18+ The Elder Scrolls: The Call of Cthulhu

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    Active Member
    Briseen-Ra set his ale down and was a bit irritated that they assumed he knew them. It took a lot of willpower to not wrinkle his snout at the smell of blood, which was quite strong to him due to his being an Argonian. "You assume I know who you are, but many others received the same note. I gave many notes to a courier to distribute throughout the hold, but so far, the two of you are the first to answer this summons." He turned to the elf, easily noting the Ring of Azura on his finger. Another with experience with Daedra? Perhaps this one could prove useful. "I distributed those notes hoping to attract help for a bit of a problem I've found. But first, I have to make a confession." The Argonian drew a deep breath and paused. He'd never revealed this dark secret of his, but it was the only way to keep them from questioning his knowledge. "I found myself caught in a bargain with Hermaeus Mora, and got something I didn't want. A vision, showing what I've come to believe is the future. Flames engulfing all of Nirn, tentacled monstrosities tearing apart the planes of Oblivion. I thought it to be nothing, but it kept returning for years afterwards, until I met a strange being. He called himself the White Man, and he was dressed in strange garb. How he knew of my vision, I know not, but he told me this vision of mine is a glimpse of the future, unless I can stop it." He swept his gaze over the group. "All four of you seem to have skills or knowledge that would prove useful here. I can pay you well for your services, assuming you survive. If you survive, I promise the pay, along with the satisfaction of saving this world, would be more than enough compensation."


    Child of the Sky
    Vonos was pleasantly surprised by the Nord's kindness to him, and gave him a firm handshake. "Heh, Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, we are all just Elves when it comes down to it," the Dark Elf grinned. "I could tell your armor was of Bosmeri origin, I like it, light and mobile, but with solid protection," he complimented. It was strange, Vonos usually hated Nords, but Silver was unusually nice, perhaps it was because of his life spent amongst the Bosmer, whatever it was, Vonos wouldn't complain.

    "My name is Vonos Dres, just a Wandering Mage from Windhelm, truly a pleasure to meet a Nord who doesn't want to spill Elven blood," Vonos joked. He was going to ask about Silver being exiled, but figured it wasn't his place to ask, perhaps it would get brought up another time. For whatever reason, Vonos felt a little nervous, he usually kept to himself, but maybe it was the flesh..or the drinks..or both, that influenced him to be more social. He fidgeted with his ponytail, letting it come un-done, his long red locks of hair let loose and fell to his shoulders. Suddenly the Argonian started to speak, and told quite a tale. He spoke of a future where the world was burning, demonic tentacles spawning from the sky, horrific monsters and an endless carnage. "Hermaeus Mora?" Vonos asked, glancing at his ring of Namira, "What would we even be able to do about it?" he asked.


    Calibration-Master General
    Beth thought to herself, "You need to calm down; you can't just assume things. Stop judging the Elf, stop assuming that the Argonian knows us." She decided to stay quiet until it was absolutely necessary to say anything. "And stop revealing that you know the Nord; when you visited Valenwood, you kept to the tribe chief's quarters. He doesn't know that."
    She focused on Briseen-Ra as he told them why he was searching for adventurers. He spoke of disaster. Death, destruction and the end of being. She couldn't help herself; her mouth drooped open slightly as he spoke. It sounded ridiculous, but the whiff of worry on his scales and his serious tone told her that he was not lying. There was silence for a moment at the table, then the Elf said,
    "Hermaeus Mora? What would we even be able to do about it?"
    "I have to agree, Elf," said Beth slowly. She turned to Briseen-Ra, and continued; "If what you say is true, which I don't doubt, then what in Nirn could stop it?" She was torn between her adventurous nature and her adult caution. "If even the Lords of Oblivion fear what you speak of, what could we do? And who is this White Man?" She was bursting with questions, but both Silver and Ashley appeared to want to ask questions as well. The Elf appeared almost indifferent, but still looked as though he was interested. So she waited, waited for everyone to ask their questions before they got their response. Briseen-Ra appeared to let out a small sigh, resigning himself to the fact he would have to answer all these questions, and Beth couldn't wait to find out more.


    King of Scandinavia
    Silver sat there silently and listened to the others. All this names, I don't know them.. Hermaeus Mora? Who could that be. Or what. He thought. He found it best not to mention his lack of knowledge of what they were talking about, afriad to sound like a fool. I know nothing. His mind drifted of to his former family, the Bosmer tribe. He hoped they hadn't left Skyrim yet, cause if it came to a great war, he would need them by his side. But then he remembered that Nedhel had exiled him from the tribe as soon as they entered Skyrim. Go find your real family, he'd told him.

