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    An Excellent Site Member
    Alice set her alarm to go off at 5:00 a.m the next day to compensate for her napping, but never heard it go off. What had started as a slight fever the night before had incubated into a moderate case of the flu. One reason Alice had gone to bed early was because she was unusually tired. She thought it was just because she had a stressful day. She found this out at 5:45 when she finally woke up, exhausted, aching and shivering, from a knock on her door.

    "Alice!" Her mother yelled. "Turn your alarm off!"

    Mass Effect 2's Lower Afterlife music was blaring from Alice's phone speakers and she clumsily reached for it to turn it off. Her mother opened the door when she was done and came into the room.

    "Hey there." She said with mild concern. "Your phone's been goin' on and off for about 10 minutes. You feel okay?"

    "No." Alice said weakly, rolling over in bed to face her mother, looking up from her pillow with sore, tired eyes. "I think I'm sick."

    Her mother turned on her desk lamp to get a better look. Alice shut her eyes tightly at the sudden burst of light but it was less severe than the overhead light would have been. "Oooh, you don't look good. C'mere, let me see your head." She put a hand to Alice's forehead and she was burning up. She was also shivering despite her footy pajamas and ample warm blankets. It was cold and raining steadily outside, the soft pitter-patter heard on the windows and roof. It was difficult for Alice to get up on such mornings when she was healthy and well-rested. Under these circumstances it was impossible. Alice was too tired to get up and she couldn't go to school with a fever, so she would stay here today and get some rest.

    "Oh sweetheart, you're burning up. Were you feeling bad last night?" She asked as she stroked her baby's hair.

    "I don't know." Alice mumbled. "I was tired last night. That's why I went to bed early last night. I woke up about 11 and felt a little hot but I just went back to bed and didn't worry about it."

    "What other symptoms do you have?"

    "Aside from my forehead burning up? I'm shivering under my covers, I'm sore all over, I feel exhausted, my throat's sore and it hurts to swallow and my head's throbbing. and I don't have the strength to move. I've gotta go to school though! I can't let Britney win!"

    She tried to sit up but as soon as she did so she got dizzy and big spots appeared in front of her eyes. She lied back down with a frustrated moan.

    "You've got the flu sweetheart. You're not going to school today."

    "But why not?!" Alice whined. "I can't get sick! I'm too busy!" Amy smiled and ran her fingers through Alice's hair. Alice got a little dramatic when she was sick, upset or tired but it was never for a needless reason. Part of it was simply her age and most of the time Amy thought it was cute. She gave Alice a motherly smile and ran her fingers through Alice's hair again. "Because you're sick sweetheart. You need rest. I'm gonna go get you some Motrin and a glass of water. It'll help bring your fever down and you should feel better in a couple of hours. In the meantime, you just go back to sleep okay? You hungry?"



    "Mmm Mmm."

    "Okay. I'm gonna go tell dad you're sick. He might wanna check up on you. I'll be right back okay?"

    "Mhmm..." Alice said, barely staying awake. After a dry coughing fit, she dozed off for a few minutes before her dad came in. He was a man in his mid 50's with short brown hair and had a medium build while still being in excellent shape for his age. He was a bike nut and rode his bike in even the rainiest, coldest or hottest weather. He was in a blue robe with a white t shirt and gray cloth shorts underneath. Alice noticed him as he reached out to touch her shoulder.


    "Hey you." He said. With some effort, he helped Alice up into a sitting position and gave her a big hug. She gladly accepted and nuzzled his comparatively cool body. "Mama said you're sick and she wasn't lying. You're burning up honey. What happened?"

    "I don't know. Maybe Britney laced that fl*ffing piece of gum with flu virus or something. Doesn't really matter, I feel like plops."

    "I'm so sorry." He said, releasing her after she beckoned and kissing her head. "Mama told me about you and Britney. How you doin' with all that? You turned in pretty early last night and I didn't see you. You okay?"

    "I don't know dad. She's just...*sigh* how come she gets to pull all this plops on me and just get away with it? It's not fair. It's complete bullplops."

    "Yes, it is. But sweetheart, Britney is someone of very low character. That behavior is eventually gonna catch up with her and when that happens she's gonna find herself very much alone. All I can tell you until then is to try and ignore her. If you do that and stand up for yourself she'll get bored and find someone else to bother. Whatever you do don't start a fight with her. Tempting as it might be, it'll get you both into a lot of trouble. You especially."

    "Because I threw the first punch or because I'm a Channel."

    "A little of both. Either way, standing up for yourself without violence is the key. Show her you're done being pushed around. She takes an ugly picture of you, dare her to take another one. She pours nasty cheese on your apple, turn it over and make her do it to the other side. It shows her that you're not afraid. That's what Jesus meant when he said to turn the other check."

    "Really?" Alice said, genuinely interested. Her father, Simon, was a devoted Christian and had nurtured Alice's faith at the first sign of interest. He had been studying the Bible with their local church for the past few years and he was overjoyed when Alice expressed interest in joining him a year ago. Since then she had become a valuable spiritual companion and a lot of fun to learn about and discuss scripture with. Alice's mother had virtually no interest in God or religion but loved the fact that Alice was and that she had her dad had something to do together that they were passionate about. It brought them closer to both God and each other. "Huh. I never thought of that. When I talked to Izzy on Channel Surfing yesterday she never brought that idea up. Probably because she's an atheist. There's...nothing wrong with that is there? I mean God still loves her right?"

    "What? Of course he does! Alice, God loves everyone on this planet whether they believe in him or not. Izzy has decided, for whatever reason that God doesn't exist or isn't a part of her life but he'll still watch over her. From what you've told me she's a very nice girl who's been a very good friend to you. She has love and that allows God to love her. Protect her. Sooner or later she'll realize it and when she does he'll be waiting. His love is for everyone."

    "That's a nice thought dad. Even for people like Britney?"

    "Especially for people like Britney. I think people without love cause God pain and he does whatever he can to reach them. Now I think that's enough questions. You look like you can barely keep your eyes open. I've gotta go get a shower and get ready for my day and you, my little faerie, need rest. Mom'll be home today to take care of you. Promise you'll concentrate on getting better and not on Britney, okay?"

    "Okay. I promise." Alice said. He was right, she was tired and she did want to rest. She leaned up and hugged him again and he held her for a good long time. After he left Amy came back with Alice's medicine and she took it. There was a big glass of water to wash the two tablets down as well as a generous amount of cough syrup. Both of these helped Alice feel better and after her mom gave her a big hug and tucked her in she fell asleep. It was 6:10 and she woke up again at 10:30, still very sick but feeling a little better now that the medicine had taken effect. The first thing Alice noticed was her stomach growling. She got her phone from the shelf in her headboard, which was charging while she slept and texted her mom.

    Hey there. I'm awake and hungry. Could you make me something? I don't really care what.

    A moment later her mom texted back.

    Sure. I'm in the kitchen and I've got something good for you. It's a surprise ;). You slept a good while. How are you feeling?

    Far from great, but better than when I woke up. The cough syrup and Motrin helped.

    Good. You can take some more of each every six hours so I'll get you some more about 12:30. You rest up until then. Stay in bed missy! I'll know if you don't ;)

    Haha, okay. I'm pretty tired though. I might wanna watch a movie in the living room later though. Could you help move me over to the couch when the time comes?


    Thanks mom *hugs*

    You're welcome sweetheart *hugs back.*

    After that, Alice stayed on her belly and felt good enough to check her posts. She saw a message from Levi! From 12 hours ago?! She opened it, worried about what it might say and what had happened in the meantime.

    Hey Alice, sorry if my messages are annoying you but pl*ps just hit the fan. Saved channel at an airport in Utah, took on lots of SDD, check the news. I'm screwed. Currently somewhere in Nevada, I'm so so screwed.

    And another message in the conversation, a few minutes later.

    Hey, sorry my last message was short. I wrote it in a hurry, I actually didn't see your reply, but I can reply properly now. Thanks heaps, but I didn't run away. I actually haven't had a home for a while, me and my mum were renting an apartment for a while until... Something happened. Then we just rented rooms in hotels/motels, for the past 3 months though things have been pretty tough. We've been homeless and every week I get assaulted at least once, America SUCKS!

    I miss Australia, and I just want to go back. I saved this girl named Evelyn from the SDD. I'm a huge Eminem fan so let my write a rhyme about my current situation.

    The SDD wont leave me be, or let me be me so let me see... They tried to kill me at the airport, and I just happen to be dirt poor.

    Pretty lame, but I like rhyming. I pretty much just reworded some Eminem in the first part, music is really the only thing that keeps me sane. Anyway, I haven't told you before, but I'm homeless. Have been for a few months. Me and Evelyn have nowhere to go but I'm going to keep moving, Nevada is pretty... Barren? So far. GPS on my phone says California is bordering Nevada, might go there but its likely the SDD would find me.

    Enough about me, I'm glad you're so... Optimistic? I'm sort of Christian, used to be like... A proper Christian. No doubts, I was still me but I was like... Better. I don't know, if God gave us this then why are there so many actual bad Channels? He should have chosen better. And who the HELL is he to curse me with this affliction? He's all knowing right, he knew this would happen, he knew what this would do to me. I feel like a bottle coke and the people who discriminate against us are a mentos, they don't combine well and when you put a mentos in a coke the results can be... Devastating.

    I don't want to be bad and I don't want to hurt anybody, but I can't help but see that if I allowed it I could be some kind of autocrat and this world could be my playground, my kingdom. I mean, we as one, the channels, dealt with the SDD... Who the hell is going to stop us? But I do want to be good, I try but its hard, its so easy to just push back.

    To be honest, I'm glad I have powers. But if God was all knowing he wouldn't have given them to me, unless he wants unnecessary suffering. This girl I've saved, I'm not proving anyone wrong since she's a channel too. Apparently her father is some kind of head honcho of a multimillion dollar company, I don't know, I'll get back to you soon. Stay safe, and sorry to wake you Alice.

    Wishing you the best weather from the one mortal who can alter it -Levi

    Alice was too weak to be shocked and didn't want to type out an entire message so she opted for a short, instructive response.

    I just got your PM. Please call me. I'm really sick today but I can still talk to you. I need to know you got this.

    Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Amy was preparing Alice's lunch when she received a phone call from her school. She had called her in this morning so it came as a surprise. Deciding to simply explain again, she dried her wet hands and answered the phone.

    "Hello? Yes, this is Mrs. Croshaw. Alice is doing okay for the moment but she's got a bad case of the flu so she won't be in for a couple of days. Mhmm. Oh I'm not surprised, it gets spread around like wildfire between kids at school. Okay? Really?"

    She clinched a fist at hearing the next sentence and her mouth became a razor thin line.

    "Excuse me? They did NOT really say that. Who the fl*ff do they think they are? They had absolutely no right to barge into my daughter's school and accuse her of being a fl*ffining Channel! You call those SDD fl*ffwads back and tell them that if they want to see my daughter they talk to me, and they'd better have a damn good reason for it! A fl*ffton more than "we think she's a Channel hurp de durp de durp." No, you tell them that! Tell them to call Amy Croshaw and not to come around to hassle my Alice or there's gonna be fl*ffing hell to pay! No don't give them our address, they call me and I take care of it, no one else. No I'm not sorry about my swearing because it wasn't at you! Now is there anything else?! Thank you! Have a good day!"

    Amy went back to work, furious and worried. Alice, thankfully, was unaware of what just happened.

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    "I'm sorry but student records are confidential. As much as I would like to help the SDD catch these hunters my hands are tied, sorry."
    The Principe finished leaning back in his chair.
    "But there must be something you can do?"
    Ellie exclaimed in an exasperated voice. This had been the fifth school around the D.C. area that they had checked and had gotten the same answer from all the principles, that they couldn't give out any student information, even to the SDD.

    "Listen, if I didn't want to lose my job I would give you the files, I mean I hate these dirty hunters as much as the next guy they are a threat to my children, hell they're a threat to everybody for gods sake!"
    Chris who was standing toward the back of the room scowled at the mans words and bit back a angry retort, The principle got out of his seat and walked toward the door,
    "Now if you please I have another appointment."
    he said as he ushered Chris and his two companions out the door. Chris was the last to the door and stopped in surprise as the principle stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, he leaned in his mouth mere inches from Chris's ear,
    "I may not be able to legally give you those records, but if say I were to leave the window open and give my secretary the day off someone might be liable to break in and make off with said records."
    Chris stepped back in surprise but the principle had already moved on as if nothing happened.

    "Hurry up! we haven't got all night."
    Chris whispered as he hugged the shadows of the now empty school. Chris had been weary at first of the mans words but thought that someone like him would do anything to make sure another Channel was captured so Chris took the chance to steal the records. They had waited til after dark like the principle had said and snuck on campus.

    The three of them stopped at the base of the school
    "Sooo, how do we got up there?"
    Paul asked craning his neck to look at the principle's office on the third floor of the building.
    "Well I forgot it was on the third floor, how do you suppose we can get up there?"
    Ellie said giving a small chuckle as she looked up to the now dark office.

    Chris looked up at the office, "I got this." Chris said as he closed his eyes trying to block out any memories or feeling that would stop him from using his powers. Finally ready he held up his hand feeling that familiar tugging sensation in his stomach, he let his powers flow through him and out of his hand. He lowered the temperature in certain spots so that the water molecules present in the air started to freeze and in a matter of seconds a convenient staircase made completely out of ice stood before them offering them access to the office.

    One they were in the principle's Paul went to work on the computer in the office, being one of the SDD's top hackers he was in the school's system in a matter of minutes.
    "Well that was easy, let's see....here's a few records that might be what we're looking for."
    Paul said beckoning for Chris to take a look. They were looking for any suspicious records of students who always keep to themselves or are always acting out and getting in trouble, the SDD had done this countless times and frankly, it bothered Chris but he kept his mouth shut.

    Chris moved over next to Paul and looked at the computer, quickly he scanned down the names on the list,
    "What about this one? Been to the principle's office four times this year for bullying."
    Paul said pointing out a name on the screen, but Chris dismissed it with a shake of his head, he knew Channels or Hunter's as the SDD forced him to call them, he was one of them.
    "No, I'm looking for someone who's different, someone that keeps to him or her self for no apparent reason, someone that always seemed to be afraid that they would hurt someone or perhaps some one who got into trouble for unexplained reasons."
    Chris explained to his friends as he scanned through the rest of the list.

    After some looking he came up with three names, Ethan Morris a British born Senior with a record of acting out for no apparent reason, Eisuke Sanya a Japanese American Freshman with high grades but in till a few months ago had nothing above a C-, and Alice Croshaw a Sophomore with very few friends. The last one he didn't expect to be the Channel but when he looked at her records there was something that felt strangely familiar but Chris couldn't put his finger on it perhaps it was his power sensing ability at work, Chris could never understand how it worked but it very rarely led him astray so he took the file anyway. With the records in his hand Chris beckoned for his friends to follow him, he stepped out the window and walked down his ice staircase wondering if it would melt before class started the following morning.



