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    An Excellent Site Member
    Simus watched Lilume turn herself and Winter invisible and head out into the cave. He wanted to apologize, wanted to stop them. He wanted to tell Winter she was right.

    Let her go Simus. You've done too much damage already. let it go.

    He desperately wanted to help the poor girl: to hold her as if she were his daughter and to tell her that all would be well. Well he was not her father and she was not his daughter. She didn't want to be. After this, she probably wanted him dead. He didn't even hear the part about her offering her help. He was convinced she has stormed off with Lilume, never to return.

    Nice going Daddy. There's another person you've failed.

    Simus said a small prayer to Talos, asking him to watch over the two girls. If not for their sake then for his. He had failed them both.

    He was knocked out of his own failure by the sounds of a battle outside. No, not a battle, a brawl. The group must have found his men. His men! They were still outside and had no idea where these people were! He remembered the orders he gave but also remembered how hot-headed Nords were. He sprinted out of the cave to find a scene that enraged him. Half his men were on the ground, knocked out cold. Three of them were either pinned by one of his new "freinds" or were too bruised to stand up and fight. Only Friga and Elsie were still standing, cornered by Edwin, Arillious and Hale.

    Those three...damn those three to Oblivion. He knew they were hot-heads, especially Arillious, but he had no idea they were this stupid. From what he could see, everyone was still alive, but tempers were already out of control. Friga was backed against a large tree, cornered by the three adventurers and Elsie behind her. Friga was still fully armed and looked ok from here. She was a veteran soldier who knew how to stand her ground, so she would be okay. Elsie however was a battle maiden and a new recruit. Poor girl had never even held a blade let alone knew how to use one. She was a pure healer and would fall quicky if cornered. Simus then saw Jeroo standing over a terrified solder with no weapon and R'alle had given another a nasty face would with his long, sharp claws. Someone was going to die if he didn't do something right now. He sprinted out of the cave and into the middle of the fight and boy was he mad.

    "WHAT IN OBLIVION IS GOING ON HERE!?!?" Simus shouted with bubbling rage, using a volume spell to turn his voice into a thunderclap. If anyone of these fools had killed his men, he would kill them. No questions, no hesitation, no explanation. He didn't care that he had just fought alongside them to clear this cave out, or how nobile or in the right they thought they were. He'd fight the entire group if he had to, and he would tear apart anyone who got in his way.

    Everyone fell silent. One man stayed knocked out, but the others were heartened by his presence and got up, retrieving their weapons and ready to fight again. Simus would have none of that. He immediatly summoned his flame atronach again and activated his flame cloak. He then drew his ebonly longswords and dared anyone to make a move.

    "SHEATHE YOUR WEAPONS OR YOU ALL DIE!!" He yelled, magic and adrenaline only enhancing his rage. His blind left glowed with unholy white light and his right eye glowed red with a self-casted fury spell. "NOOOOW!"

    Everyone shethed or dropped their weapons, stunned at his sudden and boiling rage. As he was obeyed, the fire died down in his veins and his furious expression was replaced with an icy stare. "Squad, tend to the wounded and form ranks. The rest of you, get out of my sight." His voice became icy steel: none of his men dared hesitate. Erik and the rest of the wounded were helped by those that were still standing and they were able to oraninze themselves into two rows of five, standing at attention before their commander. When Arillious, Edwin and Hale tried to walk off, Simus stopped them. "You three stay here." he commanded.


    young but able
    R'alle literally leaped when a fire atronach appeared. He was deathly afraid of fire. He looked at Simus. He knew he was angry. As he landed he yelped. His side was still badly cut. His hand was covered in blood from putting pressure on it. He limped over to Simus. "Your men(Looked at the female stormcloak) and women attacked us. I was shot at!!!" He showed simus his wound. "I'm tired..." R'alle's eyes grew heavy. He's been bleeding for 5 mins now.


    An Excellent Site Member
    Simus walked toward his men, hands behind his back and boring holes in them with his eyes.

    "Who started this?" He asked.

    "I-I did sir." Friga said, stepping forward and trembling with her voice. "I assumed command after you left. When these people emerged, we all expeted you to be with them. They weren't hostile, but we heeded your orders and assumed the worst. Some of the men became restless and wanted to fight. We thought these three might have killed you, but they said you had helped them. I wasn't sure wat to do, so I ordered them bound and secured until you could come along and explain things, but the Imperial in that strange armor resisted Erik's arrest. He knocked Erik clean out, that argonian over there emerged, Stefan tried to sneak up on him. Stefan was challenging this group earlier and I had him stow it, but the oaf tried to take on the lizerd himsef. That Breton mage threw a dagger in his thight, Stefan was down and about to be executed and the rest of the men charged. Considering all hell broke loose, I gave the order to fire, but that mage used some sort of ward spell to deflect the arrows. That resulted in the brawl you saw here. I suppose they're your new friends, considering none of us are dead. Is that correct sir?"

    "I met these men in the cave, along with others. This was a coven of vampires and they were hunting them. We joined forces and aided in the clensing." Simus said, satisfied with Friga's answer and secretly impressed with how she handled the situation for as long as she did.

