OOC The End's Secrets

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    Savage Spirit
    Hopefully we will Daryl, but we'll see :p


    The Fox
    Mine would have both a dark persona and a relaxed one... You'll see ^_^


    Savage Spirit
    Just a quick note that I made a few edits to the CC format guys, with the inclusion of things such as fears and ambitions. :)


    The Fox
    Name: Destiny "Nightmare" (last name unknown)
    Age: 22
    Sex: Female
    Race: Nord
    Laterality: Right Handed
    Marital Status: Single but doesn't look for sb.
    Religion: She doesn't worship any Daedra or Aedra, other than Nocturnal.
    Past Allegiances: Theives Guild
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Assassin/Ranger
    Appearance: She is tall with silver white hair with some red highlights with a slight bang, their length is exactly where her waist is and are always well kept (their design is that they start short in the front and steadilly get long in the back, with their ending being a pointy edge) and her eyebrows are thin. Her body has an hourglass figure and is slim, elegant and well muscled (she doesn't look like it but delivers strong blows) She has a tatoo of a star covering all of her eye and the area around it ( I don't have a pic right now) and a dragon tatoo on the side of her abdomen. Her eyes are an ice-blue colour. and has rather sharp characteristics (but still beautifull).
    Armour: (it's light armour)

    this bow with ebony arrows dipped in poison and two ebony daggers
    Personality: Shady, quiet, Mysterious, even cruel to those who she doesn't know.To those who she knows she is kind, friendly, trustworthy, funny and ambitious, she bonds with them a lot and trusts them.
    Fears: She fears that the world will come to an end and that many innocent people would die (even though she enjoys wealth)
    Ambitions: She wants the world to become like it was before, that the guild would be reunited, that no more blood would be spilled without purpose. That she would be reunited with the rest that fled.
    Bio:Little is known about her pre teen years. The only things that are known were that her whole family was murdered by a band of bandits and her home was destroyed when she was 5 years old. Luckily for her, Vex and Brynjolf (who were new to the Theives Guild and were out on a mission) took her with them back to the Guild and she trained with all of them when she turned 7. After then she became a talented and really skilled Theif and well known all around Riften and the Guild itself. She had become good friends with every single person in the Guild and a few from outside. She enjoyed every single thing of those years, especially stealing the newest guard's hat and toying around with him with her friends, teasing the older members of the guild, sneaking out of it at night with some friends and relaxing at the docks, sipping on Nord Mead. And then, everything was destroyed, most of them died and those who didn't ran away. She stayed behind in order to find a way to stop all that was happening.
    Colour Claim: This please or this.


    The White Wanderer
    I have a CC that contains all the information you asked for, but unfortunately it isn't in the preferred format. Would you like me to alter it so it fits or just leave it as it is?


    Savage Spirit
    Destiny, you're accepted. And your CC should be fine as it is Felidae, as long as the information I asked for is included :)


    The White Wanderer
    My character's good-ish.

    Personal Profile

    Name: Felidae Lioria (Fel-id-ay)
    Alias(s): Geinhaal, The White Wanderer
    Race: Khajiit - Cathay
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Class: Wandering Bounty Hunter

    Alignment: True Neutral
    Birthplace: The Ashlands, Vvardenfell
    Birthsign: The Thief
    Birth Date: 12th of Evening Star
    Current Residence: N/A
    Past Affiliations: Imperial Legion

    • Lithe but skinny frame covered in lean muscle
    • White & silver fur w/ black cheetah-like patterns
    • Shoulder-length braided dark red hair
    • Deep amber eyes
    • Ragged scar on forehead
    • Three claw scars on abdomen
    • Slave brand on left wrist
    • Scar from crossbow bolt on thigh
    • 5'5"


    • Repeating crossbow
    • Twin Daedric daggers
    • Air-Sabre shurikens
    • Bare hands
    • Fur-lined black poncho w/ hood
    • Skin-tight suit of black leather armour
    • Tattered red scarf (originally a birthing shawl)
    • Sleeveless, scoop-neck white crop top
    • Leather gauntlet on left hand
    • Knee-length leather boots
    • 5 hooped earrings (3 on right ear, 2 on left)

    Major Skill-Set

    • Archery (crossbows)
    • Dual-Wielding
    • Acrobatics
    • Athletics/Parkour
    • Sneak
    • Light Armour
    • Hand-to-hand


    • Bounty Hunter
    • Mercenary


    Felidae is a quick-witted yet dour young Khajiit, who despite her age has experienced more during her short time in Tamriel than seems wholly necessary. Due to her not having a particularly good way with words Felidae rarely speaks, and when she does she only says what she needs to and usually doesn't tolerate idle chit-chat. Most of the time she would much rather settle a dispute through violence than negotiation. Even the rare few who manage to "befriend" her are typically given the cold shoulder and are treated with the same aloof, severe attitude as everyone else; regarded merely as tools that will help her achieve her own personal goals only to be left by the wayside once she has no further use for them (though she does have the courtesy to leave each of her ex-companions a fair amount of gold depending on how useful they were to her).