    Frost Wolf
    Darkness surrounded by what seemed liked nothing with only an altitude meter informing you that in still in the air. The sky was black, as if somebody snuffed the stars of their glow. High altitude flights at midnight while there was nothing to quite convey the feeling, there was also the Frightening thought of being blind if any of your instruments failed. They had not failed yet; it was the only light however dim that reminded us we were awake. A simple reconnaissance and surveillance mission, taking FLIR images of possible enemy strongholds for the higher ups. Should have been as easy mission but not everything turns out as expected. Hot blinding light struck to the side, the engine kicked out and suddenly gravity took over.
    I awoke with a jolt, cold sweat hugged my skin. My mind still dazed from the vivid flashback, slowly my senses returned. The plane slightly trembled, and a flight attendant gaze was upon me, “Sir, are you okay?” she smiled slightly; she seemed in desperate need for sleep. Her red eyes had bags formed under them, her skin was slightly pale and her hair was piled in a messy bun suitable enough to get by. She seemed like a walking corpse, perhaps she was an insomniac. I returned a shallow smile, “I’m quite fine, thanks. A horrid dream, that’s all.” She left after that. There was some time left before we were meant to land, I pulled out an EBook and quickly opened up the last chapter I had yet to finish.
    A few minutes before we were scheduled to land, flight attendants quickly made sure passengers were secure before securing themselves. Everybody seemed eager to get off the plane and return to family or to end their long business trip. Others wanted to enjoy the local scenery before having to return to somewhere they did not want to be. I hated large aircrafts and never trusted anybody but me to fly but it seemed I had to deal with it, not like I could afford a private jet.
    We landed and I was free to go after having my stuff checked by Airport security. I found my driver waiting to take me to some hotel called The Fairmont San Francisco, having been told by some friends on how good the service was before being told to settle down. The price should be worth it, not that money was a problem. There was a lot be seen and not much time. A luxury hotel was a big change compared to some of the places I had been before, yet I don’t think they would quite compare to the experiences of meditating with Buddhist monks or the crisp clean mountain air. I have never been the one to settle down after all, being on the move most of my life.
    The hotel was extravagant to say the least, room service was at my fingertips and I did not want to just explore just yet. Traveling was quite tiresome. I flicked on the television, and immediately a news channel popped up.
    The reporter mentioned usually stuff, the weather and news of a recent terrorist attack on an airport; luckily no one was killed. Made me wonder how much I missed. Late afternoon and I somehow managed to get a room facing the fireball responsible for life. Somehow I wished it would disappear, let darkness engulf and let my mind slip into the void we call sleep. Hopefully nobody would ever find out what I am, hopefully the rest of my life slips into place uninterruptedly and as smooth as possible. Usually nothing turns out to be what it is and nearly everybody takes a lot of life for granted.


    Calibration-Master General
    When Izzy woke up, light filled the room, filtering through the thin curtains and helping her to wake up properly. Wrapping a dressing gown around her, she walked through to the living room to discover that Alexei had indeed dealt with the bodies. He was missing, so she assumed he was still out, dealing with it.

    She grabbed breakfast, heading into the shower and washing herself down before getting dressed, packing up a couple of sets of clothes in a pack and throwing her toiletries in as well. She was about to leave for Chicago; she didn't need to use a plane. She just needed money for hotels, food, and things like that.

    Izzy walked to the kitchen, grabbing a little piece of paper and writing a small note for Alexei so he'd know where she was.

    Hey Alexei, sorry about this but I'll be away a few days. I'm going on that trip to Chicago; I'll be about five days, maybe a week if it takes it. I've left you some of your money back; figured you might need it, and you can pay the rent later. Make sure you eat before you pay rent. Anyway, I'll see you soon. -Izzy

    She put the note on top of a small wad of money, making sure it was easily spotted before she grabbed her suitcase and headed outside, walking to a hidden alley and taking a deep breath.

    Come on, Izzy, you can do it. You've done it before, how hard can it be?

    Izzy had been working on her movement using her powers. She had her easy, simple, usual one; dissipating her particles and utilising the wind to blow them to where she needed to be. However, this was slow, and using it to get to Chicago would take many, many hours. The method she'd been working on lately utilised satellites, and her photokinesis. She would, again, dissipate her particles, and send them at the speed of light up to the nearest satellite. Once there, she would reflect onto other satellites until she was directly above her target, and then reflect straight down and reform once down on Earth again. As this was so fast, she could be in Chicago in the next second if she managed it. However, this was an unreliable method of movement, and she often misjudged the journey. It often took two or three attempts to get to her target.

    She glanced around quickly, making sure no-one was watching, before closing her eyes and concentrating, feeling the strange sensation as she dissipated. Then she felt a strong force on her as she projected herself up, and almost immediately east and back down. Opening her eyes again, she found herself in a small alley, not unlike the one she'd just left. Her eyes narrowed, and she headed out to the street to find out where she was.

    There wasn't anything particularly obvious, except for one tall building integrated into the skyline; the Willis Tower. She smiled subtly to herself, bringing out her phone to open up a map to help her find her way to the hotel.

    Following the directions, she quickly found her way to the hotel, checking in for the week and unpacking in her room. Once done, she headed out into yet another alley, dissipating herself and blowing her up to the top of the building to get a birds-eye view, so that she could try to start up her search for the disruptive Channel; he was the reason she was here, after all.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    "Just tell me where we are going. I hate not knowing my destination." Edward grew impatient the more steps he took with the strange man through the rooftops. "Relax... I'd know better than tricking a giant slime... When I show you this, I am sure we will become tooth and nail... Hehe..." The sinister giggle made him stop moving and stay behind the youngster. "What is that supposed to mean?!" Reed had never been one for humor, especially if it was as twisted as his grin seemed to be, and that lad was already pissing him off. "Oh, just a joke... You will get it soon enough..." They walked from building to building, until they finally reached a place from which they could see a driver of the trash truck enter a quagmire. "This is our chance... Let me show you a better way to make mankind vanish... You might want to take a step back..." He warned Reed, but before giving him time to do as told, the stranger would be wrapped around a red mist, possibly made from his own blood, and, once Edward could see him again, he would have transformed into a monster like none seen before. Its skin was rotten and grey, seemingly dead for a long time, and completely dried out of blood, while its eyes were enormous compared to the rest of its face. Completely black spheres, above a non existant nose and a moderately large mouth, from which three curvy canines came out. It had no ears or hair, and seemed to have more muscles than the skinny man from which it had originated. Its long legs weren't as beefy as the rest of the body, and its feet were fairly similar to the frogs Reed used to dissecate in school's. Its long arms had claws made of some sort of chitin, shielding his hands, wrists and elbows. He finally spoke up, in a mix of two voices: one very deep, and another very pitchy, similar to the monsters of action cartoons. "Well... I actually bite..." The creature then leaped into the air with a reflex of its legs and landed on the helpless man, drewelling all over him in the process. Edward had enough time to jump down from the building as well and land in front of the scene, as the victim got saliva all over his clothes. "I could eat him right now... That would feel nice... But I have to show you the way..." As the man got closer and closer to a heart attack, the beast pressed its paws against its cheeks, and closed its dark eyes for a few seconds. The man's nerves would gain a significant dark tone in no time, and all of a sudden, he would disappear in a matter of seconds. "What the hell happened?!" The beast stood on all fours and explained his deeds with a surprising tone of sanity. "I made him a Channel. Like you, like me. What best way to punish mankind, other than giving it a taste of its own medicine? They will soon know how it feels to be excluded, and sooner or later, humans would eventually die all in the hands of all the Channels generated this way..." The idea of having all the imprudent bastards to blame for Edward's situation in isolation for the same reason gave him a nice mental smile. The plan could actually work, but it could as well take forever. "Why would you need me, then?" Edward skeptically asked, sure that not even Channels would do charity. "The SDD men become more and better trained every day... I could use some experienced Channels to help me purify this filthy plague, by fighting them back." It took no longer than a brief consideration for Edward to state his conditions. "I can join you. But I will kill civilians during our attacks, while you select a few of them for your purified herd, deal?" The monster nodded, indiferently. "I wouldn't expect you to do anything else. Your anger is understandable and your vengeance is deserved. Now that the ice has been broken, what is your name, fellow Channel?" He asked, almost sounding friendly for a 7 feet tall flesh eating monster, before being cut in his dialogue by a hasty Edward. "Hold on. Is there anyone else in your team already?" He sighed, amusingly bored by that trivial question. "Yes, you will find plenty of company among your own kind, if you are one of those that needs that sort of thing. Now can we finally introduce ourselves?" There couldn't be anything to make Edward agree more right then. "I am Edward Reed, the Channel that came from Europe seeking a normal life, only to find himself wrecking havoc in USA, and failing at last to keep a low profile. Your turn." Reed sighed, an action that wasn't uncommon after remembering his past. "David... Just David... Screw my family, all those cowards that ditched me like a dog... I guess I can compare myself to a dog, though my bark is not half as bad as my bite... My gift was revealed when I was 15, but before then I had once tasted human flesh, and I had liked it. It was from a hobo, who I killed... or was it a doctor? I don't really remember... And I don't care... Are we done?" The human shaped slime nodded. "Good. Now follow me again. I will introduce you to the group."


    The Fox
    "I have a better idea.. Wouldn't wanna let you sleep in this dump."

    "Oh, okay, whatever." He says, the public restroom being good sleeping conditions in his books. He hated sleeping under bridges.

    A few moments later the cab stops right in front of them, Evelyn opens the door and gets inside."You're coming or what?" Evelyn says, then Levi gets inside the cab too.. "To the Diamond hotel in Las Vegas, and quick", the driver turns around to look at them, laughs a little and says "Looking for some fun in the town, eh? Just don't have too much fun or you might just end up with an "accident". If you know what i mean.."

    "You best start driving before you have an accident if you know what I mean." Levi says, he looks to Evelyn, "Sorry..." The cabbie turns around to start the car. Evelyn quickly responds "No, no, umm... We're actually cousins.. Heavens no we wouldn't.." and blushes.

    The driver looked somewhat old, around his 60s. "I was just playing with ya.. In one hour tops we will be at your hotel" Both of them exhale deeply, look at each other and laugh. "You'll love that place.. My father used to take me, my sister and my mother there all the time when I was younger.. " she looks out her window, she was about to cry... "You alright?" Levi asks, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder "Yeah.. It's nothing." ... One hour later they arrive at the hotel, Evelyn hands a 50 dollar bill at the driver "Keep the change". The rain had stopped and they walked inside "Its a bit much... Don't you think?" Levi comments. Evelyn walks tobthe front desk "Two rooms please." She said. The receptionist looked at her comfused and with a spoilt attitude he said " Certainly, Two economy rooms, in what name will they be?". Evelyn was shocked"Economy? You don't even recognise your best client's daughter? For your imformation I'm Miss Shade! But if you don't have any respect for me I'll go to thehotel next door. " ( It's a fake name btw, that her family often uses) She turns around and hears a deep voice that sounded familliar. "YOU'RE FIRED!" That voice shouted, she turned around to see the mnager of the hotel, a well dressed, short and fat man, whom she knew. "My apologies for the receptionist and his.. Attitude. He will no longer bother you Miss Shade! A pleasure to have you here again! The presidential suite as always? Or something simpler for you and your friend? " He said, as he looked at Levi. "Dude, did you really have to fire that poor guy?"He asks, hating such a overreactive response. Levi edges closer to the man. "You spoilt fl*ffing-" Pencils on the desk began to rise, along with the guestbook and other important documents. Luckily Evelyn cut him off and eased some tension. Levi returned to Evelyn's side, giving the man a hateful look.

    "We'll stay only for a few to one night so two Suites will be perfect"She says with a smile. The man smiled back as he handed her the cards that worked as keys. "Enjoy your visit and if there's anything and I mean ANYTHING you need just dial 9 at your room's phone and I will be right there to assist you"."Thank you" Evelyn said as she walked towards the elevator with Levi. As the door closed she looked at Levi and said "What do you think? Only the best for my friends!"

    "I don't mean to sound weird or anything but was two suites necessary? Also why were you acting like such a spoilt bitch? It was so unnecessary to behave that way with that guy, so disrespectful, what were you thinking? Don't get me wrong I appreciate it but.."

    "Yes, yes they are... Well about the bitch part, I always act like that in such crowds.. Either you blend in with the spoilt-to-death people or stick out like a hillbilly in an Armani store... Sorry, did it again. Seriously now, I'm sorry about my attitude, it's just that over here I am loved and recognized by everyone.. And about the receptionist who was fired, when a hotel charges 300-1600 $ per night, you can't have an attitude and he's done that hundreds of times... He is also mean with the rest of the staff , the maids, the waiters, his assistants, the chefs. He was asking for it"

    Just when she finished her sentence the elevator's door opened and two SDD agents marched right inside, Evelyn quickly but discreetly looked at Levi. She couldn't speak but could move her lips enough for him to read "What now?"

    Levi gave her a nod into the direction of an elevator and the two made their way inside. "Take us to the floors with our rooms, we'll stay the night. I don't think we should since that fat bastard who loves your money will probably dob us in. So... I think I might go. I'll enjoy the luxury for a little bit, fill up on food, but I think I'll go. I appreciate it and all but I'm not willing to stay here and risk my life, I'm going with our without you."
    "Alright, then I'm coming with you. There's no way I'm staying here with the SDD"she quickly responded, filled with anger.

    A moment afterwards they were out of the elevator. She hurried to their rooms thinking "Why must everything always go wrong when I want to relax... They can't catch me.. The WILL NOT CATCH ME! Not now.. no way!" She opened her room's door and handed Levi a key. "So I'll leave you here for some time, enough to have a bath and relax a bit. If you want you can knock on my door any time. The rooms even have a small living-room like area where we can hang out... If you like, you can also order something from the Room Service catalogue. It's all on me! Feel free to relax and enjoy my gift. As much as you can anyway..With. Them, around anyway."She said, smiling.

    "Thanks Evelyn, but I probably wont spend much money. Probably none."

    "As you wish, enjoy your stay. " She walked inside taking a deep breath of the coconut scent in her room...Her favourite scent that reminded her of her 16th birthday cake, a Coconut and Dark chocolate cake with a black star designed on top of the spiceberry coloured frosting that surrounded that.. The thought of food made her hungry as a wolf.."Maybe I should order something myself... After a nice warm bubble bath...And sit at the balcony stargazing.. That would be just what I need" But then a concerning thought hit her "What if the SDD thugs come in? I will be completeley defenseless, and what will happen if Levi knocks and is in need of help? What if the SDD get him first? Oh God, oh God..... What will I do?

    Right when she finished that thought, she heard a knock on the door.She opened it and saw Levi standing right there "Oh it's you... thank God... " she said, exhailing deeply.

    "Something worrying you?" Levi asked as he stepped in the door.
    " It's just my stupid Imagination... I thought the SDD came to get me.. again. That's all. Is everything alright? " she said anxiously
    "Yeah everything's alright, quit worrying okay?" he said.
    " Ok, I'll try to relax..." Destiny smiled and shut the door behind her.


    Not five minutes after he arrived, his phone was already ringing. Natham had picked the right moment. He answered, and in an instant Natham's cracked, somewhat sickly voice rung into Alexei's ear. “You in DC?” he questioned. Alexei walked the streets as he spoke back, trying to make a joke“Hello Natham, how are things. We haven't spoken since...yesterday.” but the cynical mobster was serious, if not too serious.

    “Have you arrived in DC?”

    “Yeah. Quite a colorful city, too bad I'm not sightseeing”

    “Cut the f*king jokes. I've more stuff for you to do”

    Alexei rolled his eyes Just when I thought things were boring.

