Suggestions for The Elder Scrolls 6

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New Member
Yes... these have been said but I liked the ideas and wanted to agree!

- Bigger consequences based on your decisions. The main quest should have some really big decisions too.
- NPCs and enemies not being so stupid and also having people react in different ways depending on reputation.
- Events activated every now and then via the internet. Bringing new quests etc to the game.
- Different looking mounts and pets. I'm thinking more variety in horse type and maybe a rideable mammoth or something. Also, more dog breeds or a pet wolf!
- Disguises are a great idea. Being given access to anywhere while wearing a town guard's armor or no one recognizing you with a mask on.
- Ability to set your own traps.

And my own ideas...
- I probably don't speak for many people but some prettier armor would be lovely! Because I can't get custom downloads on console. I always play as a female and just wear clothes instead of armor because it makes her look so hench (not what I wanted). I do like aela's gear, but that's about it.
- The location an arrow hits being a factor on how much damage it does. Head shots killing instantly maybe, but being harder to hit. In Skyrim they just stick out their faces while they walk around like nothing's happened.
- More things happening in the wilderness. I've tried to not use fast travel but it's just so boring.


New Member
What I would like to see from the next Elder Scrolls...

- Location -

I honestly don't see the appeal of the next game taking place in Black Marsh, Elswyr, or the Summerset Isles. I know a lot of people are wanting Elswyr or Summerset Isles, but why? Having only played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, each of these games is set is a specific province of Tamriel. This has a tendency to make players want to create a character that is native to the province they are playing in (Morrowind - Dunmer, Oblivion - Imperial, Skyrim - Nord). Maybe you do that maybe you don't. Either way the games react to your race and it makes it that much more believable. Personally, I don't want to play as an Argonian (unless they look more like Raptors in the next game), a Khajiit, or Altmer. I understand that I would have a multitude of races to choose from but I don't even find those regions to be that interesting.

Valenwood certainly sounds interesting, with massive moving trees, etc. And I certainly think there is plenty of room for creativity from the developers as far as creating environments/crafting story. But in all honesty I really want to see Hammerfell. It has the potential to be very familiar yet very fresh at the same time. Skyrim was a great environment and harbored an aesthetic that was heavily reminiscent of old-school dungeon games, very archaic, very legendary. Furthermore, Skyrim was a rigid, harsh landscape, an inhospitable entity, in a way. That's what made the Nords that much more hardcore. From what we know Hammerfell is a vast desert region sprinkled with mountains. Skyrim's opposite and twin at the same time: Hammerfell's hot and sandy, Skyrim is cold and snowing, but both are inhabited by a hearty race that endures and makes a living regardless. This could make for an extremely new aesthetic in the series. The closest any previous game has come to deserts is Morrowind, but that's a whole different beast in itself. Just say the name, "Hammerfell." For those who said it, you know it has an epic ring to it....

It's probably just a matter of time before TES expands across the seas to other lands of Nirn but I think Tamriel still has room for at least one more game.

- Races -

Personally, I don't want any new races added to the lineup. I think there is a good amount of diversity already. Unless of course the game ends up taking place somewhere other than Tamriel, then sure, it's up in the air.

- Believability (Immersion) -

I know this is highly unlikely for multiple reasons but what I've been craving in the games is to see a realistic city in terms of size and diversity. Think about how large Whiterun is, population...50? Maybe? A truly developed civilization equipped with encompassing walls, a city guard, etc. should have more than 50 or so people living there. Not just for the sake of having more people, but because there is a need for all the different merchants/services/etc. Carpenters, architects, millers, fletchers, thatchers, masons, multiple smiths (blacksmith, bladesmith, armorer, locksmith, goldsmith, etc.), tailors, cobblers, weavers, winesellers, bakers, so on and so forth. Realistically there should be hundreds of citizens per city, if it is major city, for varying reasons (located on a major trade route, port city, capital, etc.). Again, I know it's a high hope, but it's still my hope.