    Having quite a biased type of attitude towards modern arsenal, she welcomes advanced weaponry such as repeating crossbows (her weapon of choice). In a typical display of naivety, anything Felidae considers "old" is therefore weak and pointless compared to the superiority of modern weapons, although she does harbour a guilty and somewhat hypocritical soft-spot for ancient Akaviri arsenal; a secret which is quite clearly evidenced in the fact that she's rarely seen without her beloved Air-Sabre shurikens. However, these deadly throwing stars are almost always kept concealed beneath her poncho in preparation for a surprise attack.

    Both cunning and ruthless in battle, Felidae uses her wits, speed and unmatched agility to elegantly snag her kills. Whilst she doesn't particularly enjoy killing she certainly feels no remorse from it and sometimes uses combat as a way of releasing pent-up stress, but from her point of view taking a life is just part of the job and is the only thing she knows she's good at. She holds a bitter prejudice toward most Elven kind (especially Dunmer) due to her childhood being spent doing forced labour in a Vvardenfell mine, but she is struggling to put her past behind her and has even taken it upon herself to single-handedly seek revenge on the Great House who she spent the majority of her childhood enslaved to. She also somewhat resents her own race in a way, feeling angry and ashamed of how her kind have sunk to becoming stereotypical thieves and do-badders, shunned by the rest of society, although in more than a few cases her own actions can tend to contradict this.

    Whilst not really a bad person at heart, Felidae can be mean-spirited, arrogant and even cruel at times and has an exceedingly short temper, resulting in many violent and often uncalled for outbursts due to her impatience with other people. But despite this trait she conceals a dark sense of humour and sometimes can't help but make the odd, typically inappropriate quip, especially at someone else's expense and dripping with sarcasm. However, in most cases she's as serious as you can get and tends to remain stony-faced when others are being jovial, revealing no sense of humour beneath her hard, seemingly emotionless exterior. People who have encountered the Wanderer in person have described her as only having four facial expressions: "wary", "bored", "scornful" and "incensed", the latter of which having the inevitable effect of making her appear rather scary and pretty much unapproachable, so it isn't surprising that even being mistaken for a male isn't an uncommon occurrence whenever she's wearing her angry face. Notwithstanding her restrained personality, the Wanderer can actually be very intimidating if she wants to be; her fiery orange eyes have been known to induce a strong feeling of anxiety or distress when gazed directly into, and in some cases fear.


    Felidae, preferring the elegant art of stealth over that of pure combat, uses her keen feline eyesight to achieve mid-to-long distance kills with her repeating crossbow from the cover of darkness, and can use the weapon with only one hand (when not in use it is kept holstered on a leather lanyard across her back). The crossbow, whilst not very powerful, is compact, lightweight and carries up to five small bolts in a special compartment, allowing each bolt to quickly slide into place after the last one is fired by means of a lever on top of the weapon. If the victim survives the initial attack, which is rare, she isn't afraid to get up close with her trusty twin blades and finish the fight in a much more personal manner (kept sheathed on her left thigh and right boot respectively). She also takes advantage of her flexibility and fights in a very acrobatic manner to confuse her opponents, using handsprings, somersaults and ariels, almost like a dance. Albeit a very complex, deadly dance. Like most duel-wielders she sees no need for defence and instead opts for a flat-out, savage, unrelenting attack method intended to batter down an enemy's resistance before they can get in a hit, whilst utilizing her speed and agility to avoid any strikes coming her way.
    Unfortunately, due to her impatience to get things done she isn't very tactical and prefers to act on the spur of the moment rather than spend ages planning her attack beforehand, sometimes leading to a lot of mishaps further on. But despite this issue she knows that when the going will be particularly arduous she has no other choice but to think up a strategy, and when she really puts her mind to it she can actually be quite effective (albeit still a little rushed and haphazard).

    Hidden under the cover of her poncho she wears a leather bandoleer equipped with twelve Air-Sabre shurikens which she can use with pin-point accuracy, managing to hit arteries and other vital areas of the body with little effort. These unique throwing stars are utilized when the target is too close for a crossbow kill but too far for melee, and are also often used for a surprise attack; being thrown before the opponent even knows that her hands have left her poncho. If done right she has the ability of taking out up to five or even six enemies at the same time, although this is a rare occurrence and usually she can only take out around three using this method. Felidae disdains the use of her claws in combat, considering it barbaric and unsophisticated, and will always prefer to use her fists instead if engaged in unarmed combat.