    “That fellow Chris is the second in priority. Alongside him, you are to bring me another sight. A lass named Alice Crossbow. Make sure you arrive at her high school at the right time, Chris will probably be there as well.”
    Alexei frowned, his voice changing as he heard Natham cough, then gasp worryingly. “This wasn't part of the deal, you kn-” he was cut short by Natham's wining “Well it is now. Do what you're told or I'll find someone else.”
    Alexei moved into a backstreet corner of the road, he spoke quietly yet his through his words he showed anger. “Listen, you fat fl*ff. I was to abduct the cop, not an underage girl. So you are most welcome to find some other loyal donkey to do this for you”.
    Natham slyly laughed, before he coughed again. “Don't forget who holds the strings, Krovi. Refuse my generous offer and the SDD will have you and Isabel taken care of.”
    Alexei muffled the phone as he gulped. “Who are you talking about?”. Natham blew a smoke “Don't play dumb with me. I do you a great favor, and you do the same to me. This Alice is a channel, and my friends need channels, especially young ones. She and Chris will bring me a good price. Hell, I'll share it with you as long as you don't fl*ff up.”
    Natham sighed. “Who is the buyer? What do they intend to do with them?”
    “I don't know, and I couldn't care less. I'm sure they will treat them nicely, however, especially the girl.” he chuckled a little before hanging up.

    Alexei stood at a dangerous crossroads. Either way would lead to someone getting in trouble, but his conscience wouldn't allow him to sentence a young and untrained hunter to her doom. There was a way out it, there had to be.


    The Light and Darkness Dragon
    It was raining heavily outside. Inside the house there was a sound of a kid crying. A lightning illuminated the interior of the house revealing two figures: a bleeding girl leaning on a boy. ‘’I love you… my little brother’’ ‘’ Cynthia open your eyes… wake up please… Cynthia… CYNTHIA!’’Ace opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. He almost felt relieved when he woke up, he always does. Nightmares of that night eight and a half years ago have been hunting him for so long that he was almost afraid of going to sleep, but eventually he had to rest sometime. He stood up and looked around him, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Plants of every kind where everywhere around him. He always felt more comfortable around them. He ate some fruit for breakfast, got dressed quickly and run down the stairs. He owned a little apartment with two floors, the upper where he sleeps and eats and the lower where his flower shop is located. It was the easiest way for him to secure money. It was 10 o’ clock in the morning, the sun was shining revealing a beautiful day, but that would not help him cheer up. He opened his laptop, sat on a chair and waited for the customers. Many came that day each of them asking for something different. His day went like that until 6 o’ clock. Then, a little girl with auburn hair came in. She seemed different, like not someone normal. ‘’ Excuse me. I would like a bouquet of some pretty flowers please, but not many, I don’t have much money ’’ ‘’ Ok little one, let’s see… some orchids are nice. How come you are not with your mother, aren’t you a little young to go out all by yourself? ’’ ‘’My mum has her birthday today and I want to make her a surprise ‘’ Ace paused for a moment ‘’ Excuse me? Are you all right sir? ‘’ ‘’Yeah’’ he said smiling ‘’ I was thinking what a good daughter your mother has ‘’ he said and started picking up the rarest of flowers he could find creating a beautiful bouquet. ‘’ Excuse me sir but… I don’t have that much money to pay for something as expensive as that ‘’ she said shyly ‘’ Who said you will have to pay for it, it is a gift from me, say happy birthday to your mother from me as well ‘’ He winked at her. ‘’ Ohhhh thanks a lot ’’ she said and started to walk happily to the other side of the road. Ace tried to shake off that feeling he had about her ‘’ She is just a normal girl ‘’ he thought. He had just turned around when he heard voices from the other side of the street ‘’ Ouch ‘’ ‘’ Hey, watch it, kid ’’ ‘’ But sir, you ran on me ‘’ ‘’ Well, then you shouldn’t have stepped on his way you idiot, and what is that? What pretty flowers, who is the lucky one? ‘’ ‘’ My mum, she has her birthday and… ‘’ ‘’ Awwww, too bad. You see, my comrade is allergic to this kind of flowers so I will have to destroy them’’ ‘’No, please no’’ she cried ‘’ Oh, are you gonna stop me? How? ‘’ ‘’ I… I will burn you ‘’ she sobbed and a little flame sprouted on her hand ‘’ So she is a channel after all ‘’ Ace thought and run towards them ‘’ A hunter, this is our lucky day Bob ‘’ ‘’ Kid, we are SDD, your kind is illegal, we will have to kill you, I am sorry… not ‘’ Bob said and kicked the girl on her hand ‘’Arghh ‘’ ‘’ Hehe, now we will get promoted. Hmm what are you looking at? ‘’ he roared staring at Ace. He said nothing. Hmm I thought so ‘’ he turned and shot the pavement right next to the girl’s eye. Then the two guys turned and left. ‘’ Come here, with me. ‘’ Ace carried the girl inside his house. ‘’ Why didn’t they kill me? ‘’ ‘’ They thought they did, now stand still, this might sting a little but the pain will wash away after a minute ‘’ he rubbed a leaf on the spot where she was kicked ‘’ ‘’ Ouch.. sob* aren’t you going to turn me in and take the money? ‘’ ‘’ I would never sell away one of my own kind ‘’ he replied. ‘’ You are… a cha..’’ ‘’ How do you think they let you live? I trapped them in an illusion making them think that they killed you ‘’ ‘’ Sob* Illusion? … Sir, your eyes are red ‘’ ‘’ Oh, don’t worry, now, where do you live, I will make you a new bouquet and take you home ‘’ ‘’ Mmm. ‘’ she smiled. Later that day, he returned the little girl at her home ‘’ Annie! You are safe! ‘’ ‘’ Happy birthday mum! ‘’ she shouted and showed her the bouquet ‘’ Oh my love, is this for me? You are so sweet ‘’ Ace observed from afar, he could not get distracted, he had one more job to do. That night, the two SDDs are walking in an alley ‘’ Bob, you remember this morning when the kid was crying and I shot her, that was awesome, another hunter gone ‘’ ‘’ Yeah man, you were a total badass there. Hmmm? Who is there? ‘’ ‘’ Don’t you know? ‘’ ‘’ Why should he? Oh you are that weirdo from this morning, what you want some beating too? ‘’ ‘’ Hey Bill, let me have some fun, you killed the kid I beat up this guy ‘’ ‘’ Ok man, enjoy yourself ‘’ Bob started walking towards Ace and he stopped right in front of him ‘’ What is your name punk? I make a record of those who are beaten up by me, tell me fast, I can’t wait ‘’ There was a quick movement and Ace was behind the man with his scythe on his hand, it was easy to hide it in his clothes ‘’ Does that answer your question? ‘’ He said coldly showing his scythe to Bill as Bob fell behind him with a huge slash across his chest ‘’ Blood thorn! ‘’ Bill shouted and pulled his gun and shot at him. Ace gasped and fell to the ground blood dripping from his mouth. ‘’ Heh, you are not so tough are you now eh? ‘’ Suddenly Ace’s body vanished and he appeared behind Bill with the blade of his scythe on his throat ‘’ Too soon to celebrate… ‘’ he whispered and drew back his scythe decapitating the man. Almost instantly he fell to his knees, his vision turned blurry blood falling from his right eye ‘’ I used it too much ‘’ he thought. As his vision turned normal again, he slowly rose, hid his scythe and brushed the blood from his cheek and eye. On his way home he remembered something the girl told him that afternoon:‘’ When I grow up, I want to be a really cool channel, just like you are ‘’ she said smiling. Ace looked at the sky and said to himself ‘’ No… no you don’t ‘’​


    The Fox
    Evelyn turned around and entered her room. She exhaled deeply, once again heading towards her bed where she had placed her black iPad. She opened it immediately, typed in her password and accessed the channel surfing network. She quickly looked at her message tab to notice that the only message she had was from half a week ago from her Best Friend Heather. She looked at the list of online members and then she came across the name Viserion.
    She needed someone to talk to, another channel it wouldn’t hurt to have a friendly chat with someone.. ‘’ Hey, wanna talk ? ‘’ she had a face of boredom while she was typing that
    ‘’ Not really in the mood but… ok, anything to keep me awake ‘’ That caught her a bit off guard.. Why would anyone want to stay awake if they are safe? ‘’ Why so? Was your day that hard? ‘’ His day couldn’t be worse than her day…
    ‘’ It is kinda a long story, not sure if you want to hear that ‘‘’ I have time to spend and I’m interested in hearing it. ‘’ A small smile was starting to form on her lips, something seemed different about that guy ‘’ It started with a nice sunny day and ended with a murder, how was yours? ‘’
    Interesting…. A channel who is a murderer and is capable of feeling guilt… scary and intriguing at the same time...’Well mine was bad as hell ‘’
    Worse than mine? I don’t think so That seemed like a challenge to her ‘’ Well the first thing I saw when I stepped out of the plane to America after a 12 hour flight was a bunch of SDD c*nts talking trash about us, I couldn’t help but give them a little ‘” shock ‘” but then they surrounded me, and another channel came to my aid while I was vulnerable and eventually we ran away and ended up in a hotel in Las Vegas ‘’ She frowned upon sending that…‘’ Oh, a lightning user… in Las Vegas wow, someone will get rich from the electronic games in casinos ‘’ She giggled a bit, that was kind of funny ‘’ Well… You can put it that way, the only problem is that I’m already rich! :p ‘’ That seemed a bit stuck up but never mind. ‘’ Oh, how come your parents keep funding you even though you are a channel, don’t they think you are a monster of some kind?That slightly enangered her, what could he mean by that? Isn’t he a channel as well? ‘’ They don’t think that I am a monster and i don’t really want to talk about my parents ‘’ she typed and then she looked away tears forming in her eyes ‘’ Oh, sorry about that, I understand how you feel… mine died when I was 10 and a half along with my older sister. Why do you thing i don't want to sleep. The nightmares are the only thing i am afraid of right now ‘’’ Oh, I am sorry about the loss, real name is Evelyn btw ‘‘’ Ace, nice to meet you Eve, can I call you Eve? ‘’ She smiled a bit…. She liked people calling her that…‘’ Yeah, sure you can. How old are you anyway? Since you have gotten through a lot…‘’She started to grow a bit fond of him’ 19, I will be 20 in two months, in August 26. You? ‘I will be seventeen next week ‘’ She smiled a bit… he wasn’t that old, bus she didn’t express her surprise ” If you ever come at Highland park, seek a flower shop named ‘Flaming Butterfly’ and I will give you a good welcome. I am a chlorokinesis user. ‘’ Interesting… She felt like she could trust him… It wouldn’t do any harm to her ‘’ Ok, I am sure I will come over there because I need a friend or two ,btw give me call at 6973713513 ‘’She wasn’t that sure about that but she gave him her number anyways.
    ‘’Wait a minute, it starts with 69? Are you from Greece, Eve? ‘ ‘’ Yeah… why do you ask? ’ ‘’ Because it is always good to find someone from back home More surprises coming from our 19 year old channel…. ‘’ You’re from Greece? ‘’ Kind of an obvious question… Yup, I am and now I am really looking forward to meet you in RL ‘’ Suspicious… really, could she really trust him? ‘’ Same goes here, but I really need to get some rest so we will talk tomorrow. Goodnight ^.^ ‘’ ‘’ Goodnight ‘’ She was feeling too tired to worry about anything, she put both her phone and her tablet to charge up and turned off the lights drifting once again in her beloved realm of dreams, in her comfortable bed. “I’ll worry about everything else tomorrow, right now I need to rest”.
    The sun rose once again and Evelyn woke up from her deep slumber, everything felt peaceful. “It’s a really nice day out there… I would go to the beach if there was no risk of the SDD recognizing me.” She got up, smiled and ran to the bathroom to get ready for her day. She took a shower , got dressed, carefully and timely applied her make-up and checked her clock. It was 9:30 am. “ I should better talk to Levi before parting ways” She thought that it would be the best plan for now because of the SDD being on their tails.. They should separate from each other, so that if the SDD was to catch them, they would now have less chances of doing so. She started writing a note to put under Levi’s door so that he could find it when he wakes up…
    “Dear Levi,
    Sorry I am to say my goodbyes through a letter, but it’s the safest way to do so. I’m leaving so that we would be away from each other in case the SDD wants to hunt us down, they should have a hard time doing so. I hope we see each other soon enough because I would like to stay friends, after the help that you have provided me. We may have our differences but you will remain one of the few good friends that I have. I have enclosed a small amount of money for you to spend in any way you desire.
    Goodbye, Evelyn”
    She carefully placed the envelope with the letter and the money underneath his door and knocked. He was still inside, she knew it. She packed her stuff and left. She hopped on a cab. To anywhere in the city.” “Ok miss, Park or Shopping Center?“ "Park, please." The driver replied quickly.

    She put her headphones on and entered her music library… Put on a song and leaned her head on the taxi’s window, gazing outside… What would happen later in her day? That song always relaxed her… “ Radioactive- Demons” It inspired her a lot…. About everything.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    David guided Edward all the way to an old warehouse, near the sea. Its walls were made of stone, with its paint so unfresh that touching it would make it crack and decay. The seagulls that nested on its roof were beyond countable, and made quite the symphony once anyone got to the entrance of the building. The humidity in that place was too noticeable for Reed's taste. In the corners of the warehouse, it was possible to easily spot some sort of moss that had grown thanks to the moisture. The mists that prevented almost entirely the sight of the see were unpleasant and probably harmful to the bones, if Edward needed them. The skinny man opened the door with a key in his pocket. "You first." The slime shook his head. "I never walk into buildings strangers lead me to before them." David laughed, but walked in before Edward anyway. "I thought we weren't strangers anymore, you know?" To Edward, no one would ever be too careful, and no one would ever deserve much trust, no matter their deeds or opinions. The lights were turned on before they came in, and David didn't seem surprised by such a fact. "I found one of us in the streets!" David yelled to the upper floor of the ghost building, his voice echoing through the rotten wooden tables and crates, and the withered forklift trucks. Five youngsters walked down the steel stairs, each with a leather jacket and jeans. They looked at the blob unimpressedly, until a white haired girl with blue eyes spoke. "Who is he? She? It?" Edward didn't become very offended with her doubt about his gender, since he himself knew it was impossible to even describe a blob with a gender. "Edward... Edward Reed." She didn't bother to tell him her name so soon. "Are you sure he is loyal? Or useful? Or even human?" That time, her words became slightly offensive, but Edward, as always, didn't bother to overexpress his emotions. "I am not a human. I am a Channel." David became aware of the tension growing between the awkwardly met strangers, and he seemed to find it amusing. "Well, useful, he is... I've seen him killing a bunch of SDD ****s. And if he is loyal, we will find out soon, once we get to work." The pale girl continued to judge him skeptically, with little interest. "So... your power is... turning green and boneless?" "As your power is not believing in any power." She then revealed a short smile, and swept the snow white hair out of the front of her right eye. "My power?" Edward hated everyone that showed off. In fact, he hated everyone. But those that showed off really made him want to inflict them more pain than he did to other people. The girl walked near one of the decayed wooden tables and stretched both her hands. Her breathing became heavier and heaver, and the table would slowly decompose, until it was little more than a pile of dust, with small pieces of rotten wood. "I bend time..." She bragged, clearly exhausted by the desintegration of that medium size object. "And your name?" Edward asked, avoiding sounding interested at all. "You will know it, if you survive in our next job." What a b*tch... The annoying lass walked away, and the rest of the gang followed her, not even bothering to introduce themselves. "Quite the group you have here, David..." This time, the man didn't seem happy by Edward's sarcasm. "They've lost everything. Family, friends... This is all they have left. It's normal they won't trust anyone that just joins in. Prove yourself worthy later today, and you will earn your respect slowly." Edward was no stranger to the feeling of solitude, but that wasn't any excuse for being a total jerk and not even telling your name. "Plus, I've got something in that crate for newbies in our little family!" David rushed himself to a nearby wooden box, and took out a dark backpack. After tossing it to Edward, he dared him to open it. "Go on! Open it! Have some faith in us!" Unzipping it slowly, Edward tried to guess what would be inside. Since he expected something unpleasant, he failed to guess correctly. Inside the dark leather bag were several useful items. Edward had in there a leather jacket and jeans, just like everyone else wore in the gang, and a cellphone with everyone's number, according to David. "For safety purposes, I can only give you the PIN once you earn our trust. That cellphone also has the several hideouts we have to hide from the SDD. Don't lose it." Storing it back in its spot, Reed continued to look at his new gear. There was also a bedroll, since newbies usually didn't shift their shape as often as Edward, and a gun, in case things would get too messy for powers. "I can't get the phone but I get the gun?" David shrugged his shoulders, getting accostumed to Edward's commentaries about everything that annoyed him. "A phone call can kill a Channel faster than a gun sometimes... And so does free information about where everyone sleeps." He did have a point. Edward was aware that there could be always traitors, but the warm welcome, even though he didn't want to admit it, had made him feel warm indeed, and wish to join them as fast as he could. Other than the annoying chrono-b*tch and her hoodies, it felt like it would give him an actual purpose in that world that treated Channels so harshly. "Fair enough... What is the job we will do?"


