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    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    Bruynzeel sighs deeply his shoulders slump as he realizes the loss of life he has to perform. He gives it one more chance but changes tactic. He shows his true size, even fluffing up his fur to appear even larger he deepens his voice and booms. "You are a fool young one, I have given you more chances at life than you deserve. Come at me and you will be dead before you think it. I hope you have made peace with what life you have had, with any family you are about to leave behind."

    The nord finally starts to look unsure, the lights finally dawning in his dim brain. He seems to understand his mistake. He backs away a step and then he gets really stupid. Bruynzeel can see his animal brain mess with him, tell him if he back away now he is not a man. He tenses and his body moves forward, as he takes the first step Bruynzeel roars. An earthshaking deep and sonorous roar. The fear in the nords eyes takes over from the spark of pride and he turns finally joining his companions in flight from the battle.

    Bruynzeel relieved to not have to take their lives sighs deeply and relaxes. Turning toward Klaern he smiles, chuckles and remarks.
    "Fools, and prideful humans, always so slow in their quick little lives to know any real wisdom." He walks back over retrieves his guitar, his paw brushing her hand, the electric spark invigorating.

    He picks up his pack settles it on his back, readjusts all his gear and puts his katana back in its ironwood walking stick scabbard.
    "Well young one, we ready to get back on the road?"
    As the wood elf watches Bruynzeel's show of dominance, she can see he really does not wish to take this ignorant and prideful Nord's life. Unconsciously holding her breath, she waits to see the decision of the human in the face of this Khajiit's battle stance. Luckily for all involved, he fled down the road, not without nearly making one more pass at Bruynzeel, but with great relief, Klaern watches him depart at the last moment.

    His paw's quick touch brings both comfort and excitement once more, she loves and yearns for his touch for some reason, with an ever growing desire she had never felt before in her life. The relief is clear in Bruynzeel's body and his face. Although seeing his smile is good, it is also a bit unnerving as a Khajiit with all the teeth of a feline predator, but it doesn't bother Klaern nearly as much as his reference to herself as "young one".

    Clearing her throat and then standing stock still with her arms crossed over her chest she waits to see if Bruynzeel is going to turn around and give her his full attention. Once he does, she begins to speak,
    "IF you haven't noticed, I am a Lady, not a young one or girl." With a burning fire in her pretty hazel eyes, she uncrosses her arms to point at him, "How would you like it if I called you 'Old man'?" She quickly shoulders her pack and walks past the Khajiit, making certain she walks with a sway to her hips accentuating her mature female curves and as an aside she quips, "Try and keep up with me, elderly Khajiit."


    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    Bruynzeel takes his time and watches her saunter away with an adorable indignation, the swing of her hip almost hypnotic... under his breath "If you only knew how old..." Then calling to her "Pace yourself today is going to be a hot one and the next inn is not til almost sunset. A good 15 miles away." He then stretches his gait out even with his ancient limp he quickly catches her matches her step. look right at her staring at the side of her head til she relinquishes and slows to her original gait and looks at him.

    Feeling playful he decides a game is in order, a dangerous one but one he wants to play and lose as much as he wants to play it out.

    "One question, you get one intimate question a day. But for your first your going to want to be quite sure what to ask."
    He let's that sink in, he can practically hear the wheels turning. So he guesses at what she is thinking. "No don't ask that one, let it sit for now. Besides you already know the answer to that one if your observant. One question a day."
    Klaern mulls over his offer of asking a personal question a day. What to start off with.. her mind is churning the possibilities over and he seems to know what she was about to ask and stops herself just before opening her mouth to air it. She thinks some more. Finally settling on a question she thinks will help her to understand him a little bit better.

    Continuing to walk, she looks to him, her voice soft as silk, she asks gently,
    "Why are you so different from the other Khajiit that I've heard tales of Bruynzeel?" She holds his gaze, knowing that he must have heard some of the tales spoken of the Khajiit in general.

