OOC The Channels II [18+]

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    An Excellent Site Member
    Hey Viserion.

    This started back up in August but we've reached that inevitable rut all RP's get to where we stall and people start to leave. This is a perfect time for old members like you and Destiny to come back.

    Both of you should get up CC's and I'll vouch for you guys. I do request that you guys start out in the D.C area. Preferably as snarky teenagers like Evelyn in the old thread. Alice could use some classmates and I could use someone to write with.


    The Light and Darkness Dragon
    Will do, tomorrow morning though cuz currently it is late night here. I will look back at the CCs to see how we can make things happen. I should also look back and see what powers are free as i was informed that chlorokinesis is no longer an option :p thank you for giving me a chance though :D


    An Excellent Site Member
    Considering Epic hadn't posted in over six weeks I don't recommend we wait for him to approve you guys. Post your CC's. If he ends up having a problem with it, and I really don't think he will, I'll take responsibility for it.


    Active Member
    Is it alright? I've had experience in a a few rps before, if that's a requirement. Still brewing up a good cc in my head, i might post later if anyone's interested.


    An Excellent Site Member
    You should post your CC before posting in the story thread. And no, you don't need roleplaying experience.


    The Fox
    I had prepared a CC apthough I will need to redo it, will have it up soon, in an hour or so :3

    Στάλθηκε από το GT-I9195 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk


    Calibration-Master General
    Again, sorry to everyone, work's picked up intensity a LOT lately, plus I've been trying to see friends who are home for a while. Then add on the pre-arranged gaming time with other friends, and I get very little time to actually come online for long enough to post.
    No excuse, just a justification :p
    Anyway, yeah, all of you who are fancying joining again, go right ahead! I should have a bit of time to post this afternoon IC, I will try my best. If Wolf, Dixon and I can't get the raid done soon though, I might just kill myself :p


    The Fox
    Name: Valentina Volpe

    Alias: Nexcavia, Volpe, Crescentia (online alias on videogames)

    Nickname: Kitsune (meaning devil fox in Japanese, look it up)

    Race: ¾ Italian, ¼ American

    Accent: Italian

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Hometown: Florence, Italy

    Place of residence: Washington DC

    Powers: Cyber & Video (from Infamous Second Son)

    Laterality: Left Handed

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Relationship status: Complicated (?)

    Health: Healthy

    Affiliations: High school student, streamer, YouTuber, hardcore gamer

    Property: A motorcycle (Black Kawasaki Ninja) , her gaming PC and gear, multiple consoles. Other than that nothing, she lives with her parents and two siblings (a twin brother and an older sister). She will be one of the heirs of the Family restaurant

    Alignment: Neutral Good, she likes to help others in any way possible (Others as in other channels), she despises the SDD but doesn’t take measures against them, she’s just careful around them, she will also provide shelter to channels who are good and have been running from the SDD and/or their families or have no place to stay.

    Religion: Atheist

    Dialogue Color: Fuscia


    with just a more pointy nose and a smaller mouth (and a bit more oval)

    Eyes: http:// http:// http:// eye shape and usual eye make up is on the picture above, just in turquoise :3

    Height: Around 1,70m tall

    Build: She is slim, with a medditerranian hourglass figure with fair sized hips and chest, small shoulders and thin thighs as well as a flat stomach and a not wide back as well as a thin neck.

    Hair: Her hair reached hip length and is a dirty blonde colour with natural blonde highlights, wavy or straight, it depends on drying


    Possitive Traits: She’s kind, funny (in a geeky way), well educated, well raised, not spoilt, outgoing, easy to get along, calm, very friendly (to people she can talk freely to) , Well mannered, moving wikipedia (she knows all kinds of random facts), Geeky

    Negative Traits: Geeky, kinda lazy, tomboyish, sometimes her humour is a bit offencive for sencitive people, she is kinda shy or can come out as mean to people she just met, too reliant on her best friend or her brother, hooked on videogames.