    An Excellent Site Member
    As The Dreamer slept she saw many things...different things...

    A girl about 17 was wearing a white lacy shirt, short red skirt, black leggings and tall black leather boots. She was laid out on a bed in a hotel room typing on a iPad. A black leather jacket was thrown onto the bed beside her. She looked worried, but also determined to rest.

    A handsome guy about 19 picks out an array of beautiful flowers and uses them to create a boquet. He hands them to an adorable little girl who is bubbling over with excitement. The flowers are for her mom. It's her birthday.

    A tall Russian looking man in a suit wit no tie washes blood off his hands. His phone rings and he looks to see who it is.

    Some sort of animated slime lurches across a sidewalk by the sea, following a small and thin man.

    The same Russian from earlier yells into his phone. He vehemently protests against capturing a teenage girl at a high school in the D.C area.

    Her high school. It's the afternoon, about 1:30. SDD is on the PA system, calling out names. An asian boy is dead on the floor, his blood in a pool around him. A small brown haired girl is curled up by against some lockers, crying. A purple barrier protects her from gunfire. "Run!" a voice shouts at her. "Hurry! While there's still time! I'll hold them off!" Two purple balls of dark matter smash into two SDD troopers, knocking them into lockers and onto their butts. The brown haired girl is shot in the leg and The Dreamer becomes angry. She sends a bolt of white lightning at the shooter but uses too much energy. He disintegrates. She holds up her gloved hands in horror...

    Her eyes work but there is nothing to see. She is trapped. There is only darkness...complete impenetrable darkness...

    Alice woke with a frightened gasp. She bolted upright into a sitting position. Her heart was racing and it took her a moment to realize where she was. She was home, in the living room, laid out on the large and comfortable leather couch. She was still in her footy pajamas, white with black skulls since her bath a couple of hours ago. The were fresh and clean and felt better than the ones she had slept in last night and sweated into. She was still safe under two thick, warm and soft quilts and she laid back down on the couch to tuck herself back in. Her two pillows were soft and deep. The movie she had never ended up watching was still on the coffee table, unopened.

    It was only a vision. Alice was safe.

    That's right. She was still sick. It had been about four hours since she had responded to Levi's post. She had intended to watch a movie and had her mom help her get set up and tucked in onto the couch but she fell asleep again.

    Damn this fever. She thought. It's taken all my strength. This sucks.

    Just then her mom came downstairs. "Alice?" She asked, concerned about her daughter's flushed look and two dry tears on her cheeks. "Honey? You okay?"

    "I had a vision mama." Alice confessed, everything still fresh in her mind. "I was at school and the SDD were there and...well...I think I'm gonna do something really bad..." Her voice quavered at the end. Her mom walked over and Alice sat up to make room for her. Her mom moved her pillow and sat down in its place and patted her lap to invite Alice to lay her head down. Alice accepted and curled up on the couch under her blankets, resting her head in her mama's lap. She stroked Alice's hair as she talked.

    "Slow down sweetheart. What did you see?" She said softly.

    "I was at school..." Alice said, her voice cracking as she tried and failed not to cry. She stopped after only a few tears though. She was safe and there was no reason to cry. "It was in the afternoon. The hallways were mostly empty. There were...there were SDD soldiers in the school. In my school. They were calling names over the announcement system. They called MY name."

    "Okay...what happened next."

    "There was a girl I didn't recognize. Probably 14. She was crying. I was using my powers to protect her. She was just a normal girl but she was so scared she got into the SDD's way. I told her to run. She got shot in the leg and I saw the shooter and I just...I was so mad. All of my brain turned to wanting to hurt that man. To kill him. I sent a bolt of dark energy at him and...he disintegrated. He was surrounded by a white corona, then that dissipated like sparkles and the he simply...ceased to be. Then someone grabbed me. A man in a suit. He cursed in what I think was Russian, then he told me in English to follow him. He said he was getting me out of there. I was too shocked by what I had done so I just...followed blindly. I have no idea where he took me but I just...I wanted to find you."

    "Here I am." Her mom said, smiling. "That sounds like quite the story. I can understand why it scared you but honey I think that was just a dream. The SDD is not going to come to your school and start shooting. You could stick a fork in the organization after that because they'd be done. Even if it were true, and it's not, they're not going to look for just you. You are not a troublemaker and no one knows you're a Channel. No one that can do anything about it at least."

    "But what if they've found out somehow? What if...what if they just don't care and feel like coming after me."

    "Then you call me or dad and you do whatever it takes to stay put until we come get you. You are stronger than you think Alice. Any SDD jarhead who tries to mess with you will have to get through me and that's just not gonna happen. Even if it does, you've got a lot of power. When the time comes sweetheart, you'll know what to do. And if that comes I want you to do whatever you have to do to keep yourself safe."

    "What? But mom, what if I kill someone. I can't kill a person."

    "The man you described to me is not a person Alice. He's a thug. Thugs are no longer people. She turned Alice's head so their eyes met. Alice drank in her mother's strength. "You listen to me. If someone from the government terrorizes you then you have no obligation to listen to them. If they shoot at you, shoot back. If they hurt someone you care about, stop them any way you need to. If they hurt dad or I, you run. Those are your rules of engagement. Understand?"

    "Yes ma'am."

    "Good. Now let's pop in that movie you were gonna watch and I make us some pizza for dinner. Dad can get his own dinner when he gets home. Whadda you say?"

    "That sounds great mom. I love you."

    "I love you too sweetheart. I always will. That will never change."

    After some dinner and a movie Alice felt better and her mom went out to get her some medicine for the night. Her dad got home to check on her, glad to see that she was a little better and in better spirits but concerned that her fever hadn't broken. After about 7 she decided to head up to her room and use what little energy she had to do something fun.


    The Light and Darkness Dragon
    Ace closed his laptop and started thinking about what had just happened. No sooner had he returned home and a girl named Evelyn messaged him in the channel’s private chat room. According to her she was from Greece, his birthplace, and was a channel who could control electricity. ‘’ Hmmm if she is to come here that could be really good. I might need a friend or two. ‘’ As soon as Ace thought that, he shook his head. ‘’ I am blood thorn damn it, I can’t have friends. I am a B rank criminal in SDD records accused of killing three of their admirals and countless of their grunts. I can’t have friends, everyone around me is hurt! ‘’ his mind immediately flashed back at his sister, and the man who killed her. The man who took the dearest person in his life from him. ‘’ In order to take revenge for her, I must get stronger, I will not be able to use my illusion for about two days without hurting myself… Cynthia would know what to do. She was a channel prodigy, she could use her illusion repeatedly without much of an effort. Her eyes were so strong that she was able to make people believe that their worst nightmares became reality’’ thinking of that, he remembered what his sister told him two nights before the attack ‘’ The illusion power comes from the eyes and your eyes are strong. But a time will come when you will fall in the dark and you can’t see. Then, look for me, and i will be your eyes ‘’ ‘’ Sister, you can see the future, why not tell me what you mean by that’’ ‘’ It is not always good to see that will happen in the future my little Ace. You will know when the time comes‘’. Ace could not start wondering about what she meant by that, but he could not start thinking about it ‘’ It does not matter… I can’t look for her, she is dead ‘’ He thought, tears forming in his eyes. He hastily reopened his laptop looking for something to do in order to prevent his tears from falling and entered SDD’s private site using the password on Bill’s card. ‘’ Hmmm…that scum was of some use after all ‘’ he thought wickedly as he saw the news. The SDD has captured a channel that uses venom and want to test his immunity to any kind of poison. For that purpose, a truck containing various poison chemicals, plants and animals will come to Las Vegas at 5am. He brushed aside his tears and started thinking of a plan ‘’ If only I could get one leaf of them, I can create as many toxic plants I want, and this could help a lot ‘’ he looked at his clock. It was 11pm, he had to hurry and plant seeds to ambush the drivers. He took some rose and ivy seeds and run towards the left side of the highland park bridge. ‘’ This is the perfect place ‘’ he thought as he passed through the road inside the Highland Park. ‘’ They are surrounded by plants, I am in an advantage ‘’ it was around 3am and he started planting the seeds. When he finished he started giving them energy ‘’ They have to be big enough to stop the truck ‘’ Time passed and he waited. Finally the truck arrived carrying the SDD symbol. ‘’ Got you ‘’ he whispered as he released the vines stopping the truck and rooting it in place. He jumped on the hood scythe in hand. ‘’ fl*ff it is Bloodthorn, quickly immobilize him ‘’ before he stopped speaking the branches of the trees around the truck bended and impaled the men inside. No sooner had Ace smiled when the driver, blood dripping from his mouth looked at him and said ‘’ You will not get your hands on THESE plants you b*stard ‘’ he pressed a button and the back of the truck engulfed itself in flames. ‘’ D*mn ‘’ he shouted and ran behind the truck in order to save anything he could. Everything was burning, they would rather destroy them that letting them fall in a channel’s hands. He took the three boxes that were not completely destroyed and opened them. He cut the parts of the plants that were on fire and hid the others inside his pack careful not to touch them, he could use the poison, but was not immune to it. Then he started running. One of the SDD headquarters is lockated hear the park, the place would soon swarm with SDD agents. When he arrived home he examined the plants he had saved. The first two had poison that could inflict paralysis and blindness. ‘’ A poison channel eats these things for breakfast, I could use them, but I expected something better ‘’ frustrated, threw the last box, which miraculously did not catch fire, on the wall breaking it revealing a stalk with some white flowers on top of it. ‘’ Hmmm? This looks like… Holly pl*ps ‘’ he shouted. It was a white snakeroot… the plant whose poison killed Abe Lincoln’s Mother. He ran and picked it up. ‘’ I thought they were extinct ‘’ he chopped a little part of it and used his energy to recreate the plant. Then he mashed it and hid the rest of it somewhere so that he could use it again. Then he put the mash of the first two plants in two bags. Then, he modified his scythe so that he could insert inside it the mash of the snakeroot. When he finally finished the sun has risen. He opened his laptop and watched the news. There was a special broadcast of one of the admirals of the SDD. ‘’ Sir, what can you tell us about the attack last night? ‘’ the reporter asked ‘’ It was all Bloodthorn’s doing he wanted to take the plants so that he could use the venom ‘’ ‘’ But he uses Chlorokinesis, he could not be that dangerous, or could he ‘’ ‘’ He is! There had been another one dangerous Chlorokinesis and geokinesis user who could suppress the earth’s power in fruits and by releasing it he created explosions. He was a fl*ffing monster ‘’ the admiral shouted ‘’ Well then it is good that this Bloodthorn guy is not a Geokinesis user or else he could do the same ‘’ the reporter seemed relieved ‘’ But we must not let him wreak more havoc, he is responsible for many deaths of proud SDD agents as well as three of our admirals. I declare him an A rank criminal, whoever sees him has the right to kill him on sight. If anyone hides him then he or she will be arrested for helping a worldwide criminal, we must not let him grow stronger! ‘’ Ace smiled and with the darkness of the room in addition to his black clothes and hood he seemed like a maniac. He passed his arm around his scythe and leaned it on his shoulder the blade behind his head. ''Too late’’ he whispered as the dark crimson venom dripped from the edge of his scythe.


    The Fox
    After a few minutes, the cab came to a stop. The driver turned to Evelyn and said ‘’ On the right side there is the Highland Park, on the left there is the Shopping District. I assume we are going to the left. ‘’ ‘’ Just leave me here and I will decide where I am to go ‘’ Evelyn replied. She paid the driver and quickly got off the cab. She turned to the right and made her way to the Highland Park.
    A few moments later she was found under a huge glass structure, she looked upwards and noticed that it was one of the SDD headquarters. She noticed that everywhere around her were SDD agents. There was also an SDD patrol car, that held inside another Channel. She was quickly infuriated but did not want to blow her cover. She took her phone out and pretended to text but she was actually taking the control of the patrol car with the effect of getting it out of course and crushing into a cement lamb-post. All of the SDD looked around for channels but found none. Then Evelyn muttered to herself ‘’ Idiots ‘’ and a smile was starting to form in her face. At that exact moment, two SDD grunts saw her smiling and whispered something between them and started tailing her. She quickly picked up her pace and starting walking towards a large group of people gathered around a shop.
    The grunts did the same always keeping their eyes on her. She got out of the crowd and started running towards a flower-shop nearby. The owner of the shop seemed fairly young and she would easily persuade him into helping her. She saw the grunts coming out of the crowd and immediately run into the shop. ‘’ Can I help you with something? ‘’ the owner asked her. She looked at him and said ‘’ I am kinda in a tricky situation, I don’t have time to chat. Can I hide in the back of the shop… please? ‘’ ‘’ Of course… but you will explain me later what is going on. ‘’ she nodded and ran into the storage room.
    One minute afterwards the SDD grunts entered the flower-shop. ‘’ Can I help you? ‘’ the owner asked. Evelyn quickly entered the security camera system and was closely watching what was going on. ‘’ We know that there is a channel in here, so give her to us and none will be hurt ‘’ The owner took a startled expression and said ‘’ A channel? Where? I was checking my storage and didn’t see anything. Are you sure about that? ‘’ he seemed scared. ‘’ Daryl, close the door and the windows. Don’t worry sir, we will catch her. Where is the storage? ‘’ ‘’ On the back ‘’ She heard it and hid behind some crates and prepared a thunderbolt, both for the grunts and for the owner who double crossed her, this time it would be powerful enough to burn a man’s insides. The owner opened the door and the two grunts rushed inside. He quickly closed the door. Just as the door closed she threw the thunderbolt at one of the two grunts. He was pushed back by the force and the wall really hard before falling down. ‘’ fl*ff you ‘’ the other one shouted and aimed his gun at her. Suddenly there was a weird sound and something penetrated the man’s chest. He looked back slowly only to see the owner holding a root. ‘’ You… ‘’ he was cut short when roots came out of every part of his body splattering blood everywhere. ‘’ You… ‘’ she looked at him, her mouth wide open. ‘’ Are a channel ‘’ she quickly smiled at him. ‘’ What does it look like? ‘’ He smiled back. She looked at him ‘’ Is the name of the shop ‘The Flaming Butterfly’ by any chance? ‘’ she was starting to wonder if he was actually Ace. ‘’ Yup, it is ‘’ he replied smiling seeming to understand who she was ‘’ Why do you ask? Have you heard of it? ‘’ his sapphire blue eyes were gleaming, to Evelyn's surprise he was more handsome than she first thought. ‘’ Yeah, actually from you… Ace. You are… ‘’she looked quite shocked. ‘’ I believe I told you that I am a channel a chlorokinesis user to be specific ‘’ he looked amused. She looked at him shyly and said ‘’ It is not that… never mind. Thanks for helping me ‘’ ‘’ Sorry I could not do anything earlier but I really must not be seen in public ‘’ ‘’ Why so? ‘’ she asked with leaning her head slightly to the right and prepared a small ball of static electricity to light up the room. ‘’ Sorry if I get rude but I really can’t tell you ‘’ he sat down and signaled her to do the same, she sat down elegantly on a sealed crate ‘’ Are you hurt? ‘’ ‘’ No ‘’ she looked at him, her ice-blue eyes gleaming in the light of the small energy bolt that was lighting up the room. ‘’ I am fine, I am not hurt or anything, are you? ‘’ ‘’ Nope, totally fine, everything went according to the plan I thought about a quarter ago ‘’ he said while looking at his clock. ‘’ Come on, I will close the shop and take you to my house where we will be more comfortable ‘’ ‘’ As you wish ‘’ she said tossing the ball in the air and letting the small particles of energy spread in the room, that never stopped amusing her, it was a beautiful sight. But her mind was elsewere....Why would he save her? They only talked for an hour or so... ‘’ Here take the keys and lock the front door, I will clean up the mess here ‘’ he said and tossed her the keys. ‘’ I would prefer to wait for you to finish... ‘’ she said while straitening her lace shirt and brushing some dust off her hair. "I really need to buy some more clothes" she thought to herself, noticing that the shirt was a bit ripped on the back.