    The day is indeed warm and the midday sun was shining down on them as they walked along the path together, Klaern waiting to hear his response to her query and hoping it wasn't too rude or impolite of a question to ask a Khajiit.


    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    His exertions and the growing heat he decides to open the top of his travel gear, exposing his chest. He also rolls up his sleeves then she poses her question which he ponders as it is a valid. If he answered it fully it would give too much away too soon, the game must be played.

    "I have traveled extensively, and over time I have lost my accent. There are too many languages and cultures to be locked into the one I was born in. It might be simple to say once educated in the world how could someone still talk like an outsider to it? Should I still refer to myself in the third as my brothers? Or take on the conventions of the other races and acknowledge I am my name my name is not simply an identifier. It is me. Of course for you to understand what I mean by that you need to understand that Khajiit are not like other races. We, I mean they believe in a more nihilist viewpoint of life. There is no right or wrong, no rules."

    As he talks he rummages through his pack and hands her a few carrots and some celery, he pulls a bit of rabbit jerky for himself. Plus his water skin, which actually has a tasty herbal tea inside.
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    As they stand paused, watching him open his travel gear and exposing his chest, Klaern's thoughts are distracted, a sultry smile curves her lips for the briefest of moments before she calms her instincts down. She doesn't know why he should effect her so, but he does. It is becoming more difficult to cloak her desire, but she tells herself 'Look him in the eyes Klaern...' ,she does so and it doesn't help. He hands her a carrot and celery stalk and it wakes her from her fantasy and sobers her. Klaern tries to cover her indiscretion by taking a bite of the carrot as Bruynzeel answers her question.

    Thoughtfully, she replies,
    "That is a very, " she searches for the word she wishes to place here for a moment before saying, "progressive viewpoint Bruynzeel. A good change- but changes such as those, changes in heart and action take a lot of time and discipline to implement." Taking another bite of the carrot she thinks for another moment before adding, "They are good changes Bruynzeel. And I am glad you made them. We will be on this journey for some time, perhaps you can tutor me in the places we go through a little? Help me learn new things about this world. I've traveled before but not this far nor did I have an experienced guide to help me with local culture and nuances." She then adds quickly, as an afterthought, "But only if you want to."


    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    Laughing heartily, he responds "So let me see if I have this straight..." he nudges her "You want lessons, a mentor to how to travel not just a bodyguard?" With a playful sarcastic tone. "No I am kidding of course I'll help out."

    He takes a bite or two of jerky, sips the tea, and hands the water skin to Klaern.
    He remembers his early days of traveling the mistakes the wasted years of being a stranger. Experiences missed, years of tastes and fun he could have had. A epithany happens he realizes that Klaern is one of those moments, a sobering thought.

    "The best thing you can do when traveling to new towns, countries, or cultures is not be too touristy, or too just passing through. Get comfortable, eat local foods, meet people, and embrace their customs." Looks at her and the look on her face of complete interest. "Be yourself, and be open to exploration, and remain respectful."
    Klaern nods and then sips from the water skin and loves that it is a herbal tea. She takes another sip and then gives Bruynzeel a sideways look, "Do I look... 'touristy'?" Her tone a little worried but not really, she is being playful and holding up the water skin to give back to Bruynzeel, states happily. "I have stolen this water skin from you, now I invoke the Rite of Thievery. I am sure you will pay me for the return of this superb tea." Of course it is all a sham but the Rite of Thievery is a real rite which her people do take seriously when the stealing is done in secret.

    The wood elf is feeling refreshed and happy with her company and wants to make the journey both fun and exciting. She wants to see how this well traveled and culturally well rounded Khajiit handles her teasing. She is feigning seriousness and asks,
    "What will you give me in return for this delicious herbal tea?" She asks holding it up and shaking it slightly.


    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    She wishes to invoke the Rite of Thievery interesting but it doesn't really apply as he handed her the skin. He decides to play along. But to also remind her that she is wrong.

    "I have nothing of similar value, but I hate to remind you I handed that to you. To invoke this rite you must take something of mine without my knowledge. A fairly hard thing to do, so I will invoke the Rite on you. Do you remember my brushing against you earlier?"

