18+ The Saga of Bloody Bones OOC

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    Active Member
    I'm not sure. We have other people wanting in now. See post below.

    I hate to say it but no. We are already one over and I suppose I need to put my foot down. We are no longer accepting applications, casting is full. Sorry you two.

    Not to seem too persistent, but I asked before this other guy and it's usually better to have an even number of characters. Perhaps a roleplay sample or two would help?

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    We have eight people(I've yet to update the cast lol) but I won't say anything for certain, post an application and if five people agree to let you in, not including myself as I will be objective, then you may join. Sound fair?

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    Well, I'm playing my character.

    I have an idea, perhaps I killed or sank the ship of a friend of yours? After all, a history doesn't necessarily have every detail of a character's life.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Alright, that makes sense Kir. Perhaps Cameron was off in the distance, and watched you sink his ship and disappear off into the distance? Otherwise he would never had known it was Saren. Or maybe Cameron and his friend's ships were sailing together, Saren showed up, engaged Cameron's friend's ship, but after things started looking grim, Cameron fled? There has to be some way that Cameron was able to catch a glimpse of Saren, or he wouldn't have known it was him.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    Yea that sounds about right. If he was after your friend's ship, he wouldn't have cared if you fled.


    Id care... but then again im a different type of girl... :p


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Alright, I'll get that post up sometime today. Planetside 2 needs to be played :D


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Haha! Sure, I suppose. One of my other RP characters I frequent with is named Marcus Paxillus, and I meant him by "Marcus".


    Savage Spirit
    Ah, my mistake...apologies :)


    Haha! Sure, I suppose. One of my other RP characters I frequent with is named Marcus Paxillus, and I meant him by "Marcus".
    Just confuse everyone... Thief of Joy... D: ;)


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations




    Savage Spirit
    Sweet Jesus that's weird...:eek:


    *sips coffee* Prepare yourself cause there will be a wave of weirdness washing over this land


    Savage Spirit


    Active Member
    Decided to use an existing character in the RP to get her to Windhelm. Hope you don't mind, Delusional. If you mind, I can easily change that.





    Blade assassin


    Current Residence:
    She resides within Skyrim's Sanctuary

    Alliances or Affiliations:
    Dark Brotherhood

    Lai'Quir is very thin and tall, having an ideal build for her trade. She has a shorter muzzle than is average for Khajiit, with a fairly blunt appearance. Her fur is coarse and thick, and a very dark brown color. Her markings are similar to those of a tabby cat, with dark brown, almost black stripes on her body and face. Lai'Quir also has eyes that are a bit large, with irises a deep green color. And finally, her ears are short and broad, with very rounded tips compared to most Khajiit.

    Lai'Quir is a mysterious woman, and many have described her as shadowy. Somehow, her presence and stare unsettles some people, yet she has a way of getting people to agree with her. Despite this, when someone doesn't end up agreeing with her, she usually doesn't make a backup plan, and many plans she makes hinge on her persuasive nature. Also because of this lack of foresight is when the rare occasion she gets discovered occurs, she usually has to retreat and is unable to continue.

    One thing Lai'Quir despises more than just about anything is magic. She feels that assassination with magic, or any other killing with magic, is weak and cowardly. This is a bit of a contradictory statement, for many warriors feel that her methods are also cowardly. However, she acknowledges this, but usually counters it with reminding them how much skill is required to do her work. Lai'Quir also revels in dark places, vastly preferring to sleep and live in the dark than the light. As such, people who work with her never see her much, and that tends to hurt her trustworthiness. They never know when she'd be right behind them, about to stab them in the back.

    She also despises those who don't kill, also finding them cowardly and lacking the guts to do what must be done. Lai'Quir has demonstrated time and time again that she not only finds it easy to kill, but actually enjoys it. However, she refuses to kill from a distance with a bow, for she finds it much more thrilling to get up close with two daggers. That, and she has horrible aim with ranged weaponry.

    One of her greatest weaknesses, however, is her poor grasp of the common language of the Empire. Her grammar ends up more accented than average, even if it's not much more. Also, where most Khajiit refer to themselves with the word Khajiit, she tends to refer to herself with her name more often than not, a quirk that observant people often catch fairly quickly.

    Lai'Quir was born to one of the travelling trade caravans wandering throughout the vast desert of Elsweyr, and her early life saw mostly being on the move and never staying in one place for longer than a fortnight. They traded mostly to the small villages that sprang up in Elsweyr's oases, though they occasionally wandered into the capital. However, when she was only a few years old, her caravan was raided, but she was lucky. One of the raiders took sympathy for her because of her youth, and took her in as their own.

    It was with these raiders that she began to learn the thieving ways. Over the years, she learned by example and began to learn to wield a blade. She soon grew bored in this company, and sneaked off in the middle of a night, taking enough supplies to last several weeks. After what seemed like a week, she found herself in Skyrim, the cold weather piercing her thin, desert clothing. She made her way for the nearest town and purchased some warmer clothing, then decided to look for some work. As if a godsend, one of the many Khajiit trade caravans that wandered Skyrim visited this town, and she found herself employed as a mercenary because of her skill with a blade. The pay was good, and the food warm, which was more than enough for her.

