If you could live in Skyrim...

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Slytherin Alumni
I'd have to be a Nord. I can't stand cold weather, so I would need that frost resistance! I would likely settle in Falkreath, not only for the lack of snow, but because it's the most beautiful hold, and I'd prefer the smaller town to one of the bigger cities.

Now, if this were to mirror real life, I would have nothing to do with the civil war, or anything else in which I might get myself killed, as I have a pretty strong sense of self-preservation. I'd likely be a scholar or a researcher; I find the mystery of the Dwemer's disappearance fascinating, so I might focus my studies on that. Otherwise, I would be a hunter and make my living selling game and furs.

But, if this is a "Live out your wildest dreams!" sort of thing, I think I would be a spy for the Stormcloaks. I'd love to be some kind of stealth agent, but not an assassin or a thief, because I don't particularly want to murder people, nor do I want to end up in jail. So, spy it is! I would go undercover and pose as a legionnaire or a scullery maid or whatever the situation required. I'd be proficient in Illusion magic, and probably Restoration as well, because healing would be an extremely useful skill... and maybe Destruction, just in case a mission went bad and I needed to defend myself.

Jersey Dagmar

Just in time for the fiyahworks show! BOOM!
If I could live in Skyrim, I'd be part of the Dark Brotherhood. A Family that welcomes misfits and outcasts. And you get paid to murder. Sounds great like a great life to me. As far as race goes, Argonian or Khajiit.
I would be a dunmer and save up tons of money just so I could buy as much of the land around Windhelm as possible and hire nords as laborers (and secretly hire elves on the upper part of the ladder) while keeping my racial identity a secret. After my name has become well-known and I get invited to one of Jarl Ulfric's parties, I come up in there with my gray self and holler out towards all the nords there, "What's up, whities?!" Whatever happens after that will be worth it.
nord stormcloak warrior
if the rebellion wins, I would probably live in windhelm, Be commander of skyrims army and try to convince ulfric to stop being a racist douchebag, then retire move to riverwood and try to build it into a proper town, ( im very ambitious)
but in my ideal world, be king of a free skyrim and lead it into a golden age


I'd be a wandering bard, travelling all over skyrim with fine song, cheese and wine as my companions. I'd use alteration as my only protection and wander in many different outfits readin all the books I find and use my one handed trusty iron sword for fending off those wild beasts. I'd find every location in skyrim and use illusion to deal with or hide from those who wish me harm, I would leave the bard college of solitude alone and learn through my own experience, leaving tavern maidens with broken hearts as I travel all around skyrim regailing my stories to the young and old in every village and city in skyrim leaving inspiring awe in my wake. I would never marry but die an old man still travelling through the wilderness leaving my body to kynareth leaving an unmarked grave but leaving my life savings from all my travels to the storm cloaks so they may one day liberate our homeland.

The Hungry Orc

Master of the Pyre
I would be a noble Priest of Akatosh, or if I'm a Dark Elf I'd be an ex-Tribunal priest. This is scenario 1.

In scenario 2, I'd be a psychotic Imperial assassin under the guise of a hyperactive bard. Hehehehe....

Docta Corvina

Well-Known Member
I think I'd be a traveling scholar/historian, one who explored as much of Tamriel as possible so I could better understand the history and the people and then put it all to parchment. I'd probably hail from Cyrodiil, be an Imperial race individual, and thrive in the cultural crossroads that is that province. I love snow and cold weather, so trips to Skyrim would be frequent. I'm drawn to intriguing personalities, so I'd very likely become acquainted with the Thieves Guild even if I did not outright join them. I'd be close friends with Brynjolf. ;)

As far as the civil war, after trying to remain neutral for as long as possible, I'd eventually take up arms for the Empire. Undoubtedly so, really. I'd use my knowledge of the lands and my inconspicuousness to gather and relay valuable information, and I'd even be willing and ready to pick up my sword for the Legion.

The Fatalist

Destroyer of goats
I'd be a Breton and with everyone telling me if I want to lean magic, I should go to Winterhold, I'd undoubtedly end up there. Depending on my skills with magic I'd either pass Faralda's test or simply wait on the steps until she folds and then study conjuration and alteration under Phinis and Thorinir. To be able to change the world with your mind is a great thing and I would have a great interest in the Daedra after hearing accounts of the Oblivion crisis.

Once I have learnt all I can/need about conjuration and alteration, I'd enter the world and seek more knowledge and power.

I'd probably get by through small tasks like turning iron into gold, heavy lifting through the use of telekinesis or healing through my basic healing skills.

I'd likely stay out of the war, but If caught in a scuffle I'd summon antronauchs to defend myself and heal the survivors regardless of what side they are on. The dragons would piqe my curiosity, but not enough to research or study them, for that would result in my death and would likely not have any benefit in my quest for power.

People would be very wary of me now that I think of it. But I guess thats true of any conjurer.


Active Member
waiter by day, assassin by night.
so you'l pay if you don't tip me right!

im a bard too, incase you didn't notice


i would be a nord. i would be a smith/teacher of using one handed swords. probably end up going to fight a dragon to earn alot of money for my family but get hurt, lose an arm, and my smithing/teaching days will be over.

good life it will be :)


Must be my Nord blood......
Nord Reveler. Walk, stop, drink, repeat. Oh and hunting.....lots and lots of hunting. It's not like my poaching will hurt anybody...