    Likes: Her best friend’s or her brother’s T shirts as well as her father’s, Dogs, Horses, Panthers, animals, video games, books, fan fictions, roleplaying (online and on stuff like Dungeons And Dragons), Card games, Winter, Christmas, the sea, Summertime, Boots, Hoodies (again of her Best friend/brother/father), leggings, jeans, hot chocolate, muffins (obsessed)

    Dislikes: Bullies, SDD, Cats, Rats, Insects (she also has a phobia of Insects, except spiders), cheerleaders (the cocky ones), Mean Jocks, Girls and guys who are full of themselves, wasting money just for show, slutty clothing (too small mini skirts, shorts that don’t cover anything and really wide cut shirts)

    She usually wears T-shirts of any kind, crop tops, tank tops, tracksuit tops, leather jackets, jerseys, one shouldered shirts and sweaters as well as hoodies and sleeveless shirts for tops and tracksuits, tights, leggings and jeans for bottoms, as well as suit pants and
    this type of pants(she doesn’t like wearing skirts,except from
    this type, which she owns in all colors (longer on the back) ) along with a variety of sneakers and boots along with numerous high heels (almost all her clothes are italian, boots are form italian leather as well as her leather jacket).

    She doesn’t have a favorite outfit, everything that has boots and leather jackets on it is mostly her favorite item.

    She has a charm bracelet that is made of platinum and has numerous charms on it (such as a heart pierced with an arrow,
    this one,
    this, as well as
    this and also the one her best friend gave her which is
    the left one, depicting a European dragon (the left one only). She wears the bracelet on her left hand. Her ears are pierced, 3 piercings on her left one, one on the right where she usually wears video game inspired earrings or a silver dragon on her left one, covering all 3 and a platinum star on the other one.

    Power Details:

    Cyber: Allows her to freely manipulate data, enter any cyberspace without need of any computer nor electronic device that has access to the internet, she can understand everything behind programs, even electronic locks and government systems as well as data safes and in general, everything that has a code or has anything to do with a computer or a system, she can access it, create it and destroy it. She can also “See” through devices, any device can be accessed and she can hear and see everything, which is helpful for saving other channels that are in need or on the edge of suicide. (character development in progress)

    Video: Like in the Video game franchise Infamous Second Son, she can utilize things she has seen on videogames, shows, movies etc into living pixels and utilize them for attacking or defense, for now she can summon swords, bows, battleaxes, pistols, rifles, a small drakie (packs a punch) , her pet fox from Aion (one of her favorite Videogame) ( NOTE: The fox serves the purpose of a companion, no offensive moves, just has enemy alert), sabertooths and wolves from Skyrim as well as some other, low scale mobs. She has also summoned a creeper from Minecraft.

    Biography: She is the heir to the bloodline of the Volpe, her last name meaning fox in Italian. During her early childhood she and her family moved to Washington DC in order to open up an Italian restaurant and also have their children, who 2 of them are channels as well as the father, be safer and have a better chance in life as well as better education conditions. As they settled in, they started helping the Channels around their area, they opened up a small Italian restaurant where they provided jobs for channels and they slowly grew popular because of the hospitality they offered and the small family restaurant quickly grew into three stars, with fairly low prices and hefty portions, keeping their service and food quality as it was always.

    When she turned 13 she discovered her powers when she touched her television and she heard a teenager mumbling about his suicide, she then tracked him and told him, through his own television, to calm down and that she can help him, she and her parents run to his rescue and found out that the child was all alone in the world, without a family to care for him and more importantly he was a Channel, a 14 year old channel who needed a family and a place to stay. They took him in and cared for him, like he was their own son. He and Valentina became close friends and were soon inseperateable. They trained together to polish up their skills in order to help all Channels who needed them.

    She slowly became popular on multiple Videogames (without using her powers) and placed on the top of the servers, along with Ryuu (the boy they had saved), she started becoming popular in school with the reputation of the “Nice girl” “Cute Tomboy” and the title she hates “Hot gamer”, she started doing YouTube and streaming without showing her face and modifying her voice so no one would recognize her. During all that, keeping her grades on the top of her class and saving other Channels, she worked at her family’s restaurant along with Ryuu.

