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    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    “There once was a pirate, a captain so bold. He pillaged and looted, filling his ship full of gold. A charming rogue, so kind and carefree. Not a care in the world, or so it would seem. But years passed and passed, death creeping near. So he whispered to Oblivion, something dark did hear. The ocean did still, the sky turning red. “Make a deal with me, and from death you'll be spared.” He hesitated only a moment, before cutting his hand. Sealing the deal, ‘till eternity’s end. But a dark twist he discovered, years down the road. His skin aged and aged, apparent death it did bode. But even as his skin turned to dust, his heart filled with hate. Tricked into living, at death’s very gate. Now I say, “Dear sailor beware.” For that dark ship is hunting, somewhere out there. Just one scratch from cursed steel, and your soul he will own. Beware! Beware! Of Bloody Bones!”


    The dockside tavern, The Drowned Man, was relatively new to Windhelm but it was already filled with the sounds of drunken brawls, slurred songs, and barmaids taking orders while being hooted at by the men. A fire crackled and the air smelled of ale. It was a perfect place for sailors and pirates alike, after a long voyage at sea nothing could be it. However there was one in the tavern who was not happy; an elf with burning hair, one silver eye, and a sword as red as blood. No one dared mess with him either...he was the Demon of the South Seas, Saren "South-Song" Tethras and he was not in a good mood. He scowled into his ale. If only those fools singing that chanty knew how true it rang, he thought to himself. How real he is. The chanty being sung and the reality of it brought the other bitterness to mind.

    "Cowards..." He muttered to himself. Many of his crew had abandoned ship, when he had announced his intentions. He didn't care. He had to go after the cursed ship, save his brother, and send that maggot-ridden corpse back to hell. Now he was in the tavern, trying to see if he could find a few brave, or foolish, souls to join in this mad quest that would take them to places unknown to most. They would have to go off the edge of the map to kill a being that legend said couldn't be killed. Saren finished off the last of his ale and took the opportunity to look around the tavern. Perhaps there would be one brave soul among the wretches or perhaps someone had heard the stories his ex-crew was surely spreading.


    Supreme Ruler of Cats
    The cold winter air blew down onto Freyja's still face, stirring her from her gentle sleep. Her blue eyes fluttered open to the white landscape before her. She groaned silently, Freyja truly detested the cold, barren landscape. When she looked at it, Freyja felt as if the snow would just swallow any and all of the warmth still left in her. Freyja scoffed at the white blanket which covered the ground, then sat up and brushed a light layer of snow off of her legs. How long had she been resting? Khajiit slept in the morning...It is probably around midday. Freyja made sure that she had her bow on her back and her hidden daggers. Good. They had not been taken from her as she slept. Freyja tended to be lucky that way. But then again, who would mess with a Nightingale?

    Freyja scratched her head...Where was she right now? Oh right, Freyja was heading to Windhelm to talk with some captain or something who was in a tavern. She didn't quite get all the details on the reason why he needed a crew( the man who had given her the information was pretty drunk )but she knew that the reasonably new tavern was somewhere near the water. Freyja shrugged to herself, then stood up completely, stretching a few muscles and warming up her freezing body with some mead. She smiled to herself, then looked at the sun, knowing that only it spoke the truth and would lead her on the right path. Freyja was heading straight up north, so it would be quite simple reaching the ocean city of Windhelm.

    Freyja started to head north, her eyes burning from the wind, snow, and sunlight combined. She didn't really like traveling during the day, but Freyja didn't know how long the captain would even be staying in Windhelm, and she didn't want to take the chance. This was an opportunity for discovery and adventure, and definitely lots of loot! She chuckled to herself, speeding up until she started to see the familiar bulk of Windhelm in the distance. She was so busy enjoying the sight that she didn't even notice the Khajiit that she had bumped into. His eyes were hungry, and he was obviously corrupt. "Give me all your money if you want to walk out of this alive." Freyja eyed the poor Khajiit, he was lost and needed to be found. She grabbed his hand gently, and put a coin purse containing one hundred gold coins in his hand. "Khajiit can head to Shrine of Kynareth in Whiterun. The priestesses there will instruct you in the ways on healing." The thief looked at Freyja with bewilderment in his eyes. Freyja smiled at him, she knew her words would guide him down the right path.