Another reason why a larger population great is large-scale battles. My favorite part of Skyrim was playing as a Stormcloak, driving out the Imperials one fort at a time. I'm all for being the lone hero, the one person who can save the world...but being a part of a battle where you're surrounded by enemies and comrades, everyone's moving, everyone's shouting, soldiers falling left and right, it's so energizing. My bloodlust level skyrockets and I wish the game had more big battle sequences.

A variety of different body types would also aid in this area. Surely not every dude in Tamriel has a 6-pack. Surely not every chick in Tamriel has D-Cups and an hourglass figure. Furthermore, surely not every child is the exact same age. Keep the kids, but add diversity. Add diversity to all the people.

Another aspect that increases immersion for me is variety in terms of weapons and armor. Remember in Skyrim how sometimes you'd find a set of Steel armor with pauldrons (shoulder plates), then you'd find a set withOUT pauldrons? That tiny bit of variation is excellent. But it can be taken a step further. No two smiths from different cities (or even the same city) are going to make an identical suit of armor. Little variations, modifications, etc. gives our characters more customization. Say you had four different versions of the same armor set. They can all have the same stats, but appearance-wise there is something unique about each and players can search for their favorite variation. Then apply the same concept to weapons. So many choices, so many treasures to find!

While on the subject of weapons, first and foremost...bring spears back. Spears, halberds, lances, flails/chain maces, throwing axes, etc. More weapon variety gives players so much to explore.

We have hoods in Oblivion/Skyrim, but who wears just a hood? The Nightingale armor has a sweet half cape. This can be expanded on. And it doesn't need to be attached to armor. Make them a standalone piece of apparel. Talking about variations earlier, you could have a cape, or a hooded cape, or a half-cape, a hooded half-cape, with/without a mask (also like in the Nightingale armor). Invent new garments of clothing native to the province.

Of course I want improved AI but since the next game will be available for XBox One/PS4, I thinks it's a given that the AI will be improved. I'm excited to see HOW much it improves.

- Dragons -

Supposedly a lot of people think the dragons in Skyrim was the best thing that happened to them ever. I don't understand the hype but I don't want dragons to play such a major role in the story again. It would be neat to meet Paarthurnax again maybe, or hunt down a notorious dragon that's been terrorizing a specific region as a part of a miscellaneous quest, but not as part of full fledged theme in the game.

- Dwemer -

I understand that I am probably well in the minority here but I could do without any more Dwemer. I've read that some people want the race to make a comeback and play as a Dwemer, but I don't really see that happening, (since they no longer exist) nor the appeal of it. My main turn off from the Dwemer are the spiders, centurions, etc. Feel free to bring back the Ayleid ruins though.

- Story -

I'm not going to say what I want the story to be because Bethesda has done a pretty fine job on their own thus far, and I want to be surprised when I play through it. But I will say what I don't want.

Skyrim was an excellent execution of a game. Lots to do, lots to explore, learn, etc. As I said earlier though, my favorite part was the civil war quest line. Not slaying dragons and being the dragonborn. Dragons are cool but it seems like every other fantasy franchise has dragons in some form or another. Granted Bethesda put its own unique twist on the scaly fiends, but they were still dragons. Fire-breathing, winged beasts that are virtually invincible. My character just so happens to be the first dragonborn in ages, right when dragons just so happen to reappear in Tamriel? That's convenient, okay I'll go eliminate that threat for you but I REALLY want to kick some Imperial butt instead. Why? Maybe because the empire is a joke, being puppeted by the ever-so-hateable Thalmor, who are trying to tell me that I can't worship my patron deity Talos. Why is this an awesome set up? My first experience in the game is nearly being executed by Imperials based on no charges whatsoever. That gives me a distaste of the Empire right off the bat. This struggle for power between a native people and a religiously/politically oppressive Aldmeri Dominion is beautiful. I can be a part of something so much larger than myself, yet I can have a massive influence of the direction the war takes. It's so much more motivating to me.

What was even cooler about the civil war is that you could pick sides. Sides that are neither 100% good or 100% evil. Each is doing what's right in its own eyes, but both have obvious flaws. Moral gray areas have so much potential.

I'm not saying that TES:6 should be a continuation of Skyrim's civil war because each game should be independent story-wise. There are plenty of scenarios that the writers can come up with, and if they take place in Hammerfell there's tons of room for fresh ideas. The story doesn't always have to be a giant world-breaking magically-saturated catastrophe (Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind). Some of the best stories unfold between political corruption and an underdog's thirst for justice.