    "I'm sorry sir." Friga said. "I was in command, so I casued this to happen. I take full responsability for my brother's actions."

    "Are you sure about that?" Simus said, getting up into the girl's face and staring her in the eye. "Your decision put the entire squad in danger. You had no idea who these people were or what they were capable of. You should all be dead now thanks to what they did to you. You should be dead Friga. Are you really prepared to offer whatever you have to to pay for your brothers' actions? What if I decided to gut and decapitate you right here for failing me? Would you still be so noble Friga?"

    "Yes sir. I would." Friga said, swollowing hard and her cheeks turning red with emberrasment and fear. "I'm prepared to offer my life for my failure, but please spare them. This is my fault sir, not theirs. They shouldn't have to suffer for my bad decision." She said, waiting in sheer terror to have her head lopped off, but showing her fellow soldiers none of it. She never broke eye contact with Simus.

    "Congratulations Friga." Simus said. "You're ready to lead. As of this moment, I'm promoting you to squad sergeant. You've shown me you can take care of these men, so they're yours now."

    "Th-thank you sir!" Friga stammered. "I won't let you down! What are your orders?"

    "These men and women are our allies now. Vampires have invaded The Reach and I have vowed to help hunt them down. We're going to help them. See to the needs of these people and get ready to move out. And for the love of Talos get Elise over to that Kahjit boy. He's bleeding like a stabbed tomato."

    "Yes sir!" Friga said. "All right you lot, move out! Elsie, tend to that boy's head! Stefan! Erik! (Axe guy and warhammer guy respectively) gather the gear at the camp site and get it loaded! The rest of you! Set up a perimeter! This IS an active warzone you know!"

    Simus then turned to his three hot-headed friends and he was not happy with them. His voice was a growel and his stare radiated fear and anger once again.

    "Now for you three. What in Oblivion made you think that challenging ten veteran Stormcloaks was a good idea? You three stooges are good but not that good. Sure, you might have killed this squad, but what about the others that patrol this area? What about the entire company at the Reach Camp five measly miles south of us? What do you thnk would have happened if I came out of that cave, found my men dead and you missing and was able to make it back to those one hundred men? Hmmm? How do you think that would turn out? Well I'm gonna tell ya how. We would find you and you would lose. I don't care what kinda bullplops you guys pulld to create this mess, but I'm guessin' one of you decided to be a good Legion soldier. You try anything like this again and I will order my men to kill you. If you knock them out again, I'll be there towake them up and I will kill you. If you try to knock ME out they will gang up on and kill you. I wasn't here to command this time, so you gusy got lucky. Next time you better think long and hard about pickin' a fight because it will be your last. Are we clear?"


    Formerly known as Arillious
    Arillious remained in his knelt position when Simus came storming out, he was so so very angry. He unsheathed his weapons and summoned some sort of fire demon, then he ordered everyone else to stop.

    Arillious could only picture himself when he sees people this angry.

    The minute he saw everyone stop, the surge and adrenaline he would always get in combat would immediately stop. He remembered asking his father about it when he came back from Legion Training. He told Arillious that it was just a rare gift he had, but he always figured that any proud soldier had it.

    He was now very calm and collected. He slowly stood up, his shoulder bleeding profusely now.

    Simus calmed down a bit and sheathed his weapons. He walked over to his men, he started questioning this woman, the passive one. By the sounds of the conversation it looked like it was headed toward it ending with someone with no head and someone very angry.

    Arillious felt bad, he thought Simus was going to kill this girl. He actually thought about interrupting the whole thing and blaming himself, but to be honest, it wasn't his fault, his father wouldn't believe he was watching his son if he ever witnessed Arillious defending a Stormcloak.

    But, before he could even finish deciding, a drastic turn of events changed, and Simus resigned leadership and gave it to that very girl.

    The minute that ended, he tuned out.

    Simus then asked for Edwin, R'alle, and himself.

    "Now for you three. What in Oblivion made you think that challenging ten veteran Stormcloaks was a good idea? You three stooges are good but not that good. Sure, you might have killed this squad, but what about the others that patrol this area? What about the entire company at the Reach Camp five measly miles south of us? What do you thnk would have happened if I came out of that cave, found my men dead and you missing and was able to make it back to those one hundred men? Hmmm? How do you think that would turn out? Well I'm gonna tell ya how. We would find you and you would lose. I don't care what kinda bullplops you guys pulld to create this mess, but I'm guessin' one of you decided to be a good Legion soldier. You try anything like this again and I will order my men to kill you. If you knock them out again, I'll be there towake them up and I will kill you. If you try to knock ME out they will gang up on and kill you. I wasn't here to command this time, so you gusy got lucky. Next time you better think long and hard about pickin' a fight because it will be your last. Are we clear?"

    Arillious decided to start, he answered in a very calm and polite voice,

    "Ahem, well... I would just like to get this across, we had no intention of killing any of these soldiers Simus. They immediately were provoked by us when we exited the cave. They thought that it was right to bind completely innocent strangers when there is no charge against us, and no evidence. I was the first to start, the soldiers binded R'alle, Hale, and Edwin. They came to bind me, but I decided to bring justice to bonehead over there." Arillious points over to the still unconscious Stormcloak lying on the ground.

