OOC Chains of the Galaxy (Closed)

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    A Rotten Scroungeral
    Congrats on beating the game!

    Yeah, the original endings were a bitter pill to swallow for sure. I was lucky enough to make my first run last long enough until they came out with the Extended ending. I went through the original ending once, choosing destroy, and it was rough.

    Now that the extended cut is out and I have gone through each ending at least once, and the indoctrination theory was disproved, I can honestly say Control is my favorite. Here's why: (Sorry in advance for the length!)

    Destroy: Sure. You've fought these things practically the entire series. You've grown to hate them over the time you've gotten to know them. But is it truly the right choice? In my opinion, Destroy is the most selfish option. You not only destroy the enemy, but the relays along with certain synthetic friends you've made along the way. Especially if you let EDI and Joker get together and bring peace to the quarians and geth. Why on earth would you take the time to build up on so much, just to rip it out of everyone's hands. Sure, it's the only ending where organic Shepard TECHNICALLY lives, but imho, it isn't worth the cost. Ironically, this ending is as much about "Ends justifying the means" as what Illusive man was doing.

    Synthesis: Okay. This one is a double edge sword. Yes, choosing to bond synthetic and organic is a nice choice. It saves everyone, and even makes the universe into the utopia that humanity has only been able to dream of. But lets take a step back for a second and think. You are forcefully pushing this new utopia on people, and effectively are taking away what it truly means to be a mortal race. You are forcefully evolving the races of the universe, which is eerily similar to what IM has been doing with his soldiers. You have been fighting a galactic cycle that states you have no choice in what you do, you will be guided by our tools, and you will perish by them. Now, while it may sound different, you are making the decision to let them do it again, but it'll be "different this time."
    Also, we lose too much of ourselves in this process, I believe, and I would easily refuse that option were it given to me personally. I don't make the best case for this one because, as I said, it has good qualities too. It just sounds wrong to me.

    Control: No forcing peaceful ideologies on anyone. No forced evolution. No synthetic genocide. You become the head reaper, the new harbinger, if you will, and effectively repair the world using the tools made to destroy it. The relays were damaged when you made the switch? NO PROBLEM. Use your new followers to repair them! Cities and planets destroyed? The reaper troops become free labor, and will do whatever you tell them to. The only downside is that you become the one thing you hate the most, however, you are so strong willed, that your beliefs and values go with you, and effectively make it the best "One for the many" option. Self sacrifice for the greater good. I wont say its the perfect option. As it also has some flaws. (USING THE CASUALTIES, PEOPLE'S FAMILIES AS LABOR) However, I honestly believe it to be the best option, even though IM has been the poster boy for that choice throughout ME3.

    Sorry again for writing so much. I just have a lot to say about the endings. Lol.


    Calibration-Master General
    Tried all three:

    Destroy seemed stupid; you kill EDI, Legion, every single geth, etc, along with all the Reapers that could help rebuild what you're destroying. In any case, if the God-Child was right, and synthetics would kill civilization, destroying all technology would just delay that, without the "security" the Reapers provided.

    Control was better, but it meant you had to become everything you hated at once. You become a Reaper, and are forced to admit that the Illusive Man was, in fact, correct the whole time, and that the races of the galaxy were just causing more deaths by delaying Cerberus' research. It saved technology and synthetics, but left you with the problem that again, if the God-Child was right, synthetics might well still rise up, even if Shepard could control the Reapers and put down the synthetics rather than the organics.

    Synthesis was the best, but still had its problems. You solved the entire "synthetics will kill civilization" problem by making every organic part-synthetic and every synthetic part-organic. But did humanity make that choice? Did the turians, did the asari, the salarians, the krogan? No, Shepard made that decision for the entire galaxy. I'm sure plenty of people were happy with his decision, but the population of the galaxy ranks most likely in the quadrillions. Say just 5% of people might not like the fact that they're now forced to live existence as a form of cyborg. That's still a few trillion people. A few trillion people that might go ahead and rebel, causing the same problem that the Reapers were invented to stop in the first place.

