Worst moments for dragons to appear...

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Eater of random alchemy ingredients
I want to see some of the funniest and worst times for a dragon to attack.

My funniest times for a dragon to attack:

Once when i was playing through the dark brotherhood questline, i was about to assassinate Betild. I was sneaking up behind her in the dead of night, no guards or anyone. As i near her, undetected, A dragon flies over the hill and makes her turn around as i stab her, which angered the guards and gave me bounty.

I was out and adventuring to sky haven temple during the Dragon questline. Suddenly as i reach Karthspire. I see a dragon. I knew that he was meant to be there cuz he's been there both times i've done the quest. However, another dragon, along with the one already there, came to me.

I met an Old orc on the road looking for a good death. So as i prepare to battle, a dragon suddenly flies in and burns the orc to death...

When i was entering riften for the first time, i had to pay the "Visitor's tax" so the gate was locked. As i start a conversation with the gate guard, a dragon flies from above and hovers around doing nothing. The guard won't talk to me and the dragon won't attack or leave, and, THE GATE IS STILL LOCKED! I couldn't get in at all so i had to load the last save and attempt to pickpocket the key from the guard. However, i was playing as a Mage. So naturally, i wouldn't have much expertise in pickpocketing. I got caught pickpocketing him and entered riften by being thrown into Mistveil keep.


Is that fur coming out of your ears?
Once, I was executing a Dark brotherhood contract. As I was creeping up on my guy, the dragon showed up and alerted everyone to my presence in the ensuing combat.

Best part? The dragon rag-dolled my target fort me!

Iveri Sarothil

Active Member
Oh boy.

Was playing last night with a friend. Neither of us could figure out what mod he had, but he was suddenly attacked by two dragons - one of them a regular frost dragon, and the other a giant clockwork Dwemer dragon that could spawn spiders. That thing took ages and a crap ton of health potions to kill.

There was also the time I was fighting two Spriggans and a dragon decided to fly over. I mean, thanks for the help, but go away please?


Well-Known Member
once i was just out and about nr Riverwood and got jumped by the guys who demand a toll or summat , well got rid of them as the frightened woman came to talk to me, , well thats when the dragon decided to enter and landed right by us, (i hadnt looted the bodies or anything) well you should have seen the frightened woman go, picked up a battleaxe and just pummeled this dragon into dust, i just stood and watched cheering her ''you go girl''


Eater of random alchemy ingredients
Dwemer clockwork dragons? Holy sheeeit. That sounds pretty cool.

The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
Staff member
I gave everything I owned to Malborn. Realizing my error only after he had gone, I sprinted to Radiant Raiment to buy some ragged pants for the walk down to the stables, enduring the snide remarks of various citizens on the way to the shop.

When I arrived at the stables, a dragon attacked. I had only my pants, my fists, and my flame spell to fight it with. So I did the manly thing. I ran into the mill and cowered in a corner until Delphine and the guards had dealt with it.
Nothing like fighting in the nude.


Well-Known Member
First time I walked into Windhelm, I saw Rolff harassing a Dunmer. Then a dragon attacked. The entire city got involved with that one! Sadly, Rolff survived.


Doing the Mythic Dawn quest, in the middle of fighting the two Dremora Lords had a blood dragon show up, worst fight ever, my stage 3 vampire ended as little more then a burnt out, headless corpse.


The Fateless One
During the Blessings of Nature quest and you are traveling towards the Eldergleam Sanctuary with Maurice Jondrelle.
I gave everything I owned to Malborn. Realizing my error only after he had gone, I sprinted to Radiant Raiment to buy some ragged pants for the walk down to the stables, enduring the snide remarks of various citizens on the way to the shop.

When I arrived at the stables, a dragon attacked. I had only my pants, my fists, and my flame spell to fight it with. So I did the manly thing. I ran into the mill and cowered in a corner until Delphine and the guards had dealt with it.
Glory in battle, Honor in life! :p


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
First time giving proper 'Role playing' a try, put my armor and weapons inside the house and left wearing only fine clothes. Legendary dragons lands in front of me outside my house...


Well-Known Member
During the Blessings of Nature quest and you are traveling towards the Eldergleam Sanctuary with Maurice Jondrelle.

You bought back repressed memories of my first playthrough. I thought it would be okay to go and kill a dragon for bounty on the way to Eldergleam sanctuary with Maurice in tow. No kidding, I reloaded seven times before realising this guy has no sense of self-preservation and my only chance of keeping him alive was to fast travel as close as possible to the sanctuary. At least I got to see lots of cool dragon finishing moves for the first time.

Another time I had trouble with ending the Crimson Nirnroot quest. After spending about two hours finding 30 of the bloody things in bloody Blackreach and having CTD issues if I went near or in water forcing me to go from 26 to 15 twice, I really wanted to be done with this quest. Fast travel to Sarethi farm, talk to Avrusa, dragon attacks. Avrusa keeps talking to me placidly while literally staggering as the dragon lands one meter away, not allowing me to attack myself. But a blast of flame and she breaks off and we fight.

Epic battle, with one casualty, Aduri, who thought she could take on a dragon with an iron dagger. So I go and try to turn in the quest. But Avrusa is very upset about her dead sister and keeps telling me to go away.

After a little cursing that suddenly after being as dumb as a rock my entire game, NOW an AI decides to behave like a real person, I reload back to the lift, and fast travel there again. After all, dragon encounters are random, so it won't be there again, right? Wrong, it came back. Aduri got herself killed again, and Avrusa refused to talk to me. Well, surely it won't appear a third time...Sorry about your dead sister, Avrusa, but these Nirnroot...PLEASE JUST GO AWAY!