    She is usually underestimated by her opponents due to her unassuming appearance, which most of the time is a big advantage in combat as it gives her the element of surprise, even though she is actually quite tall for a female Khajiit. She has no interest whatsoever in the arcane arts, and barely raises an eyebrow when watching mages perform big, flashy destruction spells, remaining completely unimpressed by their magical abilities. Impressive feats of archery, on the other hand, have been known to occasionally win her over, even if she tends not to show it.
    She is exceptionally skilled in hand-to-hand combat, even for a Khajiit, and knows many ways of taking down an armed opponent larger than herself using a form of martial art her monk father taught her before his death known as the "Whispering Fang". Felidae loathes heavy armour as she can barely even move in it, let alone fight, and two-handed weapons are practically useless when wielded by her (usually resulting in a lot of nasty toe injuries). She doesn't even bother with magic, considering it far too complicated and preferring to leave her whiskers intact.

    She has been known to do pretty much everything with only her right hand, such as eating, drinking, writing and even hand-to-hand fighting, her left remaining constantly hidden beneath her poncho in case a situation arises that forces her to quickly grab a weapon, which tend to be her shurikens. For this reason, she has been dubbed the somewhat unflattering alias "Geinhaal", meaning "one-handed" in the Dovah language.


    Having been raised by an upper-class Imperial gentleman in the province of Cyrodiil for six years of her life, Felidae's speech is unlike that of most Khajiit; being spoken in first-person, losing most of the nasal inflection that is common among the native cats of Elsweyr, and is noticeably low in pitch. Her dialect is monotone with a very stern, authoritative edge to it, and some have even regarded her accent as being 'posh', at least in comparison to other Khajiit (think Captain Janeway from Voyager). However, this is mostly unapparent as she speaks only when she feels the need to, remaining quiet and reserved most of the time.
    She has no personal opinions of the civil war, viewing the chaos as an effective cover for any shady business she's currently getting involved in and making it easier to slip around unnoticed. Although she does maintain a slight level of empathy for the soldiers on either side, and feels the carnage is just a waste of decent warriors, she mostly considers the war as being none of her concern. As for the Divines, in Felidae's opinion they have done nothing to either hinder or help her in her exploits and so as a result she really couldn't care less about them, even though she isn't ignorant of their existence and occasionally blames them for a lot of things that are wrong with the world. The Daedra, on the other hand, are considered scum.

    Felidae is mainly a drifter, travelling from town to town, village to village, never staying in one area for too long and taking whatever jobs are thrown at her, as long as they involve combat in some way (although if someone was to ask about what line of work she's in, most of the time she'd call herself a bounty hunter). People often assume that she's an assassin due to the skin-tight black armour she wears, which only results in aggravating her due to the "untrustworthy" stereotype people associate with her kind.
    The armour itself, consisting of a dark leather catsuit that protects every part of her body save her head, hands and feet, is designed more for flexibility and freedom of movement rather than damage-absorption, and moulds so close to her form that it acts almost like a second-skin, plus it weighs next-to-nothing. It is perhaps best described as a mix between the Shrouded and Guild Master armour sets, can be opened and closed at the front via a set of small straps that run from the waistline to the neck, and features an impressively large collar that almost reaches the jaw when turned up and strapped together, effectively keeping out the wind and cold. Being a fairly modest woman, Felidae chooses to wear a sleeveless, scoop-neck white crop top instead of a bra, figuring it appears a little less ostentatious whenever she has to remove her armour.
    As for the Dark Brotherhood, Felidae has no desire whatsoever to join their ranks; she may be a ruthless killer, but she's not completely cold-blooded.

    Felidae wears a brown leather gauntlet over her left hand to hide the black Fabricant slave-mark burned onto her wrist when she was a child, as simply looking at the mark brings back vivid and disturbing memories of the mine she was forced to work in (although she claims she wears it to help her archery, not wanting to bring up the uncomfortable subject of her childhood). The cuff also partially contributed to the birth of her nickname and over time has become her signature accessory.
    The tatty red scarf that she has worn since youth was originally a birthing shawl made by her mother, who she never met, and is the only item she owns that was given to her by her parents. Despite being just a ratty piece of cloth it holds a strong sentimental value which means she has an immense reluctance to part with it or even take it off, and has developed a lifelong habit of fondling it whenever stressed or nervous. When in stealth mode, she has been known to pull it over her muzzle and wear it as a face bandanna to cover up her fur, which has let her down on more than one occasion due to its light colour.
    Felidae carries all of her belongings in a black leather saddlebag which she keeps slung over one shoulder, with one side of the bag reserved only for the severed heads of her bounties.