    It always brightens one's day to help one of their own, Freyja thought, her face brightening as she walked away from the amazed Khajiit. Windhelm was getting closer. And Freyja was feeling lucky.


    Phyrior found himself in the The Frozen Hearth, an inn in Winterhold. It was his only connection to the outside world. There , he could hear everything that's going on in Skyrim. And so he sat to his table , eating peacefully. He could hear two nords talking next to him. They were dressed in fur from the top to the bottom. Phyrior took a look at them , but they could barely notice him , or his eyes, due to the hood he always kept on to mask his appearance.
    "Ya' heard about that pirate who came to Windhelm?"
    "Aye , he thinks himself a real adventurer , and wants to recruit crew to pursue the tale of The Bloody Bones"
    "Crazy, if ya ask me. He's placed up in that new inn , I think it's called The Drowned Man , waiting for people to help him. The bastard promises a lot of loot , Ya thinkin' of joining him?
    "I'd rather loot one of those caravans then the ship of a immortal pirate."

    Phyrior stood up as he walked out of the inn , his horse waiting for him at the door. He mounted the horse and headed east , towards Windhelm. Phyrior heard about The Saga of Bloody bones in the past , thinking it was just a myth. No simple necromancy could keep someone alive for such a long time, and whatever kept him alive was an interesting asset to have. Phyrior wanted no loot , no fame , no wenches and no ale , he wanted to study the bones of the dead pirate , to see where they came from. If he could bargain with the leading pirate to let him study the remains after they solve this myth , he would gladly place his magic in help of this cause.

    As the horse was running through the vast snow of Skyrim , the snowstorm finally stopped, and Phyrior could clearly see the big city. "Windhelm , home of the poor" , he thought to himself before dismounting the horse at the stables , and moving on foot to the hold's gates.


    Dunmer Warrior
    (Hmm.. I thought we were going to be in Riften...)

    Falas the Dunmer walked down the bridge away from Winterhold enjoying the snow falling on his face, taking a deep breath he changed direction and started walking towards the Frozen Hearth. He opened the door and sat on one of the stools near the bar.
    "Hey there Falas! I haven't seen you in a long time."
    "It's been some time, I've been busy with my studies and I haven't been to a cavern or ruin for months."
    "Well, it might just be your lucky month now Falas, I heard a couple of pirates were in Windhelm preparing to raid the ship of some... Bloody Bones I think? Anyway, they're recruiting so you might wanna go join them."
    "But I'm no Idiot Dagur... No such thing exists, Bloody Bones is a fictional character born of bored sailors making up stories in their free time. I suppose just sailing the sea would be fun though, but you just bring me some ale for now."

    Falas drank his ale and picked up an inked feather and a blank paper and started writing. "Would you be kind enough to give this to the next student of the College the comes here?" Dagur nodded. Falas left the inn and ran to his horse and rode south to Windhelm.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    The strong ocean wind swept across the water in heavy gusts, tearing the the billowing maroon canvas sails and ripping through the taut rigging. Cameron stood behind the heavy oaken wheel, his hair wild in the wind, loose garments rippling gracefully. The desolate, stark white northern coastline of Skyrim was viewable off in the distance; a massive stone monolith rose high above the snow and ice that Nords called Skyrim. The reinforced wooden hull of Lionheart glided silently through the lapping waters, nearing closer and closer to the shore.

    The vessel soon reached the bay, and Cameron called out to his diligent crew. "Half sails, crew! We are nearing Windhelm! Prepare to dock!" His booming voice resounded across the busy decks of the ship, and out across the water and ice. He gripped the wheel and prepared to maneuver Lionheart into the stone jaws of Windhelm's docks.

    The massive, bleak city of Windhelm lay ahead, a sore, ugly thumb protruding from the gorgeous and sparkling snow that surrounded it. The Redguard captain could see the bustle of the docks, typical behavior for the busiest port city in Skyrim. As the ship approached the docks, he could see men waiting to help the boat into harbor.