    "The minute I punched him, another soldier knocked me out, and binded me. Upon waking up I was of course angry, and cursed the soul and the family of the soldier that knocked me out. At that point Jeroo came out of the cave, and one of your soldiers tried sneaking up on him. This caused Edwin to attempt to save Jeroo, thinking the soldier was going to kill him, which then lead to the full blown battle you have just witnessed."

    Arillious was proud, he thought he made a good, honest job at explaining the whole situation. He smiled, and finished with a bow.

    "Oh, and Simus. I appreciate your loyalty and intensity, but if someone is going to try to attack me, I will kill them, now, as a new found friend I promise to keep myself from fighting any of your soldiers, but it's in my nature to kill enemies of the Empire. I will gracefully accept any deadly spars that any of your men give me, whether they ask it with a noble question, or if they mock or taunt me into it. We were never trying to kill any of your men, we were just trying to protect ourselves, but I think after witnessing this right here, I think you and I both know that us four can handle as many soldiers as you can keep count with both your hands.

    He made his final remark, then waited for anyone to respond. He was always calm and peaceful after a good fight.



    Lord of the Meeblings
    Edwin gladly lowered his blade as Simus stormed out of the cave. He watched in silence as the Stormcloak Commander yelled at his troops, berating them for being so reckless. Then the raging Imperial rounded on Hale, Arillious and himself, shouting at them for their foolishness and arrogance. The usually jovial Breton was dead serious as he listened to Simus speak.

    After Arillious stepped forward to give his speach Edwin moved beside him, "Simus, Arillious has given an accurate description of the events. I was acting in the defense of my allies and myself. I do not wish to point fingers at anyone but I would not have attacked your men if they had not struck the first blow. And I certainly don't believe that they would have spared us as we did them in the coflict, so perhaps it is best we gained the upper hand yes?" His seriousness vanished as Edwin tried to ease the mounting tension, "But that is all in the past now, I would be happy to heal any who have been hurt in this unfortunate quarrel."


    Faerie Queen
    "Y'know, for all the times they called me a bitch and assumed I was the hotheaded one, at least I don't go flying off the handle in a bloodlust every five seconds." Winter griped in a hushed whisper to Lilumae.
    "Come on, Lilu. Let's go back to the Jarl. Our business is done here. Let them take care of themselves."
    Winter said and stood, tugging Lilumae along.
    "No!" Lilumae wretched her arm away, surprising Winter in the action.
    "What? Why?"
    "They need us! You need them! I thought that was made clear before now?"
    "Lilumae, what they need is a good kick in the as-"
    "Aww, come on. Seriously? After all this you really want to stay? All they do is bitch and whine and fight. We'd be better off alone."
    "Winter, you know that isn't true. After everything we've been through, you really want to leave?"
    "Lilu, after everything we've been through, I want nothing MORE than to leave."
    "But you promised to save our friends daughter! You said it yourself!"
    Winter frowned, leave it to Lilumae to try and play devils advocate.
    "They can meet us back at the Jarls"
    "We all should go together."
    "They know how to get there."
    "Come ON, Lilu. Seriously? What's so great about these guys that makes you want to follow them around like a lost puppy? Is it Hale? It's Hale, isn't it? I mean, the guy's not even that hot. I've dated his sort and let me tell you, he's one tragic forest fire witness away from being a tree hugging hippie, don't get hung up on him or you'll be eating grape nuts and carrot sticks til you're twenty" Winter warned, causing Lilumae to smile and shake her head,
    "Say what you like, but you know we can't just abandon them in their time of need."
    "Yes, yes, fisticuffs with stormcloak soldiers, they really need our help"
    "Winter!" Lilumae gave her a stern look and the older girl sighed.
    "Fine. I swear, one of these days I'm going to stop listening to you and leave you to skip down lollipop lane by yourself!"
    With a groan, Lilumae and Winter emerged from their hiding place, Lilumae bounding forward to see if everyone was alright and offer what little medical aid she could, Winter leaning casually against a tree, looking sullen.


    Dictator of my bedroom
    Jeroo-Shei sighed, all of this drama and what not was stressing him out. But he proceeded to walk towards Simus and say, "I know I'm not one of those 'three', you designated over there, Simus. But I did have some part in this and what kind of a man would I be if I lied, afraid of being scolded? I came out here, angry and stressed, I yelled at your men who had tied up those ones over there. I threatened to kill them as well because I was angry and needed something to take my anger out on, and knowing my short temper, if I want something dead out of anger, it has practically no escape.", Jeroo-Shei paused for a moment to point at the Stormcloak who attempted to kill him from behind, still lying on the ground. Jeroo-Shei continued with, "And this idiot tried to sneak up on me with an axe, I only acted unaware of his presence because I felt sorry for its stupidity." the Stormcloak on the ground grew a facial expression of displeasure.

