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    Well-Known Member
    Argus and his khajiit companion made their ways through the slum district, the Argonian assassin remembering clearly, the vague directions given to him by the street urchin. "We must be cautious. If these humans do indeed work for the Iron Hands, I doubt they'll hesitate to fire upon us" he told the bounty hunter. The hulking, armoured Khajiit, was hardly discreet, but Drell was an Argonian in a city of Dunmer. Out of the two of them, he guessed he'd attract the most attention.

    Despite the slums being a maze of rundown buildings, Argus and his companion were rewarded for their persistance. He spotted a well built, human male making his way towards what looked like an abandoned building. He froze, indecisive. On one hand, the more information they acquired, the more it would help the group. But on the other, if they were seem or apprehended, the Iron Hands, and Ataro herself would have an advance warning. He turned to the Khajiit. "Shall we press on, or report back?"

    Andre Marek

    You can run, but you'll only die tired...
    Skylar was cruising down the main drag of Blacklight on her way back to the safehouse, via the scenic route of course, when the message came. Reaching down into her pocket, she pulled out her data pad and tapped the screen to stop its beeping. A short message waited for her. Ignoring the by-laws that said you weren't supposed to read while driving, Skylar opened the text. It said, "Are you alone?"

    From the ID number she knew without a doubt that it was a message from her boss so she responded in the affirmative. An instant later her subdermal receiver chirped in her ear, indicating an incoming call. 'Oh what now you old bastard,' thought Skylar with exasperation. She answered the call with a quick tap of her finger behind her right ear but before she could say anything, her supervisors voice filled her ears, "You need to get on top of this now." He said shortly. 'plops,' she thought.

    "What exactly do you mean sir? Enlighten me." Skylar sighed inwardly. Whatever her boss was upset about must have been important for him to have called her directly rather than through the embassy or some other cutout.

    The voice in her ear continued, "About an hour ago we lost contact with one of our scrub teams we have stationed on Erigin. We sent a second team to track them down. They found them dead in the same building that Ataro was signed in to."

    Skylar slammed on the brakes and pulled over, ignoring the blaring horns of the other speeders around her, "What do you mean, the same building as Ataro? You sent a second team after her without telling me? Sir, I am handling this. Wh-.."

    "I know that and I didn't," Her supervisor cut her off, and she imagined him waving his hand about as though they were talking face to face, "It was Chekhov."

    "Oh that little plops," muttered Skylar. Agent Chekhov was one of the field team leaders on Erigin. He was your typical, shoot-first-ask-questions-later type of agent, which explained why he was in charge of a kill squad. "If you didn't give him a 'go' order then how the hell did he know where to find Ataro?" said Skylar.

    "Because he's been operating on Erigin for a long time. He probably got tipped off by one of his local contacts. He knew how much of a problem she was for us so he decided to take her out. Only problem is that she wasn't home when he came knocking." He super said.

    Skylar thought for a second, "Wait a second. If Ataro wasn't home, then who killed Chekhov and his squad?" She remembered the answer instantly, "The other hunters. A few of them went to check out her apartment this morning. Crap. They might have connected the dots and figured out who they just killed. Which means they might be on to me."

    "Exactly." Her supervisor said.

    "Leave them to me. I'll do a little damage control and get back to you." She ended the call and immediately hit the throttle, swinging the speeder back out into traffic and pulling a U-turn as she sped towards the slums.


    Well-Known Member
    While he waited for Corvis and the others replies, Jessica and Simus approached, looking very much like tourists, with...coats under their arms? He decided to ask them about it later."Hey there guys! Didn't know you were out shopping today. Funny how we run into each other here. We were about to get something to eat at that Greedo's over there. Would you like to join us?" Obviously, Jessica had caught on to the importance of not blurting out any information she'd discovered. "I think that's a great idea. Come on"

    The bar was far from what most health inspectors would call 'sanitary', but it served its purpose well. It was also crowded enough that not many people would take note of a group of armoured bounty hunters talking with a pair of civilians. And if they did happen to notice, well, shady deals and contracts went down all the time in a bar like this. He left his helmet on, and chose one of the unoccupied tables, with enough room for the entire group. He took a seat, and watched as the others did the same. Then he waited expectantly.


    Well-Known Member
    Lyssa stayed out of the brewing fight between her temporary partner and the green armoured hunter, Derek. She might have worked with him, and healed his lip, but that didn't mean she was going to jump in and support him. When the scarred girl and the old man showed up, and recommended heading into one of the nearby bars, Lyssa silently followed. The information she and Corvis had discovered wasn't terribly secret but, if Imperial Intelligence had more agents sneaking around, or Ataros' people were nearby, blabbing about their plans in the middle of a market was just plain stupid.