    After she turned 16 she started having feelings for her best friend, Ryuu which were more than friendly but she never revealed them. (yet)
    Last edited:


    Active Member
    i'll just post mine, just in case there's a free slot, that is, if Epic will want me. Otherwise, its a good enough reason to write a CC because I'm missing all the fun in making one for this rp X).

    Name: Antonia Felicidad Llamera Mancha
    Nickname: Ani/Feliz
    Race: Puerto Rican
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Hometown: Formerly San Juan, Puerto Rico, Currently San Francisco California.
    Literality: Right-handed
    Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual
    Relationship: Single
    Property: A small studio type, warehouse flat in San Fran.
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Religion: Pagan

    Powers/Details: Wicca (Voodoo/Shamanistic related powers.) It is a power traditionally/genetically inherited by the first born female from her mother. The child with an affinity/ perception beyond ordinary sight are called "sensitives", or "los sensible" in Spanish.

    - Mediumship; the ability to communicate with spirits, to the extent of projecting once physical/spiritual presence to the astral plane (Astral Manipulation). The ability to manipulate spirit energy of both living and dead, may it be reanimating a dead body for a short time or sucking the life force out of a living person (Necromancy).

    -The ability to spiritually possess a body through Astral Projection and through deep meditation.

    However, performing her abilities means siphoning her own spirit energy, or of any physical body , when reached into extremes will kill the person. Her eyes would glow a bright white whenever she activates her abilities.

    Illnesses: She has a weak heart, moreso making it difficult for her to perform her abilities. She's near sighted.

    Dialogue Colour: this


    (imagine longer dreadlocks, reaching to her waist, and an eyebrow ring)
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 128 lbs
    Build: Average, well toned.

    Positive Traits: Down to Earth, Eccentric, a bit kooky, laid back, good sense of humor.

    Negative Traits: Extremely daring, will break the rules to satiate her own curiosity, (especially true when practicing her abilities), cynical, oblivious.

    Likes: Communicating with dead people/spirits, meditating, artistic activities(e.g painting, sculpting), theater.

    Dislikes: Being possessed by a spirit(unless it needs be). Her crazy mother.

    Quirks: Hippy lifestyle. Would sometimes mistake spirits for people and would find herself talking to thin air while people around her watch in bewilderment. She likes to paint and sculpt trippy, grotesque artworks, a way of interpreting the physicality of the spirit world for other's admire. She has a heavy Spanish accent.

    Aspirations: To master the Wiccan Arts, and be better at it than her mother.

    -She wears a scarf, on her neck, at times she'd tie her dreads into a bun. She wears round earings, and various wrist/neck accessories.

    -One distinctive accessory is a gold round necklace, a star shape engraved in both sides. An inscription of unknown language was written around the edge, embossed in color black.

    -Her top is a brown patterned, knitted sweater, her bottom, a skirt reaching mid thigh and dark patterned stockings/leggings. She wears docs for her footwear. Sometimes she'd wear glasses.


    Childhood: Feliz came from a long generation of female channels, dating back as far as the aztecs. She spent most of her childhood in Loiza, Puerto Rico being raised by a single mother, who the locals infamously dubbed as "La Bruja Loca", the mad witch. Her mother, passed on her knowledge to Feliz at a young age, just like her mother's mother, and her mother before her. Her first time terrified her, voices would wake her in her sleep, shadows and images of dead people would show themselves, asking for help, a bargain or sometimes, just a living soul to talk to. But eventually she learned to adapt, and some of the spirits that frequent her became her friends. She then learned how to manipulate her connection to the realm, shutting herself out or even physically walking through it.

    Early Teens: Her relationship with her mother became tense. They would argue about little things, and Feliz was tired of her mother locking her up, always demanding the best of her abilities. She wanted a life other than, spirits, rituals, pacts and dead things so one night she ran away to San Juan, where she visited her uncle who was living lavishly by himself. Hearing his mad sister's cruel treatment of his beloved niece, he did all he can to help her, giving her a proper education and a life of normalcy. But that did not mean she wanted to completely abstain herself from her wonderful gift.