    Does a quick move with his hand and produces the lavender sprig she had tied into her hair.
    "I believe this is yours, what do you have to give for its return?"
    "Oh, you!" Klaern gasps, her eyes widen and sparkle not even realizing he had already stolen from her and she appreciates his quick handedness. But she wonders if she can still win this little game they are playing.

    Without asking, she moves in close to the large Khajiit and without warning she wraps her arms around him and nuzzles against his bare chest, stealing and giving a hug all at the same time because it is what she wanted most, to be close to Bruynzeel.
    "I give you a tenderness for your tenderness Bruznzeel." She whispers. At first it was a timid hug and then she relaxes against him and smiles, his fur soft against her cheek, she closes her eyes and sighs happily.


    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    Her sudden tenderness, and the way she hugs him sends terror through him. He sighs as well only his is full of worry and remorse. He pushes her away from him holding her arms "Listen young lady, we are in business together and I have no issue being friendly but I am not comfortable with us being more. You do not really know me and I do not know you."

    He releases her
    "I admit I am attracted, extremely so, but it would not be proper to act on this or let that attraction affect my mission to assist you to Solitude. I don't mind being playful, and if anything does happen between us it will not be rushed and it will not compromise either my honor or yours."

    He snaps the water skin out of her hand and turns his back to her advancing down the trail at his pace wishing to put some distance between them for the time being. He is shocked both by her quick tenderness and his own desire for it.

    He also quickly regrets his outburst, which shocked even himself. But he feels it may have been the best thing for now.
    Her happiness turned to a sting of pain and feeling like an admonished child, Klaern stands still for a moment before she composes herself and lets Bruynzeel walk ahead of her. Not wishing to become childish in response she holds her tongue which was ready with a return scolding of her own, because she knows he is correct, but she was hurt and wanted to hurt him back. Instead, she gathers her composure and in a self soothing act, she tunes him out and listens to the breeze and watches the clouds as they walk, distanced and silent.

    She is on a mission, she told herself and whether or not this Khajiit is with her doesn't matter as much as making certain her father 's deathbed wish is carried out- she tries convincing herself. And her self lie works for the time being. Just then Klaern spots a patch of sage bushes and speaks for the first time since her social faux pas,
    "Bruynzeel, stop please. I need to gather some of this sage."

    She takes her dagger out swiftly and gets to the work of gathering some of the sage which she ties to her belt in a couple bunches. She kneels down to rummage through her pack for some more twine, when she hears it. A growling, snarling sound and it was close,to the left of her and around a boulder.

    Klaern doesn't have time to nock an arrow and take aim, the dire wolf in front of her is barreling down at her, the dagger in her hand will have to do, she thinks quickly- standing to her feet and bracing herself for the impact of this huge beast but instinct takes over at the last moment and as the wolf lunges at her, she lunges at it, driving her dagger as deeply as she can into the chest area of the dire wolf as it's jaws clamp around her shoulder, missing her neck, she slides the dagger out of the first wound and then repeatedly drives the dagger home, and she feels the wolf's body go limp and she cries out in pain and stands once more to her feet looking around to make sure she isn't surrounded by dire wolves as she knows they usually travel in packs.
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    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    He had gotten too far ahead, had let his anger at himself and the need to distance himself emotionally from Klaern turn into real distance. He even failed to stop in time when she asked. The sound came to him and he realized his mistake far too late. But he was quick to act he turns and unslings his bow Holds his breath and nocks an arrow another in his knuckles for the second shot.

    The dire wolf lunges at her but his position has no shot on it. He does have aim at the other two in this group though and he dispatches the first, holds his breath again and nails the second. Klaern cries in pain and he rushes to her. She slaps him off at first still looking for the pack that he had already taken care of. He pulls his aid pouch out and immediately wishes that damn water bottle had water in it. And that he hadn't been such a obstinate fool he endangered both of them by trying to be... well he didn't even know what he was trying to be.