- Streamlining -

The best for last...please don't streamline the games anymore. No more simplifying the game to appeal to larger audiences. If bro's don't understand how to play then it is not for them. They can play lower-intelligence games that hand-feed you objectives and still wipe your butt afterward, like Call Of Duty. But The Elder Scrolls, they're for us. They are the hardcore games made for hardcore people who want to be totally immersed in another world, saturated with detail. We don't want the charity of being told exactly where every quest objective is located. We thrive on the hunt, the exploration, the pioneering into the unknown and the untamed. We want a game that rises above our level and challenges us, and we'll come out victorious, even if it takes us years to do so...


Tribunal Temple Acolyte
I guess I'll end up parroting some of what was said above.

LORE: A given, lore must be respected. In my opinion, the lore is the best feature of TES. If the game takes place in Valenwood for example, and I see a Bosmer nearing a plant, I may as well shut the game off. What's the point of making a story if your going to just disregard it. (Dissapointing look at Zennimax).

MATURITY: This ties into lore. Make the game for adults, not for kids who want to run around as God-Dovah-King-Tank-Daedra-Thing. You gave them Skyrim, now stop pleasing the ignorant fools. I hate how for many people, Skyrum has become a mod sandbox where Iron Man can fight Dragons and skimpily clad woman run around Winterhold.

LOCATION: I vote Valenwood. We have see. The Empire and Stormcloak's viewpoint. Give us the Thalmor. Other than that plea, Valenwood would be very interesting, for a lot could be done. We have had All TES games take place in the North, excluding Arena and Online. Time to head south.


i would not mind an dlc into hircine's land.
judging from arniel's experiment, we could assume all dwmers turned into spirits, pure energy,beings without a body. The next elder scroll could be, the dwmers tries to come back to mundus. In order to do so they have to sacrifice the entire cities population and it is up to you to stop them. It will take place at one of the elf land.
I think the game should have more lifestyle options. In Skyrim you can only be an adventurer. Sure, you can build a house in n Hearthfire, bit it would be nice to have a store where you can sell your things without finding someone to buy them. You could hire someone and have them run the store and customers can come in and pay for the things you put up for sale. It wpuld be great to be able to get a job like working at someone's store or being a town guard or something. In Skyrim, pretty much the only ways to get money is by selling things, which gets pretty boring after a while, especially if you have a lot to sell and you have to go to tons of different stores.
I don't really care where the game takes place, but I'd like to have a variety of terrains. It would get pretty boring if its all forests or all deserts.
I think it would be good to have multiple followers, or be able to do things in groups. Like you could go to an inn and say you want to go to a cave, and a couple people would come along with you that want to do the same thing. I think its just unrealistic for one person to kill twenty bandits on their own or clear a whole dungeon on their own.
Traveling in groups could be a good way to start the game, instead of using the prisoner thing. Say you and four or five people are headed to a dungeon looking for something, and you're all going for different reasons, like for money, adventure, or research. There could be a thief with you, a mage, etc who would each be the tutorial for different things. Then at the end you'll find some loot and some strange artifact, which would lead to the main quest, and when you all get out you'll all go off on your separate ways, like one person going to investigate the thing, one to their home in a city, one to go sell their loot etc, and you can choose who to go with or to go on your own, and you can catch up with w ho you didn't go with later wherever they were headed. Each could lead to something different, the main quest, getting a house or a job in a city, etc.