    Jeroo-Shei lowered his arm back to his side, then looked at Simus again, "I yelled because I was angry at Winter, all I tried to do is help her and all she did was insult me, i was also angry at how I joined for fun, and its no longer enjoyable, but in fact it turned to a dramatic soap opera perfromed by bards. So I guess my angry yelling had started the 'fight', as you call it. However, I suppose I was in the wrong for getting angry at Winter, I understand her distrust towards my kind even though I don't agree with it. So, I rarely do this, but now since I'm calmer than I was..." Jeroo-Shei turned his head to both people in this order as he said this, even to winter who was leaning on the tree. "Simus. Winter. I apologize. Ours is not to feel obligated to accept my apology, only to regard it." Jeroo-Shei was finished, he felt strange for apologizing, he doesn't apologize very often. Or at all, even...


    Faerie Queen
    Lilumae looked surprised, but in a heart warming way at Jeroo-sheis apology.
    "Ahem" She cleared her throat and looked to Winter. Please, do the right thing. She thought, wishing Winter could read her mind.
    "I forgive you. And I'm sorry too." Winter grumbled, sounding much like she was pulling out her own teeth, but she meant was she said, regardless.
    Lilumae beamed at Winter and turned, running to Jeroo-shei and hugging him around the middle, her hear barely inching past his waist with her lack of height.
    Watching from her place against the tree, Winter smirked, she could practically feel the confusion oozing off of the stormcloak crew, 'Who let the little kid out?' That response would never get old.
    "I'm glad you're a part of this team, Jeroo-Shei. I don't even care that you're a vampire. That doesn't matter to me. You're still my friend." Ever the kind hearted one, she smiled at Jeroo-shei, without a care in the world for what anyone else might think of it.


    God of the Arena
    Dalious followed the dog Shadow's trail until it led to a cave. The dog seemed to have run off, but out of the Imperial's curiosity he went in anyway. Something murdered that woman back there...and that something must be in here he thought.
    He walked down the narrow and slimy cave walls until he reached an opening. There was a cave troll, a disgusting brutal looking beast that was seemingly thousands of years old. It dragged a dead human behind it, then dumped the carcass into a small pit in the ground where other victims were.
    "What the-" Dalious began, but was cut short.
    Another troll came in from behind him and swung a club at his head, knocking him unconscious.

    ...everything was blurry. He opened his eyes to see he was upside down, handing from a rope. The two trolls were sitting near a fire and feasting on some poor souls flesh. One of the trolls looked over to him and then got up.
    "Nice troll," Dalious said. "Niiice troll."
    The troll grabbed a club and raised it to Dalious, intent on swinging at his hung body. Suddenly Shadow rushed in and ran under the troll's legs, confusing the creature for a moment. The dog visciously attacked the rope's end with its' jaws, breaking it free and causing Dalious to fall facefirst onto the ground.
    The dog again ran under the troll causing it to trip up on itself and fall over as Dalious used the hilt of his boot to smash the creatures brains into the floor. The other troll screamed in anger and charged the Imperial, but he rolled away and Shadow started ferociously biting into its ankles, tearing off its' flesh. As the troll kicked the dog away Dalious grabbed his twin blades from the floor and stuck them deep into the beast's gut. The troll gnarled at him as he pulled one blade out and, while using the momentum of a spin, hacked its' neck. The blade went halfway through, then Dalious began to saw back and forth with the steel as a lumberer would a tree. He almost hacked the head clean off before it fell dead, leaving Dalious covered in dark blood.
    Shadow ran up and smiled to its master, wagging its tail.
    "Good dog," he said. "Though, I must train you to follow the trails of attractive women in the future."


    An Excellent Site Member
    Lilume's act of hugging Jeroo Shei warmed Simus' heart. He hadn't know this girl for two days yet and she had already wormed her way into his heart. She was about Cilla's age and even though Cilla didn't share the interest in magic Lilume had, their personalities were so much alike. They both had the same beautiful view of the world and the same beeming smile that could soften the heart of even a giant. This made Simus miss his youngest daughter all the more, but it redoubled his oath to protect Lilume all the same. Once she had let go of Jeroo Shei, Simus walked over to him and offered his gauntleted hand in thanks.

    "I accept your apology Jeroo. Honestly, I was so focused on my own thoughts that I didn't even hear your yell and by the time I saw what you did to Stefan over there, I was mad enough at everyone to where you were no more important than anyone else. As for what you said to Winter, her cruel actions were the result of my doing. She probably never wants to speak to me again after what I said."

    On that subject, he turned to Winter.

    "Winter, I owe you an apology for what I said and for what I told you to think. I still feel the advice I gave you is the right course of action if your sister cannot be saved. However, if there is even the slimmest chance of restoring her then as Talos as my witness, I WILL help you find it. I would like your help in finding my daughter, but I understand if you don't care about my problems. I don't really deserve your help, considering how poor an impression I've made, but I'm asking for it anyway. Look, you don't have to respond to me, or even to listen. I'm certainly not asking you to like me, considering you probably hate me by now. Just please, know that I apologize and I mean it."

    By this time, Stefan and Erik headed over to Arillious. (Erik was the one Arillious knocked out and Stefan was the one who tried to sneak up on Jeroo. I had both of them get up and get in formation the last time I posted, rather than staying on the ground until now.). Now that both of them had gotten their asses promptly handed to them in a fight, they had much more respect for the Imperial and Argonian. They were even willing to listen as the group talked.

    "Umm...uh...excuse me...uh...Imperial?" Erik asked, never imagining that he would talk to the enimy let alone apologize to him. (Think of him as having Ralof's voice.)