Fourth time round, I try to keep running in front of Aduri every time she goes near the dragon, eventually accidentally killing her which doesn't impress the local guard. Fifth time round, I don't make a beeline for Avrusa, I go hang around away from the farm until the dragon attacks. But dragons aren't stealthy so Aduri came racing over determined to be a hero, only succeeding in becoming a corpse.

Sixth time around, I remember I'm on PC and just resurrect Aduri the second she dies. To my delight, she runs away screaming: "Please don't hurt me!" Finally, I can kill this dragon without worrying about her! Dragon dies, soul nommed, so Avrusa I have these Crimson Nirnroot..."The console doesn't fool me. I know my sister died. Please, just go away."

Eventually I walked all the way from the lift to the farm. I didn't avoid the dragon, but walking meant he attacked me so far away from the farm Aduri didn't get involved. I turned in that glitchy quest while Aduri chattered away about how she wished she lived somewhere more exciting, sighing with relief I would never have to go back to Blackreach.

I never once did that quest again on any later characters.


Well-Known Member
On my retired character I decided to get the "Master Criminal" achievement.
Everything goes well, until I go to Falkreath to pay off the 1000 gold bounty. I accidentally tell the guard that I'd rather die than be jailed, so he attacks -- and then an Elder Dragon decides to make an appearance. -.-
That place is a dragon magnet.


Active Member
Anytime I'm in a populated area during the day, that always sucks and I usually end up reloading a save. I hate loosing all the NPC's in a town.

You could also ask an alternative version of this question, what's the worst time for a bear/sabre cat attack. Answer: when I'm fighting a dragon. I swear at least 50% I get attacked by one or two of these while already dealing with a dragon.


Eater of random alchemy ingredients
Funny thing about Pc's console commands is you could have just typed. "Kill" on the dragon. Problem solved... lol


Prince of Denmark
I had taken Jordis with me on my return to Fort Dawnguard. I had left my usual apparel at Lakeview Manor, thinking it would be nice to take a journey in normal clothing for once. We arrived at the Riften gates, hoping to get a tankard of mead and a sweet roll before embarking on the final stretch of our trek to Dayspring Canyon. Jordis was rather irritated with me then, since I had not allowed her to stop in Ivarstead to have a bite to eat, instead telling her to "quit moaning and get a move on".

And that's when it happened. Three vampires burst out of the woods and attacked my unarmored self and my heavily armored housecarl. I figured we could take the bloosucking beasts together, so I led the two warrior charge, shouting "For the Dawnguard!" at the top of my lungs. My war axe clashed furiously against the nightstalker's sword, while Jordis flailed her exhausted limbs at the master, still berating me for not letting her eat. The guards of the Rift tried to help as well, naturally.

I thought it was all going according to plan; that is, until the bandits rushed into the fray, yelling their generic bandit lines over the vampires' hisses. I was rather confused, and swung my axe willy-nilly, accidentally striking a guard - more enemies gained. I barely had time to register that arrow in my thigh and Jordis falling to the ground when the frostbite spiders and the bear decided to join the fight. I noticed that Ahkari and her caravan had entered as well; Kharjo bravely slashed at the angry bear. Even the horses at the stables wanted to fight.

I had to back away - it was all too much for me to handle, I admit. I let Jordis take a few more hits as I recovered my depleted health, thinking it couldn't get any more bizarre than this. I was wrong. Just then, a Legendary Dragon initiated a flaming fly-by on the odd battle, setting everyone and everything ablaze. I didn't react at first - after all, what do you say when a dragon interrupts a vampire/bandit/giant spider/bear/horse/hold guard/Khajiit caravan/Dragonborn and his housecarl war? I quickly regained my senses, however, grabbing Jordis by the arm. We got the fluff out of there as the dragon landed and took a chunk out of Dro'marash.

True story, save hungry Jordis.


Well-Known Member
I had taken Jordis with me on my return to Fort Dawnguard. I had left my usual apparel at Lakeview Manor, thinking it would be nice to take a journey in normal clothing for once. We arrived at the Riften gates, hoping to get a tankard of mead and a sweet roll before embarking on the final stretch of our trek to Dayspring Canyon. Jordis was rather irritated with me then, since I had not allowed her to stop in Ivarstead to have a bite to eat, instead telling her to "quit moaning and get a move on".

And that's when it happened. Three vampires burst out of the woods and attacked my unarmored self and my heavily armored housecarl. I figured we could take the bloosucking beasts together, so I led the two warrior charge, shouting "For the Dawnguard!" at the top of my lungs. My war axe clashed furiously against the nightstalker's sword, while Jordis flailed her exhausted limbs at the master, still berating me for not letting her eat. The guards of the Rift tried to help as well, naturally.

I thought it was all going according to plan; that is, until the bandits rushed into the fray, yelling their generic bandit lines over the vampires' hisses. I was rather confused, and swung my axe willy-nilly, accidentally striking a guard - more enemies gained. I barely had time to register that arrow in my thigh and Jordis falling to the ground when the frostbite spiders and the bear decided to join the fight. I noticed that Ahkari and her caravan had entered as well; Kharjo bravely slashed at the angry bear. Even the horses at the stables wanted to fight.

I had to back away - it was all too much for me to handle, I admit. I let Jordis take a few more hits as I recovered my depleted health, thinking it couldn't get any more bizarre than this. I was wrong. Just then, a Legendary Dragon initiated a flaming fly-by on the odd battle, setting everyone and everything ablaze. I didn't react at first - after all, what do you say when a dragon interrupts a vampire/bandit/giant spider/bear/horse/hold guard/Khajiit caravan/Dragonborn and his housecarl war? I quickly regained my senses, however, grabbing Jordis by the arm. We got the fluff out of there as the dragon landed and took a chunk out of Dro'marash.

True story, save hungry Jordis.
And it could have been avoided if you just let Jordis get lunch.