    When they'd all taken their seats, and Derek waited for them to proceed, Lyssa spoke up. " I don't think Ataro has just one group of people working for her. I mean, the Iron Hands we already knew about, but we saw a message that hinted at some other group as well." She glanced at Corvis. " I think we might get some more answer tonight at House Ambrosia"


    Mar followed the Argonian, staying in the shadows fairly easily for a being of his size. They discovered little for the first half hour or so. But then, the Argonian halted, and pointed out a well built human entering a seemingly abandoned building. "Shall we press on, or report back?" Mar thought the question a foolish one. They'd discovered barely anything, and the day was still young. He checked the charge level on his large rifle, and was satisfied. After all, he doubted the Iron Hands would allow themselves to be captured alive. "Press on. If we are to fight these Iron Hands, we should know everything we can about them before striking" the Khajiit said.


    The Devil In The Details
    Everything was pitch black.

    Just like the day he'd been killed.

    The day Baroth had killed Kraguul....

    And left his body face first in the warm dirt of Summerset Isle.

    Now he faced judgment.

    Judgment for his failure.

    He was on his knees, slumped forward, the deep gut laceration left fresh from Baroth's sword. The space around him was nothing but darkness, no creation, no matter. But he wasn't surprised. Not even startled. Because he'd been here before, when he was initiated. But that was so long ago; an irrelevant memory compared to his current situation. They gave him so much power, so much support. Weapons, armies, praise, strength. He was a semi-god among mortals. A boot among ants. A wolf among sheep. A warrior among weaklings.

    And now he'd failed them.


    His mind conjured up a vision of Molag in his true form, easily towering over the six-foot-nine mortal.

    Though he was in all terms, physically dominate, Kraguul specifically remembered a large portion of his left horn missing.

    As if it had been cut off.

    Molag pointed his finger at Kraguul, his mouth moving but his words mute. His speech.

    Molag had explained how deep Kraguul's failure had been, how misplaced his faith had been this entire time, and how excruciating Kraguul's eternal pain would be, for the rest of time. Kraguul remembered every word that rolled off the prince's lips, like swords to glass, shattering what little pride, honor, and dignity he had left.

    But even in the onslaught of words, even in the volley of insults and threats, Kraguul remained silent, never speaking out. Never talking back.

    He never would. He had enough self control and respect to lash out directly to the Princes themselves, let alone the strongest of them all.

    So, he waited. For the distinct feeling of his skeletal structure slowly collapsing in on itself, as his soul was transferred to the black, endless realm that was Oblivion.

    But it never came. The wave of pain, the cut to darkness, none of it came. He was still here.

    Then Molag explained why. He said that Kraguul would be a part of something much bigger than an invasion. Something the Princes had been working on for a long time.

    Molag told him he would be aided by two other servants, also members of this 'project', the Princes were conducting. One thought long-dead and the other...recently disfigured.

    Soon, pain coursed through his veins, his muscles stretched and uncorded themselves, and his bones cracked and snapped. A black mist invaded his body, enveloped him. It soothed the pain in his veins, leaving behind small copies of itself, which then multiplied and conquered his bloodstream. It corded his muscles again and again, coating them, strengthening them. And it reformed his bones, mixing with the marrow inside.

    He was stronger now than he'd ever been before.

    He had been reborn.

    The C1200F Dropship rocked violently as it entered Theren's atmosphere, the chaotic rocking forcing Kraguul to grab one of the many straps that hung from the ceiling of the small space. The room was dark, illuminated only by a dim, red light and filled only with the sounds of outside and the tiny coughs of the men within.

    Silence. Just how Kraguul liked it.

    The rocking and shaking went on for a few more minutes before the ship finally impacted the clouds and made a crescent of gray smoke as it recalculated its route and flew smoothly over the raging battlefield below.

    Rocket fire shook the sky around the ship and the heavy tat-tat-tat-tat of HGTs (Heavy Ground Turrets) scratched at the ship's hull and outer shields. Some of the men looked about the room nervously, others held onto the straps tightly, their breath uneasy.

    Private military. Or so they were supposed to be.

    Kraguul only rocked with the ship, his eyes closed as he lowered his head, clearing his mind and organizing his thoughts; his memories and future plans the top of his list.