    "Uh...we don't uh...usually do this...but...uh" Stefan babbled, having just as much trouble sawllowing his pride as his shield brother. (Think of him as having the higher pitched stock guard voice. Not the deeper German sounding one, the other one that the Stormcloak soldiers also have.)

    "But uh...you handed our asses to us in a fair fight...so we were thinking..."

    "eh...considering actually"

    "That uh...maybe we could...uh..."

    "We're sorry." They both said together.

    "I'm sorry I hit you over the head with my mace. It's not honorable for a Nord to hit a man over the head with his back turned. I was actually considering using my battleaxe, but that probably would have cut your head off."

    "And I'm sorry that I called you an Imprial bastard. I mean, you're still technically the enimy, but after a fight like that I can't help but respect you. Plus, if Ice Veins says we work together, then that's what we'll do. You won't get any more bickering from us. Really. Once made, a Nord never breaks his promise."

    "So uh...now that that's out of they way. Would uh...would you like to have a drink with us tonight? Ice Vein's daughter make some pretty good mead and sometimes she and Friga put on a little music for us. They're actually pretty good together."

    "Have you met Simus' daugher yet Imperial? Her name's Alice, and she's a beautiful girl. Moves like a whip in battle and just as hard to hit. You'll also find no better huntress in all of Skyrim."

    "And she's got some pretty nice eye candy too. They're a little small, but they're curvy enough to make up for it heh heh. Not like Friga...heh...she's flatter than the planes of Whiterun."

    "Hey! I heard that you dumb oafs!" Friga yelled from the other side of the group as she was organizing the rest of the soldiers. "Now if you two are done playing with your new friend, we're ready to move out. Fall into formation and get your gear." Friga moved down to where Simus was and stood at attention, saluting her commander with respect before addressing him.

    "Sir, eveyone is accounted for and the area's been policed for all supplies and useful equiment. We're ready to move out. Your orders?"

    "Have the squad take point and clear a path back to camp. We're taking these people back with us as our guests. I'll join you in a moment. Let's head for home. It's been a long day." He said with his usual, fatherly smile. As he did, he couldn't help but turn to Lilume and Winter and look at them with notically parental affection.


    Active Member
    Einarr was one of the first to exit the cave but soon held back to let the others make their way out, before he even knew what was happening a group of stormcloaks moved in.
    "Great this is going to be good." He mumbled under his breath. He watched as the others reacted in their own ways, some tensing and readying for a fight others vanishing from sight. He couldn't help but smile as Lilume cast a spell on her and winter turning them invisible.
    "A very talented young woman. She might be more gifted with the magical arts then I am...." He thought to him self as a stormcloak bound his hands together. Einarr didn't put up a fight and simply let him self go along for the ride.
    "Well this isn't the best first impression but... I've seen worse." He said with a smirk on his face, which seemed to taunt the nord into hitting him.
    "Eh you might want to look behind you." Einarr said with the same know it all smile on his face. As the stormcloak did he was knocked out cold.
    "Warned you." He sighed and sat down on a rock and watched the fight unfold.'
    His eyes danced across the fight looking for any flaws in the stormcloaks or his fellow party members fighting styles. "Better learn all I can, Just in case....." He thought to him self. Leaning back to get a little more comfortable.

    Einarr could of sat there all day and night watching this unfold but sadly it came to an end as Simus yelled out bringing the fight to an end.
    "Well that was fun." He said sarcastically to no one in particular. In a moment he was standing up and his bindings burned away. He strolled over causally over to Simus, stepping over one of the knocked out nords, and making a show of it as he did. Which caused a few unfriendly glances from the other stormcloaks as they went to pick him up.

    Simus hardly noticed Einarr walk up to him as he was looking at Winter and Lilume. Einarr leaned in next to him and followed his gaze in a sort of mocking/friendly way.
    "You know Simus, I could get you the name of a popular painter in the area. The portrait might last you longer." he spoke causing Simus to quickly look over slightly alarmed, he was greeted by the grinning face of Einarr. He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as the young mans features where all but covered by his hood, the only thing clear was the smile plastered on his face.
    "Also if we plan to head to your mens camp I hope you have some thing to eat and drink I always find my self a bit peckish after a good fight." Einarrs voice seemed to be filled with good humor, as if all this fighting didn't have the slightest affect on his mood. But another thing Simus noticed was he couldn't really remember ever seeing Einarr help out in any of the fights, he always seemed to fade away into the back round when ever some real fighting had to be done.


    Lord of the Meeblings
    Edwin wandered off as soon as Simus was done with his lecture. He had to admit the Stormcloak Commander had annoyed him quite a bit with his tediously long speeches, but it was no big deal, Simus was a good honorable man and that was the best kind of ally in a fight in Edwin's book.

    He went over to R'alle as he was being healed by the Stormcloak healer. As she stood up leaving the Khajiit for another of the wounded men Edwin crouched down beside R'alle, leaning up against a tree. He smiled at the cat, "Ready to go? Or do you want some food? Hale said that he might be able to strap you to his horse on the way back if you are to tired to walk."