    Late Teens: She never heard from her mother after her last angry worded letter. Assuming she was dead, or got tired of prodding , either way Feliz didnt care, she was free of the nuisance. As a gift from her uncle, she was enrolled in an art univ in San Fransisco, where she spent her recent years studying the arts freely, of both types, in her case.

    Adulthood: People who knew about her abilities would come for help, mostly for communicating with a dead relative or banishing an unwanted energy or in some cases, to scare themselves for the sake of fun. Feliz always find their terrified expressions amusing whenever a spirit tries to reveal itself to her customers. After seeing the Stockholm incident on world news, she layed low for awhile, followed by young channels that started to crawl out of the woodwork one by one around america, she best not to get herself involve to avoid unwanted attention. She was under the radar for a while, until the SDD found its way to her.
    Might update some additionals if its needed.
    @Destiny, your pics are'nt showing :\


    The Fox
    i'll just post mine, just in case there's a free slot, that is, if Epic will want me. Otherwise, its a good enough reason to write a CC because I'm missing all the fun in making one for this rp X).

    Name: Antonia Felicidad Llamera Mancha
    Nickname: Ani/Feliz
    Race: Puerto Rican
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Hometown: Formerly San Juan, Puerto Rico, Currently San Francisco California.
    Literality: Right-handed
    Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual
    Relationship: Single
    Property: A small studio type, warehouse flat in San Fran.
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Religion: Pagan

    Powers/Details: Wicca (Voodoo/Shamanistic related powers.) It is a power traditionally/genetically inherited by the first born female from her mother. The child with an affinity/ perception beyond ordinary sight are called "sensitives", or "los sensible" in Spanish.

    - Mediumship; the ability to communicate with spirits, to the extent of projecting once physical/spiritual presence to the astral plane (Astral Manipulation). The ability to manipulate spirit energy of both living and dead, may it be reanimating a dead body for a short time or sucking the life force out of a living person (Necromancy).

    -The ability to spiritually possess a body through Astral Projection and through deep meditation.

    However, performing her abilities means siphoning her own spirit energy, or of any physical body , when reached into extremes will kill the person. Her eyes would glow a bright white whenever she activates her abilities.

    Illnesses: She has a weak heart, moreso making it difficult for her to perform her abilities. She's near sighted.

    Dialogue Colour: this


    (imagine longer dreadlocks, reaching to her waist, and an eyebrow ring)
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 128 lbs
    Build: Average, well toned.

    Positive Traits: Down to Earth, Eccentric, a bit kooky, laid back, good sense of humor.

    Negative Traits: Extremely daring, will break the rules to satiate her own curiosity, (especially true when practicing her abilities), cynical, oblivious.

    Likes: Communicating with dead people/spirits, meditating, artistic activities(e.g painting, sculpting), theater.

    Dislikes: Being possessed by a spirit(unless it needs be). Her crazy mother.

    Quirks: Hippy lifestyle. Would sometimes mistake spirits for people and would find herself talking to thin air while people around her watch in bewilderment. She likes to paint and sculpt trippy, grotesque artworks, a way of interpreting the physicality of the spirit world for other's admire. She has a heavy Spanish accent.

    Aspirations: To master the Wiccan Arts, and be better at it than her mother.

    -She wears a scarf, on her neck, at times she'd tie her dreads into a bun. She wears round earings, and various wrist/neck accessories.

    -One distinctive accessory is a gold round necklace, a star shape engraved in both sides. An inscription of unknown language was written around the edge, embossed in color black.

    -Her top is a brown patterned, knitted sweater, her bottom, a skirt reaching mid thigh and dark patterned stockings/leggings. She wears docs for her footwear. Sometimes she'd wear glasses.


    Childhood: Feliz came from a long generation of female channels, dating back as far as the aztecs. She spent most of her childhood in Loiza, Puerto Rico being raised by a single mother, who the locals infamously dubbed as "La Bruja Loca", the mad witch. Her mother, passed on her knowledge to Feliz at a young age, just like her mother's mother, and her mother before her. Her first time terrified her, voices would wake her in her sleep, shadows and images of dead people would show themselves, asking for help, a bargain or sometimes, just a living soul to talk to. But eventually she learned to adapt, and some of the spirits that frequent her became her friends. She then learned how to manipulate her connection to the realm, shutting herself out or even physically walking through it.