    Daryl Dixon

    After spending some time with Evelyn in her luxury suite, comforting and just being friendly, he dismissed himself and returned to his own. He opened his phone and went through his pictures. After he had received her number, he asked Evelyn if he could take a 'Contact Picture.' The first one is of her smiling, but he asked for better. The picture he ended up using for her contact picture was of her sticking her tongue out, squinting her eyes, head tilted slightly to the left.

    He sat on the sofa in his suite, in front of him was a coffee table with some magazines, a fancy red rug underneath it, and a huge TV Levi had never used before. He opened Channel Surfing and checked the number Alice had given him, he added it to his contacts before dialing it. He couldn't help but pace around, behind the couch. To his right was the sofa, coffee table and TV, to his left was the kitchen and hallway leading to the bedrooms. When he paced, this would flip, but when she answered he stopped in this state.

    He was nervous, to say the least.

    Finally, an answer. "Hello?" He heard a female voice ask weakly. There was a few moments of silence. "Is this Alice?" Levi asked, unable to keep anxiety out of his shaky voice. "Levi? Yeah, this is Alice." He almost couldn't believe it.

    Levi smiled ear to ear, 'Oh my god, its actually happening..' he thought, 'its really you.' He answered her immediately. "Hey, Its Levi, you said I could call you. So here it is. Are you okay, you sound sick?" Levi felt good to be talking to someone he felt like he had known awhile.
    "Ha, yeah. I am sick. I've got a fever and every where's sore as bugger all, so I'm home from school today. My mom's here taking care of me though. She's out at the grocery right now getting me some cold medicine for tonight, so it's good that you called now. Not quite sure how she'll react when I'm talking to a guy I met on the Internet. It's really good to hear your voice though and if I had any energy I'd probably be bouncing at finally talking with you."

    She was the cutest thing. He loved listening to her go on about these things, it was so new to him, hearing her voice, it almost felt intimate. As strange as this would seem to someone, he really felt a whole new connectedness with her after finally being able to talk to her verbally. He smiled, 'I wish my mum was like that,' he thought to himself.

    "So...hey...what's going on? Your last message said that you made trouble at an airport and the SDD showed up? If we were strangers I'd say that's really fl*ffed up. What happened?" Levi smiled yet again when he heard her swear, "Oi." He said. "Don't swear." He said in jest. "Nah but seriously, when I went to go down to the airport to follow my mum..." He paused for a moment, trying to gather his story before blurting out and going back and forth, making a mess of himself. "When I got to the airport all was cool, but there was a bunch of people running out of it, which was weird. Then I further up there's the SDD holding a girl prisoner, someone they'd just captured." Levi paused to let it sink in a little, then continued. "Being the suave gentleman that I am I rescued her." He said with a tinge of sarcasm. "We made a huge mess on our way out, I didn't kill anyone, but I did throw them to the floor with my uh, powers." He never told anyone about his newest power, but it might cause her to wonder how could someone do this indoors with weather control, and lying about that would be difficult. He just hoped she wouldn't ask with what power.

    "I flew-I don't have the flu." He said, covering up his sentence. It was random, awkward, but how would he explain flying without telling her his other power? "I managed to take her to Nevada, and then when she finally came to we went to a secluded diner. Nevada is so.... Boring. Anyway, she called a cab or something and took us to LA I think, fancy as fl*ff, and she rented out TWO suites. She was being really, and I mean really stuck up to people because her dad is rich. I hate people like that, but shes treated me so well. I'm in an expensive suite for Christs sake." He realizes Alice might not like him using the Lords name in vain. "Wait, sorry Alice, I didn't mean to use the Lords name in vain. But she gets the star treatment and she hasn't even done anything to deserve it, that's why shes like that so I can't really let it bother me.. I don't know. I just want to go. I don't like this hotel." He felt like this place was too foreign, and too fancy for him. He was uncomfortable. She listened to him, and for that he was grateful.

    "Wow." She said, tired but consoling. "It sounds like you had quite a day. It also sounds like you're in a lot of trouble. Rescuing a total stranger by interfering with SDD operations and making a big mess at a Utah airport wasn't a good idea. It...actually explains a vision I had while I was sleeping a couple of hours ago. Something about a really cute guy and a pretty black haired girl crashing through a bunch of windows and throwing cars around during a spontaneous thunderstorm. I'm guessing that was you and your friend. Plus it was on the news this morning. No names yet, but they're looking for you."

    That Wasn't a good idea? He did what he felt he had to do, it was his morals, and he survived. 'One day she will have to choose between what is safe and what is right..' She had called him really cute, and that made him wonder if she had feelings for him. The thought was dismissed as she spoke, maybe she was just being nice.

    "But listen, I'm not judging you. It sounds like you can do a bit more than control the weather but you don't have to elaborate if you don't want to. Really, it's okay. It's just...*sigh* it doesn't sound like you thought this through. This girl you're with, she could have been a suicide bomber that the SDD stopped and you wouldn't know. Now you're both on the run and eventually the law WILL find you. Especially if you use a credit card or a registered computer or maybe even your phone. Come to think of it, it was pretty dangerous of you to call me, but you're here now and I want to talk to you. Just, try to think about consequences more okay?"

    Levi appreciated her care, but didn't appreciate how naive he saw her to be.

    "You know what?" Levi said, this could go anywhere. "I know what she could have been, and guess what, I didn't care." His attitude seemed a little rude for a girl being so kind to him. "I used my... powers to free her without actually revealing myself at first and she didn't even move yet they whacked her with a gun. Its undeserving, and anyone else would get a gun charge. No, they get to break the law freely. In fact they should be called the Hunters because while I'm running for my life looking over my shoulder each day they're looking for people just like me. She's a channel, I think she can control electricity." Levi let all that sink in, then his tone went from frustrated to comedic. "A cute guy, hey?" He said, with a sly smirk she couldn't see. "Oh wait, a really cute guy." Emphasizing the really.
    "Sorry Alice, but you're too innocent, you trust your government too much. I'm not a completely anti-government person but when my freedom is on the line I kind of am, I'm old enough to not need a bunch of middle aged men in parliament telling me whats best for me. I'm sorry, I'm probably like completely changing what you think of me, I swear I'm not always like this..." As we was talking he had been pacing, now as he finished up his last sentence he made his way to the bedroom and sat down on his over sized bed. "Alice, I don't have consequences anymore." A bold statement, and a cocky one. "They can't take anything from me, my mum isn't here and she was the only family I had in America. She's back in Australia, and she was a channel, either way they aren't taking her. Also, I have powers, if they want to call me a criminal or a terrorist or a hunter or whatever for freeing someone who unlawfully had their rights taken from them feel free to call me that, but don't get mad when something bad happens. Because Alice, I am their consequence." He was trying to get a point across to Alice, that nobody should put up with the governments or SDD of the current generation as rights are being stolen. "Stop letting people tell you what to do, they don't judge whats right and wrong, we do, for ourselves. Stand up for yourself for once." This had multiple meanings. As a people, stand up for what you believe is right and wrong and don't let the government take away your rights or make decisions for you. As an individual stop the bullying that you know is wrong and stand up for yourself.
    "Wait a second, I got it. They are no different to the gangs like the bloods or crips, or whatever. There's only a slight difference, and that is they make their crimes legal before committing them." Levi figured she'd be getting bored of his anti-SDD talk and decided to cut it there. "Anyway, if its not creepy or anything... Can I meet you?"

    "Levi I..." Her breathing became heavy over the phone and her voice started to quaver. Levi didn't know if he had upset her, but he certainly shocked her. "...I-I don't know what to tell you. I'm sorry. I didn't see everything in my vision and if what you say is true then yes, you were in the right. But the government doesn't care about that. And yes I am kind of naive and no I'm not in your situation but I just can't believe that the SDD is a gang of jack booted thugs. They have to be doing what they're doing for the right reasons. That's just...this country was built on THROWING OFF tyrants like that, not WELCOMING them! Both world wars were fought for those principles! This is still the United States of America. They can't just...there are laws like the Patriot Act that stop them from doing what you say they're doing! And yes, you do have consequences! So long as you breathe you will have consequences! For you and everyone you meet! What they're doing is wrong but you can't win this! Turn yourself in! Explain your situation! You're a kid! They'll let you go! Please Levi! Don't drag this out!"

    She started crying and had to pause to regain composure. Her sobs were clearly audible over the phone and he felt horrible for making her cry. A few moments and sniffles later she could talk again.

    "I'm sorry about that." She said with a deep breath. "You're a really great guy Levi and I really care about you. I just...You can't beat the government. No one can. You'll get killed if you try to. Please...just stop now, while you're still ahead."

    There was a small pause, Alice covered the microphone, then began to speak shortly after.

    "Also, I've got to believe your mom loves you. I don't know why she left but I have to believe it was for a good reason. I have to believe she'll come back. It sounds like you made a new friend and she probably thinks you're pretty swell for rescuing her. Every girl likes that..."

    She ended her sentence with extra emphasis, which made Levi wonder if she really was interested in him.

    "I'm tired and I want to go back to sleep and I'm about to cry, so I can't talk anymore, I'm sorry! But I'll call you back when I feel better. If the government's watching us they already have my number so fl*ff it, right? In the meantime, try to enjoy your nice hotel room. It's hard to accept gifts like that if you're poor but please try and show a little gratitude. This girl would really appreciate it. As for meeting me, I don't know. If it were just me I'd say yes but you could put my parents in a lot of danger and I just can't have that. Maybe what we can do is I can meet you somewhere in the area. Neutral ground. Maybe I can help you then. Just...j-just get here quick if you're gonna get here at all okay? The longer you stay in one place the more vulnerable you are. Airhead on Channel Surfing lives in the L.A area. Maybe she can help, I don't know. Ask her. Message her. Tell her we talked, whatever works. And please, watch out for this girl you've saved and keep both of yourselves safe. You'd be doing God's work, and don't worry about taking His name in vain. If he cared, there'd be a LOOOOOOONG list of people he'd have to talk too, trust me, haha! I've gotta go now. I'm so sorry Levi, I'll call you later! Please, please keep yourself safe! If you still want to talk, I'll try and listen. I'll hang up when you do."

    Levi felt guilty when Alice had cried, but he stood by all he said. It took a few moments to register and he still wasn't sure on Alice's stance in all of this. "Alice..." He said slowly, "The government aren't yours or anyone else's friends. The SDD or the government don't know I have a phone and even if they did they could never track it, trust me, you put yourself at risk by not being prepared. They've been tracking more of us down more often, you're in just as much danger as I am." He let out a sigh before gathering this thoughts, this situation sucked.

    "I don't know if I want to stay around this girl, she's great but I want to be alone again. I hate the responsibility, so... She's my only consequence, and the further distance I put between me and her the less responsibility I'll have. Please don't leave, I'll be so...bored. I know you're upset but this is all that I have right now, bored wasn't the right word. I'll be lost. But whatever, go, we can talk later. If we meet I'll be careful, and we can be somewhere away from your family... Tomorrow?" It was sudden, and would likely be denied, but he had to ask. "By the way, I can beat them. We all can."

    "You might be right Levi, you might not, but fighting the government isn't the answer. There's a better way, a more Christian way, that involves less bloodshed. You're not one of the X-Men. If you try to fight you'll get yourself killed. Stay with this girl and stay safe. Run if you can, fight if you have to, but DO NOT go looking for a fight. I do want to meet you, and this girl you've met, but I don't know about tomorrow. I need to see how I feel. I'll call you either way, I promise. Mom just got home, I gotta go. Please take care of yourself Levi."

    "Goodnight.." Levi whispered, just before she hung up. Levi put his phone on charge and passed out on the bed that was comfier than anything he had slept on in his entire life. He slept in till 9:00 AM, and after making himself something from what little was in the fridge and watching the morning cartoons he noticed a note had been slipped under his door. It was now roughly 10 o clock, and the note was from his beloved friend Evelyn.

    “Dear Levi,
    Sorry I am to say my goodbyes through a letter, but it’s the safest way to do so. I’m leaving so that we would be away from each other in case the SDD wants to hunt us down, they should have a hard time doing so. I hope we see each other soon enough because I would like to stay friends, after the help that you have provided me. We may have our differences but you will remain one of the few good friends that I have. I have enclosed a small amount of money for you to spend in any way you desire.
    Goodbye, Evelyn”

    Levi just stared for a moment. She was gone. After all he had said to Alice on the phone, he had wished she was still here, across the hall. He knew she was lying, he suspected she snuck off to see someone else or to just get rid of him. After all the fun they had the night before, and after all the hardships they over came and endured together. After all he had done for her, she was gone. "I can't believe it." He said aloud.

    Rage filled him. She abandoned him, and he would never forgive her. Levi made a speedy exit out of his luxury suite and stood in the hotel corridor. "Thought we left on good terms huh?" He said looking at the letter. He mustered the power he could and hurled it toward the door, smashing it open.