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Hale had remained quiet through this exchange, though he slid up next to Simus after his speech, and gave him his apologies along with the others.

    "It was not my place to act so rashly. I apologize for hurting your men, though it was merely in self-defense after that Imperial clocked the big one down to the ground! Still, I do apologize for my part in it."

    Bowing his head slightly towards Simus as a sign that he would yield to his command, Hale sprouted off into the trees, coming back moments later with his horse, Belthwar. The Ranger brought him up to R'alle and Edwin, having heard the latter's remark to R'alle about strapping him down on Hale's horse.

    He went up to them, saying, "Indeed, R'alle, it would be no trouble at all if you would wish to have an easier time on the road ahead of us by riding Belthwar, here. I promise you, he is a strong and able horse, and would not buck or try to throw you off at all...he has a remarkable way of knowing whose a friend or foe."

    Throughout this, Hale continually glanced back at where his vampire friend Adnirr'ach had gone. It seemed he had disappeared right when the fighting started which was...unlike Adnirr'ach to say the least. Well, better than him mistaking the Stormcloaks for true enemies and killing half of them before Simus came out of the cave, he thought. Still, Hale couldn't help but wonder as to where his old companion had got to.

    He probably did the smart thing, and got the Oblivion out of here. These guys probably wouldn't have given him a chance either, being the second vampire to "not be like the others." Ah, maybe I'll see him again...one day.

    The Ranger left the situation at that, for now, though it would inevitably be one of those things that would bug him for some time.


    Formerly known as Arillious
    Arillious was standing there, keeping quiet as the others conversed, when a rather unusual thing happened.

    Two stormcloaks, the one he knocked out and the one who tried killing Jeroo. He looked at them as they began to speak. Their voices not as stern or proud when they were trying to capture him and the others. Arillious had never heard of an apologetic Stormcloak, or a Nord for that matter.

    They seemed to recognize that they lost in fair fight, he always admired when somebody talked highly of him, he never liked to himself. After much timid conversation and after finishing each others sentences, the Stormcloaks both apologized to him.

    It seemed as if a weight came off their soldiers after their first apology, because they began talking normally again. They apologized for hitting Arillious in the head, calling him an 'Imperial Bastard', then promised to stop bickering.

    One of them invited him to go for a drink, get some mead from Simus' daughter, who is apparently a bar maiden.

    Then the other one chimed in saying she was a huntress, the very best. They then joked about her looks compared to one of the other soldiers, who yelled at them in retaliation...

    Arillious remained silent this whole time, paying close attention to their words and their body language. These Nords were definitely apologizing, and it seems that they do want to befriend him.

    After taking a minute to go through all that they said, Arillious, turning his completely straight face into a small grin, began.

    "Your side is not all to blame. I believe I caused most of the scene, such is my nature.

    I am sorry I punched you, and I'm sorry that I cursed you and your family after knocking me out. I hope you can understand my reasoning behind my actions.

    My name is Arillious, by the way. I wasn't able to catch the names of you both. Yes, I am part of the Imperial Legion, but I am willing to put all talk regarding the current Civil War to rest as long as you do. If your with Simus, I consider you friends.

    As for the drink, I would love to. However my first and most important duty right now is to help Simus find his daughter. We will have to ask him before doing so.

    Now, let's start over, my name is Arillious, friends."

    He reached his hand out for handshakes from the soldiers.

    He didn't mention it, but in the back of his mind he thought about Simus' eldest daughter,

    "Quite the interesting description from the soldiers here. Sounds like a pretty good meet and greet."


    Dictator of my bedroom
    Jeroo-Shei was surprise attacked by Lilumae's hug around his waist. He tried to avoid scraping her accidentally with scaly tail. Aside from all that though, the hug that was given to him had sent a feeling of warmth to Jeroo-Shei's non-beating heart. He didn't smile or show any emotions really, but you could tell that he appreciated the hug.

    As Lilumae clinged to his waist, Jeroo-Shei turned his head downward to his right, looking right at the short girl, "Lilumae, you have my deepest thanks for that. Honestly it is one of my favorites of the group, you're really mature for someone of your age and one of the few that thinks with some real sense. And just because I like you, let me give you some advice for future reference.". Lilumae then released her grip on Jeroo-Shei then perked her face and ears up at him, listening real closely. "Don't allow people to earn its friendship so easily. I know that's easy to do, you're not a child, but it is undeniable that you are indeed young, so at your age it is easy to do that. Me, I'm older than I can count, in fact if I were to cure my vampirism and become mortal again, my body would decompose into pure dust and desolve instantly into the dirt. So I can tell you from first hand experience from all my years, if someone acts nice or trustworthy, they're probably putting on an act. So do NOT trust them until they prove they are actually trustworthy. I'm surprised you easily trusted someone as wicked as I can be at times. I don't mean to ruin your optimism, I only wish to help you, because I like you."

    Jeroo-Shei then bent over and patted her on the head gently, and then stood back up. He then felt a thirst in his throat, it's been awhile since he had drank any blood. He needed to feed. Lucky enough, he saw a woman, a breton by the looks of it, walking south down the road. Jeroo-Shei licked across his scaly lips with his long lizard tongue, Breton blood tasted delicious especially female Breton blood.