    He drew strength from them, and tapped his inner energy for more power. The same power Molag had given him, he still used it today, but only through stored rage did he access this advance. While the other men and ground troops murmured silent prayers to their false gods, Kraguul dug into his inner well of power and strengthened himself mentally, which gave him a combatic edge. He was focused now, and was not willing to wait until the ship touched ground to use his strength on the unworthy filth on the earth below him.

    Releasing his grip on the strap, he calmly walked over to the keypad that controlled the opening/closing of the doors on both sides of them and typed in the code one of the militia-men had told him earlier. Whirring signified the opening of both flip-doors as they made a loud pop noise, moving away from the ship some before inclining upwards, storing themselves in the upper shell of the ship itself.

    The wind violently attacked all inside, the muffled explosions and gunfire now coming to full breath, as the ground below rolled by like a treadmill. Ignoring the complaints and whimpers of the other men, Kraguul kneeled down, looking over the laser-filled, grenade-consumed battlefield. To the far left of the ship, another Dropship burst into flames just thirty yards above ground, crashing down in an explosive hail of fire and shards of blazing metal.

    For five and a half acres, the battle stretched on, encompassing various resource points (oil rigs, windmills, mineshafts, and planting fields being a few examples), and research buildings. All stopping just a few yards short of the 15-foot tall metal fence and Molybdenum-supported walls which gave cover to the two acre estate of, Silverblood.

    Kraguul hadn't the faintest idea as to why Tolis Silverblood had called him here, but it didn't matter. He promised his full support behind Kraggul's latest project if he won the battle over and reclaimed each of the estate's resources. Standing from his kneel, Kraguul made a mental goal of the day: He'd ensure the fall of the advancing Dominion military on this estate, and he'd send each and every one of their souls into the endless abyss of Oblivion.

    As he reached his right hand up and unhooked his double-bladed lightsaber, he heard the startled voice of one of the soldiers.

    "Hey!!! What're you doing!!?? You'll never survive the drop!!"

    Kraguul slow turned his head to glance at the man, his expression blank, emotionless, cold.

    "If six-hundred fifty-seven of Tamriel's finest can't kill me, do you really think six-hundred fifty-seven feet of air can?"

    And with that, Kraguul ignited his emerald double-bladed lightsaber and leapt from the ship, into the raging air.


    The Dropship Kraguul rode in.


    Kraguul's armor, minus the helmet.

    I don't own this picture or any I have posted in this story thus far. They simply covey my ideas clearly enough. I only use them because they help me visualize my posts and whatnot. I figure you all would want that too.

    (Yay! I'm Back! I'm terribly sorry for the disappearance, but I had lost inspiration for a while. I'll post the part for Binsk later, perhaps tomorrow. Simus, I still need that joined post we talked about before I can post for Baroth. Please get back to me on that. Otherwise than that, I'd like some advice from anyone who can spare it as to how I, as a writer, should bring Binsk back into the fold. I left him in a difficult position and I'm not sure how to come back from that.)


    Dashing Imperial Officer.
    Corvis shrugged in response to the womans questioning glance. "She's probably right. At least, that was the place mentioned in the message." He shrugged again. "Or the whole thing could be a false lead. Trying to throw us off the trail" He turned and tapped a server, a slender dunmer girl, and ordered a glass of beer. Fighting a group of Imperial agents took more out of him than he'd thought.

    He dropped a few credits on the girls tray when she returned with his drink. She smiled at him, but the bounty hunter wasn't paying her any attention. He was too busy wondering who'd try'd to drop him and the other one, the girl, Lyssa. Scowling, he stared at the alcohol.
    "So? Ideas?How about you, gramps?" He nodded towards the older Imperial man.


    Well-Known Member
    Derek listened to the others for a few minutes. It was, so far, the Breton hunter, Corvis, and the Imperial Hunter, Lyssa, that had done all the talking. Lyssa mentioned the pleasure house, House Ambrosia. Derek wasn't exactly familiar with the place, but he'd heard of it. Most of his bountys were in the rougher parts of town, and those that did wander around the entertainment district were usually unaware of the bounty on their heads, and therefore, easy credits.

    More disturbing was Lyssas suggestion that their might be more than just one group of thugs working with or for Ataro. Not only because it made the job more dangerous, it also meant Ataro had a lot more influence than he'd thought at first. "Ok. We'll go tonight. If Ataro has another group of people with her, I want to know about it before they have a chance to blindside us"

    Andre Marek

    You can run, but you'll only die tired...
    The greasy smell that wafted through the air inside Greedos bar and grill was totally unidentifiable and pungent enough that Skylar had the brief inclination to put on a respirator in order to filter it out. While far from the worst watering hole she'd ever had the displeasure of experiencing, Skylar was sure that Greedo's must have run quite the tab from bribing of the local health inspectors. Many of the patrons stood crowded 'round the bar watching the holoscreens with bored expressions while the rest were spread out at the various tables, nursing their drinks and glowering at the people around them.