I would love for it to have something to do with Dwemer. Whether it be them coming back somehow, or the main character going to wherever they went/are and helping them return to Tamriel.
this would also be cool as they actually play a decently big part in skyrim, but u never even see them. It would add another elven race to tamriel. it would be a pretty cool, long side quest that, as mentioned aboved lacked in skyrim, huge consequences.
I agree with the 1. Let them come back... they went gone. They came back, all is
new... they start a war >:)


It better be in Black Marsh. Hammerfell is also possible but if the redguard dlc is real then I doubt they'd make a full game set there yet. I think Black Marsh because it could be set at the start of Argonian expansionism and you were captured during a raid but escape into black marsh and you either join a rebel group of former legion soldiers to overthrow the an xileel or join the an xileel to support the new argonian empire and help the argonians exact revenge for all the suffering they've been through over the years. since the central part of it is pretty hostile to foreigners it could add a sense of survival and make you take risks to make it through and the hard to navigate terrain could add more problem solving to find the quickest and safest route through the marsh and make looting more rewarding when you've spent ages battling the strange mosnters of the marsh and finding your way to a treasure chest or lost caravan full of rare goods that are much harder to get without exploring and salvaging what you find to make high risk high reward situations. Also the lore is untouched and perfect to uncover as it would help move tamrielic lore as a whole on even further. There's also many hidden ruins and lost cities of past civilisations to discover which would make way more interesting dungeons than draugr after draugr barrows that look alike and have no real variation. Lastly because of the next gen consoles (which still aren't powerful enough to hold all of tamriel) dlc's would be much larger and the potential to have a new province to explore in dlc form is much greater than now. Also a return of the shadowscales would be very exciting!
I couldn't have said it better


When in doubt, follow the fox.
I would like to see more dialogue among the followers. Some followers (Celann, for example) have virtually no dialogue. Every NPC character should be fully fleshed out and unique. No fair making Argis and Calder exactly the same! Skyrim has the potential to be very entertaining if this were pursued with gusto.

I want more dialogue between ME and my DOG (good doggie, "pats head", etc). I want to be able to kiss my horse on the nose and tell him he's a good boy, perhaps pat him on the neck. I also want him to stay put rather than charge to his death.

I want the NPCS and guards to actually notice me, what I'm wearing, and what I've done more than they do now.

I want more options for building a house, not the same design each time with limited options. Unique floor plans, at the very least. I want more houses, perhaps one in each region.

I want more dialogue options for my wife/husband and children. Currently they talk to me, and I am forced to remain silent.

To reiterate what others have said, I want more ways to spend my money. I stop collecting and selling at around $120k, and only loot coin from that point. I frivolously buy anything I want, including very expensive training, and my $$ still goes up to well over $200 by end of game life.

I would love to travel to Cyrodil, the cosmopolitan capital. Second and third are Morrowind and Elswyr.

I want occasional surprises in chests or urns or barrels and sacks. Currently they're very predictable.

I want MISCELLANEOUS to be divided out, because it gets very unweildy: Soul Gems/Ores and Dragon Bones/gemstones/hides/Miscellaneous (more cups and plates for me to carry?).


Well-Known Member
1. Ship based warfare / piracy

2. More realistic consequences for actions as per most on here.

3. Everyone can be married - I think this is not that hard. To turn a switch on for everyone instead of specific characters. If not that, then leave the character list as is but increase the interaction with spouses or somehow incorporate them into the plots to where they can be kidnapped, threatened, or become more integral in other ways.

4. Horse to horse combat. Additional mounts too, and maybe a mount taming mini-game to make it happen. Examples would be bears, dire wolves, elk, tigers, etc. Anything that can fight better than horses.

5. Valenwood backdrop. Either there or Black Marsh.

6. Perhaps the character starts out as a lord whose reputation precedes him or her and an overthrow or siege plot is in the works. Something that makes the character more central to the plot in a proactive manner, more in line with point 2 above.

7. MOAR customizable armor, as was mentioned before with logos, etc.

8. I like the guild creation idea. If not all out guilds full of NPCs, then at least the ability to have one's self and one's followers achieve as a group and be known as a group.

9. MOAR dreams and nightmares, as in Arena, but that reveal quests, locations, plots, and attempts by quest givers to communicate. Also the ability for powerful wizards to invade those dreams and attack.

10. Psionic abilities?

11. Being able to cook and use spits and fires to prepare food without having to gather 14 metric tons of supplies. Also the ability to eat what's already on a damned spit since the dead aren't going to "finish that".

12. A world that has decided to leave the Dwemer dead. No MOAR Dwemer mechanical spiders. MOAR Dwemer cans of Raid instead.