    "Draw the sails, we'll glide her in!" Cameron shouted, and began to turn the heavy wheel sharply, slightly biting his lip. I never liked this city, he thought while concentrating on steering the ship into port. He eased Lionheart in slowly, the ship coasting gracefully towards the grey brick docks of the capital of Eastmarch.

    Eventually, Cameron felt a light thud; he knew they had successfully docked. He stepped down off the pedestal where the wheel was located and descended the crude wooden stairs that had been propped up by the Argonian dockworkers, who now stood aside as the crew of Lionheart disembarked, cold expressions painted across their faces.

    "Alright, it's been a long journey. Take a break and do what you wish. Get some rest in the inn and tomorrow we will unload and collect our pay. There's plenty of contracts out now, so we have to be quick about it," Cameron shouted out to his crew before they took off into the city, craving drink. "Now off with you all," he finished with a lighthearted laugh before returning to Lionheart to see that it was docked and tied up properly. His inspection concluded quickly, and he turned back to face the docks just in time to see several of his crew members disappearing though a dark wooden door; a sign dangling carefully above it, swaying in the cool breeze, reading in bold, black letters "The Drowned Man".


    Supreme Ruler of Cats
    The docks came into Freyja's line of sight as she neared the massive city of Windhelm. The new tavern was said to be somewhere along the docks, so Freyja paid more attention than usual to the dreary place. Argonians and Nords worked slowly and reluctantly, they must have really not liked their jobs. Freyja looked over to a ship that had recently docked. Freyja was not too experienced with ships, and wasn't even a huge fan of water, but she was bored with Skyrim and wanted to be somewhere else. She would gladly pursue some myth fruitlessly as long as she got a sum of gold in the end of it!

    The darkly clad Khajiit walked among the docks, inspecting the ships carefully, frowning at them. They looked so damaged and worn down. Only a few ships were nicer, but Freyja doubted that any of those were to be the ship she would be traveling in. But Freyja didn't really care all that much, and she averted her attention back to Windhelm and began looking for the tavern. She walked up to the side entrance to Windhelm, and was about to enter when she bumped into a door. She cursed to herself, then looked at the sign over the door which she had bumped into. The sign read "The Drowned Man." Freyja smiled to herself, Khajiit thinks she has found tavern that seems so popular. Freyja chuckled to herself and pushed the door open, walking into the tavern.

    As soon as she entered, Freyja was enveloped in the sounds of laughter, music, and obnoxious men who were obviously drunk. She smiled to herself, then walked over to the bar, signaling for the merry looking Nord to serve her. "Some mead, please," she asked politely. The Nord smiled at her and grabbed a pint, filling it with the gold colored beverage. "That'll be ten septims, miss," he said as he handed it to her. Freyja rummaged through her coin purse and took out ten septims, handing them to him and grabbing the pint.

    Now to find this captain, she thought to herself as she took a swig of the mead. She looked at it for a moment, surprised at how good it was. This mead was pretty strong, though, but most sailors probably drank stuff like that all the time. Freyja looked at the Orc beside her and decided to inquire about this captain. "Could you point Khajiit to the captain who sails for Bloody Bones?" The Orc looked at her and grunted, looking towards a corner where an elf sat. She was about to stand up to go speak to him, but the Orc grabbed her arm, "And what would a pretty lady like you be doing with someone like the Demon of the South Seas?" Freyja jerked her arm away from the Orc, disgusted at his lewd comments. "Well, she would be ignoring drunks like you for sure." And with that she walked away from the Orc, who was rather surprised at her sharp comeback. Freyja walked up to the wood elf, slightly cautious. She had heard the Orc calling him the "Demon of the South Seas," a pirate who was the subject of many stories. But Freyja didn't care, she wanted to try something like this, living like a sailor.

    "Khajiit has been told that you are in search of a crew to assist you in your search for Bloody Bones." Freyja sat in a chair that was in front of the elf, curious. Was this going to be the captain she would sail with? He seemed like a good captain, and seeing him in person made her want to go on this voyage even more.