    The argonian parasite had raised his index finger, then announced to the group, "Be right back". Jeroo-Shei then vanished completely as if he became one with the air, then instantly sprung across the field, similiar to the Whirlwind Sprint shout, still invisible of course, right behind the Breton lady. He yanked her arm while unseen and silent, pulled her into his arms, and pierced his small fangs into the back of her neck, slurping the blood seeping through the wound. The lady was frightened, a reasonable reaction to being randomly attacked by what seemed like nothing but air. So Jeroo-Shei had cast an illusion spell on her while he was invisible which caused her to forget what happened.

    After that, Jeroo-Shei poofed out of thin air as usual, right back where the group was. The Breton woman was rubbing the back of her neck as she was proceeding down the road, apprehensively wondering why it was bleeding.


    An Excellent Site Member
    Winter gave Simus a cold stare in response to his apology, and Jeroo was destracted with Lilume, but Simus didn't mind so much. All of his men were alive and he had made peace between the two groups. For now, that was enough. He would deal with Winter and Jeroo later. In response to Einarr's good-humored request, Simus turned to the man and matched his own jovial smile.

    "Hahaha, we've got food Einarr, don't you worry! And drink too! My daughter's best brew yet!" Simus said, walking towards him feigning good spirits, but in reality very suspcious of the young man. Yet again, he had mysteriously vanished at the first sign of battle and he was going to tell Simus why. He walked up to Einarr, put his harm around his shoulder and walked with him toward his pack. "Tonight my friend, you're going to see Nord hospitality at its finest! Beef steak, salmon steak, fresh bread and butter, good cheese and strong mead! You'll all eat like Jarls tonight. Here! I think I've got another bottle of mead in my pack. Let's say we open it up, shall we?"

    Once away from the group, Simus' cheerful smile vanished and he gave Einarr a long hard look.

    "You sure do like to lurk, don't you son?" Simus said. "Especially when the fightin' starts. In fact, in the no less than three engagements this group has been in today, you've been nowhere to be seen. Other than that little performance you had with Winter a while back, you've hardly been seen or heard at all. Now if I were a suspicious man, I'd think you were up to something. Especially after you ripped that vampire's soul out and put it into that...stone you've got there. Yeah that's right, I saw what you did, and don't go tellen' me that's a black soul gem, because that is most certainly not a black soul gem. Now you're gonna be sleepin' in my camp tonight with everyone else, so if you feel like tryin' anything...dangerous, you better blow up me, my men and everyone else there, because if I'm still alive I'll fluffin' end ya.

    However, I'm a fair man, so I tell ya what: you have a drink and a piece of meat with the rest of us tonight, get to know my men a little, tell us your story, and I'll go ahead and forget about your bein' shifty. You start bein' a little more engaged and I might even start to like ya. Lilume seemes to like you, and Winter actually HUGGED you, so you must be ok on some level."

    Simus put a smile back on and extended his hand to Einarr.

    "So wadda you say Einarr? We got a deal?"


    Erik and Stefan took Arillious' hand and they each gave it a hearty Nord handshake. Erik was the first to speak up.

    "Well met Arillious. It's a good day when I get beaten in a fight and live to tell about it! Just gives me something to shoot for, you know? Anyway, I am Erik. Eric Strong-Arm. And this is my shield brother, Stefan Swift-Axe."

    "It's an honor Arillious." Stefan said, smiling just as wide as Erik. "It's not every day we get to talk to Imperials. Usually we just end up killing them! We would be honored to call you shield-brother, if you would allow us."

    "That we would." Erik said. "But first, let me introduce you to the rest of our patrol eh? You've already met Friga, our mighty shield-sister and newely promoted squad leader. She's been wanting to lead men for quite awhile now, but Simus never thougth she was ready. I guess her actions today changed that. She's an excellent leader, and that sheld of hers could hold back a giant if she was ordered to do so. That sword of hers is skyforge steel you know? The good stuff, streight from Jorvaasker in Whiterun. It's hard for us to get supplies all the way out here, but Simus has a lot of good friends all over Skyrim who can help us. Did you know that he fought side by side with Ulfric himself during the great war? I couldn't imagine such an honor!"

    Erik then pointed to the man a few feet away from him. A Nord with a hide helmet and an iron warhammer, just like his.

    "Over there you've got Ralof. He's our best tracker next to Alice, and he tells a story better than any Bard. He and Simus were at Helgen, did you know that? Simus was about to get a shave from the headsmen's axe, just before Ralof and Jarl Ulfric. Then Alduin came and burned the town to cinders. Simus and Ralof escaped together, all the way to Riverwood. Then they went back to Windhelm and told Jarl Ulfric what had happened. Thise damned dragons cost us plenty of good men, but under Simus' leadership we were able to actually kill a few of them. You ever seen a dragon Arillous? They're amazing and terrible creatures. The fact that you can actually kil them is undeniable proof that the gods watch over us I say. That's actually how Simus got his armor you know: Made it himself from actual dragon bones!"

    Finishing is praise, Erik turned to the last original member of Simus' patrol. She was carrying that Khajit boy some dried venison and a waterskin, consiering he mentioned he was hungry.