    Skylar slipped between the patrons until she found the table where the others had gathered. Even in a place as public as this, the group hardly drew any attention, except for the fleeting glances of the scum lurking around the edges of the room. She immediately spotted the three that had gone to check out Ataro's apartment. The Dah'Sharra, Corvis, and the Lyssa were crowded around a table speaking with Darek, Jessica, and Simus. Skylar smirked as she noticed the expression on Dareks face. He probably didn't enjoy that news any better than my boss... Then she noticed Simus' expression and chuckled. The man looked like a wide eyed little kid who his parents just took to the market for the first time. No doubt waking up nearly a thousand years in the future was one hell of an experience for the man. She really had to ask him about that. "Bigger problems right now." She muttered to herself as she grabbed a drink from the bar and headed over to the table.

    She gave the recce team a once over and slid into a chair next to Corvis,
    "Some interesting chatter on the scanners. Something to do with a shootout uptown." Skylar took a sip from her drink and looked at the others expectantly. She had no idea how much they knew and she didn't want to give away how much she knew about the situation so she decided to stay quiet until she'd heard them out.


    Well-Known Member
    Skylar, the woman that had been travelling with Marek, walked in, and took a seat beside Corvis. "Some interesting chatter on the scanners. Something to do with a shootout uptown." Derek sighed and glanced at Lyssa, Corvis and the Khajiit woman. "Yeah. I figured it would get some kind of attention." Which was not good. If Ataro hadn't known someone was after her before, they sure as hell did now. "Just...tell me the authorities didn't see you. A pair of humans and a Khajiit stand out here, in case you haven't noticed." His voice was harsh, but he wasn't shouting. It would only draw more attention if he stood up in the middle of a crowded bar, and started yelling at his companions.

    For a moment he wished Kyle was with him to give him an update, or hack the security cams and see what the Blacklight authorities and seen. But he hadn't heard from his adopted son since he'd called to say the man that'd been following them was a dead end. He sighed.
    "Well, you brought in some good intel, anyways. The three of you should lay low, at least until we find out how much the authorities know. The rest of you, figure out a way into house Ambrosia that doesn't involve blasting our way in." He instructed, once again falling into the role of unwilling leader. "Then, regroup at the safehouse. Tonight we move in on Ambrosia, and get some answers."


    The Angry One
    Dah'Sharra glanced up as the vested woman entered the bar, and took a seat beside the silver armoured man, Corvis, and reported that their little firefight had drawn some attention. That wasn't surprising. The entertainment sector wasn't as secluded as the slums. And blaster fire was not a common occurrence in the area. Derek didn't seem pleased by that news, and it wasn't hard to imagine why. "Just...tell me the authorities didn't see you. A pair of humans and a Khajiit stand out here, in case you haven't noticed."

    She shrugged. "Probably not. We were out of there pretty quick." And it wasn't like Blacklight security had come tearing after them, sirens blazing. "I'd say we're secure for now. And if Ataro does go back to her place, she won't know someone's after her. Imperial intelligence aren't always...um, the most intelligent. They could have kicked down the wrong door." She shrugged again.

    "Anyways, about this whole house Ambrosia thing." She looked "how do we know it's legit? I mean, just because you found it on Ataros computer, doesn't mean it's not a trap." She glanced around the table. "Now, I appreciate a good trap as much as anyone else, but I prefer to be the one setting the trap."


    An Excellent Site Member
    Simus was dumbstruck at how good his food tasted. At Jessica's recommendation he'd ordered 10 wings with buffalo sauce with celery and ranch, along with a side of onion rings and a very large mug of cold, frothy beer. This place may be dark, dirty and filled with shady people but everything in front of him was delicious. The wings were hot and crispy and dripping with buffalo sauce. At first Simus simply dunked them into the ranch and inhaled them but soon figured out that if he moved the thighs along the ranch like butter on corn and poured the ranch onto the wings he was able to achieve maximum flavor with minimal mess. The onion rings were perfect and he readily collapsed them at the middle so they'd go into the ranch easier. The beer was the best he'd ever had. He practically made love to his food and forgot about everyone else until the silver armoured man asked him a question.