    He does first aid on her shoulder a poultice to draw out the nasty saliva, thankfully it was not torn badly and the bite was really more a nip. He bandages it over the poultice and helps her to her feet.
    Hands her back the tea. And goes to stand watch till she is ready to continue.

    In his head he is berating himself, stupid love struck and love fearing fool. He vows to not be so unaware of their surroundings again.
    Klaern's mind was racing in the moments following the wolf attack. She was completely expecting more to come at her when Bruynzeel came at her and she is glad he caught her hand before her dagger caught him. She, being the healer was used to seeing blood and bite wounds on others, but not on herself. Truly thankful for Bruynzeel's skill at caring for it, as she could never apply the poultice properly on herself where her wound was, she took the tea and sat back down, whispering, "I'm so sorry. I was distracted... I should have checked for animals..." she is blaming herself for even more of it, as it was her own teasing fun that put them at a distance but she didn't mention that.

    She looked around taking in the total count of three dire wolves and knowing it Bruynzeel who had saved her life,
    "Thank you." she whispered and tried to calm herself with the tea and the reassurance that both of them were now on alert for whatever that should come this way.

    As a healer she knew she was very lucky- her wound was just a flesh wound. No torn muscles or dislocated joints and those fangs missed her neck completely. Within a few days her flesh would heal. Once she felt stronger and calmer she stood up. She wanted to continue along the path to the next Inn because she looked forward to being in a bed this night. Most wood elves would rather sleep outdoors in the tree branches or in homes built among the trees, but she needed the safety and comfort tonight of an Inn.

    Moving to Bruynzeel's side, she nods slightly,
    "I am ready to move on." Privately, she wanted to hold his hand but she refrained from that. Being close to him at his side was enough.


    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    "Town is just six hours up the road. We will stay on the outskirts as they are rather nasty toward Khajiits, us being so close to my own borders and this being a major caravan road. We could stay with one of those but they might have questions for me I don't wish to answer, and you look like you could use some solid walls. There is a nice place called The Bluemoon. I know the owner and cook well having come through here often on my spice runs. They will give us a room if I play a set."

    He continues being wary as they travel, the scenery is nice. And the travel for the rest of the day is uneventful. They start sharing casual but awkward and meaningless chit chat, as they near the major city of Chorral they pass a number of Khajiit caravans the calls of the hawkers selling goods and the casual conversations make it quite evident that Bruynzeel only shares the body of other khajiits their manners and their language seem archaic and foreign. Then he recognizes one hawker with rare southern Elsywerian herbs and the coffee beans he is so fond of. He approaches and falls into negotiations using the same strange wordings. Soon they make a deal and he steps away with a large bag of coffee beans, a bag of cinnamon, some ginseng, a bunch of horse radish, a large glass vial of basil pesto.
    Klaern watches the other Khajiit and realizes that she is glad Bruynzeel is well traveled and well spoken. It seems strange that he should even share a similar physique with them, as none of the other Khajiit come close to how Bruynzeel speaks and holds himself. She is fascinated and hopes she doesn't appear rude for staring.

    She takes note of the items that Bruynzeel purchases from the hawker smiles to herself, he is sophisticated as well. Klaern doesn't make any purchases of her own as she is more than a little intimidated by these vendors. Clearly out of her element, she does stick closely to Bruynzeel's side here.

    As Bruynzeel makes his final negotiations with the vendor, Klaern's attention was drawn just behind where the hawkers were set up, it seems two kits were in some kind of play, but it seemed rough, too rough for mere playing. Worried for the disadvantaged kit, Klaern starts to move toward them to break up this playing. But she feels a firm hand on her uninjured shoulder stopping her. Bruynzeel seems to have caught on to her intentions and stopped her from interfering.

    Together Klaern and Bruynzeel move away from the caravan and begin to head down the road once more.
    "I know there are things I don't understand. I thank you for stopping me. I have no right to interfere with things I haven't an understanding for."