    Refusal? Go fluff yourself.

    I just think that, quite simply, the God-Child was wrong. Pure and simple. The quarian-geth debate proves that; the God-Child and its creators believed that synthetics would eventually grow tired of an existence as slaves. What happened with the geth? Oh yeah, the quarians decided to betray their trust and start a massive cull. Name some other synthetics; EDI. Seemed quite happy to act as a ship's "first mate", and its pilot's "first mate" as well. Glyph. Basically a glorified butler, but did he give a crap? No he did not. The God-Child was wrong, the Leviathans were wrong and quite simply, EA was wrong to force this game out so early, without Bioware getting a chance to make a better ending.


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    If I were Shepard, I wouldn't mind swallowing my pride by taking control. I wouldn't be able to care less. I would easily choose to become what I hated to save every one. One for the many, as always. That's just me though.

    With synthesis, Epic nailed it on the head. Too many people would be forced into something they didn't believe in, and could end up making more trouble than before.

    I refuse to acknowledge the refusal ending as an ending. It's the most selfish choice of all, as well as the dumbest.

    Andre Marek

    You can run, but you'll only die tired...
    I can't say that I really thought any of the endings were preferable to any others. They all had their sore points and their plus points but in the end, you/shepard die or come close to death no matter what. However, I chose destroy despite its reputation as the worst of the outcomes mainly because I just felt that the other options felt so wrong.

    I couldn't bring myself to choose synthesis because it is something I would be very opposed to myself. How could I impose that on everybody in the universe? You would be giving up everything it means to be human, or quarian, or turian, and so on and I have no doubt that many besides myself would hate that thought.

    Likewise, control felt wrong morally as well. These machines have been killing organics for hundreds of thousands of years and no matter that their intentions were "good", I just can't grant them clemency just because of that. Would you seriously accept control of a group of serial killers just because they said that they were killing in the name of progress? I'll probably get some flak for this but it would be like the Allies just using the hard line Nazis command at the end of WW2 as a clean up crew and allowing them to integrate into the society they were once trying to wipe out. Even if it all went off without a hitch, I can't imagine having to see the people who killed your family living next door and not be allowed to do anything about it.

    I felt that destroy, while it was really harsh and did destroy the geth, who really didn't deserve it, was the most Just and final ending in terms of endings. Yes the geth are destroyed, yes the relays are in shambles, and yes several of your crewmates are dead, but at least the reapers are, once and for all, irrevocably, GONE. No more looking over your shoulder. No more great purges. The galaxy is now free to advance itself as the races in it see fit. Perhaps one day, they will have advanced enough to once again repair the mass relays and further expand the edges of the maps. AND, Shepard is ALIVE, or presumably so, and can help to lead the races in the future.


    An Excellent Site Member
    If I were Shepard, I wouldn't mind swallowing my pride by taking control. I wouldn't be able to care less. I would easily choose to become what I hated to save every one. One for the many, as always. That's just me though.

    With synthesis, Epic nailed it on the head. Too many people would be forced into something they didn't believe in, and could end up making more trouble than before.

    I refuse to acknowledge the refusal ending as an ending. It's the most selfish choice of all, as well as the dumbest.

    I did the refusal ending first, with the Hope that there would be some sort of P/R interrupt. Something to convince the God-Child to take the Reapers and leave. To spend another fifty thousand years watching, observing, looking for another solution. He could even leave a "don't screw it up." message for the galaxy. Maybe something will change and other synthetics follow the Geth's example. Maybe nothing will change at all. The point is it's a chance for another solution. Something to break the cycle. The Reapers can always come back if synthetics really do go out of control.

    Instead "the cycle continues." Everybody dies and nothing you did amounted to anything. Nothing changes. We left a spark of hope, but so did the Protheans and that wasn't enough. If EA hadn't pushed so hard for the release, BioWare could have done so much more. EA had many reasons I'm sure, but understanding the why of things, if that's even possible, doesn't fix things. The extended cut doesn't even fix everything but it fixes enough. Enough for a believable ending.