    As Phyrior opened the large gates of Windhelm , he was blinded by the white of the snow that was in the city. He visited Windhelm before , however he didn't seem to remember much of it. The pirate is in that new inn, but where the inn is, I cannot tell. Perhaps a guard might point me in the right direction... .He walked towards the gray quarter as a guard walked past him. Phyrior grabbed her shoulder as he asked with haste

    "Mind telling me where the Drowned Man is?" Phyrior could notice hesitation in the woman's eyes. After all ,his appearance was not usual. He looked much like a pilgrim, but due to the strange symbols on his chest and shoulders , that looked like halved moons , people tended to think him a dangerous man for some reason. Even if most of them won't even recognize where the symbols came from.

    The guard stood silent for a brief moment, analyzing Phyrior's looks. From his head who was covered by the hood , to his boots. "Right near the docks, and take care not to start a drunken brawl, we had too many this week."
    Phyrior was amused by the response of the guard, but he didn't lingered , he must have gotten to the inn as fast as possible , for it was unknown how long the pirate might stay in Windhelm.

    When he reached the Drowned Man , Phyrior knew it was a real pirate's inn. From outside you could hear the laughter, the songs and smell only ale. Phyrior silently opened the door to the inn, and took a seat at the nearest table. He inspected the room , only to see drunks and wenches ,but a bosmer with a red hair caught his eye. He remained on his chair as he analyzed his surroundings Looks like there is a khajiit talking with him already..I'l wait until they are finnished he thought as he took a septim out of his front pocket. The altmer then proceeded spinning it, moving it between his fingers , thrwoing it in the air and catching it. It was his way of passing time faster. However usually this tended to attract a lot of attention and there were some who did not like the coin noises. It seemed , however , that nobody was enraged ,so Phyrior kept playing with his septim. He could hear the conversation the pirate was having , and he was paying close attention. The pirate seems like a resonable man, surely he will accept my requirements.


    Dunmer Warrior
    Falas was now nearing the glorious city of Windhelm. "Such a wonderful history this freezing city has.." he thought. Falas jumped off his horse and hitched it to a nearby pole. "Finally! A taste of adventure!" he said loudly attracting attention.

    When Falas opened the door the smell of the odor and breath of pirates and sailors alike stunned him. "I hope not all sailors smell like that, I am a civilized person and I would like to be with people like me if I'm stranded in the middle of the sea of ghosts with them...." He rolled his eyes and sat on a table and studied the room. "There he is!" He said, the elf had glowing red hair and the looks of a true pirate, just like how Dagur described him to Falas.


    She sat in the corner, her eyes closed, chin resting on her hand, almost appearing to be asleep "Daisy wake up" she opened one eye, looking at the man that had spoke to her "I’m not asleep you fool" she moved side to side in her chair adjusting her sitting position, she leaned forward on the table placing her forearms outward, "I’m tired of this town" she looked around at her little group of thieves "Besides I’m tired of running into Delvin all the time from the guild, asking for his share, who the hell does he think he is, besides its not like we are with his little crew" she shook her head, her black locks falling from behind her ears.

    One of the other thieves spoke out "WENCH WHERE IS OUR MEAD?" the argonian from behind the bar hissed "Ill get it to you filthy thieves when my helper gets back from fetching it!" Daisy leaned off to the side towards him "Please shut your mouth, I don’t feel like having lizard spit in my drink" she smiled at him and sat back into her spot, crossing her arms over her chest "Then what do you suppose we do Daisy? Sure there are plenty of places to go, maybe even take to the sea, whatever sure the longship can get us from Riften to Windhelm if need be, might have to walk it over waterfalls and random plops" she shook her head at him "Ok ok, so then Windhelm? What is there? Snow… So looking forward to freezing my ass off" she said in a sarcastic tone "Well miss missy pants where the hell do you want to go then?!" the man shouted at her standing up slamming his fist on the table, she smiled smugly at him "Windhelm is fine, I was only messing with you, besides I think once we get there, we should probably go our separate ways, as I am finding most you tiring"

    Moments later the tankards where slammed on their table, Daisy grabbed hers and started to chug it down "Well boys after this, Ill be rid of you" she said laughing raising her tankard in the air "Yeah and we might actually miss you too" she shrugged her shoulders "Doubt it you might forget about me after awhile…." She had an off look in her eyes "Daisy who?" "Fine we leave at first light" she rolled her eyes, and stood up "We can leave now… unless you are scared of the dark?"