13. Sardo Numspa



New Member
If there's one thing I could choose for Skyrim to have that would make it absolutely perfect or as close to possible, it would be the option to have a player's voice, or at least make the dialogue a bit more dynamic.

- Thorin
I'll start by saying that Skyrim is my first TES game, that may skew my perspective somewhat. That said, one of the great things is the "lore" - the fact that this takes place in a mostly consistent and realistic environment. Smoothing those out and increasing the immersive aspects would be great. Frankly, I want to think about inventory management (where does this person keep all this stuff), food, water, sleep, weather conditions etc. A larger variety of weapons and armor and some individuality would also be great. Magic needs something doing to it - perhaps by increasing the roleplaying aspects of the game then magic itself can become a little less combat focussed.

My one major thing however, coming back to the immersion aspect, would be a more dynamic world - changing situations, storylines that move without player input ("remember that amulet I asked you to get? You took so long I asked someone else to do it"), an urgency and some real impact of decisions. Make it so not everything is possible (only joining one faction, perhaps?) or even desirable.


New Member
I would like to see a sequel to Skyrim, it would be called TES VI: The Return of Alduin. Obviously, the main idea for this game is that Alduin returns. The twist to it is that instead of playing as the Dragonborn, your playing as an actual Dragon. In this game, the main characters are Paarthurnax, Odahviing, whatever you name your own Dragon, and occasionly Durneviir. You would be able to choose which type of Dragon you are ( Regular, Blood, Frost, Ancient, Elder, Serpentine, Legendary, or Revered), your Dragon's colors, and of course your Dragon's name. In this game instead of using perk points to level up in different skills, you use perk points to unlock new shouts, breath attacks, bite attacks, tail attacks, and abilities while flying.

Baan Dar

New Member
I would like to see a sequel to Skyrim, it would be called TES VI: The Return of Alduin. Obviously, the main idea for this game is that Alduin returns. The twist to it is that instead of playing as the Dragonborn, your playing as an actual Dragon. In this game, the main characters are Paarthurnax, Odahviing, whatever you name your own Dragon, and occasionly Durneviir. You would be able to choose which type of Dragon you are ( Regular, Blood, Frost, Ancient, Elder, Serpentine, Legendary, or Revered), your Dragon's colors, and of course your Dragon's name. In this game instead of using perk points to level up in different skills, you use perk points to unlock new shouts, breath attacks, bite attacks, tail attacks, and abilities while flying.

Okay. This is a good idea, but it will never be a main series elder scrolls game. This would be good as a spin-off, and amazing as a component of an elder scrolls game, but it can't be part of the main series for obvious reasons. Making this elder scrolls six would be like making the next GTA game main characters as the actual cars. Interesting, but it doesn't fit at all. I'm all for new things (That's why I'm not super cheesed with industrial revolutions or ye olde guns in fantasy games, because they're new and cool but still thematically fine), but a new idea like this would be bad, for two reasons: It doesn't properly fit into the series, and it get's really stupid when it tries to pretend like it is.
As a side note, we really do need a proper, full budget game (ON ALL PLATFORMS) where you play as a dragon, but Elder scrolls dragons aren't the best idea for this because they're kinda shallow (in terms of the concept, not their personalities).

Baan Dar

New Member
I'll start by saying that Skyrim is my first TES game, that may skew my perspective somewhat. That said, one of the great things is the "lore" - the fact that this takes place in a mostly consistent and realistic environment. Smoothing those out and increasing the immersive aspects would be great. Frankly, I want to think about inventory management (where does this person keep all this stuff), food, water, sleep, weather conditions etc. A larger variety of weapons and armor and some individuality would also be great. Magic needs something doing to it - perhaps by increasing the roleplaying aspects of the game then magic itself can become a little less combat focussed.

My one major thing however, coming back to the immersion aspect, would be a more dynamic world - changing situations, storylines that move without player input ("remember that amulet I asked you to get? You took so long I asked someone else to do it"), an urgency and some real impact of decisions. Make it so not everything is possible (only joining one faction, perhaps?) or even desirable.

Second paragraph. Don't you think that this is every gamer's wet dream? Even casuals benefit from a game with more depth, it's not a matter of that. It all comes down to three words.