    Silver shook his head to get the thoughts out of his mind. "Sorry to ask of this, but..." He cleared his throat as he searced his head for the name they had mentioned earlier. "Who is this Hermaeus Mora? Is he some sort of a lord?" He looked strangly at the Argonian, then over to the Dunmer.


    Active Member
    The Argonian gave himself a mental slap as he realized he forgot to give his name. "Ah, yes. Forgive me. My name is Briseen-Ra. However, Hermaeus Mora doesn't expect us to defeat these entities. He knows such a thing is futile, as you probably needn't have me tell you. As for your other questions, I know not the answers. I have no idea how we'll stop them from arriving, nor do I know who the White Man is. He claims to only wish to stop these creatures from arriving, and that's the best I have right now." When the Nord asked who Hermaeus Mora was, the Argonian paused. How would he explain common knowledge to one who hadn't a clue the Daedra even existed? Briseen-Ra turned to Silver and said, "Well, that's a bit difficult to explain. See, running parallel to our world is another known as Oblivion, and there are, I believe, 16 powerful entities residing there, and these godlike beings are known as Daedric Princes. Mehrunes Dagon, Azura, Malacath, you may have heard some of these names before. Dagon in particular is a very well-known one, as he nearly destroyed Nirn when he attempted to enter this realm in his true form during the Oblivion Crisis. Hermaeus Mora, whom I was forced into servitude for, is the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate, and I'm not, by any means, the first to fall for his trap of forbidden knowledge. My master has contacted me several times, begging me to find a way to stop this event he showed me. If he has no idea how to stop it, I'm afraid I've gotten a bit desperate for help. Otherwise I wouldn't employ the aid of someone such as the White Man. But times have driven me to desperation." However, what Briseen-Ra didn't know is that there was more to this than he thought, and that Herma-Mora may not be entirely truthful. Briseen-Ra has forgotten that Hermaeus Mora has a long history of deceit.


    Calibration-Master General
    Beth listened as Briseen-Ra explained that he didn't know anything more than he was telling them, and became frustrated. If the prospective leader of the group didn't know what was happening, what hope did they have against the evil that awaited them?
    "Do you know how ridiculous this sounds," Beth said calmly, "that some evil is coming to destroy all planes of being and you want our help, even though you don't know how we can stop it?" She wanted to see the White Man personally and ask him the questions that Briseen-Ra could not answer. But she knew that if he had not told Briseen-Ra, he would most definitely not tell any of the rest of them. "If Hermaeus Mora himself cannot find a solution, if the Lord of Knowledge does not know of a way to prevent this future, why do you believe the White Man knows of a way that Herma-Mora does not?"


    The Gentle Utensil
    Ashley listened to the situation as best as she could. "Beth is right. This is a horribly grim situation you're asking us to get involved in. Hermaeus Mora didn't tell you anything else about this vision? Anything at all that could help us at least give us an idea about who we have to stop?" Ash sat there thinking to herself. She had been all over Tamriel, going on all types of adventures and fighting all manner of beings. But to go on a quest to defeat a being powerful enough to destroy both Tamriel and Oblivion and not even know who or what was doing it? This was sounding more and more like a suicide mission to the young Breton.


    Child of the Sky
    Vonos had a confused look on his face, "Surely this is some kind of joke.." he thought impatiently. "Well if what you are saying is true, then when will this all happen?" the Dunmer questioned. Vonos was exhausted from his severe lack of sleep, and gave a ferocious yawn, momentarily exposing his sharpened teeth. He had done it himself, figured it was easier for tearing flesh apart then with his flat teeth. Vonos realized what he did, and quickly closed his mouth, his face starting to give a red tint of embarrassment. "God why don't you just tell them you're a cannibal? its pretty damn obvious by now," he thought, drooping his eyelids. "If this is really happening...then I suppose I'll join your cause," Vonos volunteered after a moment of hesistation. The Dark Elf really didn't care about his own life, and would rather die doing good then die alone and without a cause.


    Calibration-Master General
    Beth glanced at the Elf just in time to see him yawn, to see him reveal his sharpened teeth. Sharp teeth, a whiff of blood; the Elf was a cannibal. She didn't say anything, but listened as he pledged himself to the cause. She knew that her questions wouldn't be answered if she didn't join Briseen-Ra and the Elf in stopping this evil. So she nodded and said,
    "And you will not be alone, Elf. I will help you, Briseen-Ra, but I warn you; at some point in the future, I want my questions answered. Maybe not by you, maybe not even by the White Man. But I will have them answered."


