Imperials or Stormcloaks, what one?

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Slytherin Alumni
I won by successfully defending majority of arguments against you AND everyone else who threw themselves in my way.

Yes, like how you successfully defended your theory of Ulfric not helping Hammerfell against the Thalmor with some random and entirely unrelated copypasta of some First Era lore. You sure showed us!

I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your post. It isn't worth my time.


Intoxicated Arch-Mage

Yes, like how you successfully defended your theory of Ulfric not helping Hammerfell against the Thalmor with some random and entirely unrelated copypasta of some First Era lore. You sure showed us!

I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your post. It isn't worth my time.




A Mage that loves a Templar
lmao - Oh no you're right. Shhh leave the higher level thinking to us. Go back to sleep. The world is flat.
Really, Nena? Are we going to throw personal attacks now? I don't know who the 'us' is you keep referring to, but it must be voices in your head since no one agrees with you here. Also, if there's one thing I hate it's when people act condescending. Especially when they have no reason for it. iPag has been around way longer than you, and she was in this thread before your account was even created.

The only one not capable of higher level thinking - or just thinking at all - is you so far. You are proven wrong, yet are too stubborn or proud to acknowledge that. So what do you do? You cry victim like people are teaming up against you and throw personal insults. Act like an adult. It's sad an 18 year old needs to tell you that.

I am a Scientist (from my degree field). Every major discovery begins with a theory that leads to a conjecture and the more that conjecture yields fruit, the more relevant it becomes until it is fact.
I don't care what you are. You could be the pope and it wouldn't matter to me. You treat people with respect - period. And if people are right, they're right. You can't change that by throwing in people's faces which diplomas you have.

Also, are you really a scientist? A person who is proven wrong over and over and over again but instead of accepting that thinks everyone is teaming up against her?

I reserve the right to have whatever theories I wish and should they produce results, who are you to say it's wrong just because it's a theory?
She can, because she provided evidence. You did not. She wins - you lose. She's right - you're wrong. Deal with it. You come in here and say inaccurate things, then people call you out on it and instead of admitting your mistakes you run back to your right of freedom of speech. Yes, you can say whatever you want. But that does not make it any more accurate. You're wrong, Nena.

So what's your deal? Are you a Communist? A Socialist perhaps?

I'm not alone, others feel the same way and you're wrong because my pl*pss backed up by lore. And you can't do nothing about it except sit there and spew acid at me.

You are alone. Who else in here is supporting you? And what lore backed up your point? You didn't show it so far. I start to think you didn't because it simply is not there.

Also, so far you are the only one spitting acid. How dare you, after saying the things you said, accusing her of that?

I also don't see how communism or socialism has anything to do with this whatsoever.

Keep clapping. You haven't disproved (1) argument and you can't. Is that a Burger King hat?

She countered all your arguments. Maybe you like to tell yourself something else, but it's true.

Stop throwing those damn personal insults, and act like an adult. If you are really so damn right, then why don't you tell us why instead of acting condescending? I don't know if you're aware of this, but the only person you make look dumb with your condescending remarks is yourself. And you're doing a real good job so far, I can tell you.

*A Dremora Lord arrives with a message written on a coffee stained parchment for Anouck*​
The courier looks her in the eyes, nods his forehead, drops the note at her feet and then returns to some plane in Oblivion. The wind is blowing towards Anouck and upon opening the note, she immed notices the letters were burned into the paper.​

My Dearest Anouck,

Well... I guess this means we're not friends after all. Hehehe

You are young, passionate and your opinion comes from the heart. Kinda like Lisa Simpson.

I am old, determined and my experience gives me focus.

As I recall, I won by successfully defending majority of arguments against you AND everyone else who threw themselves in my way. I have now, and always, stood alone. Over time, it appears you have nursed a bitterness towards me, I've seen it before and I worry not because I will see it again. And I can understand the inability for you and several others here not being able to understand some of my content.

You're not meant to understand - Not unless you first understand how other things work. Neither are most of you able to appreciate the method to my madness because the Imperial cause on here was too charismatic. Mage was right, everyone just kept using his argument(s) and stopped thinking for themselves. Well, almost everyone. As for me, I have earned my place and refuse to apologize for it.

Therefore, out of your frustration(s), you are judging what you know not. I judge what I've seen before, nature observed and cataloged over time. I've defended the Empire for... since Jan or Feb 2011... long time before coming here and but what do I have to show for it? Nothing. None of that world exists anymore because nowadays people have stopped caring about Skyrim. For some reason I don't feel much nowadays but I "feel" for the Empire. Even though this is a game, I know what they're going thru, I've been there and I would never turn my back on them. Not even as a Thalmor.

I understand more about the Thalmor and can relate with them easier as well, just like any true Imperial should do.

Anyways, Anouck, I see how you've changed, I admire your energy, your enthusiasm, your will to make the world right and stand up against the evil doers for those who are entitled to what is right and what right does this person have to come on here and tell me anything and force me to think in ways I shouldn't have to!!?!?!?!?!!!

You were so timid before, so reserved like many others who've viewed this thread... so careful as to respect all and offend not... at any cost.

But with that aside... you have changed haven't we? The desire in your heart, ablaze with anger and retribution on this thread now... No need to hide behind DrunkenMage anymore, you shine like the sun...

And this flame will burn away the darkness; burn you the way to paradise!!!
DOOM! DOOM! My child.
You have learned of me, like the daughter I never had.
For who now is your 'father' if it is not me?
Who gave you the will to live?
I am the well spring from which you flow.
When I am gone, you will have never been.
What will you world be without me...
My child?

Ok Lord Sheogorath :) Stop invading the mind of Nenla already. Give her a break already.