    The small group of thieves set off after they had packed and got all their stuff on the longship and sailed off on the waters, overcoming whatever obstacles they had encounter and finally reaching the docks of Windhelm, she stood on the bow of the ship, shivering "Ugh, who’d ever want to actually live here is beyond me" she turned around "Guessing this is good bye now?" "oh don’t you get all teary eye on us lass" she rubbed her arms to warm herself up and brush off the cold, as the ship bumped into the docking ports she set foot, watching as the other members took off towards the taverns, she walked along the dock looking at the boats, when caught her eye "Hmmm, must have something nice on it" she smiled to herself and walked over towards the ship, walking up the small wooden board onto the ship "Hello?" she called out looking around the deck, not seeing anyone or hearing anyone, she snuck on and started to silently sneak around looking for anything that caught her eye, and listening for any sound.


    Savage Spirit
    Marcus groaned, adjusting his fur hood as he entered the ancient city of Windhelm. "Of all cities, he picks this freezing place to recruit." he thought, once again adjusting his hood to ensure his face was as well covered as possible. "Now then, where is this inn.." He sighed, tapping a guard's shoulder. "Drowned man?" he simply asked, wanting to get there as quickly as possible. She eyed him up for a few minutes, before answering. "Another? This inn seems to be attracting quite a bit of attention. Near the docks sir...and please, don't try and start another brawl" Marcus chuckled slightly at her response, nodding as he went on his way. "I do hope this pirate agrees to my terms, surely a man looking for knowledge over money and fame will be accepted...and of course, all his other recruits shall want nothing more than money and fame anyway" A smile managed to sneak onto his face as he thought of the untapped potential in this legend that is bloody bones, only disappearing as the stench of the drunken pirates hit him as he entered the inn. "Lovely..." He groaned, glancing around, spotting a man playing with a septim in a most annoying manner. It was not the septim that drew him near, but his peculiar appearance. Taking a seat opposite him he carefully studied him, making a quick deduction of why the man was here. He shrugged it off, not wanting to bother with idle chat anyway as he kept looking around for the real man he wanted to see.


    Phyrior noticed that someone was looking at him. His eyes turned to him, masked by his hood. He dislikes when people judge him, he feels undermined and weak in those situations. The man was as strange , if not more strange then Phyrior. He wore mage robes, however they were armored, and he also kept a sword sheathed.

    A spellsword? This is indeed something you don't see everyday. Phyrior mumbled silently. He kept looking at the man under the protection of his hood, only to see he turned his head around, probably searching for the pirate. The man didn't seem to have money problems , and he didn't seem greedy at all. He took a few more looks to him , then a thought came to Phyrior's mind. What if he also wants to study the bones?We can't have that, my friend.

    Phyrior threw his coin in the air one last time. This time, way higher, nearly hitting the ceiling. He stood up and started moving to the pirate, but he was stopped by the sound of the septim hitting the head of the mysterious man. Phyrior turned to him, revealing most of his face. He wanted to apologise, but instead he chuckled a little.
    He felt very embarrassed by the way the whole situation turned out. At least the people in the inn haven't noticed, otherwise this would have been a big deal. Phyrior still wanted to say sorry, but the man already saw him laugh. With his head and his eyes still aimed at the man, Phyrior's lips opened as his apologies came out:
    "A thousand pardons, sir"

    Phyrior talked with a very polite tone, giving the impression he was a noble of some sort, which he was not. Phyrior didn't linger, though. He continued walking to the pirate, in haste ,as he didn't knew how the pirate's time.


    Dunmer Warrior
    Falas sipped on his mead as he was scouting the place, it appears many eyes were focused on this pirate. "It would seem to be a challenge to be recruited if I wasn't such an amazing mage." Falas thought. Falas then noticed the Altmer's embarrassing situation, he chuckled and drank another sip of his mead.