    Early Teens: Her relationship with her mother became tense. They would argue about little things, and Feliz was tired of her mother locking her up, always demanding the best of her abilities. She wanted a life other than, spirits, rituals, pacts and dead things so one night she ran away to San Juan, where she visited her uncle who was living lavishly by himself. Hearing his mad sister's cruel treatment of his beloved niece, he did all he can to help her, giving her a proper education and a life of normalcy. But that did not mean she wanted to completely abstain herself from her wonderful gift.

    Late Teens: She never heard from her mother after her last angry worded letter. Assuming she was dead, or got tired of prodding , either way Feliz didnt care, she was free of the nuisance. As a gift from her uncle, she was enrolled in an art univ in San Fransisco, where she spent her recent years studying the arts freely, of both types, in her case.

    Adulthood: People who knew about her abilities would come for help, mostly for communicating with a dead relative or banishing an unwanted energy or in some cases, to scare themselves for the sake of fun. Feliz always find their terrified expressions amusing whenever a spirit tries to reveal itself to her customers. After seeing the Stockholm incident on world news, she layed low for awhile, followed by young channels that started to crawl out of the woodwork one by one around america, she best not to get herself involve to avoid unwanted attention. She was under the radar for a while, until the SDD found its way to her.
    Might update some additionals if its needed.
    @Destiny, your pics are'nt showing :\
    Awww Q.Q idk how to insert pics... Usually copy paste worked :/ help?

    Στάλθηκε από το GT-I9195 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk


    The Fox
    Okk ty

    Στάλθηκε από το GT-I9195 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk


    The Light and Darkness Dragon
    Name: Nexcevis (Nex) Kurokiba

    Age: 18

    Race: The name is Japanese as he was born in Japan but his family moved to America almost immediately. ¼ Japanese ¾ American

    Gender: Male

    Powers: Poison/Acid Control- Illusion

    Illness: Due to the poison that is surging through his body his body goes numb from time to time. He also has eye issues because of his illusion power that puts a great strain on his eyes.

    Dialogue Color: BLACK

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Relationship status: Complicated

    Affiliations: High School Student at his last year, Chef, Gamer, Going around at night and messing with SDD.

    Appearance: Ryuu has light blue eyes and dark spiky hair that are relatively long for a man. His facial features are quite sharp and he usually has a smirk on his face. He is fairly tall reaching at a height of 1.8 meters tall. He is fairly muscular and has developed strong legs after years of running from the SDD.

    Personality: He is closed and opens himself only to a few trustworthy people. Others don’t know about his powers as he does not want to make normal people see his as a threat. He might be cruel when fighting and even have a sadistic side, but he is caring and warm towards any person that helped him throughout his life. He has feelings for the girl who saved him, Valentina, who is also a channel and they get through life together. He has a deep hatred towards SDD and the people who are afraid of the Channels but never had any actual interaction with any of them as well as the Channels who abuse their powers.

    Traits: He likes online games and reading even though he is lazy and likes to sleep. If he is to do something then he either rushes it or takes awfully long time planning on how to proceed… or just turns around thinking that it is too much of a pain to even think about it and drifts off to sleep.

    Equipment- Clothing: His clothes are normal for a teenager. He likes to wear jerseys and pants that are comfortable to move inside them. He likes the color black, purple or dark red so his clothes are usually on that color. He wears a bracelet on his right hand and a necklace around his neck that resembles a cross with a snake coiled around it. He always carries a small dagger from Japan in a scabbard at the back of his waist that is covered in poison as a weapon. He never knows when the SDD will locate him. He also wears black gloves, open at the fingers and a ring at the index finger of his left hand.

    Power Details: Poison Control: He has the power to produce and manipulate poisonous liquid or gas from his body. That can be used as a long ranged missile, by throwing it, as an enhancement in his strength by coating his fists in poison or in defensive to corrode incoming projectiles like bullets and stuff. (Here it would help that the SDD had a special kind of metal that cancels out our abilities, otherwise he will not be able to corrode bullets as they are too fast). He can infect an enemy if he inserts poison beneath their skin or can simply burn their skin if they have physical contact for too long. He can also release liquid poison from his body and manipulate it till a certain distance (that would be 2-3 meters). He is also immune to any kind of poison.