    Both of them are still much more cautious about their surroundings than earlier on, making certain things are as they should be on their travels. They reach The Bluemoon as dusk was settling into night.


    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    "In Khajiit life those kits must play and fight to determine who in the litter are the dominate ones. They were right to play hard like that. You also would have offended the parents had you stepped in." They enter the Bluemoon inn, the walls are painted to look like a setting sun one side still bright the other the heart of a starry moon filled night. One moon a bright blue the other a darker hue. There are all races here but the majority of them are the Dunmer and Khajiit.

    An Argonian is running the Bar. Pours Large Drinks is his name. His wife a Bosmer is the cook and general inn keeper. Her name is Estle (Easel) When they see Bruynzeel they rush over giving him a hearty welcome, dragging him back of the bar which is a large open air kitchen. Soon Estle comes back to Klaern
    "Your room is the first at the top of the stairs." Then she rushes back to Bruynzeels side they hug and she puts his gear on a side table. Just as he is turning two young Bosmer children come rushing past Klaern. "Bru! Grandpa Bru!" "My stars, how you two have sprouted." "play us a song Grandpa." "Not yet girls, I want to cook first and settle into my room." Excitedly they yell in unison "I got his bag! No I do, No i do" both holding onto a strap they drag it behind the kitchen to another room.

    "Well Pours, seems your cursed with a house full of beautiful women." "That is not a curse Sai" (sai is a honorific similar to sir but grander it means honored one) "Wait until they are old enough to catch the eyes of boys and tell me that again." Pours sighs and shakes his head. "Let me get back to the bar before you depress me too much. You feel free to have the run of the place. I look forward to your first set." "Bring me a tall ale, Pours." "You got it."

    Then Estle comes back with her twin daughters
    "Now shoo, Grandpa Bru is gonna cook." "Awww we want to stay..." as they are lead off. Estle takes up the main desk and watches over the room. Smiling every time see spies Klaern, or Bruynzeel.

    Bruynzeel steps into the pantry, looking over the stock. He pulls a fair amount of fresh vegetables, some pork loin, garlic, rice, and some dried herbs. Then gets to prepping and after a hour the smells of fresh food fill the air. Bruynzeel prepares a plate of vegetable stew for Klaern, dishes some for himself along with some of the pork. The rest is for Pours and his family or the patrons.

    Klaern had taken up a seat at a table not far from the fireplace just to the left of the stage. He places the vegetables down next to her. and his own plate. He says,
    "Listen I want to apologize for this morning. I overreacted and let that fester into a real problem. Start fresh? Hello I am Bruynzeel I'll be your bodyguard and guide for the trip to Solitude." And he chuckles.
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    New Member
    Shelakh was sitting to the right of the entrance to the blue moon inn. He and a Dunmer companion, whom he’d met in town and had hired Shelakh for his services, had recently returned from exploring a cave, rumored to contain treasure. Both of them not saying much to each other, due to the disappointment of another fruitless adventure, so they sit there drinking in silence. Shelakh’s dark red eyes were fixated on the on the burning fire place across the room, for some reason it made him think about his old stronghold in Skyrim. He hated thinking about home, every time his mind thought about the betrayal from his own kinsmen, he felt as if his blood was boiling. Shelakh took another swig from his mead “I need to go” he exclaims to his partner, eyes still fixed on the fireplace. “Very well, I’ll meet you here tomorrow. I have a lead on some more treasure. This time I know…”. Shelakh cuts him off mid-sentence, “No, I’m leaving town, Elf” he said, annoyed at the Elf. Shelakh pulls out his money pouch and pulls out 500 septims, his usual charge, and puts them on the table on which he and the Dunmer were sitting at “Here, I have no more obligations to you”. The Dunmer, without a word, furiously takes his money and storms out.