    I agree with Cap on Control being the best. Epic made some very good points about Synthesis, and the God-Child being wrong. I didn't consider those things when I did the ending last night but they're important to consider now. Shepard makes the ultimate sacrifice in this ending, becoming a true public servant. He also rebuilds everything that was lost to the Reapers using the Reapers themselves. A beautiful irony.

    As for the IM, he had the right idea ultimately but his execution and methods did not justify that. Not at all.


    An Excellent Site Member
    I can't say that I really thought any of the endings were preferable to any others. They all had their sore points and their plus points but in the end, you/shepard die or come close to death no matter what. However, I chose destroy despite its reputation as the worst of the outcomes mainly because I just felt that the other options felt so wrong.

    I couldn't bring myself to choose synthesis because it is something I would be very opposed to myself. How could I impose that on everybody in the universe? You would be giving up everything it means to be human, or quarian, or turian, and so on and I have no doubt that many besides myself would hate that thought.

    Likewise, control felt wrong morally as well. These machines have been killing organics for hundreds of thousands of years and no matter that their intentions were "good", I just can't grant them clemency just because of that. Would you seriously accept control of a group of serial killers just because they said that they were killing in the name of progress? I'll probably get some flak for this but it would be like the Allies just using the hard line Nazis command at the end of WW2 as a clean up crew and allowing them to integrate into the society they were once trying to wipe out. Even if it all went off without a hitch, I can't imagine having to see the people who killed your family living next door and not be allowed to do anything about it.

    I felt that destroy, while it was really harsh and did destroy the geth, who really didn't deserve it, was the most Just and final ending in terms of endings. Yes the geth are destroyed, yes the relays are in shambles, and yes several of your crewmates are dead, but at least the reapers are, once and for all, irrevocably, GONE. No more looking over your shoulder. No more great purges. The galaxy is now free to advance itself as the races in it see fit. Perhaps one day, they will have advanced enough to once again repair the mass relays and further expand the edges of the maps. AND, Shepard is ALIVE, or presumably so, and can help to lead the races in the future.

    I get your point Marek, and God-Child did say the people left could fix the damage, but with the Destroy Option the galaxy is broken. The Citadel and the relays are unusable. Everyone's cut off. This means that all the traces of the Reapers are gone but so is the civilization you fought so hard to protect. The Victory Fleet, especially the Turians and Quarians, would probably die a slow, painful death.


    Calibration-Master General
    EA had many reasons I'm sure

    And that reason is: because they're EA, they're pricks and they don't give a plops about anything but money. You heard about the crap they pulled with BF4, right? Sold stocks, released ridiculously buggy game, bought stocks back. Suspicious much.


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    EA ruins nearly every project they get their grubby hands on. Whenever I buy a game with their name on it, no matter how much I'm sure it won't suck, I have to lower my expectations drastically, so I wont be shocked when they fluff it up. Harsh? Kinda. But they haven't gotten back to back "Worst Company in America" awards for nothing.


    An Excellent Site Member
    I have to agree with you. I don't want to, but I have to agree. DeusEx: Invisible War, Battlefield 2, modern Warfare 2, now this.


    An Excellent Site Member
    As for this RP, we should get to morning. I'm looking forward to all of us meeting up!


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    Indeed! This RP has waited long enough!


    An Excellent Site Member


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    I'm down with that idea!


    An Excellent Site Member


    An Excellent Site Member
    You might have but I thought your lady post was Abby going to bed.


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    I'm pretty sure it was too. I've been waiting for Epic to post before I do.


    An Excellent Site Member
    So after generating my brain's mass effect field, I have some ideas on how to get Jess out of the hospital. Ideas involving a certain man who tends to be Illusive. Like some sort of Illusive man.

    Also, I really like Thrax. I'm gonna make a CCfor him since we don't have a Salarian. In case you didn't pick up on it in my last post I based him off the game shop employee on the Citadel in Mass Effect 2.