    "So, Ideas? How about you gramps?"

    "What now?" Simus asked with half an onion ring jammed into his mouth. He swallowed it, embarrassed for the scene he was making, and took a swig of beer to wash things down. "I'm sorry. I wasn't listening."

    Jessica tapped him on the shoulder and handed her phone to him. It was too loud in here to reliably use her speakers so she had though out what she wanted to say in a text message. We're discussing ways to both stay on Ataro's trail and avoid any retribution Imperial Intelligence might send against us. They may not know that Lyssa and Corvis killed their kill team but they probably know they were there. If that happens, then they stand guilty of murder and interfering with imperial operations. We, and everyone else here would be guilty by association. Considering all of us have checkered pasts that would mean life imprisonment or execution. We do not want that.

    Simus showed the message to Derek. "Is that about right? If so, then we've got a serious problem. And I'm involved now. What are we going to do?"


    The Devil In The Details
    Of all of civilization's greatest advances and newest inventions in technology and other such areas, Baroth understood Automobiles in the simplest concept. Despite the fact they spew toxic gas and are often used for less diplomatic affairs, he admired them over what his people had to use only a millennia ago, and was simply astounded by how they cut the effort and struggle of a cart or wagon in half. Though they were quite pricy, He'd always wanted one of the older models of the Mustang. Or perhaps, he'd steal one and drive it for just a few minutes.

    On his way to the safehouse, Baroth had spotted the familiar faces of his group at Greedos bar and grill purely by luck and the smell of Greedos' greasy produce. He recognized most of the faces there, including that of Simus and Jessica, though Simus' face was mostly stuffed with food and delight, it would be rather hard for Baroth not to recognize him. He thought to move in and rejoin them but saw many problems with such action.

    For one, his armor would make him stick out like a pig among sheep, or in more realistic terms, a metal behemoth amidst ants. An odd comparison, but he knew better than to go in wearing such armor. The Market was just next door to the bar, which left a clear opportunity for a change of apparel. And perhaps a few hygienic items.

    After circling around cautiously to the Market, stashing his armor in a vacant merchant's stall, snagging a tropical blue t-shirt and a matching pants with back shoes, and seeing that a few sticks of deodorant and body spray went missing, Baroth realized just how out of shape he was. His gut poked against the shirt unnoticed but most certainly in an uncomfortable fashion. And the tight, cramp-inducing space in his shoes didn't help either.

    At least he looked natural enough to fit in.

    He returned and casually stepped up to the bar, ordering a beer and subtly honing in on the group's conversation. He'd arrived just after Derek's comment on a shootout in uptown, to which the khajit woman replied.

    "Just...tell me the authorities didn't see you. A pair of humans and a Khajiit stand out here, in case you haven't noticed."

    She shrugged. "Probably not. We were out of there pretty quick. I'd say we're secure for now. And if Ataro does go back to her place, she won't know someone's after her. Imperial intelligence aren't always...um, the most intelligent. They could have kicked down the wrong door." She shrugged again.

    "Well, you brought in some good intel, anyways. The three of you should lay low, at least until we find out how much the authorities know. The rest of you, figure out a way into house Ambrosia that doesn't involve blasting our way in." He instructed. "Then, regroup at the safehouse. Tonight we move in on Ambrosia, and get some answers."

    The Khajit looked "How do we know it's legit? I mean, just because you found it on Ataros computer, doesn't mean it's not a trap." She glanced around the table. "Now, I appreciate a good trap as much as anyone else, but I prefer to be the one setting the trap."

    Later on, Simus presented a data-pad to Derek and asked if the writing was correct. By now, Baroth had downed a good portion of his mug of beer, and had decided he'd go to sit at the table with them. He'd much rather get interactive now rather than remain distant and shady the rest of the 'hunt'. Maybe it was Simus coming back that made him do it, or maybe it was the beer.

    All he knew was that he couldn't keep doing things the way he'd been doing them. Something in him had snapped in that moment, as he looked at Simus, though he wouldn't realize it until later on.

    With Oracle's chip loosely hidden in his pocket, Baroth walked over, stole a patron's chair after he left to go to the bathroom, and scooted up to the table, close to Simus and Jessica.

