Please rate and help me with my build!

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New Member
Skyrim, as mentioned in a previous post, I am new to the Elder Scrolls. As such, I have not much experience with character builds and would appreciate some help with my first. This is a "Paladin" build at Level 81, I am currently level 22 so I have a long way to go but it helps to plan out where I will be going. I saw a build similar to this and I tweaked it, please inform me of whether this would be effective.

I will be unlocking each perk as I gain the level required, rather than building up one tree and then building another.

Here is a link to the Perk Calculator:
And here is the typed out version:

Level: 81
Magicka: 300
Health: 450
Stamina: 350

Overdraw 5/5
Eagle Eye
Steady Hand 2/2

Heavy Armor
Juggernaut 5/5
Fists of Steel

Shield Wall 3/5
Deflect Arrows
Elemental Protection
Block Runner
Shield Charge
Power Bash
Deadly Bash
Disarming Bash
Quick Reflexes

One Handed
Armsman 5/5
Bladesman 3/3
Fighting Stance
Savage Strike
Critical Charge
Paralyzing Strike

Steel Smithing
Elven Smithing
Advanced Armors
Glass Smithing
Dwarven Smithing
Orcish Smithing
Ebony Smithing
Daedric Smithing
Dragon Smithing
Arcane Blacksmith

Alchemist 1/5

Novice Conjuration
Apprentice Conjuration
Adept Conjuration
Expert Conjuration
Summoner 2/2
Elemental Potency
Twin Souls

Novice Restoration
Apprentice Restoration
Recovery 2/2

Novice Alteration
Apprentice Alteration
Magic Resistance 2/3
Adept Alteration
Expert Alteration

Enchanter 1/5
Insightful Enchanter
Corpus Enchanter
Extra Effect
Soul Squeezer
Soul Siphon

This build is for a one-handed warrior tank, primarily sword and shield but with conjuration and restoration. I'm slightly unsure about the addition of the Alchemy perks. Also, is it much different to have "Recovery" at 2/2, making Magicka regen 50% faster, or should I spend that on another perk and having Magicka at 25% regen would be enough? Should I move up the Alchemy tree a bit, or maybe spend two perks to get "Backstab"? Is it enough to be at Apprentice Restoration? These are primarily the questions I have.

Thank you for taking interest in a new player. I appreciate any help that you guys send my way!
to be dead honnest , that build is to insane to get to that level you need to up all skill trees and that in my opinion isnt realy practical in game sense i had a l74 warrior tank that i retired recently and it was insane strong and no longer fun playing , my suggestion will be as i tank magic is unessesary and not practical as you need to switch the whole time from magic to shield or sword depending on how you play and Magic is more a carefull gameplay were a tank goes full out into battle. Rather get a Mage follower as a backup and concentrate more on Health and stamina and ignore Magic for this specific build(Warior Tank ) if you wanne do an all rounder that fine to explore and try to do as much as possible then this build is bruiliant however not realy possible. Hope my suggestions and critisism helped ..... PS Alchamy is usefull on the poisens and if you wanne make money , however not needed for all the extras mostly unnessesary.


Defender of the Bunnies of Skyrim
From a playstyle point of view, looking at a level 81 build, i.e. an 81 perk build has no practical value. At most you should be looking at a 50 perk build. The fact that you've selected Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing builds is extremely relevant to my comments because you can replace many perks with the equipment you can make with those skill sets. With those two caveats in mind here are problems I find with your build:

Archery - A Paladin's primary mode of combat is melee combat. I wouldn't invest perk points in Eagle Eye or Steady Hand. Those are perks you generally prioritize for an Archer build.

Heavy Armor - Forget the left side of the perk tree. The only decent perk is the last one and you can duplicate its effects and get an extra 100 in carrying capacity by using the Steed Stone as your active Standing Stone. Because your Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing build will allow you to cap the physical damage resistance without thje right side of the tree, you don't even have to take anything but 5 Juggernaut perks, except that you may appreciate capping your physical damage resistance earlier, in which case you can go up to the Matching Set perk on the right side of the tree.

Block - Because you are going to cap physical damage resistance and you can also cap magic resistance with the Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing build, I would ditch the left side of the perk tree. It's value is going to be seriously diminished once you've maxed out physical and magic resistance.

One-Handed - I would drop all Bladesman perks, Critical Charge and Paralyzing Strike. Bladesman and Critical Charge are weak damage perks because critical damage bonuses are based on the base damage of weapons (which is extremely low, especially if you improve your weapons using Smithing, custom made Fortify Smithing Potions and custom made Fortify Alchemy and Fortify Smithing gear). As for Paralyzing Strike, ask yourself these questions: (i) How often do you think your even going to successfully land a retreating power attack on an opponent with a one-handed weapon as opposed to completely missing the opponent?; (ii) How often are you even going to be inclined to try this given the likelihood of failure?; (iii) is it really worth spending a perk point to have the few times you do land a retreating power attack only have a 25% chance of paralyzing an enemy?

Smithing - This is unconventional but If you are going for a classical Paladin look, you only need Arcane Blacksmith, Elven Smithing and Steel Smithing to craft enchanted Legendary Steel Plate armor. If you want a better bow and sword you can keep the Glass Smithing perk too. This is also worth exploring as a one-handed sword fighter because the sword with the highest base damage in the game is a unique Glass Sword called Chillrend (although to get it you have to do the Thieves Guild questline which is counterintuitive to roleplaying a Paladin). Even without Chillrend, in terms of appearance, Glass, Steel and Elven weapons look more appropriate for a Paladin. Weapons made from the materials from the other side of the tree have a more demonic/dark look to them. While they do more damage, with the Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing build, the damage difference has no practical value even on Master Difficulty level.

Conjuration - I recommend abandoning this perk tree. A canon Paladin is a melee fighter and wouldn't rely on conjured minions. A canon Paladin would never rely on summoned Daedra or Undead.

Restoration - I would ditch the Recovery perks. This is not a great benefit given how slowly magicka regenerates during combat, which is when fast magicka recovery is needed the most. With your Enchantment build you can have up to 100% magicka cost reduction for Restoration spells from your helmet, chest armor, necklace and ring so I would also ditch the Apprentice Restoration perk.

Alteration - IMO you should abandon this perk tree. There's nothing worth investing here for a Paladin 50 perk build.

Enchanting - Ditch Soul Squeezer and Soul Siphon.


Jarl of Fungi, Great Khal of the Mushraki
Lot of work.. I don't think a legit 81 is necessary, if you plan to use exploits then that's up to you I guess. I'd rather earn my upgrades. It's better to plan for around lvl 4x-5x. You'll probably end up re-rolling your character by then anyway.