    'Letters aren't even safer, its evidence, she lied, she lied, she lied, she lied.' He walked into the room, using telekinesis to destroy the TV, bench, coffee table, windows. They were high up in the hotel and the window was large, when he smashed it he could see clearly all the way to the ground. He ripped up the letter and let the wind take it away. Unrecognizable.

    Then he slowly floated out the window, and began to float up into the sky. He was now above the hotel, looking on it with hatred. He will destroy it. He began to summon all of the power he could, a storm was coming, quite literally. Thunder clouds rolled in from all directions, lightening lighting up the darkness that had just consumed broad day. He threw his power at the powerful structure and shattered the windows on the right side of the building, the top half of the structure was now in need of window repair. But that is all his power seemed to do. He mustered all he could and alas, the structure would not crumble the way he imagined. Using weather manipulations he directed the lighting toward the building but this would not tear it down. It seemed to all be a dramatic show, he had failed.

    Then he remembered Alice. If she knew about this, she would never speak to him again. After this epic failure, and his sealed lips, she would never know. He flew away feeling drained and weakened, emotionally and mentally, his powers had been exercised and proved to not be infinite in usefulness. He had learned two of his limits today, with his powers and with his temper. Since Evelyn paid for that room, she would have some explaining to do. He felt guilt eat him up as he flew away, ashamed of himself, but still full of a dangerous and burning anger.

    Alice said she'd call today.


    The Light and Darkness Dragon
    After they cleaned up the storage, Ace took Evelyn upstairs to chat. ‘’ Jesus, she did come ‘’ he thought astounded ‘’ She said she would but I did not believe that. What will I do now? She must not learn about my identity ‘’. They sat at a small table, he offered her some coffee and started to talk. ‘’ Here you go, you must be really tired after that bolt you just created, you look quite pale ‘’ Ace observed. She laughed ‘’ That was nothing, wait till you hear what happened in the airport ‘’ she said with a slight smile on her face. ‘’ Wait till you learn about my everyday routine ‘’ Ace thought ‘’ I am eager to hear about it ‘’ he replied after a small delay. A few hours have passed as Evelyn talked to him about what happened in the last few days and about what has happened a few years ago in Greece. ‘’ Oh… so you had quite an adventure right? ‘’ She did not seem like it but she is quite strong… to have endured something like that without breaking her ‘’ he looked at her eyes which showed a great deal of grief and pain. ‘’ If I may ask… why did you come to America anyway? ‘’ he asked eagerly ‘’ This seems quite interesting ‘’ he thought, a thousand questions were swirling in his mind. ‘’ It is a long story ‘’ she replied. It was apparent that Ace had touched an important part of her life. Ace looked at the clock and then outside the window ‘’ We have plenty of time ‘’ he turned at her ‘’ Also I don’t think that we should go out right now ‘’ he said as he showed her the unusual amount of SDD agents on the road. ‘’ Lemme hear it ‘’ he leaned his head to the right. ‘ Actually… I kinda don’t want to share it right now, maybe later ‘’ Ace looked at her eyes, he recognized that gleam, he always sees it when he looks himself at the mirror. He straightened up ‘’ It is vengeance, isn’t it? ‘’ he had a serious look at his face. She quickly became more serious, took a deep breath and said ‘’ You could say it was like a murder, it is a really nice story about a girl, a broken promise, betrayal and a high security prison. The only thing good about that situation was my tattoo ‘’ the exhaled deeply. ‘’ Can I see them? ‘’ he asked ‘’ First time have I felt like that. I want to learn more about her… I feel like I can trust her ‘’ he thought ‘’ Unless you don’t want of course ‘’. She seemed to blush a little ‘’ Of course, just give me a second, but first, may I be excused to the bathroom? These clothes are not that comfortable right now and also they are not suited to the weather ‘’ she said smiling. ‘’ No problem ‘’ he replied instantly which kinda made him feel weird ‘’ It is the door right behind me ‘’ he showed her ‘Kkay ‘’ she picked up her bag, run into the bathroom and closed the door. Ace sat upright and started thinking about his new feelings ‘’ What the heck is this feel? I haven’t felt anything like that in a lot of time, what is it? Its name? . She makes me feel that there is someone who will support me whenever I need it, that she is someone i don't want to lose, someone i must protect at any cost... when have I felt that before? ‘’ His mind instantly flashed back when he was a kid. ‘It was warm around him. No… it was not just outside… he felt warm on the inside as well. Two hands were holding him, two emerald green eyes were looking at him gleaming and a kind voice was talking to him ‘’ I will always love you my little Ace ‘’ ‘ Love?…. Yes… that warm feeling… it was good… it made him feel good… Love… Ace looked at the ceiling as he waited for Evelyn to change ‘’ … Love? … Is it really possible I could feel something as pure as that?… Love? … ‘’ he wandered as he looked at the ceiling.


    "Walking down the street,
    And you hear that heavy beat.."
    He was silently mumbling to the song on his earpods while making his way through the crowds of DC. Strangely enough, the song described his current activities almost perfectly. It was a strange day, for sure - Alexei was in a new city, knowing not what to expect or what to really..do. He knew one thing, through the masses of people, someone, somewhere, was watching him, following him.
    One of Natham's goons?
    No. Whoever the person was, he or she was too trained and experienced. He hated that feeling, the feeling of being watched, and knowing not who the watcher was. He went through the crowds faster, making his way to a dark alleyway that eventually led to another street - this one very calm and less crowded.

    He turned his head back on the alley, seeing no one. Whoever was following him did a good job. On the far end of the street, at a bus stop, three SDD agents were questioning a young female. She wore a black jacket and jeans, her dark hair was kept in a ponytail on her back.

    He approached to hear the conversation. While other channels kept as far away from SDD agents as possible, Alexei always 'enjoyed' their company. They never did catch him, and he wasn't on any records, as far as he knew. He was just that lucky. The girl talked fast, yelling more than speaking.
    "Who in the fluff do you think you are to talk that way to me!?" she said, getting closer and closer to the one SDD officer without a helmet.
    "Listen up missy, you are coming with us for questioning. It's not my fault, but there were reports of you talking with various hunters. If you come quietly, I can pull some strings, and you can get off in a few hours, I promise!"
    Alexei chuckled, from a safe distance. A good SDD officer? You don't see that often.
    The frowned and approached the officer. In an instant, she grabbed his head with both hands and dragged her body up, kicking down the other two officers. Before the man could get her off him, she screamed, her screech breaking the lampposts's glass and turning all car alarms. Blood started dripping from the officer's ears, until he fell to the ground, either dead or knocked out. The girl quickly ran away, bumping into Alexei, who was now on his knees from the unbearable sound. The two officers charged after her, and so did Alexei.

    In the alley, she struggled to beat them, but it was clear they were trained better. She could scream all she wanted, but their helmets kept them from hearing anything. They could just shoot her, or knock her unconscious, but the two were savage - punching, tazing and kicking her. Alexei walked quickly towards them. One of them felt his presence and turned back, raising his hand in order to signal Alexei to walk away. Alexei grabbed his hand with both his arms and span around, breaking his arm off. He swiped his kick sending the officer to the ground. The other quickly pulled out his pistol, hastily aiming at Alexei. He clenched and moved his right fist in a circular matter as the pistol slipped through the officer's fingers. The officer held his arm to his chest, moaning from the pain he was in. Alexei had just lowed the blood temperature in his arm, while also fastening his blood flow on the same arena.

    He picked up the pistol and slammed the grip against the head of the two officers. Before the girl could fully get up he pushed the barrel against her head. "Don't. You. Move.". She got off the ground with her hands up. "Who are you, why were you following me, who do you work for, why did-" his streak was broken by the girl's chuckle "So many questions, Alexei. They didn't tell me you would be so uncooperative!"

    He wanted to ask 'Who are they?' but he would probably get no answer. The girl wasn't a regular goon - she took a good beating but she stood like nothing happened. She was clearly a channel, whom, by the looks of it, could control sound. She gasped, clearly affected, regardless of the way she wanted to show herself. "You know...you don't have to ..point that at me...right?"
    He pushed it harder against her temple. "I guess I should start answering, huh? My name is Jenna Violin, and I don't work for anybody. I hired Natham to give us a deal, and he hired you, since he can't do anything himself."
    Alexei dropped the pistol "Us?" she nodded "There are more like me - people who want to purify humanity, show them how strong the hunters can be! But we need more if we're going to win, people like Chris and Alice can offer us skill and information."

    He frowned as he started circling around her "Why do you hire Natham? Can't you do this yourselves, if you're as strong as you claim?" He started to follow his circles, moving slightly faster than him. "We can't do everything ourselves, I'm sure you can understand. I'l help you capture the two - and you can keep all of Natham's money. I'l even offer you a place in our...organisation. David would really like you."

    He stared at her, somewhat surprised by the offers "You're going to need more than my help though. I can't call too many people, but you can. There are hackers all around the states that might be interested on digging for you. One that we've heard about - Evelyn Star, a wealthy channel from Greece that is known to be a technological mastermind. She can get you some info on our targets."

    She threw a wrapped piece of paper in the air. Alexei turned around to catch it. In it was a number, probably belonging to the hacker Jenna talked about. There was also a lot of info about her. He turned around to her, but she was nowhere to be seen. So she does control sound...


    He turned on his phone and dialed the girl's number. Leaning across the stone wall, he waited for her to pick up. As soon as he heard her answering, he started speaking with diplomatic voice, giving her no room for her pleasantries.
    "Hello, miss Star. How are you doing today?"
    "I'm fine, may I ask who am I speaking to?" She said, a slight tone of happines was in her voice.
    "You can call me Ace, miss Star. A friend gave me your number, and I called so I can purchase your...special skills."
    "Alright, Ace... What skills exactly do you want to 'buy', as you stated. I won't even ask who found my number in the first place." She said, slightly confused
    "You shouldn't. I'm talking about your technological skills and you being able to bypass any security. I need information on a handful of people, a reliable person that could grant me that is most useful to me. For someone of your nature, I'm sure money isn't a problem, but there are ...other..ways of payment."
    A tint of happines reached him as he spoke, amazed by how calm the girl was.
    "Interesting... You've done your fair share of reasearch on me!" She was still calm and slightly amused by the russian man talking to her "Keep talking... You're halfway through persuading me, or more now that I think of it. Other ways of payment? What kind of payment?" She was toying with him a bit on that last question at least"
    He chuckled a little "Depends on what do you want, miss Star. I've been told about you, but your quest is unclear to me. Do you desire revenge on the on the SDD? A way to return home? Or perhaps you're looking for nothing at all, and you offer your services for free."
    "Revenge and favours, that's all I desire.. I don't need a way home, thanks for the offer" She said in a professional tone. Also I would like to work through my devices, as they are safer than most things, altthough I don't have a computer in my possession right now"
    Alexei smiled widely "I've heard a little here and there about a secret entrance to an SDD base in Los Angeles. Maybe I can hear more, but you have to prove me you're loyal, miss Star. I need to know everything about 3 people right now - A young channel named Alice Crosbow, an SDD agent named Chris Lopez, and.. a big time club owner named Natham Hatter. Send me their dossiers and I'l keep you updated."
    "You'll have them in a few day's time... When I find a computer" She said, keeping a professional tone and expressing no emotions.
    He frowned and his tone changed to a more hostile one "Not good enough, miss Star. I need them before tomorrow. I'm sure a channel like you can speed things up, right?" he hung up right after he finished speaking

    He walked away from the alley, angered and still confused about the entire situation. He got to a nearby hotel and asked for a room. In the elevator, he got a text from... Evelyn Star.

    All the files were there, accompanied by a text message from Evelyn "Is this good enough?". He replied with a happy emoticon, before finally entering the hotel room and laying on the bed, reading through the files.

    Natham Hatter...what a worthless man. It says here he was trialed many times for smuggling drugs, vandalism and stealing. Hard to believe this guy ended up so fluff*ng rich. He was reported to be in the channel business two years ago, but the police and the SDD ignored him. He has a crippling fear of...dogs? That's odd, but could come in handy.

    Let's see...Chris Lopez. He had a tough start... mother and brother killed when he was young. Poor guy could barely scrape out some food. I can relate...He joined the SDD eventually, even if a lot of people didn't want him there. He can sense other channels and he can control temperature. Damn...I won't be able to burn his blood cells. This guy's gonna be tough to capture.

    And finally, Alice Corshaw, the top priority girl I must kidnap. Not a lot of info on her powers, it seems she can predict some events, but it's unreliable. He kept reading more about her Holy hell..this girl really had it rough. She's being picked on, because she's a channel, and she's clinically depressed. She has a family, and they would just rob her of that.

    He kept laying on the bed, turning off his phone and staring to the white abyss of the ceiling. How can I bring myself to doing this...Kidnapping a young confused girl that did nothing wrong. I can't chicken out now...it's already settled. I wish I could save her...but I can't. Luck is not on my side this time and with that he went to a dreamless sleep.


    An Excellent Site Member
    Alice was laying on her bed when she heard her phone vibrate. It was about 7:30 in the evening and even though she wasn't tired, sitting up made her too dizzy. This sucked. There was only so much time she could spend sleeping, even when she was sick. She was still weak, tired and sore and her fever was still present as ever but now she was bored with it. Bored and miserable. She picked up her phone and saw that Levi was calling. About time, what had he gotten himself into?

    "Hello?" She asked weakly.

    "Is this Alice?" Levi asked, unable to keep himself from sounding nervous.

    Alice smiled when a nice sounding Australian boy about her age answered the phone and asked if he was talking to her. So this must be what Levi sounded like. His picture was cute and Alice was a sucker for an Aussie accent. Wow, this was really him! "Levi? Yeah, this is Alice."

    He answered her pretty much immediately. "Hey, Its Levi, you said I could call you. Are you okay, you sound sick?" Levi felt way better talking to someone he felt like he had known a while. He was clearly excited, ecstatic, to finally be talking to her. She felt the same way.

    "Ha, yeah. I am sick. I've got a fever and everywhere's sore as bugger all, so I'm home from school today. My mom's here taking care of me though. She's out at the grocery right now getting me some cold medicine for tonight, so it's good that you called now. Not quite sure how she'll react when I'm talking to a guy I met on the Internet. It's really good to hear your voice though and if I had any energy I'd probably be bouncing at finally talking with you."

    He probably wasn't interesting in her blabbering so Alice refocused herself.

    "So...hey...what's going on? Your last message said that you made trouble at an airport and the SDD showed up? If we were strangers I'd say that's really fl*ffed up. What happened?"

    Levi smiled when he heard her swear, "Oi." He said. "Don't swear." The way he said this you could tell he wasn't being serious. "Nah but seriously, when I went to go down to the airport to follow my mum..." He paused for a moment, trying to gather his story before blurting out and going back and over himself. "When I got to the airport all was cool, but there was a bunch of people running out of it, which was weird. Then I further up there's the SDD holding a girl prisoner, someone they'd just captured." Levi paused to let it sink in a little, then continued. "Being the suave gentleman that I am I rescued her." He said with a tinge of sarcasm. "We made a huge mess on our way out, I didn't kill anyone, but I did throw them to the floor with my uh, powers."

    There was a short pause, almost as if he was trying to think of what to say next.