    "I agree. If I remember the description of this woman, she'll no doubt be smarter than to leave her house unlocked and her computer accessible," As he spoke, he idly stole one of Simus' onion rings, chewing at it as he continued to speak, mindful of eating with his mouth closed. "Not to contradict your orders, but I'd suggest we learn a little bit more about this place, House Ambrosia, before we go in, plan or no. Sorry about that, Simus," He said, chewing on the onion ring. "Didn't mean to interrupt your question." After finishing the fried onion ring, he reached over and grabbed one of Simus' napkins, wiping his lips clean of the grease and tossing the tissue in an arc into the nearby waste bin.
    Last edited:


    Well-Known Member
    Lyssa listened as the others, the Khajiit, namely, told the others that she didn't think anyone had seen them leaving Ataros' apartment. She agreed. It wasn't like they'd stood around waiting for someone to notice them. The conversation turned towards getting into house Ambrosia, and she lost interest. Especially if Derek wanted her to lie low. Not that she necessarily would but she didn't really want to argue about it. "Well, I'm going to go back to the safe house and change into my armour. I feel naked in this get up."

    She left the bar, and took the speeder that they'd used to get to the entertainment district. She drove to the safehouse and used the single-use code Kyle had given all of them to get inside. The younger bounty hunter was nowhere in sight. Nor, was Mar. After changing back into her armour, she took her comlink out and called Mar. The Khajiit answered. "Yes?"

    "Where are you, Mar?" She asked, looking around the place. It was impressive enough, but she was surprised Derek had never had any problems with the authorities, considering it wasn't hidden. At least, not from the street view. "This one is on his way. The Argonian had a run in with the security forces, and had to run. Ten minutes from the safehouse. Tops." Satisfied, Lyssa took a seat and began cleaning her weapons.

    Orien Terrik

    "Arik tree'ac te kek."
    The dirt on the ground began to shift and churn, flying around in a circle. It looked almost as if a small storm was brewing, and then, suddenly it all stopped. There was a shimmering, and then suddenly a ship decloaked. The Phantom's ramp extended, and out walked a tall man, clad in civies. The man was extremely tall, having to stoop to exit the ship. He was also very broad, and muscular. He took a few paces forward, and then looked back at his ship. He lifted his right hand up, and turned it so that the palm and wrist were facing upwards. Pressing a button on a small pad on the bottom of his wrist, the man turned away from his ship, which began to shimmer again, and then disappeared. Atin walked forward towards a city in the distance, his long stride reaching forward. Imperial Intelligence had given him the intel that a woman named Ataro was his key to finding his target, and so he was going to take her, alive, and find out what she knows. As he marched along, he sighed. 'This may not always be the most Glamorous work, but it is my job, and it protects peoples lives.' He thought to himself. As he approached the cities entrance, a guard stepped forward, looking up at him, and then immediately stepped aside. Atin chuckled inside his helmet. 'I guess being a "Super Soldier" has its perks.' He thought, only somewhat sarcastically. As he approached an alley that lead to a back road, six men stepped in front of him. They weren't the most heavily armored men, but they did have blasters, not that that really mattered much either.
    "Oy, there's a toll to pass through 'dis here ally. You have to pay it, or you can't pass." The biggest man out of the group said to him. Atin looked down at the man, and started to walk forward regardless of what the man said. The "Bandit" as he identified him, shoved his blaster into Atin's direction shaking around like it was supposed to be intimidating. "Another step closer, and I'll blow you to bits." The big man said. Atin shot forward with incredibly fast reflexes, thanks to his augmentations, and snatched the blaster out of the mans hand with one hand, and grabing the mand with his other, bringing him in close to his body, and putting the blaster on his temple. The five other men just simply stared at him, stunned. Throwing the man he was holding into two others, Atin leaped forward, and knocked out the other three men in a matter of seconds. As the three who had fallen to the ground got back up, and saw their comrades on the ground, they turned away, running fast, and yelling in high pitched unison: "Run away! He's here to kill us all."

    Atin chuckled at the scene he had just made. He was never a good covert ops person, he was better at being on the front lines, and occasionally tracking a person, however, all the other Ghosts had been deployed, so Atin was the only choice for this mission. Ghosts weren't meant to be spying and hunting people anyways, they were meant to be fighting the Dominion on the front lines. Who knows, though, maybe this mission he was on would turn out to be action oriented. Sighing to himself, he wondered why they had sent a Ghost to capture this person, instead of an Intelligence Agent. "Oh well, got a mission to stick to." He mumbled to himself. Using the back roads, where barley anyone every traveled, and no one gave a second glance to people, heading in the direction of Ambrosia.

