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I'm just a big, hairy American winning machine.
Be with who you want to be with. You only live once.


Defender of Helpless Kittens
This thread reminds me of a Joke.

Alright? Here goes...

A Teacher is walking down the Hallway of a school one day and see's two large Boys picking on a small boy. They were both Hitting him and shoving him around. While doing this one of the Bullys say. ...

" Your Kind is an Abomination. You need to die and do us all better"

The other says "I hope you get hit by a Truck so your "Lifestyle" doesn't effect anyone else".

When seeing this the teach runs to the group of boys and breaks it up. "How dare you bully this smaller boy" she says. "You should not judge or bully people on sex, creed, race, or origin. In any case bullying is always wrong!!!"

The teacher then turns to the smaller boy getting bullied and asks "So why were they picking on you?"

The boy says "They were bullying me because I'm Christian"

The Teachers says "GET HIM BOYS!!!!"

Thank you, thank you. Remember to tip your waiters and waitresses. Good night every body!


The Last Dragonborn
I just find genitals unattractive. I'm attracted to lasses and like for them to be pleasured, vaginas are just something I deal with. Similar to the looks of bacon, it looks manky but it's brilliant.


Hhahahahaha to Cylos.... Hell you just made me laugh!

Now, i feel the same way about a penis.... I honestly do not think it is attractive, BUT, hell on heels! That thing ROCKS! lol

But, in all honesty, i am only married to a man because of the kind of person he is. I dated a woman before i met him. To me it all depends on the PERSON. I have always loved people for who they are, and not what lies between their thighs:-)

vaginas are prettier that penises though!!!


Well-Known Member
This thread reminds me of a Joke.

Alright? Here goes...

A Teacher is walking down the Hallway of a school one day and see's two large Boys picking on a small boy. They were both Hitting him and shoving him around. While doing this one of the Bullys say. ...

" Your Kind is an Abomination. You need to die and do us all better"

The other says "I hope you get hit by a Truck so your "Lifestyle" doesn't effect anyone else".

When seeing this the teach runs to the group of boys and breaks it up. "How dare you bully this smaller boy" she says. "You should not judge or bully people on sex, creed, race, or origin. In any case bullying is always wrong!!!"

The teacher then turns to the smaller boy getting bullied and asks "So why were they picking on you?"

The boy says "They were bullying me because I'm Christian"

The Teachers says "GET HIM BOYS!!!!"

Thank you, thank you. Remember to tip your waiters and waitresses. Good night every body!
I'm sorry. I know it's hypocritical and aweful, but I just found this hilarious! If it makes it any better, I would've laughed at almost anything after "I'm a-"
Anyway, I don't get how people make such a big deal about this. Sometimes I think God saying something on the topic is the only way it could have escalated like this.


Queen of Procrastination
Okay so maybe to some people it's a bit strange, but why use it as an insult?

I don't think people use the word as an insult because they have anything against gay people. I hear it all the time at school and it annoys me. But I know those kids aren't homophobic. The word 'faggot' got the same meaning as 'asshole' which makes it a homonym..

Daryl Dixon

I dont like how its called homophobia when you're against gays. It's not a phobia and you are not scared, you are an asshole.


Active Member
I don't have a problem with gays. The issue has gotten ridiculous, which is why I just ignore it. If they don't bother you, then don't bother them


Queen of Procrastination
I dont like how its called homophobia when you're against gays. It's not a phobia and you are not scared, you are an asshole.

The word phobia does mean 'fear' in Greek (as far as I'm concerned). But you shouldn't take the term literally. It doesn't mean you have a fear of gays: homophobes see being gay, lesbian or bi as a threat. They consider it unnatural and they think it has a bad influence on relationships and marriage in general and also affects straight people. Actually that's what Wikipedia told me :) ..
I don't know if there's a difference between not approving homosexuality or being a homophobe. Anyway: I prefer the term 'asshole' too :D


Queen of Procrastination
Every gay person I have met has been really nice, theres no difference between us. I eat the taco, they smoke the sasuage. I hope that wasnt offensive..

Marriage and all the other gay rights are human rights, not a hetrosexual privelidge;)

A friend of mine I know for years turned out to be gay. I was one of the first people to hear and I was honored he trusted me that much. His parents were muslim and he still told them. His mother was furious and ashamed of her son. When I asked him how he felt he said: 'If my parents don't love me the way I am that's their problem'. He is so brave.. I have so much respect for him..


Active Member
I don't understand vaginas, though. I don't know how straight blokes do it. I take my hat off to you guys.

I mean no disrespect by asking this, but how the HELL is a persons hole that deals primarily in eliminating feces from the human body have any attraction to you? I don't get that. At least a Vagina was made for the purpose of intercourse and reproduction.....

Daryl Dixon

Im a straight guy and vaginas are pretty sloppy looking ;) Not all of them, only seen 1 I liked lookin' at.

God this is awful to say.


Active Member
Im not talking about the "look" of them. Regardless of that, having sex with a woman (man and woman I mean here) has a real function to it, sure, people do have sex for pleasure but well, uh, we kind of need vaginas to keep the world going round for humanity :p. Which kind of then makes sense of why, naturally, men want to have sex with women, (straight men) and why in my opinion at least, that makes other sexual orientations sorta unnatural and part of why I have a hard time understanding it...


Well-Known Member

I mean no disrespect by asking this, but how the HELL is a persons hole that deals primarily in eliminating feces from the human body have any attraction to you? I don't get that. At least a Vagina was made for the purpose of intercourse and reproduction.....
Well plenty of straight guys like those, too. Also some straight girls! Might wanna keep that in mind OrexxerO ;-).


Active Member
That actually is a good point.....I do admit I am attracted to a sexy girls bottom but.....I don't know if I could ever actually...well, without putting in specific terms you know what I mean :p.

Docta Corvina

Well-Known Member
I STILL wonder how anyone is attracted to female genitalia or otherwise finds it especially pleasant. Honestly.

And I'm not being facetious, despite being a woman myself. I really don't understand it.


Must be my Nord blood......
I STILL wonder how anyone is attracted to female genitalia or otherwise finds it especially pleasant. Honestly.

And I'm not being facetious, despite being a woman myself. I really don't understand it.
VagInees are awesome. That is all.


Active Member
I once had a conversation with a fellow gentleman. And we were both wondering what makes a woman so attractive sexually to us. We were wondering WHY we were attracted to such things as girls behinds and breasts and all the things commonly known to be attractive to men...even though we know it really, on a actual logical level when thinking about it as rationally as possible, doesn't seem to really make sense. The only answer really is genetics and a way for our mind to make us reproduce I suppose(and the fact that sexual pleasure is one of the best forms of pleasure to us)....which then still leaves the mystery of why then do some people have same gender attractions sexually? Is it a different wiring of the brain from birth on?