    Active Member
    The Argonian was getting stressed by the onslaught of questions, but was glad that at least two had agreed to help. "As for Herma-Mora, it's also entirely possible he's withholding information from me. It wouldn't be the first time he's done so. Why don't you save the questions for the man who claims to know what to do?" He stood up, having finished his ale, and looked to the others. "The White Man is currently waiting outside Whiterun, near the stables. Any further questions should be directed at him, for I'm sure he would know the answers. At least, he claims to. I hope he's not deceiving us. If you want answers or to help, meet me by the stables." He walked away from the group and left the tavern, heading out of Whiterun and to the stables.


    King of Scandinavia
    Silver got up from his chair as Briseen-Ra left them, and hurried after him. When he caught up with him he laid a gentle han on the argonians shoulder. "I'll stand by your side." He said fast, and gave him a smile. Silver rested both his hands at the hilts of his swords as he followed the argonian trough the streets of Whiterun. "You're quite different from other argonians. Is there a reason for that?"


    Calibration-Master General
    Beth sighed. She looked at Ashley and the Elf. It occurred to her that she didn't yet know the Elf's name.
    "What's your name, Elf?" she asked, suddenly, but not unkindly, as she stood up and got ready to leave, to follow Briseen-Ra.


    Child of the Sky
    "What's your name, Elf?" Beth asked, the Dark Elf looked at with renewed interest. "My name, is Vonos Dres, Wandering Wizard of Windhelm at your service m'lady," Vonos smirked and gave a bow. The Dunmer was relieved he wasn't the only one dedicated to stopping this new threat, and with a heavy yawn, exited the Bannered Mare to tail his new comrades. "What have I gotten myself into?" Vonos's mind was like a fire, burning with questions, yet he had no answers to extinguish the flames. He tied his hair back into it's original ponytail, and cast up his hood, covering his eyes. As Vonos walked through the streets, he passed WarMaiden's and noticed his reflection in the window, a spot of blood could be seen on the side of his mouth. Vonos stuck out his pointy tongue and slowly licked it off, savoring the strong flavor. The Dark Elf smiled under his hood and continued to follow his new comrades.


    Calibration-Master General
    "Vonos Dres," Beth thought, "So that's his name." She began to follow Vonos out of the Bannered Mare after Briseen-Ra, but then suddenly stopped again. She turned and extended a hand to Ashley.


    Active Member
    Briseen-Ra almost snorted at Silver's question, but showed restraint. "If you're referring to my color, must I have a reason? Unusual colors happen among Argonians because of such things as mutation and heredity. You couldn't imagine the theories I've heard surrounding my color, but all are complete nonsense. It's just one of those things that happens." He pushed through the gates of Whiterun and made his way to the stables, with Silver close behind.

    As they arrived, sitting in the seat that the owner of the stable usually does was an unusually pale male, devoid of any hair, including eyebrows. He was dressed in a very, very strange garb, making even the garb of the Akaviri seem normal. It was smooth like the Akaviri garb, yet not slick like Akaviri robes. It appeared to be a vest of some sort, only with sleeves extending to the wrists. The pants were a similar material, but didn't appear to be as thick. His shoes were black and shiny, yet were very obviously made of leather. The entire outfit, minus the shoes, was a very dark blue, and beneath was some sort of thin white shirt and a long black piece of cloth. The man stood as they approached, and, upon seeing Briseen-Ra among them, his piercing gray eyes lit up and he grinned. "So you've gathered aid. I'm impressed, given the dire nature of our situation. You people must have many questions, but first, an introduction. You may call me the White Man, but Mr. White will be quite sufficient of you wish to have something a bit more... natural to address me with." His grin was toothy, and his teeth were unnaturally white. Something about this man seemed a bit off as well, as if he wasn't telling everything about him that was important.


    The Gentle Utensil
    Ashley stayed silent as Beth and this Vonos Dres talked, still observing the situation. This quest was definitely interesting, and the people involved even more so. She was so deep in thought, she once again forgot about Beth, and had to shake her head to snap herself back to reality. Beth extended her hand, waiting for her to get up from the chair. "Huh? Oh yeah, definitely." She grabbed Beth's hand and with her help, managed to get the young Breton onto her feet. "We should catch up with that Argonian. It'd probably look bad if we showed up late to a job he had just asked us to do."


    Calibration-Master General
    Beth nodded, and followed Briseen-Ra out of the Bannered Mare, and towards the stables. Once she and Ashley reached the rest of the group, she found that Briseen-Ra had not been lying about the White Man's strange attire. She wasn't sure what fashion he was following, but it definitely wasn't from this time. Not in Skyrim, at least. She looked at Briseen-Ra and asked,
    "I'm going to take a wild guess and say this is the man you told us about?"