    "And finally, that little flower over there is Elise, our battle maiden. Cutest girl I ever met next to Alice, and an amazing healer. You know she once pulled a greatsword from a man's chest and saved his life? She's our newest recruit, streight from The Rift, and she's not battle hardend yet. Poor girl's never picked up a blade in her life. I hope she can learn how to use one before it's too late.

    Well, ther you have it. That's our squad. I'm not sure who those archers are, with their kettle helments and all, but I can probably point them out to you later. The point is they're all good men, because Simus trained them."

    Just then, Simus came back to the group, done with his conversation with Einarr. He walked over toward the three of them.

    "We're about ready to move out. You guys ready to go?" He asked.


    Formerly known as Arillious
    He could feel all the battles the Nords have ever fought just by the feel of their giant hands shaking his.

    Arillious was happy he had two new friends, completely disregarding their backgrounds, he thinks they are nice people.

    Erik was the one he knocked out, and Stefan was the one that knocked him out.

    They introduced Arillious to their patrol, pointing at everyone before saying their name, and telling a little bit about them. It was quite a group, everyone had a specialty and thus everyone had their own role to play, just like the Legion Patrols.

    His eyes flickered as Erik pointed to the Nord in the hide helmet.

    "Over there you've got Ralof."


    "Ralof" he thought to himself. He remembers him.

    He goes on to talk of how Simus and Ralof were at Helgen, with Ulfric Stormcloak, and how they got attacked by Dragons. Arillious didn't need Erik for him to tell of that story, he remembers the very day, the very second. It goes through his head all the time.

    "You ever seen a dragon Arillous?" Erik cut Arillious off from his thoughts.

    Arillious didn't cut in, he decided to wait until Erik finished before speaking to him. Erik finished showing him the squad. Then he jumped in.

    Arillious didn't think now was the time to talk of his background, who he is involved with, other than the Legion. Sure, he is proud of being apart of them, but most still don't know much about them. They all try to work quickly and behind the scenes, not to draw too much attention to the public. Almost everyone questions his unusual armor every time he is in town. He would rather be somewhere he can explain, and outside this cave is not the place.

    "Dragons, yes. I've seen them, and I know quite a bit about them, a bit of an expert one could say. But, now is not the time to go into details. My story requires a good campfire and night sky."

    Before he could finish, Simus came over.

    "We're about ready to move out. You guys ready to go?"

    Arillious smiled, "Come now, my new friends, you both owe me a drink."

    He walked over, next to Simus now, "Perhaps we can all exchange stories when we rest, but now, let's head off."

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Hale leaned against a great Oak tree, one that had easily been there for many generations, cut off from the chattering of the rest of the group, who were a couple dozen yards away. The Ranger found he both enjoyed and disliked it, having come to know most of the group somewhat well in the last few hours.

    He left Belthwar halted on a low hanging branch a few yards back. If the Khajiit boy did not make a decision whether or not to use his generous offer of riding Belthwar soon, he would consider sending his beloved companion home to his father's camp. Hale turned to the ancient tree, deciding to use this time to communicate with his friend and fellow Ranger, Peregrin. He pulled out his ancient Druidic amulet from the folds of his deep green, tattered cloak, spun in counterclockwise three times on the bark of the tree while chanting the traditional spell. In moments, the clear face of his longtime friend appeared in the tree, in real time.

    "Greetings, my friend! How are you faring in our little quest? What new from the North??", Hale asked of Peregrin, who was on the same, personal quest as Hale was, and as these people seemed to be.

    "Ah, well, mate...thing about these vampires is, whoever they are, they can go underground quite quickly if they even think someone has a lead on them. What I have managed to find out is, these "random" groups spread around are in fact part of a larger coven...so, unless we can figure this bloody mess out, we may all be doomed!" Peregrin replied with his usual, un-killable cheeriness. "What of you, brother? From the sounds back there, seems to me like you've made some new friends!...now, how much have you managed to piss them off?!"

    "Well, there is another bastard here whose almost as self-righteous as I am, though his head gets hotter than a Dwarven Centurions gyros! The rest of them aren't so bad. There's a drop-dead gorgeous woman by the name of Winter here, though her coldness has kept her apart from the rest of us. Eh, then you've got a friendly rogue, this one Stormcloak captain, a Khajiit boy...yes, you heard right...a younger girl who travels with the woman Winter, a few Stormcloaks, and...this one, very shady, mysterious battlemage whom I know absolutely nothing about. Being careful round' that one. As for information, exact same as you, brother," ranted Hale.

    "I thought as much. These guys are a bunch of slippery t*ts, to be sure! Anyways, I'll let ya know how Ayaden's doing as soon as I hear from that wild woman. Take care, my Captain," the suddenly grim-faced Ranger said to his friend, and superior.

    "And to you, my friend. Until next time." With those parting words, Hale muttered the counterspell and cut the connection.

    He looked up into the coming night, hoping the group would be on the road soon. The Ranger was getting restless for adventure.


    Deluge the Distant

    Rendered Distant
    OOC: Is it okay for me to join? I'd prefer to being passing the camp many of the players are in to be introduced to them all, to more understand my character's persona as well as me understanding their's. (Also will be starting a story on Deluge Eternai)