriel" As he straightened up, he pulled out the knife that he kept concealed in his hat and put it against the redguards throat. "Speak quickly if you value your life," He said, dropping all pretense "One, how did you know that Dar'arjo is looking for the thieves guild, two, how did you know he is a skooma addict, and three, who in oblivion are you?


    Selia quickly ducked and rolled backwards. She stood up and drew her swords. "Hello, fence! I thought you were probably looking for the native Thieves Guild from your body language. You looked like a thief, or a con man or something like that, and my organization is the only other one here who might have use of those kinds of people. I knew you were a skooma addict from your reaction. It was sped up just enbough for me to realize that you were hopped up on some form of moon sugar, and so I asumed you were an addict. In answer to your final question, I am Selia Anika, co-founder of the only remaining Thieves Guild and destroyer of the one in the ratways, at your service.", said Selia. She courtesied and stuck her sword up to his throat. "Anything else, or should I decapitate you here and now?"
    "So....the rumors are true, there is a second guild, or the only guild now I suppose." Dar'arjo said, as he slowly put away his weapons, careful to avoid the blade at his throat. "In that case, Dar'arjo means you no harm, as it seems you are the only person he can go to for a job at the moment. So if you want, lets strike a deal, I need a place to stay in this god forsaken city, and I can offer my services to your..."guild". I can supply your members with weapons as well as information. I can get access to stolen goods from all over Tamriel. I can even help in field work, as I'm just as fast as when I was younger, and twice as deadly, So, what say you? Deal?


    The Loner
    Q'sala finally made it to Riften. She stepped through gate, quietly making her way to the Thieves Guild hideout in the rat tunnels. She hated it down there. It sunk extremely though she knew she had to go. She must me Iona. As quickly as possible.


    "Well, we could have use of your services. I don't handle recruiting, as I'm insane, that is handled by my boss, J'Saga-Jo. I'll test you and if I think you're useful then you're in. I have two available jobs. You could either help my black market associate Jacoby Pneulon with whatever he assigns you or you could help a Bosmer woman by the name of Thorn eliminate an Imperial Guard. You're choice, Khajiit.", said Selia. She kept her sword out and pointed at the mans chest. She started a giggling fit for no apparent reason and when she calmed down she said, "Deal?"


    "You should, my friend, you should! Pneulon should be talking to the hold guards about one of the few remaining members of the native Thieves Guild. If you don't see him then you have my permission to wait in our new base of operations, the Ratway! Or, you could wait in the home known as Honeyside. I'm sure he'll return to one of those places. If not, then he's probably dead or in jail. Then I'll be forced to cut out his tongue.", she said, smiling. "Hahaha!" She opened the doors and jumped in without saying another word.


    The Fabled Stealer Of Sweetrolls
    "Alright.... off to eliminate Tiger of Kamal's guards? Please. Gee, that will be hard......." I step out of the room and head off in the direction of the guard Armory. I will pinch some armor and then enter the castle. Slit their throats first chance I get.