    Savage Spirit
    Marcus quickly stood, grabbing the altmer's arm. "Oh really? That smirk on your face really does make it seem legit my friend" He growled, shoving past him as he walked towards the pirate ahead of him. He frowned as he walked, thinking of the altmer's true intentions. He seemed to also be interested in this 'saga', but he seemed to far from a man who wanted fame and money for Marcus's liking.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    As soon as Cameron had secured Lionheart, the Redguard descended the unstable wooden boarding stairs and walked towards "The Drowned Man", the building several of his crew members had disappeared into just moments before. His light leather boots padded softly on the rough stone below him, brushing off the thin, crystalline layer of snow and frost. Dockworkers were busy all around the harbor, lifting cargo and securing ships.

    Cameron reached the door below the sign that had caught his eye, and judging from the sounds of drunken banter and the unmistakable clink of bottle colliding with bottle, figured it was a tavern. Well, this is a rather new tavern, then, last time I was here, this was just another warehouse...

    Gently, the huge Redguard shouldered open the heavy door and was immediately greeted by a chorus of drunken sailor shouts, yells and chatter, loud and raunchy singing. Barmaids scurried across the tavern, dutifully supplying each and every patron with enough drink to get an entire village drunk. Cameron slowly stepped up to the bar, eying two men, perhaps mer, that appeared to be in a disagreement. This could be bad, not another brawl... these taverns have too many fights, the Redguard thought as he sat down on a small wooden stool and rested him arms on the smooth counter before him.

    Soon enough a bartender appeared, frenzied and frantic, blond hair falling down his head in a tangled mess, sweat dripping from his forehead. "Can I get you anything, sir?" His voice was tense and hurried; he clearly needed to get moving to tend to all the patrons. "Uh, just a flagon of ale, please," Cameron replied, almost shouting to overcome the roar of the tavern. The Nord bartender nodded quickly before darting away, giving the Redguard time to survey the tavern.

    He turned to see the two men still in their confrontation; he ignored them. His eyes swept across the bar, seeing all the regular sights one would see in a tavern, except one...

    ...shimmering red hair, gleaming silver eye, piercing red eyes, pale white skin, scars across his eye...

    How do I know that man?


    Phyrior looked at the man who passed him with disgrace. Surely the pirate, who was already talking to the khajiit, wouldn't let the man interrupt them. Phyrior moved away from the scene, turning his eyes to a redguard. He was incredibly big, being as tall as Phyrior, who was after all a high elf.

    Phyrior sat down to the table the redguard stayed at, analyzing him at first. He seemed to be looking at the pirate. It seems it was raining with people willing to join the adventure. Phyrior moved his chair a little, intentionally blocking the redguard's view to the pirate. As Phyrior had taken another coin to flip around, he proceeded asking the redguard:

    "Here to join the crew, sir?"

    Phyrior talked with policy, wanting to make a good impression. Though he was usually silent, he was bored and had no way of passing time. So some idle chatter with a random stranger might have done him good. As Phyrior asked his question, he was wondering about why would the redguard join the pirate's crew. He dosen't seem to be light-pocketed, nor would he seem to be a scholar." Phyrior kept analyzing the way the redguard was looking at the pirate. He seemed uncertain of who the pirate is. But who wouldn't recognize the Demon of the South Seas?

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    "Khajiit has been told that you are in search of a crew to assist you in your search for Bloody Bones." A strange female Khajiit sat in a chair that was in front of Saren. He looked at the woman with his one good, but demon-like red eye. She was either brave or foolish to just so casually approach, sit down, and speak with the Demon of the South Seas.

    "Well I see some of those cowardly sons of whores have been running their damn mouths off." He scowled and said, "I'm not openly recruiting, but it seems that you and every other wretch in Skyrim knows I'm looking for a temporary crew. I mean nearly half a dozen people have entered the tavern and many of them are looking my way. I may have to silence a few tongues with a few slit throats once I return from this voyage...if I return."

    He drained the last of his mead. Slamming the cup down, he sat forward and looked at the Khajiit. "Now why should I let you join and even set one paw on my ship? Furthermore why would you join a quest when you have no idea where we're going, what my goal is, or if you will even survive? Are you suicidal? Is it bravery or foolishness that drives you?"