    She has no need nor want of friends and family, as past experience has taught her relationships can only lead to hurt and betrayal, and would act only as a hindrance in her travels. This makes it extremely difficult for her to trust other people and make friends, and instead chooses to remain distanced from everyone else in order to prevent any emotional ties being formed. She has little romantic interest in men, shunning any advances made towards her (not that there are many) and considering the majority of them to be dirty, egotistical brutes obsessed with sex and violence, so she could perhaps be seen as asexual due to her frigidness. Growing close to someone is one of two fears, the other being quite a severe case of claustrophobia after a childhood spent crawling through cramped tunnels, and for this reason she has a huge love of the outdoors.
    If she could be summed-up in one word, it would be "austere".

    Colour: Blue

    I haven't included her bio because it's a little lengthy, but if you want to check it out there's a link in my sig.


    King of Scandinavia
    Fenrir is kinda good too:)


    (picture is not mine, I'm just using it for this cc)
    » NAME Fernir
    » ALIAS The dark Wolf
    » AGE 23
    » BIRTH DATE Unknown
    » BIRTH PLACE Whiterun
    » ORIGIN Nord
    » CLASS Warrior
    » GENDER Male
    » HEIGHT 6'4
    » WEIGHT 145 lbs
    » LATERALITY Right handed
    » SEXUALITY Bisexual

    » HAIR Brown hair wich is cut short at the sides and kept longer on the top. He also has a beard
    » EYE COLOR Brown/Hazel
    » SKIN COLOR Light tan filled with tattoos.
    » BUILD Muscular
    » ATTIRE Fenrir wears very little armor at most times. He wars leatherboots and thick fabric pants. He is often seen shirtless, but may at times put on a light brown tunic. His weapons of choice is dual wielded axes.

    » POSITIVE TRAITS He is very caring towards the ones he loves. He is a very skilled warrior.
    » NEGATIVE TRAITS He has a shady past that can influence him.
    » LIKES Drinking, gambling, fighting, men and women
    » DISLIKES Being bossed around, losing in combat
    » GOALS Becoming something bigger than himself.
    » FEARS Being left alone


    » SKILLS

    One handed – Fenrir chose to use twin axes. Being able to quickly attack his enemies from multiple directions with different combos.

    Block – Blocking enemies attacks with his axes is an important factor for his combat style.
    Light armour – Fenrir wears light armour to be more agile, and because he doesn’t like to wear heavy armor.
    Speechcraft - He has a talent of interogating and bribeing people.


    Born in the poor districts of Whiterun, Fenrir’s life has always been a struggle. His parents died when he was just 12, and from that day he had to survive on his own. After a few years where he mostly lived on the remains of his neighbor’s food, he met an older man named Bjorn, who felt sorry for the boy and took him in has his son and thought him the arts of combat.

    With years of practice, Fenrir and his foster-brother Garren had grown into decent warriors. Together with Bjorn they roamed around Skyrim looking for people to help and places to explore. However, one day, Fenrir and Garren had an argument, and with Fenrir’s short temper it quickly evolved into a brawl. Bjorn managed to stop the fight, but Fenrir, still furious, told them he would be better off without them and ran away.

    That decision still haunts him.


    A Friendly Brit
    Just wondering, what are the restrictions on a character? Seeing as how there are so few good characters, would it be acceptable if me to have my character as head of a small guild (literally 5 or 6 people) that are all good? I'll go with the same character regardless, but I just wanted to know if that would be ok for this RP :) I completely understand if you say no and won't be offended in any way, simply asking :)

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    Savage Spirit
    Sorry Blitz, I'm not quite sure what you mean. As in your character was head of the guild before the outbreak of the daedra, and the guild was destroyed or...? :p Kimrisvik and Felidae, you're both accepted. Don't worry too much about the good characters guys, we have a few neutrals and at the worst of times I can use a different CC to up the numbers of good characters. :)


    Savage Spirit
    Alright, well I don't see any problems with that then Blitzz. Cheers Daryl.


    A Friendly Brit
    Like, after everything went to plops he rallied a few like-minded individuals and set it up, it does make sense for the guild to exist because of what it is, but if you don't like the idea im happy to can it

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    A Friendly Brit
    I'm drawing inspiration from the ESO fighter's guild mainly

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    Savage Spirit
    Oh, and I assume you want this colour Kimrisvik?


    Savage Spirit
    And the characters in this guild Blitzz, how would they be used? Were they killed?


    A Friendly Brit
    The characters in the guild would be npcs that I'd direct around rather than actively control, and although there could be new recruits many won't have particularly long lifespans... I like writing death scenes, what can I say? :p

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    Savage Spirit
    Although I like the idea, I feel 6 npcs would be a bit much Blitzz. Perhaps one or two survivors along with yourself, but I would prefer no more than that. But they would of course have to die too. ;)