    Upon his arrival at the house, he began to stake out the defenses. Heavily guarded, but nothing he couldn't handle. Atin grinned. There was going to be a fight after all. The house was more like a fortress, with a wall around it, not a major one, but enough keep people out. Taking note of specific locations, he then left the area, making his way back to his ship parked away from the city. It took him almost and hour in a half to make it back due to all his crisscrossing and the zigzags he was doing, but when he finally walked up the ramp, he relaxed a little. He stripped out of his civies, and began to put on his Combat armor. "Ataro... I'm coming for you."


    Dashing Imperial Officer.
    "Some interesting chatter on the scanners. Something to do with a shootout uptown." Corvis looked up as the Imperial woman took a seat beside him. "You don't say." He remarked. "I'm guessing that you didn't hear that the shootout was with Imperial intel." He watched carefully for her reaction. The woman had an uncanny way of showing up with information that nobody else could find. The more he thought about it, the more she reminded him of the few Imperial agents he'd met.

    The conversation turned to getting into house Ambrosia. Even if Corvis technically wasn't supposed to be involved. Laying low wasn't his style though. "It's not like the place is crawling with soldiers. Unless they're there for a little entertainment." He pointed out. "Not to contradict your orders, but I'd suggest we learn a little bit more about this place , House Ambrosia, before we go in, plan or no." Corvis shrugged. "From what Lyssa said, the place is is a pleasure house. Which is why I wonder Ataro would be there. Her people, maybe, but hey, maybe she has some interesting tastes." He shrugged. "Besides that, I don't know much. The usual thugs playing security, owned by some slimeball Breton named Dorvalle."


    An Excellent Site Member
    Simus glared at Baroth when he stole one of his onion rings. It was a big one too. If his own mouth wasn't stuffed with one he would've tried to break his old friend's arm. If he does it again or tries to steal his ranch he just might have to. At least Baroth remembered to apologize. Even if he didn't, it didn't really matter. The dunmer waitress assigned to their table was carrying a tray with more onion rings for Simus, along with more wings and beer.

    Talos preserve them, he loved this future.

    As the older Imperial bit into his second order of wings, honey mustard instead of buffalo, the conversation turned to what they knew about this House Ambrosia. Simus' question went unanswered but that might be because the situation wasn't as serious as he thought or no one had an answer for him. He'd just have to deal with it either way. If these Imperial Intelligence agents they were discussing were anything like the spies and assassins of his time they would find this group if they wanted to. Simus put it out of his mind for now and continued to listen. As he guessed, this was a pleasure house they were going to. Code for a nice brothel. Most likely with a wide assortment of drink and some basic food to facilitate "business." Some places had gambling and drugs, though that was the seedier ones. That might be an angle though. Drugs and gambling made pots of money in Simus' time and unless human nature had changed when he wasn't looking that would hold true now. Ataro might have investments in, or even partake in, some of these activities. He decided to speak up.

    "What about seedier activities?" Simus asked, loudly over the restaurant noise. "Gambling, drugs, animal fighting, that sort of thing. This Dorvalle sounds like the guy to cater to at least one of those. Maybe Ataro's there to collect on, or even partake in, some of it."


    Well-Known Member
    Derek shifted in his chair. "That's possible." He conceded to Simus. "We don't know all that much about her, except that she's dangerous." He turned his attention to the others. "We'll move on Ambrosia tonight." He said, glancing up at the man that had suddenly decided to be helpful. He thought he'd heard Jessica call him Baroth . "Kyle, Skylar, Simus, Jessica and myself. Baroth, you might as well come too." Silently, he added, 'because there is no way in hell I'm letting you roam around the safehouse without me or Kyle there to keep an eye on you.'

    Then he turned his attention to Corvis and Dah'Sharrah. "The pair of you, should head back to the safe house. Stay off the grid as much as possible. Imperial Intelligence may fouled up now and a gain, but you just wiped out an entire kill team. They're going to be turning over as many rocks as possible looking for you." Derek wasn't sure how many operatives the Imperials had on Eregin. Even if they had enough to take on three armed, dangerous bounty hunters, any large firefight would draw Dominion and Dunmer attention. He stood up and glanced at the time. They still had a few hours. "Do whatever you want until nightfall. Then we should meet up outside house Ambrosia. Or not, if you think you've got someplace better to be." He shrugged, then turned and headed for the door.

    Andre Marek

    You can run, but you'll only die tired...
    Skylar almost grinned at Corvis' quip about imperial intelligence; Almost. The man was definitely curious. She couldn't just ignore the comment or else his suspicion would likely increase. Neither could she answer in the affirmative. Instead she raised one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows and let her mouth hang open slightly in a quizzical expression for a few moments before squinting at Corvis, "Uh, you did what now?" She was about to further the act but the others chimed in and let her off the hook for the moment. Before Corvis could bring it up again, the conversation turned to the operation Darek had been planning in their absence.

