OOC The Illusion Of Knowledge

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    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Okay but can we talk about this


    Mr.Self Destruct

    Chosen Undead
    Okay so here's something I whipped up, not my bestest but you guys know the deal.



    Name: "Sten" has served as his alias for as long as he can remember. No known birth name to speak of.
    Age: Mid - 30's, Sten estimates to be about 36
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Build: Large, tall, and very physically imposing.
    Place of Birth: Unknown, but grew up in a small monastery within the Sevran mountains
    Religion: None, despite his upbringing under the care of a cloister of monks
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Affliction(s): Is slightly lamed in his left leg, with a badly healed tibia fracture and torn calf muscle. Wears a makeshift iron leg brace to help alleviate the pain and allow more maneuverability.

    Positive Traits: Despite his (very) rough exterior and disposition towards violence, possesses a capability for acts of compassion and altruism in certain situations.
    Negative Traits: Possesses a penchant for violence and debauchery, is often described as a "Big, mean, and ugly son of a bitch." Sten holds a very cynical and jaded worldview and holds a general distrust for others.
    Likes: Fighting, traveling, has a secret love for floristry
    Dislikes: Others, specifically wealthy aristocrats, politicians and nobles. When his leg-brace starts to squeak.
    Fears: Fears whips, specifically the cracking sound they make.
    Aspirations: None really to speak of, lives entirely for the present with no real goals in mind.
    Overview: Sten typically keeps to himself and is rather tight-lipped, however he does not refrain from the usage of violence or intimidation to get what he wants. He can be a mean, ruthless, and downright despicable man with few redeeming qualities. Of these redeeming qualities, however, Sten is capable of acts of good. He despises other people who prey on the weak, and more than once Sten has put his life on the line to protect others.


    Physical: Stands over six feet, and weighs about 230 pounds. Has fair skin, evidence of a Northern heritage. Sten has greasy medium-length brown hair which he typically wears swept back or tied in a ponytail. His face is marred with small scars and wrinkles, with a patchy and unkempt beard with flecks of grey. Has a muscular build and a body riddled and lined with scars of various lengths and severity.
    Gear: Wears an overcoat of boiled and studded leather atop a shirt of chainmail. Also is fitted with a set of iron pauldrons, knee-pads, and shin guards all of which are heavily damaged and degraded with age and constant use. On his left leg he wears a leg-brace he crafted himself. As for his weaponry, Sten possesses a steel greatsword sheathed in its scabbard on his back. The sword, which he has nicknamed Primrose, is old and has been in the company of Sten for many years. Once a very fine sword, its blade is marred with countless nicks and dents from previous fights.
    Fighting Style: Sten used his immense strength to overpower and overwhelm his opponent. He uses very heavy-handed and powerful swings, delivering crushing blows which can split open any man too slow or too dim-witted to avoid Sten's blade.

    As an infant, Sten was abandoned on the steps of a cloister near the village of Stornaway. He was left there under the cover of darknes and the cold of the Sevran mountains, which are often considered by the people of Argylle to be the most frigid and unforgiving in the land. Here, he was taken in and raised by the monks who fostered him and treated him as one of their own. He was giving the name Sten, a tribute to the legend of Stenzarr, a hero of old who was said to have driven away the eastern dragons and helped usher in the Way of Balance. Despite having food and shelter, and living a relatively comfortable in comparison to the kinds of orphanages Sten would have otherwise been sent to, life at the monastery deeply troubled the young Sten. Even as a child he had no desire of pursuing a monk's life of constant devotion to piety. He had no other to play with, and was often reprimanded and disciplined by the monks for acting out of accordance to the way of balance.

    On his twelfth birthday, Sten had decided enough was enough. He packed what meager possessions he had and, under the cover of darkness not unlike the night he had arrived at the monastery, he ran away. He fled to the nearby village of Stornaway, where he survived for a few months by petty thievery and begging. Eventually he was picked up by a small band of prospectors who scoured the Northern mountains for ruins to plunder. While much of the mountain ruins had twice over been picked clean by other fortune-seekers, Sten and his new companions made a modest living from selling what trinkets and artifacts they could find to patrons and those interested in civilizations of antiquity. Here, Sten learned many practical skills such as path finding, tracking, hunting, and how to navigate ancient ruins and mountain passes. He stuck with this band for a few years before he disbanded from the group upon reaching the city of Thurso.

    In Thurso, Sten encountered a guild which called themselves the Brave Brigade. A small group of independent sellswords who offered their services to any with the coin to pay them. While Sten originally scoffed at the unoriginal name of the brigade, he was admittedly enthused with the lifestyle these men and women lived. Part of him had always desired to become a warrior, a courageous and chivalrous paragon of light and justice. The kind he would hear about in the stories of Stenzarr or read about in old tomes of knighthood and dragon slaying. And so, with nothing else to go on, Sten joined. He trained and trained, growing more adept and skilled the older he got. Eventually Sten had become a seasoned enough warrior to take on his own contracts and earn money for the guild.

    This is when he discovered an awful truth, one that he had always heard about and suspected but had never seen first hand. There were no fair maidens to rescue or beasts to slay, no heroic actions worthy of song to be had. Many of the 'quests' Sten was sent on were nothing more than work fit for a thug. Acting as hired muscle for drug smugglers, shaking down and collecting money from impoverished people late on their dues, even acting as common assassins. This was the work that befitted the Brave Brigade, and as Sten would discover, this was the work that befit him. Now older, he had grown cynical and jaded. His boyhood dreams of becoming something of a brave warrior had all been lost to him.

    One fateful day he set out to assist a small hamlet by the name of Dorn. The villagers were reportedly having issues with a young manticore in the area, a vicious beast which would prey upon their livestock. After a young boy had gone missing leaving naught but a blood stained tatter of clothing, the village requested the help of the brigade. Sten was sent to kill the beast and obtain proper compensation. After a long, hard fight which left the warrior with many scars, Sten presented the head of the beast to the villagers and requested what he was rightfully due. The chief of the village thanked Sten for his bravery and courage, then ordered his men to attack. With barely any time to register what was happening, Sten was blindsided from behind by a farmer who drove his pitchfork below the back of his knee. Realizing that the villagers had no intention of paying Sten for his work and instead opted to simply try and kill him, Sten flew into a rage. He drew his sword and fought off the attackers before laying waste to the entire village. Killing any who stood in his way. It wasn't until he saw one of the village children, now almost assuredly an orphan, that Sten ceased and realized what he was doing. He immediately fled, leaving the village and the brigade and everything else. Now, he finds work wherever he can, wandering aimlessly across the land, haunted by his past.



    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Dope, MSD. I like the backstory.

    So, we're currently trying to gather our characters in a tavern in the port city of Dornach before the actual assassination occurs and our characters form together as a group paid by some nobles to track down this killer. There's no better time to make a post than now, something to the effect of how Sten found his way in Dornach and then maybe start an interaction with me or OP so we can get this rolling again


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Someone should


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Or still awake posts?


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Lol I gotta get to sleep, when I start hearing birds chirping outside is about where I draw the line for the night


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Lol now that he's back from being suspended in Game 5.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    LeBron sent Curry to preschool lol


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    How bout it Farth


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Pretty much