Epic Keith

By Ysmir you're going to FREEZE to death!
Yo Rage I believe the Aldmeri Dominion of the Skyrim era and the TESO era are different. The TESO era ones are way more badass :D and the Skyrim era ones are complete douches


Yo Rage I believe the Aldmeri Dominion of the Skyrim era and the TESO era are different. The TESO era ones are way more badass :D and the Skyrim era ones are complete douches

Well, to be fair, the Summerset Isles were conquered by Tiber Septim between TESO and Skyrim, and only because he had control of the Numidium. So they have plenty of reason to be douches, though the Thalmor take it to an extreme.


Last King of the Ayleids - RETIRED



Last King of the Ayleids - RETIRED
I always keep my promises sir. Well, seeing how everything is in order here, I'll be on my way now and shall leave you all to your thoughts. May they be happy ones.​


Queen of Procrastination
*A Dremora Lord arrives with a message written on a coffee stained parchment for Anouck*​
The courier looks her in the eyes, nods his forehead, drops the note at her feet and then returns to some plane in Oblivion. The wind is blowing towards Anouck and upon opening the note, she immed notices the letters were burned into the paper.​
Thanks, Stephenie Meyer. Your writing, just like your arguments in this thread, is so incredibly good and flawless silly mortals like us can't possibly top your skills. We are grateful to linger in your light. Amen.

My Dearest Anouck,

Well... I guess this means we're not friends after all. Hehehe
You came to that conclusion just now? :rolleyes:

You are young, passionate and your opinion comes from the heart. Kinda like Lisa Simpson.

I am old, determined and my experience gives me focus.
Nah, I am pretty sure you're just old. :beermug:

As I recall, I won by successfully defending majority of arguments against you AND everyone else who threw themselves in my way. I have now, and always, stood alone. Over time, it appears you have nursed a bitterness towards me, I've seen it before and I worry not because I will see it again. And I can understand the inability for you and several others here not being able to understand some of my content.
YES! Ab-sol-utely. I will list my top 5 of your favorite arguments!
  1. !
  2. !!
  3. !!!
  4. !!!!
  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And remember when you [________________] and then you said [_____________________] and proved [_____________________] completely wrong? Good times!

You're not meant to understand - Not unless you first understand how other things work. Neither are most of you able to appreciate the method to my madness because the Imperial cause on here was too charismatic. Mage was right, everyone just kept using his argument(s) and stopped thinking for themselves. Well, almost everyone. As for me, I have earned my place and refuse to apologize for it.
You haven't earned your place. You simply acted like a ward: it always looked like you were leaving but you had a habit of coming back. I don't mind you, but you crossed a line in your last few posts.

Therefore, out of your frustration(s), you are judging what you know not. I judge what I've seen before, nature observed and cataloged over time. I've defended the Empire for... since Jan or Feb 2011... long time before coming here and but what do I have to show for it? Nothing. None of that world exists anymore because nowadays people have stopped caring about Skyrim. For some reason I don't feel much nowadays but I "feel" for the Empire. Even though this is a game, I know what they're going thru, I've been there and I would never turn my back on them. Not even as a Thalmor.
I am not judging what I know not. I am judging an adult who acts more childish than my 11 year old cousin. At least she learned at her age not to throw insults at people.

I understand more about the Thalmor and can relate with them easier as well, just like any true Imperial should do.
Relating with the Thalmor is not something to be proud of.

Anyways, Anouck, I see how you've changed, I admire your energy, your enthusiasm, your will to make the world right and stand up against the evil doers for those who are entitled to what is right and what right does this person have to come on here and tell me anything and force me to think in ways I shouldn't have to!!?!?!?!?!!!
The only thing that tends to change is the world inside your head.

You were so timid before, so reserved like many others who've viewed this thread... so careful as to respect all and offend not... at any cost.

I've always treated people with respect and I still do. But that doesn't mean I am not going to call you out on stuff you do wrong. If your definition of 'respect' is not questioning you, then I guess I am a rude person.

But with that aside... you have changed haven't we? The desire in your heart, ablaze with anger and retribution on this thread now... No need to hide behind DrunkenMage anymore, you shine like the sun...
Your obsession with DrunkenMage is getting weird now. Whatever happens, you somehow blame Mage for it. Even when he's not in engaged in the conversation, it's still his fault. Maybe it's about time you own up to your own mistakes.

And this flame will burn away the darkness; burn you the way to paradise!!!
DOOM! DOOM! My child.
You have learned of me, like the daughter I never had.
1: The only thing I've learned from you is that ignorance has no limits.​
2: I am pretty sure I am anything but the daughter you never had.​
For who now is your 'father' if it is not me?
Who gave you the will to live?
I am the well spring from which you flow.
When I am gone, you will have never been.
What will you world be without me...
My child?

Yeah, you're now talking like the adults your parents warn you about as a kid.... o_O


Well-Known Member
Staff member
To NENA, re the open letter to Anouck,

For producing one of the weirdest and face-pullingly strange pieces of text I've ever read, for absolutely no reason and with no positive effect on anything except my fascination with what can still be learned from Psychology. Thank you.


Inspector Awesome.


Last King of the Ayleids - RETIRED
To NENA, re the open letter to Anouck,

For producing one of the weirdest and face-pullingly strange pieces of text I've ever read, for absolutely no reason and with no positive effect on anything except my fascination with what can still be learned from Psychology. Thank you.


Inspector Awesome.

You're welcome.

I think the problem is here is communication. I didn't mean anything by it. You guys clown around all the time and there's nothing wrong with that.

None of you guys has seen Conan The Barbarian? I actually gave Anouck a compliment.