    Shelakh sits back on the chair he was sitting and takes another swig of his mead contently starring at the fire. His attention turns to the door when it opens, and watches as a Khajiit and Bosmer walk into the inn, and watches as the family running the inn excitedly hurry to greet the Khajiit. He watches as the two Bosmer children greet the Khajiit, calling him “Grandpa”, the warm scene causes the Orc to make a slight face of disgust but notes to himself the odd company in which the Khajiit keeps. He’s nothing like the other cats. The way he speaks, the way he carries himself and even the company he keeps isn’t anywhere typical of your average Khajiit. He quickly dismisses his thoughts about the Khajit and starts contemplating the decision he made to return home anyways. Was he making a mistake? The unknown and feeling of uncertainty was something that Shelakh was not used to but still, his mind wondered. He sat there in his thoughts and with his mead for a while before the sweet aroma of freshly prepared food made it to his nostrils. “I need another drink” he whispers under his breath. He gets up from the table and proceeds to walk to the bar. He passes by the the Khajiit and Bosmer, who had walked in together, when his ears perk up after hearing the word “Solitude” from the unlikely pair. Out of curiosity, Shelakh decides to sit far enough from the two where he thinks he wouldn’t be noticed but close enough so that he can hear their conversation.
    The Inn is absolutely breathtaking. She loves the unique look to the place and is in a state of enchantment as she walks beside Bruynzeel. The Bosmer lady named Estle tells her where her room is and then, to Klaern's dismay hugs Bruynzeel. If her eyes were daggers, someone would have been ripped to shreds! Then, Klaern nearly slaps herself for having such a thought! What is the matter with her, she wonders as she watches the interactions between Pours and Estle and two children... Grandpa? Klaern smiles, a bit too widely and relaxes.

    The girls are absolutely adorable. Their admiration and love for Bruynzeel apparent and sweet. Pours seems like a nice man and Estle, his wife, seems nice too now that Klaern is clearer on the situation she has found herself in. She asks for a glass of elderberry wine as Bruynzeel is whisked away to the kitchen and her smile is genuine. She likes seeing this welcome from these adopted family members for Bruynzeel.

    Looking around now at the patrons, an Orc catches her eye, he had a Dunmer companion when she had come into the room she was sure of it but didn't see him now. Klaern doesn't dwell on that, as she is still taking in everything about this place. Taking her glass of wine, she settles down to a table next to fireplace, her favorite seat anywhere in an inn because she feels safer and warm near a fire. Bruynzeel places their food on the table,

    "Listen I want to apologize for this morning. I overreacted and let that fester into a real problem. Start fresh? Hello I am Bruynzeel I'll be your bodyguard and guide for the trip to Solitude." he says.
    Chuckling with him, Klaern offers her hand to him, "I am Klaern, well met Bruynzeel. Won't you dine with me?" In all honesty, Klaern was glad for this, to renew their friendship. It will make the rest of the journey together less awkward and more natural for both of them. "How did you know I would like my stew minus the meat?" Klaern teases and smiles, enjoying the lighthearted feel of their table talk and the first bite of the stew reminds the wood elf how very hungry she was and proved to show once again, how well of a cook this Khajiit was. "Delicious Bruynzeel. You certainly know your way around a kitchen. How long do you suppose our entire journey will take by foot Bruynzeel. I realize that Solitude is quite a way away from here." She delights in the food, company and beautiful setting.
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    *ー* SHEW *ー*
    Between bites of food as he needs to get on stage, he answers, "I figure because of your pace, and possible incidents along the way about 2 weeks to get to Solitude. That caravan I bought spices at is headed out tomorrow and would be good cover letting their guards worry for a day or two while we just walk." Enjoys a few more bites of the pork loin, "There is another inn like this one about that far out. Would you believe it's called the Redmoon Inn apparently they are a chain." Finishing off his meal he excuses himself and takes their dishes to the kitchen.

    Returning shortly with his guitar he steps onto the stage, the twins at a short table near Klaern, The table obviously looks like it was built just for them. They get all excited when Bruynzeel takes the stage.
    "Good evening folks I am Bruynzeel, I will be your entertainment for the evening, your tips will be appreciated." Tosses a bag onto the edge of the stage.

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