    Illusion: (If you think poison is too strong then this power can be removed) If he locks eyes with another person he can wrap them in an illusion altering not just their vision but all their senses. The scale and length of the illusion depends on the energy it takes and the stronger it is, the higher the strain for Ryuu afterwards.

    Weaknesses: To utilize poison he has to be at almost melee range within his enemy. Also if he is found against iron, steel or another metal it takes a long time to corrode it in order to break it. Moreover water and wind can wash away the liquid poison and/or gas leaving him exposed. As for Illusion, it puts strain on his eyes. It varies from a simple drowsiness to eyebleed to temporary blindness. His eyes glow light blue for a minute before the illusion activates so a suspected enemy can revert his eyes to avoid it. Illusion does not work unless there is direct contact.

    Biography: His life as a baby was as good as it can be. His parents cared for him and his older sister loved him with all her heart. They weren’t rich or anything like that but still their life was good. Everything changed after six and a half years when the SDD attacked his home, killed his parents and took his older sister in for experiments. He tried to go after them, to get the only family member he had left. A few months after the incident he learned that his sister was dead, she died during an experiment. An orphanage took him in but he did not fit in with the other children. He always wanted to be alone and did not talk to anyone. His life went by aimlessly until the age of 12. The SDD came storming through the orphanage and took him. He tried to looks back in order to ask for help but before he could say anything he saw an SDD officer handing money over to the owner. He had been sold out. As they drove to the SDD HQ he lied down and thought that he was a good-for-nothing brat. Tears ran down his cheeks for days on as he remembered pieces of his old life. Furious he started hitting the iron walls around him until he got electrocuted by the officers “Stand still brat!” They shouted “Your sister was not like you, we could even r*pe her and she wouldn’t even say a thing” an officer shouted and Ryuu felt a chill throughout his entire body. He was the one, the one who took his sister. He turned towards the front of the truck and hit the wall with his fist full strength “YOU!” he shouted and kept on hitting. He could hear the laughs from the front part of the truck but he kept on hitting nonetheless. He was furious and had lost control of himself. He could feel blood rushing his veins, or at least he thought they were his veins… and the liquid was blood until he looked at his hand. It was going through the iron slowly and it emanated a purple liquid. He pushed again and suddenly his hand was next to the driver’s seat “What the…” the driver managed before Ryuu grabbed his hand and surged poison. The driver screamed and the truck turned around and fell inside a building. When Ryuu got out, only one of the agents was alive. Ryuu walked towards the man as he crawled under the truck and leaned over him. It was night at Washington yet the street had no cars and a big fire had started. The man stared at Ryuu paralyzed “M…M…Mon…Monster…” he managed as Ryuu grabbed the man’s head and melted it in a crimson red pool of poison and blood. Ryuu stood up and walked up the building. He stopped at the edge of the roof prepared to jump. Right before he was about to, an electronic device of the building activated by itself and someone spoke through it. It was a girl “Come to us. We are just like you” she said and Ryuu saw a figure waving her hands towards him from the street. Sirens were closing and Ryuu decided to follow the girl. She was at his age and led him to her house. He later learned that the house was about to become a place where channels could live. The girl introduced herself as Valentina and later she introduced her family. Ryuu has been living with them ever since trying to repay his debt and honing his skills, but he never forgot what the SDD did to him and wants revenge.
    Last edited:


    The Light and Darkness Dragon
    Wow haven't actually made a CC in ages, i am so out of shape :/ . Either way if i missed something or there is something to change then do tell :D . Nice CC both of you guys :D


    Active Member
    Honestly, I'm not in the mood for 3 new writers to jump onboard, even though we're a bit slow. I like you guy's CC's though, if everybody else wants you onboard. Except, of course, we already have a "Ryu", and adding a "Ryuu" is gonna be a bit tricky.

    Will try to get the Stockholm Climax Post up by tonight.

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