Bethesda. Is. Lazy.
Don't get me wrong, it's crazy just how they handcraft the world's that they make, but the thing is, that's all it is: Handcrafted. It's not a robot with feelings, it's a big metal toy with movable parts (the depth is an illusion). The depth filled game design is becoming easier, and as such, we may see more of it in elder scrolls in the future. That and they kinda quadrupled their development team. But hey, it happens.

Baan Dar

New Member
Just some quasi-concluding thoughts after reading this whole thread and examining the lore again: There is no way of knowing where the next elder scrolls will be. People say elves or hammerfell because humans can only relate to humanoids (this is not true, btw. It's not my opinion, it's fact, this is NOT TRUE. If anyone wants an explanation as to why, I'll give it.), beasts because they're exotic, all of Tamriel because they think ESO is proof of concept (it isn't, btw). There is only one certainty: It won't be in skyrim again, because that would incur too much flak and too little profit (FROM EVERYONE, especially the consoles). It could literally be anywhere. Everything has changed in the interim between skyrim and the other four games, it has been 200 years. Everywhere has fresh significance, and lord knows that if nothing, a repeat province will conjure nostalgia. At this point, they could go anywhere. They could go to Pyandonia, Akavir, Atmora, Aldmeris, THRAS FOR PITY'S SAKE (okay maybe not Thras), and make a good game. They could return to Morrowind because EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. They may be definitely considering Oblivion, because lord knows they want to completely redesign Cyrodiil. They could go back to High Rock, and reflesh the rich culture mix between the Elves and Humans. They could go to Hammerfell or Elsweyr, try their hand at a middle east-based setting (a bold move for a well known series). They could go to Valenwood and Alinor, and breath some life into that elusive high-elven culture (maybe even make a more religious game, and add a whole new dimension to the series). The could go to Black Marsh and bust their asses coding in the complex wildlife and crazy mesoamerican temple complexes. Or they could go to a new continent and make a new story. At this point, it doesn't matter, but not because no-one cares. It doesn't matter because out of so many choices, it's hard for them to get it wrong, and hard for us to hate the choice that they make in the end. Also, lord knows the plot of the previous game won't influence the choice of province, if the past games are anything to look at.

As for mechanics, who knows. At this point, so long as the magic system allows for you to cast spells with a twohanded weapon or bow, I'm fine. Hoping for better mechanics and not more streamlining (for everything, not just magic) will just get us disappointed, at this rate.
I would like to see a sequel to Skyrim, it would be called TES VI: The Return of Alduin. Obviously, the main idea for this game is that Alduin returns. The twist to it is that instead of playing as the Dragonborn, your playing as an actual Dragon. In this game, the main characters are Paarthurnax, Odahviing, whatever you name your own Dragon, and occasionly Durneviir. You would be able to choose which type of Dragon you are ( Regular, Blood, Frost, Ancient, Elder, Serpentine, Legendary, or Revered), your Dragon's colors, and of course your Dragon's name. In this game instead of using perk points to level up in different skills, you use perk points to unlock new shouts, breath attacks, bite attacks, tail attacks, and abilities while flying.
The elder scrolls have never and never will be sequels. Its always been seperate story lines. For instance oblivion was about the oblivion gates opening and Mehrunes Dagon entering Tamriel. And there was no dragonborn but Martin Septim in that one. I think the next one should be TES VI: Elsweyr. I think that province has been the most anticipated one out there. And probably would be really fun lots of desert, and dry areas, tundras and unique creatures. And ive always liked to see how the Khajit live around skyrim as nomads. It would be quite interesting to see how they change in living style and culture in Elsweyr.


When I think back to when I first played Morrowind one thing I had then but not with elder scrolls now is the mystery factor. I can't just play the game, I gotta go online and research everything and I think that takes away from the experience. And that goes for most games I play anymore. So I'm going to try and stop that!


Hi! I think that would be inbelievable.. :eek:

  • Oculus RIFT in the Elder scroll VI (Virtual Reality inmersion :))
  • Coop posibility max 2-3 players.
  • Alternative-Random start (Together in coop chase with a overtone)

I keep dreaming...