    "I flew-I don't have the flu." He said, covering up his sentence. It was random, awkward, but how would he explain flying without telling her his other power? "I managed to take her to Nevada, and then when she finally came to we went to a secluded diner. Nevada is so.... Boring. Anyway, she called a cab or something and took us to LA I think, fancy as fl*ff, and she rented out TWO suites. She was being really, and I mean really stuck up to people because her dad is rich. I hate people like that, but shes treated me so well. I'm in an expensive suite for Christs sake." He realizes Alice might not like him using the Lords name in vain."Wait, sorry Alice, I didn't mean to use the Lords name in vain. But she gets the star treatment and she hasn't even done anything to deserve it, that's why shes like that so I can't really let it bother me.. I don't know. I just want to go. I don't like this hotel."

    Alice listened to Levi talk, never interrupting and waiting as long as necessary for him to collect his thoughts. He was clearly in distress and hadn't talked to anyone about this. He needed to vent towards a sympathetic ear and he needed someone to be patient enough to let him sort his thoughts out. Alice understood those feelings very well. When she told him about her mom taking care of her he mumbled that he wished his mom was like that. That was probably unintentional and Alice pretended to not hear. She would bring it up now that there was a pause. Levi needed hope right now and Alice wanted to give him some. She really cared about Levi, even if they only knew each other over the internet, and she wanted to try and make him happier.

    "Wow." She said, tired but consoling and genuinely impressed. "It sounds like you had quite a day. It also sounds like you're in a lot of trouble. Rescuing a total stranger by interfering with SDD operations and making a big mess at a Utah airport wasn't a good idea. It...actually explains a vision I had while I was sleeping a couple of hours ago. Something about a really cute guy and a pretty black haired girl crashing through a bunch of windows and throwing cars around during a spontaneous thunderstorm. I'm guessing that was you and your friend. Plus it was on the news this morning. No names yet, but they're looking for you."

    That sounded a little judgmental. Alice wanted to comfort Levi, not accuse him of terrorism.

    "But listen, I'm not judging you. It sounds like you can do a bit more than control the weather but you don't have to elaborate if you don't want to. Really, it's okay. It's just...*sigh* it doesn't sound like you thought this through. This girl you're with, she could have been a suicide bomber that the SDD stopped and you wouldn't know. Now you're both on the run and eventually the law WILL find you. Especially if you use a credit card or a registered computer or maybe even your phone. Come to think of it, it was pretty dangerous of you to call me, but you're here now and I want to talk to you. Just, try to think about consequences more okay?"

    "You know what?" Levi said, this could go anywhere. "I know what she could have been, and guess what, I didn't care." His attitude seemed a little rude for a girl helping him. "I used my... powers to free her without actually revealing myself at first and she didn't even move yet they whacked her with a gun. Its undeserving, and anyone else would get a gun charge. No, they get to break the law freely. In fact they should be called the Hunters because while I'm running for my life looking over my shoulder each day they're looking for people just like me. She's a channel, I think she can control electricity." Levi let all that sink in, then his tone went from frustrated to comedic. "A cute guy, hey?" He said, with a sly smirk she couldn't see. "Oh wait, a really cute guy." Emphasizing the 'really'.

    "Sorry Alice, but you're too innocent, you trust your government too much. I'm not a completely anti-government person but when my freedom is on the line I kind of am, I'm old enough to not need a bunch of middle aged men in parliament telling me whats best for me. I'm sorry, I'm probably like completely changing what you think of me, I swear I'm not always like this..." As we was talking he had been pacing, now as he finished up his last sentence he made his way to the bed and sat down. "Alice, I don't have consequences anymore." A bold statement, and a cocky one. "They can't take anything from me, my mum isn't here and she was the only family I had in America. She's back in Australia, and she was a channel, either way they aren't taking her. Also, I have powers, if they want to call me a criminal or a terrorist or a hunter or whatever for freeing someone who unlawfully had their rights taken from them feel free to call me that, but don't get mad when something bad happens. Because Alice, I am their consequence." He was trying to get a point across to Alice, that nobody should put up with the governments or SDD of the current generation as rights are being stolen. "Stop letting people tell you what to do, they don't judge whats right and wrong we do, for ourselves. Stand up for yourself for once." This had multiple meanings. As a people, stand up for what you believe is right and wrong and don't let the government take away your rights or make decisions for you. As an individual stop the bullying that you know is wrong and stand up for yourself.

    "Wait a second, I got it. They are no different to the gangs like the bloods or crips, or whatever. There's only a slight difference, and that is they make their crimes legal before committing them." Levi figured she'd be getting bored of his anti-SDD talk, but she wasn't bored at all. She was concerned, frightened even. "Anyway, if its not creepy or anything... Can I meet you?"

    Now the things coming out of Levi's mouth really scared Alice. The additional details about the attack made it clear that he was in the right but against the federal government that didn't count for anything. Known Channels that created these sorts of spectacles and got away with it were branded terrorists and stripped of their rights. Now Levi was firmly within that category and if Alice wasn't careful she would be too.

    "Levi I..." Her breathing became heavy over the phone and her voice started to quaver. She was conflicted and felt in danger and that made her panic. When she panicked she started to cry. She didn't know what to do and what the ballocks would her parents say if they found out?! "...I-I don't know what to tell you. I'm sorry. I didn't see everything in my vision and if what you say is true then yes, you were in the right. But the government doesn't care about that. And yes I am kind of naive and no I'm not in your situation but I just can't believe that the SDD is a gang of jack booted thugs. They have to be doing what they're doing for the right reasons. That's just...this country was built on THROWING OFF tyrants like that, not WELCOMING them! Both world wars were fought for those principles! This is still the United States of America. They can't just...there are laws like the Patriot Act that stop them from doing what you say they're doing! And yes, you do have consequences! So long as you breathe you will have consequences! For you and everyone you meet! What they're doing is wrong but you can't win this! Turn yourself in! Explain your situation! You're a kid! They'll let you go! Please Levi! Don't drag this out!"

    She started crying and had to pause to regain composure. Her sobs were clearly audible over the phone and she felt horrible for that. A few moments and sniffles later she could talk again.

    "I'm sorry about that." She said with a deep breath. "You're a really great guy Levi and I really care about you. I just...You can't beat the government. No one can. You'll get killed if you try to. Please...just stop now, while you're still ahead."

    She covered the mouthpiece of her phone and blew her nose, then gave a long sniff.

    "Also, I've got to believe your mom loves you. I don't know why she left but I have to believe it was for a good reason. I have to believe she'll come back. It sounds like you made a new friend and she probably thinks you're pretty swell for rescuing her. Every girl likes that..."

    She ended her sentence with extra emphasis, to try and make a point that she was interested. She didn't care about subtlety, not right now.

    "I'm tired and I want to go back to sleep and I'm about to cry, so I can't talk anymore, I'm sorry! But I'll call you back when I feel better. If the government's watching us they already have my number so fl*ff it, right? In the meantime, try to enjoy your nice hotel room. It's hard to accept gifts like that if you're poor but please try and show a little gratitude. This girl would really appreciate it. As for meeting me, I don't know. If it were just me I'd say yes but you could put my parents in a lot of danger and I just can't have that. Maybe what we can do is I can meet you somewhere in the area. Neutral ground. Maybe I can help you then. Just...j-just get here quick if you're gonna get here at all okay? The longer you stay in one place the more vulnerable you are. Airhead on Channel Surfing lives in the L.A area. Maybe she can help, I don't know. Ask her. Message her. Tell her we talked, whatever works. And please, watch out for this girl you've saved and keep both of yourselves safe. You'd be doing God's work, and don't worry about taking His name in vain. If he cared, there'd be a LOOOOOOONG list of people he'd have to talk too, trust me, haha! I've gotta go now. I'm so sorry Levi, I'll call you later! Please, please keep yourself safe! If you still want to talk, I'll try and listen. I'll hang up when you do."

    Alice wanted and needed to hang up because she was now crying but she couldn't. She wanted Levi to say his piece. She was terribly conflicted but right now she trusted her friend over her government. She'd deal with the consequences and her parents later.

    Levi felt guilty when Alice cried, but he stood by all he said. It took a few moments to register and he still wasn't sure on Alice's stance in all of this. "Alice..." He said slowly, "The government aren't yours or anyone else's friends. The SDD or the government don't know I have a phone and even if they did they could never track it, trust me, you put yourself at risk by not being prepared. They've been tracking more of us down more often, you're in just as much danger as I am." He let out a sigh before gathering this thoughts, this situation sucked. "I don't know if I want to stay around this girl, she's great but I want to be alone again. I hate the responsibility, so... She's my only consequence, and the further distance I put between me and her the less responsibility I'll have. Please don't leave, I'll be so...bored. I know you're upset but this is all that I have right now, bored wasn't the right word. I'll be lost. But whatever, go, we can talk later. If we meet I'll be careful, and we can be somewhere away from your family... Tomorrow?" It was sudden, and would likely be denied, but he had to ask. "By the way, I can beat them. We all can."

    Here's my last bit. Sorry for taking so long:

    Alice thought over Levi's last bit. How she was more vulnerable than him because she wasn't prepared for the SDD to disrupt her life every five minutes and live on the run. That was an outrageous accusation. No one could be prepared for that and Levi's view of the world was very skewed right now. He was scared, running with a strange girl he just met with no plan. Alice was still safe and comfortable, able to enjoy two parents who loved her and the normal life they provided. Of course he'd be jealous of her. She'd be so if she were in his position, but she couldn't hold that against him. She had to help somehow. While he talked Alice sucked up her tears and willed herself to relax. At the end of the day this was his problem, not hers. There was nothing she could do where she was so it was a fool's errand to worry about it. Levi had a friend now, and a fellow Channel at that. And she had the means to see that he was comfortable, at least for a little while. If they stood together they would survive. Maybe sometime soon Alice could help them.

    "You might be right Levi, you might now, but fighting the government isn't the answer. There's a better way, a more Christian way, that involves less bloodshed. You're not one of the X-Men. If you try to fight you'll get yourself killed. Stay with this girl and stay safe. Run if you can, fight if you have to, but DO NOT go looking for a fight. I do want to meet you, and this girl you've met, but I don't know about tomorrow. I need to see how I feel. I'll call you either way, I promise. Mom just got home, I gotta go. Please take care of yourself Levi."



    Alice hung up and got back into bed just as her mom's footsteps stopped. Probably in the kitchen putting he medicine down on the table. She heard feet coming up the stairs so she turned her light off and quickly got under her covers, pretending to be asleep. She didn't want to face her mom or anyone else now. She just wanted to make everything Levi said go away. To forget. To pretend that everything was right with the world even though she felt in her heart it wasn't. Her mom cracked her door open but closed it to let her daughter sleep. Alice was relieved and cried in silence, too torn between friend and state to even think straight. Eventually she fell into real sleep.

    The next morning she wasn't great, but she was okay enough to go to school. She wanted to go back, to face Britney and Bethany and Brianna and all the other preppy girls that made her life difficult. She had slept on what Levil had set and some of it was right. She had to stop letting people push her around. Not by being clever or sarcastic but by simply standing her ground. Come what may, today she was ready.


    The Fox
    ‘’ Of course, just give me a second, but first, may I be excused to the bathroom? These clothes are not that comfortable right now and also they are not suited to the weather ‘’ She replied, feeling slightly awkward about that subject, After she received instructions on where the bathroom was, she hurried inside to change and freshen up. A few moments after she entered the bathroom, her phone rung, it was an unknown number. “What do they want from me now?” She picked it up and heard a deep Russian voice.
    "Hello, miss Star. How are you doing today?" the man said. "I'm fine, may I ask who am I speaking to?" She said, a slight tone of happiness and comfusion was in her voice. "You can call me Ace, miss Star. A friend gave me your number, and I called so I can purchase your...special skills.""Alright, Ace... What skills exactly do you want to 'buy', as you stated. I won't even ask who found my number in the first place." She said, slightly confused"You shouldn't. I'm talking about your technological skills and you being able to bypass any security. I need information on a handful of people, a reliable person that could grant me that is most useful to me. For someone of your nature, I'm sure money isn't a problem, but there are ...other..ways of payment." ‘’Another way of payment? Ok…. “ she thought
    "Interesting... You've done your fair share of reasearch on me!" She was still calm and slightly amused by the Russian man talking to her "Keep talking... You're halfway through persuading me, or more now that I think of it. Other ways of payment? What kind of payment?" She was toying with him a bit on that last question. He chuckled a little "Depends on what do you want, miss Star. I've been told about you, but your quest is unclear to me. Do you desire revenge on the on the SDD? A way to return home? Or perhaps you're looking for nothing at all, and you offer your services for free.""Revenge and favours, that's all I desire.. I don't need a way home, thanks for the offer" She said in a professional tone. Also I would like to work through my devices, as they are safer than most things, altthough I don't have a computer in my possession right now" feeling slightly irritated about his last sentence.
    "I've heard a little here and there about a secret entrance to an SDD base in Los Angeles. Maybe I can hear more, but you have to prove me you're loyal, miss Star. I need to knoweverything about 3 people right now - A young channel named Alice Crosbow, an SDD agent named Chris Lopez, and.. a big time club owner named Natham Hatter. Send me their dossiers and I'l keep you updated."
    "You'll have them in a few day's time... When I find a computer" She said, keeping a professional tone and expressing no emotions.His tone changed to a more hostile one "Not good enough, miss Star. I need them before tomorrow. I'm sure a channel like you can speed things up, right?" he hung up right after he finished speaking
    “Ok, that was weird…” She said to herself. She quickly pulled out her phone and entered the SDD private Database in no time at all “ This is a Child’s play for me.” She thought to herself and sent the required files to that man who she spoke to earlier, accompanied
    A few minutes afterwards she is fully dressed and her make-up is well applied and almost perfect. She straightens her white shorts and her black tank top. “If I ever see Heather again, I should thank her for the shorts” she said giggling a bit. She checks the clock once more only to notice that the current time was 6 in the afternoon. She quickly exited the bathroom, only to find Ace looking at the ceiling and probably daydreaming.
    She looked at him and shyly said “Sorry I was so late, but someone called me on my cell phone”. “Called you,what for?” he said slightly confused. “A guy who introduced himself as Ace, wanted me to find some information… No big deal” she said while smiling to him. “What kind of information? I might be able to help you.” Ace replied curiously. “Nothing I couldn’t handle and you wouldn’t be able to help me, no offence though” She said slightly annoyed.. He didn’t seem to buy it but he leaned his head to the right and said “ Ok. None taken. How about your tattoos that we were talking about earlier?” She smiled at the way that he changed the subject and pointed at the star tattoo, smiled and said “This one is my favorite of the pair. My black star”. “Oh it really is beautiful, but did you have to make it… there” He said awkwardly. She blushed a bit and said “I just liked the idea of it” she said smiling a bit. “But still… Nevermind”.
    They continued to talk for some hours, laughing and sharing stories of their past. His were really interesting… “I wonder….” She thought to herself. But that thought was cut in half from her stomach’s growling. He looked at her and a smile was formed on his lips “Seems like you’re hungry “ he said a bit amused. “Yeah… seems so, wanna go grab some dinner outside?” She said, smiling a bit. “Did you really just do that?” She thought to herself. That seemed to shock him a little “ Sure” he said. “Where do you want to go?” He asked. “Anywhere that the food has meat in it!” She replied giggling a bit. “I know a really good pizza restaurant. Do you fancy going there?” He proposed. “Sure” She gave him a wide smile. “He is so nice to me… Finally I’ve found someone who I can be myself with” she thought to herself.
    They hurried down and started walking towards the pizza place. The road was beautiful as it was lit from both the moon and the street lamps. They arrived at that restaurant shortly afterwards, they sat down in one of the tables and ordered a pizza with extra cheese, bacon , mushrooms and a mixture of chilli and bell peppers. While they were eating they were chatting about many irrelevant things. They were now growing fond of each other
    It was all a blur to her, what was happening, what they were talking about … Everything! The only thing that she seemed to have fully taken hold of is that she was having so much fun. The best time she had in months! And that they were growing closer to each other with each word they exchanged. But she couldn’t shake off the feeling that something would happen today.