    Out of the corner of her eye, Skylar could tell that Corvis was still watching her but she played it off and took a large swig of her drink before giving the others a flat stare. As Darek mentioned who would be going to House Ambrosia, Skylar spoke up,
    "Well, as much as I'd like to be a little upbeat about this situation, it does sound like a 'you' problem." She stood up, finished her drink in one shot, and set the glass down, "Now, if you lot are able to keep from slotting anymore government officials, I'm gonna take the time before we all meet and get some intel on on this place," She gave Jessica an amused look, "And you're coming with me." Simus looked like he was about to object but Skylar took Jessica by the hand and pulled her along as she headed for the door. The kid was the only one besides Aden who knew what her real job was. Skylar knew that Jessica could be trusted but the meticulous agent in her couldn't leave anything to chance, so she would babysit the hell out of the girl.

    (OOC: Sorry for the short post. Just wanted to get something up.)


    An Excellent Site Member
    "Wait a minute, where are you..." Simus started as Skylar announced that she was going to take Jessica with her to scope House Ambrosia. There wasn't time for Simus to finish before Skylar took Jessica by the hand and dragged her up. Jessica herself was obviously able to say nothing but gave a soft squeak as if to try and say "Hey!" Of course, it hurt her throat. A cruel reminder that she still wasn't able to talk and getting increasingly frustrated for it. A tugging at the back of her head reminded her that she was still hooked up to her phone and it wasn't coming with her for some reason. Simus was trying to play with it and Jessica snatched it from him, giving him a frustrated but admittedly undeserved look. Skylar dragged her out to the speeder she had used earlier that day and Jessica gave her her phone with newly transmitted thoughts as soon as they got settled. Her thoughts started out angry but then calmed down significantly. She was able to politely hand the phone to Skylar when she was done. Before she started the vehicle of course.

    What was THAT for?! I get that you're taking me with you because I know what you really do but you don't have to break my arm or drag me like I'm a child! And about yesterday, I realize my little outpouring was poorly timed but did you forget that no one could hear it? The whole not-being-able-to-talk thing? Remember that? I had to talk to you over the comlink. Getting on my case wasn't necissary and shooshing me wouldn't even work. Who do you really think was listening to my transmission anyway? I mean, c'mon. Did you REALLY think that someone was listening in on our channel in the middle of the Imperial Embassy?

    ...Wait...plops...never mind. Listening devices and all that. Okay, I guess that was justified and I'm sorry about that but it still seemed kind of paranoid.

    Alright then. I'm guessing you know where this place is. Maybe we should stop by the safehouse first and get me a comlink so I can sort of talk to you. I didn't take one with me. Also, do you know if women are supposed to dress up for places like this? I mean, what I've got on is comfy for the weather but not exactly "businesslike". Or whatever it needs to be. We should probably take me shopping at some point, unless Darek and Kyle just happen to have something in my size, which I doubt.

    Back at the restaurant, Simus desperately tried not to look slack-jawed, or stop chuckling, after what just happened. Skylar had just dragged Jessica out like she was a teenage girl being forced to help with the groceries. He couldn't help but find it funny. Then he looked back to the others and shrugged. "Well...I...guess we'll see them later?" He looked at the menu while he waited for someone to say something, then had a question about an item he liked. "By the way, there's a picture of something in this menu called a "brownie sundae". I've never heard of such a thing but it really looks good. Can anyone recommend it? Also...ah...what...exactly do people do for money now? Because I forgot my coin purse."


    The Angry One
    "The pair of you, should head back to the safe house. Stay off the grid as much as possible. Imperial Intelligence may fouled up now and a gain, but you just wiped out an entire kill team. They're going to be turning over as many rocks as possible looking for you." Derek said. Though she wasn't exactly fond of the idea of laying low, especially when things were about to get interesting, Derek did have a point. Though she'd killed plenty of Imperials before she'd been working for the Khajiiti government then. Now, she was on her own. She didn't think any of the other hunters would exactly stand by her.

    A moment later the Skylar woman stood up, and yanked the scarred girl off her chair. That was unexpected, but none of the others besides the old man, Simus, protested, so the Khajiit woman shrugged. Humans were weird. She glanced at Corvis, who looked like he would have continued to question the woman. She shrugged, and tapped him on the shoulder. "Come on. Let's go be off the grid together." She muttered.