    Eventually, the caravan camped outside of Riften, and she heard rumors of a Thieves' Guild existing there. Getting past the guards was a simple matter of a little coin, which she had plenty of after a few weeks of travelling with the caravan. Once inside, she asked around, making sure to not reveal her intent of joining the Thieves' Guild. Lai'Quir found the information she was looking for, that the Thieves' Guild was set up somewhere in the Ratway. Ignoring the advice to avoid such a place, her trusty steel dagger in hand, and made her way into the Ratway. After sneaking past various bandits that took up residence there, she found herself in the Ragged Flagon.

    It took some time to prove herself, but she eventually counted herself among the ranks of the Thieves' Guild of Riften. She gained a lot of money in her time there, and got her hands on a couple of ebony daggers in the process, which she still uses to this day. She ran with the Thieves' Guild for about a year, then found herself disagreeing with some of their principles, such as never killing. What was the fun of stalking from the shadows when you couldn't slit throats? She informed them that she was seeking out other work, and left on their swears that while they were letting her go this time, they'd not let her leave if she returned to Riften. At this point, she became a freelance assassin, taking contracts to kill others. She was shocked how many wealthy high-class individuals gobbled up the opportunity to hire an assassin. They seemed to always want another person dead, and they paid handsomely to have that person killed. Lai'Quir built up a reputation for never failing an assassination, and this caught the attention of some powerful people.

    Namely, the Dark Brotherhood.

    Her highly esteemed reputation found her contacted by the Dark Brotherhood. She was given a note with their signature black handprint and the words "We know." written below. At the time, she didn't know what it meant, but the next time she fell asleep, she found herself waking up somewhere else. A cabin that appeared to be long abandoned, with the sound of a rushing river outside it. Within the building was a woman in blackened leather, who looked over to her when she opened her eyes. "So, you're finally awake." It was then that she was reminded of her success as an assassin, and offered a chance to join the Dark Brotherhood. Lai'Quir jumped at this offer, eager to have a chance to improve herself even further. She was given the location and password for the Sanctuary in Skyrim as well as the key to the abandoned shack, and sent on her way to think about the offer.

    Not even a week later, Lai'Quir entered the Sanctuary and began her time as a Sister in service of the Night Mother and Sithis. For years, she took the most desperate of contracts, sent to kill those that someone wanted dead badly enough to perform the Black Sacrament. And the pay was spectacular. In addition to what her clients paid her in advance, Astrid also paid good money for each contract she completed. This was what Lai'Quir had been looking for, a feeling of kinship without sacrificing bloodshed. Eventually, she was assigned a contract to kill a privateer expected to dock in Windhelm soon, a certain Captain Cameron Amir. Without wasting any time, she set out for Windhelm, excited to be killing yet another poor sod.

    Roleplaying Sample:
    Taken from another RP

    As the girl introduced herself and foolishly revealed she was a servant of the god of chaos, Oswin finally noticed the tattoos. Enzo had initially protested Oswin's hostility, but as soon as he heard the words "Champion of Seth" escape Sarah's lips, he seemed to immediately understand her hostility. It was no wonder Oswin got a bad feeling about this young woman. Anubis despises the imbalance inherent to chaos, and, with it, he despised Seth. Oswin had felt Anubis's hatred of Seth when she saw this girl, and was almost relieved when her gut feeling was justified. Instinctively, without even noticing it, Oswin had tensed up and raised her shield further. Out of caution, she began to channel heka magic into the Wall of Anubis to use its properties. "You got some nerve comin' to a Stricken camp, Seth-lover. Give me one reason I-" However, she was cut off when Enzo took over, striding to the Champion until he was less than a foot in front of her. Oswin's hyperactive mouth actually snapped shut to let the older Disciple handle it, which was a surprise, knowing her. To Sarah, Enzo said, "You! How did you come to find this place? Speak quickly, Servant of the Traitor!" At this point, even Oswin, a stalwart Champion, was a bit unnerved by the fiery eyes Enzo now possessed because of his raging emotions. As Oswin stood there, a black aura shone on her shield, an aura that was the color most often associated with death and chaos both. However, Oswin knew better than anyone else that death was not a bringer of chaos in most cases, but a part of life and one side of the balance that Seth had upset.

    The Seth-lover didn't respond quickly enough for Oswin's liking, and as she drew her sword at Enzo's request, she pointed it in Sarah's direction. "Come on! Don't be shy! You certainly weren't shy when you revealed where your allegiances lie!" It probably would have sounded almost friendly if she hadn't fed pure hatred into the words. Few things could get Oswin this angry, and Seth or any that would possibly be insane enough to praise him was one of these things. The sword shimmered with heka as Oswin fed a small amount of magic into Death's Claw, her bright eyes fixed on Sarah like nails in a board. This girl had better choose her words carefully, or she may find her visit to Black Feather a very short one, with a painful end to it. As she stared, she felt the unmistakable presence of her god in the back of her mind. "Caution is understandable, child, but this one is different. Do not kill this Champion." Then the presence was gone. Oswin had the impression he'd purposefully left out the words "don't hurt her".