    After they had finished their meal, Ace looked at the bill and he seemed like he wanted to pay for both of them. Evelyn noticed that and took out her wallet. When she saw that he was doing the same she grabbed his arm and said “ Don’t even think about it! Everything is on me” With a playful voice. “It’s not proper for a gentleman to make his company pay.” He teased her as he signaled the waiter to come over to their table. As he was about to pay, Evelyn proved to be quicker and managed to pay the bill. “I told you I would pay for it” Evelyn said, teasing him. Ace looked at her seeming to be annoyed, he smiled and told her “One does not simply win an argument with you ” She laughed and said “I love that meme!” He stared into her eyes with a slight smile forming onto his lips and said “Shall we be off to go home?” but she had better plans for the night “I have a better idea, why don’t we grab a beer and head to the park for a stroll” She said winking at him. He returned the wink with a slight smile and said “This is a really good idea, but the beer is on me this time” “Alright” she said, putting on her black leather jacket and straightening her shorts.
    After a while they headed towards the park where they strolled for a couple of hours sipping on their ice-cold beers and talking about irrelevant things. They eventually decided to sit near the pond, their eyes shining in the moonlight and their figures almost vanished through the dim lighting.
    “Sorry for bringing this up, but you haven’t told me a lot about your past…How did you end up in the SDD prison?” He asked.. That was a subject she detested… That almost ruined her mood right then, but it was time to tell him the truth, to tell someone the truth. “I…” she said shyly, she was about to open up to him and trust him with her past and thoughts about the reason that she left came to her mind, Achilles… Those were some memories that she didn’t want to recall…”Used to have a happy life… Lots of friend, good grades, a loving family but then one day I met this guy...” She took a deep breath in order to clear her thoughts. “What happened next?” Ace asked her, eager to hear the rest “One thing brought the other and we started dating…A few months afterwards I told him that I was a Channel and he was ok with that, at the moment…” She looked at Ace and blushed a bit, avoiding eye contact. “But.. turned out his father was a High ranked SDD Admiral and he sold me out. They threw me in that prison along with 5 other Channels, Max, Cecilia, George, Savina, Sam… I was the youngest in there and it was…” Suddenly a voice was heard by both Ace and Evelyn “That Channel attack was unfortunate but I hope they took care of it… Don’t want any blood getting spilled these days. Especially SDD blood!” She knew that voice well, really well! “Achilles” She said loud enough for Ace to hear her but no one else. Ace looked into her eyes and asked “Achilles… That Achilles?”
    They heard footsteps coming closer and closer, They must have seen Evelyn and Ace… She had to do something quick, before Achilles or the others had enough time to identify them, but what? “What do I do? What do I do?” She thought to herself. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. “I’m going to regret this” She muttered to herself. “What did you say?” Ace asked her. “I’m sorry I will explain to you later” She whispered to him… She couldn’t believe what she was about to do. She leaned in and started kissing him, his arms went around her waist and he seemed to be ok with what was happening. A few moments afterwards, even after Achilles and the other SDD agents had left, they continued. She wanted to stop but for some reason she did not know, didn’t. After what felt like a minute, he gently pushed her away with a gentle push on her shoulder, but still holding her close with his other arm which was still resting on her waist “I can’t believe I did that! But why isn’t he letting me go?” She thought to herself before looking at Ace who was already gazing at her with an expression which had both a troubled side and a happy side. “Sorry for pushing you away, but…” He told her, his hands stiffened and became tensed, he took a deep breath and said “… I’ve got something to tell you.” He seemed and sounded troubled and concerned about something with a grave expression on his face.


    Frost Wolf
    The television emitted white noise, my vision blurred. The Light stung my eyes, outside was like a portrait. The sun hung lowly, pink clouds loomed besides the semi-orange sky. It was like a dream, I walked onto the balcony. There was no noise, no wind, the air had no smell, and nothing had feeling. The world felt wrong, but at the same time it was the one place I felt entirely at peace. A blinding light suddenly appeared over the horizon, reflected across the ocean and the earth trembled.
    I jolted up, and felt like total crap. My body ached, and the television hurt my ears and eyes. There was a knock on the door, a low mumble from the television, and then another knock at the door. I reluctantly forced myself up and seemed to shuffle towards the door. My head kept throbbing, I opened the door and a man besides a cart smiling, “Room service, you’re Mr. Corbane?” I looked back at him, trying to remember when I ordered Room service, “Yes, I’m Mr. Corbane,” I replied while the man brought the cart inside, I reached for my wallet and gave him a rather hefty tip. He thanked me and was about to leave, “Wait, Do you know where’s the nearest pharmacy?” I asked. He turned to face me with a disdainful look and I thought he didn’t quite deserve the tip I had given. “Should be in the centre of town, I don’t think you can miss it,” he slurred and closed the door.

    I stared back at myself, cold water running down the drain. The porcelain tiles reflected bright light and the cold water only offered temporary relief, not that it mattered as there was not much I could do. The Room service cart lay pushed to one side, I did not remember ordering it and did not have much of an appetite. The Television muttered from the same news channel that it had been on for hours, I switched it off and pulled out my laptop. Nothing new it seemed, only what had been reported earlier.

    “Ruthless attack on Airport”

    There were many versions to this story, many exaggerated ones; people that justified what the SDD did, People that were with the SDD for what they did and people that seemed to be against what the SDD did. Not that they were wrong to do so, all the SDD wants to do is chain all the channels in one place and neutralize them. Be it young or old and it doesn’t have to be moral either. They just slap on something like, we are too dangerous for society. Not like we are sociopaths, not all of us anyway. I wonder what made us so hard to find, they should have some sort of way to detect us by now. There was seemingly nothing to do, but play something tirelessly. I had to admit it, I missed work. There was always something to be done. ‘Where to start, others like me could be anywhere.


    An Excellent Site Member
    By the time 11:30 came around Chantilly High School was at its peak. Most students were finally over their early morning fatigue, the first round of lunch was finally here and two out of four classes were behind them. Alice, grateful to be back at school, had met up with Jess on the way to World History 2 and was excited to catch up with her. Her outfit was a repeat performance of two days ago but this time Alice had done everything right. Her tight white leggings and long sleeve white shirt of the same material were clean, her short collared blue dress was pressed and ready the night before, her short brown leather gloves looked good and both of her riding boots were brown with cute gold buckles at the top. Her boots were clean and polished, as was her plain silver ring and silver sapphire earrings and her neck length black hair was neatly combed, her blue eyeshadow, pink blush and neutral foundation were all properly proportioned. She looked damn good.

    "Jess!" Alice called from across the crowded hallway. Jess was against the wall next to their classroom door checking her phone. It was difficult to hear Alice over the chattering students and she didn't quite register that she was being called. "JESS!" Alice yelled again, closer and louder this time. Jess recognized her voice and popped her head up.

    "Alice!" Jess said happily. She put her phone away and the girls hugged. "I texted your mom yesterday and she said you were really sick! Like can't-get-out-of-your-footies-sick! I'm glad you're feeling better!"

    "Thanks Jess." Alice said with a smile. "How do I look better than two days ago?"

    "You look a MILLION times better than two days ago!" Alice gave a little squeal of approval and she hugged Jess again. Jess eagerly returned her friend's hug and held her for a moment. Alice had had a hard couple of days and she needed a friend right now. Alice was very grateful for it.

    "Thanks Jess. I needed that." Alice said sincerely.

    "Aww. No problem. The hug or the compliment?"

    "Both. You look really good too by the way. I think our boots match." Jess had opted for a black t shirt and light blue jeans over a pair of sky blue long underwear today with her shoulder length red hair tied back in a ponytail with a black scrunchie. Sure enough she had worn the same knee high boots Alice had worn today. Both girls loved their tall boots and had several pairs of several types so it was uncommon for them both to pick out the exact same ones. "Omg, we did!" She exclaimed and they both had a happy laugh about that, and another hug. Checking their phones it was 11:28 and students were flooding into classrooms so they decided to head in themselves. They took their seats next to each other and soon their lesson began...

    Which didn't interest Alice. She had bigger things to worry about and she'd seen everything on the test anyway. Who boiled down an entire lecture on the Spanish Armada to four multiple choice questions anyway? It seemed pointless and trivial to her. Jess, being the history buff she was, was paying more attention but keeping an eye on Alice. She was preoccupied and that usually meant she had a vision. She'd make herself crazy if she just sat here and stewed. Jess carefully wrote a note under her open notebook and underhandedly passed to Alice.

    You look like you're about to run out of here and you're staring off into space. You had a vision and it's eating at you. Tell me about it.

    Alice, waiting for their teacher to turn her back, wrote a response, her visions letting her map out when the teacher would turn around over the next three minutes and pausing when appropriate. She passed it to Jess when she was done.

    The SDD are going to come today. I'm not sure when. They're going to take over the school, a freshman girl is going to get shot and I'm going to kill one. They might come for one or either of us.

    Jess was wide-eyed at Alice response but before they could continue the exchange their teacher was called to the door by a student with a hall pass. The bearer was Britney, and she grinned at Alice, as if imagining whatever judgement was about to be passed. The hall pass was for Alice and she was to come to the principal's office ASAP. This was a surprise, something Alice didn't see, and that was very worrying. It was too early for the SDD to be here. It was only 11:45. What was going on? There was no time to think however. Britney lingered until Alice got up and left the classroom, then walked beside her, the bitches hair as perfect as ever and her black leather jacket and black knee high stilettos polished enough to produce a reflection.

    "Wonder what the principal wants Croshaw." she said with a grin. "Maybe SDD's gotten wind of your suspiciously high grades."

    Alice stopped mid-stride. She was not taking this today. She turned to Brittney and looked her straight in the eye, showing no fear.

    "You know what Britney? You're a real bitch. You walk around this school pretending to be this perfect girl with perfect friends and be in this perfect relationship with that piece of meat you call a boyfriend. Well sooner or later someone's going to have the balls to speak out against you and then your mask of perfection will be stripped. Where will you hide then? You won't be able to find yourself, lost in your lies. Honestly? I feel sorry for you. So find someone else to tear down to your sad, insecure little level because I'm done being your entertainment. fluff you Britney."

    Britney was stunned, not because she believed any of what Alice said, but because Alice had had the courage to say it. For such a timid and emotional girl that let everything get under her skin, standing up for herself so eloquently and vehemently was unheard of. She simply stared as Alice walked to the main office, then shrugged her shoulders and went back to class.

    When Alice arrived at the office a man in a gray suit was waiting for her. He seemed relaxed but serious. With him was a uniformed SDD officer armed with a pistol and police baton and no body armor. He was a patrol officer, one of many among the country's cities assigned to look out for channels and radio in a tactical squad if he saw something dangerous. The fact that only he was here meant that either the SDD didn't see Alice as much of a threat or they didn't want to alarm her or the other students. Whatever the reason, she was grateful. The normal office staff were nowhere to be seen, as if they had cleared out to give them privacy.

    "Hello Alice." The man in the suit said in a smooth, deep Australian accent, shaking her hand. "My name is Mr. Lawson and I'm with the SDD."

    "It's nice to meet you Mr. Lawson." Alice said, putting on the mask of a young lady and shaking his hand but scared plopsless inside. Right now there was nothing she could do but go along with whatever these men were here for. "What, may I ask, is this all about?" She didn't realize she was literally shaking with fear and her eyes betrayed that fear.

    "First of all my dear there's no need to be afraid. The SDD knows about your abilities as a Channel but we're not here to harm you. In fact, we're here in order to ensure your safety."

    "Ensure my safety?" Alice asked, keeping her tone carefully neutral and gripping the hem of her dress to stop them from shaking. "That would imply I'm in danger."

    "You're a smart girl I see. I've heard a lot about you and the reports don't do you justice. You MAY be in danger. We have reports that a Channel named Alexi Krovi has been accessing everything he can find online about you. Including confidential records such as birthdate, social security number and credit card information, all of which he could only obtain if he stole your identity. Don't worry: nothing of yours or your parents has been compromised and we've frozen everything just in case. We don't know why Alexi, or Ace as is his alias, is interested in you but we do know he's a channel like you and has the power to manipulate a person's blood."

    Alice couldn't believe what she was hearing. A Channel who could control blood was interested in her? And the SDD wanted to PROTECT HER!? This flew in the face of everything Levi ranted about. Even if it was for their own reasons the SDD was her to KEEP HER SAFE from this unknown and very powerful Channel. This was still a lot to take in though and it replaced a lot of Alice's worries with new ones. "Wait a minute, how could this man steal my identity without anyone but you knowing it? I don't share my personal information with anyone but my parents and they would never, ever sell me out. How could a man who controls blood know everything about me? And where are my parents? Do they know about this? They need to know about this and I need to tell them."

    "Don't worry Alice. We've called your parents and their waiting for you at a nearby SDD station. Your mother wanted to come pick you up and was very forceful about it. She's in our car outside waiting to see you, she practically threatened us to let her come. I must say she's very protective of you. You're a very lucky young lady to have a mother like that."

    "Thank you." Alice said, genuinely flattered and more relaxed now that her mom was here for her but still not completely trusting. "But you still haven't answered my question. How did this man find out so much about me."

    "That's the part we're not sure of, which is why we need to take you into protective custody until we know you'll be safe at home. You are NOT under arrest. We're taking you in to keep you safe and we guarantee you and your parents will be comfortable and unharmed. If you resist however, we'll have to take you forcefully. I don't want to do that."

    "Then I guess I'm going to come with you voluntarily." Alice said, more defiantly that she really should have. "Can I at least go to the bathroom before we leave?"

    "Make it brief." Mr. Lawson said, then he let her go.

    When Alice left she went to the bathroom and texted Jess, figuring she had followed Alice and was somewhere nearby. She responded a few seconds later.

    Jess. The SDD is here and they're taking me to a nearby office. They say it's because I'm in danger from another Channel but I'm not stupid. I need you to track me somehow and try to get help. Can you do that?

    fluff! SDD?! Really!? what the fluff?! Yeah, I can do that. Go to settings in your phone and turn on your personal hotspot. I've figured out how to track wi-fi signals with my powers so I'll be able to find you. What could I possibly do though?

    Call Levi. He's that guy I've been talking to on CS? ProbablyNotFamous? Tell him what's going on. I think that new user Destiny knows him IRL. PM her. Maybe she can help. Her profile says she's a techwiz and electricity manipulator.

    Okay, got it. Alice? Be careful okay? Find your mom. She has to know about this.

    Apparently she already has. I'll be okay Jess, just do what you can. *hugs*


    After that, Alice returned from the bathroom and was escorted outside by Mr. Lawson. They were walking towards a black mid sized sedan in front of a black armored van, probably full of SDD troops in case things got messy. Alice was shaking with fear again but right now all she could do was cooperate. She would meet with her mom and dad and everything would be okay.