    Child of the Sky
    Vonos eyed the strange character suspiciously, narrowing his deep red eyes to make out better detail. "What unusual attire, where in Vivec is this guy from?" the Elf thought with a curious expression. As he approached the White Man, an uneasy feeling passed through his body, Vonos had never seen anything quite as strange as this before: The Man was completely bald, with a pale expression and dull eyes. "I can't even tell what race he is...Imperial? maybe," he murmured as he walked closer towards the group. The Wizard overheard the Man saying how they could address him as "Mr.White," which struck Vonos as even more peculiar. "Mr.White? Not 'Lord' or 'Sir'?" he wondered. "So I suppose you are the White Man that Briseen-Ra has told us so little about, tell me; Are you usually this mysterious, or is it that the little we know about you, the better?" The Dunmer smirked as the question rolled off his sharp tongue.


    Active Member
    The White Man smirked, his utterly hairless face pulling into a smile, revealing his perfectly white teeth once more. "Well, I'm afraid there is not much to tell. I'm a humble traveler that aids any who require it. And there will be no calling me 'Lord' or 'Sir'. I am your humble servant, and only wish to aid this fine land in surviving the coming storm." Briseen himself gave a quick nod to Beth's question, then turned to the White Man. "Tell them what you told me." Mr. White grinned once more and took a seat once more. "As my dear reptilian friend may have told you, the greatest evil Tamriel, nay, the entirety of this world, including the planes of Oblivion, has ever seen is fast approaching." His expression was suddenly grim and serious, almost frighteningly so. "I'm referring to the realm of the most vile creatures you ever heard of, the realm of the Great Old Ones, and their deities, the Outer Gods. Your Nine Divines are nothing to the Outer Gods. And yes, there are Nine of your Divines, no matter what the pretentious Thalmor try to say. I know this to be true, for I have met the Nine Divines. But forgive me, I'm going off on a tangent once more. Among the first Outer Gods to try to come through is the Dread Lord, Cthulhu, who is the weakest of them. If he makes it through, all will be lost for the mortal races of Nirn, for his very presence shall burn the minds of all mortals who reside here. Following Cthulhu is the terrible might of Yog'Sothoth, lord of the Outer Gods, and the mindless Azathoth, the two of which will wipe out the Daedric Princes and the Nine Divines. After this world is wiped clean, they will let the Great Old Ones through, and they will rule in this world just as they once did on a world called Earth, before they lost it to Men. We can stop this, however, for I have an edge they could never have foreseen." He reached into his coat and, somehow, produced a very large book that was about a foot and a half long and a foot wide, and several hundred pages thick. It was similar in appearance to the Black Books written by Hermaeus Mora, only this was the brown color of freshly tanned leather. It was clasped with a heavy iron clasp, and clad with thick iron strips on the spine. There was no title on this book, but none of the adventurers would recognize this grimoire. "This... is the Necronomicon. It is the source for all knowledge pertaining to the occult, and has several nods to your Daedric Princes, citing them as once being slaves to the Great Old Ones, and how they escaped across dimensional barriers and ruled over their plane of 'Oblivion', as they called it. After thousands of years, long before Man, Mer, or Beast walked this world, even they forgot their enslavement. But now, Hermaeus Mora has caught wind of their return, and gave warning to his fellow Princes. For this awoke a terrible fear within him, for only the Prince of Knowledge and Fate remembered, for it is his duty to remember. He has... employed me to stop this, but I cannot do it alone. That's where you come in. You will help me gather the resources and materials to suppress this return, and deal with any incidents that the thinning dimensional barriers would create. Surely, you have heard the reports of Daedric Cults descending into pure madness, chanting in a strange language that even their Prince does not understand. You are the people who will aid me in bringing these incidents to a halt, if you decide to remain with me. You need not feel as though I am forcing you to help me, but I will reward you greatly for your aid." However, despite his assurance, something about him coaxed his listeners to follow him, influencing them to accept. It was subliminal, nigh undetectable, as though he were distorting space around him to suit his needs, and these distortions subtly influence the thoughts of those who listen to him speak. Pushing them in the direction he wanted them to go in.


    Calibration-Master General
    Beth listened to the man weave his tale of 'Outer Gods', beings who even enslaved the daedra. She was incredulous. It fitted with what Briseen-Ra had told them, but she still couldn't wrap her head around the scale of what she was getting herself involved in.
    "What kind of materials exist in this world that could stop such beings returning? If they frighten the daedra, what in all the planes of Oblivion could stop them?"