    Supreme Ruler of Cats
    Freyja didn't listen too well, she mostly just heard him when he asked her a question that she thought strange to answer: "Is it bravery or foolishness that drives you?" Freyja smiled at him, tilting her head slightly. She looked down at her mead for a moment, thinking of how to explain her motives as an adventurer. She looked back up at the elf when she finally thought of a way to put it. "Curiosity killed the cat." It was as simple as that, Freyja was not quite ready to brandish her love of gold-this pirate might not take her if he knew she had intentions of looting the looters.

    Freyja drank some of her mead, considering her strengths. It is best to not mention pick pocket skills, that might set your little friend on edge. Freyja eyed where she kept her daggers, then she set down her mead softly on the table,, chuckling to herself. "Khajiit is silent, she can pass unseen by most. The bow which she shoots from is quite effective," she said, smiling to herself. "Your enemies won't even know what hit them." Freyja, of course, had her daggers, but she chose to not go overboard. Besides, they were both displayed at her waist, so anyone could see that she used them often. Freyja looked at the Bosmer, curiosity in her eyes. What had happened to the elf that had made him want to go off in search of Bloody Bones anyway? Some things are better left unsaid.


    Daisy continued to creep around the ship, watching her step as the wood underneath creaked and cracked, there was sudden rumble from within her stomach, she rubbed her tummy “Should of gotten something to eat before coming onto this ship” she continued to look around, further exploring the ship,

    until she reached the galley of the ship “Bet you there is at least something in there” she whispered to herself, as she slowly pushed the door open peeking her head around the door “Hello?” she spoke out and was somewhat waiting for an answer in return, but was both relived and disappointed that no one else spoke out, she slowly crept in and started to as quietly as she could look through the barrels and cabinets for some food.

    "Hmm… not that hungry but something to settle this rumble” she finally found what looked appeasing to her was some green apples “Mmm Yes” she grabbed a few shoving two into her satchel, while she bit into the one in her hand, mumbling to herself “Now to see if there is something worth stealing on this ship”

    As Daisy finished with the lower deck of the ship she moved her way up and onto the top deck “Not a single soul on here, must all have gone to towards the tavern to grab “a drink” “ she laughed to herself as she reached in grabbing another apple from her satchel and began to eat away at it, leaving nothing but the core, her eyes fell upon the captain’s cabin, an evil grin spread across her face “There has to be something in there” she threw the apple over the railing where it landed on the stone pathway next to the ship.

    Once again she slowly opened the door and peeked inside unaware of the sleeping beast that laid next to the bed, she stepped inside, once again the wood creaking from underneath her, the beast opened its eyes watching her, waiting for the right moment, she looked over towards the bed “Hmm must have been my mind playing tricks on me” she looked around until her green eyes fell on the fancy chest, she smiled and walked over towards it lifting its lid and letting out a whistle “Weeehew”

    She started to shift through the “treasure”, unaware that the beast moving from its spot was behind her and started to growl “What the…” she turned around coming face to face with the beast “Oh dear Talos” the beast had cornered her, snarling at her “Please please don’t bite me” the beast walked back to the door guarding it until its master had return, knowing what it would do to Daisy was nothing compared to what its master might do.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    "Hmm, an assassin or thief of sorts? I have been targeted by, and have killed, both but you seem to be an honest dishonest person." Saren smirked and kicked his feet up onto the table. "You want to join a suicide mission? Sure, you're on the crew. But before we head to the ship, we might as well wait a few minutes."

    He drained his tankard and turned a crimson eye to the others that had recently entered the building. He waved them over, a small smirk on his face, "I think we are about to have some more guests."


    Savage Spirit
    Marcus almost chuckled as he noticed the pirate wave, perhaps he had noticed them after all. He threw the high elf whom he now knew so well a cheeky smile, as he decided to make his presence known to the demon of the south seas known.

    "I believe you are in search of a crew demon...and I would like a place in that crew. I'll keep things simple. I am a spellsword, and all I want out of this is to study the remains of Bloody bones. I have no desire for money or fame. The remains, for myself to study, and consider me a loyal member of your crew."

    He gave the man a nod, awaiting a most likely more than simple answer.