Open souls of the heartless

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    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    hello everyone and others! welcome to my first rp! i will be getting to the lot in a moment, but i would likesay a few things first.

    • follow the basic rules of rp. no godmodding is a big must.
    •no shouts under any circumstances.
    •grammar must be well enough that eole can READ it. one big thing for grammar is punctuation. be sure to use it.
    • i refer you explain your character rp-wise. once they meet someone, give a breif explaination of what they look like
    •finally, feel free to ask questions. if there's something you dont understand, or you would like to know something specific, let me know. just remember to not be rude. if thats how your character is, so be it. just dont do it OOC.

    PLOT: alikh'r damascus, a rather small argonian, wandered through the streets of windhelm, wearing a hood to cover himself. as of now, he is one of the most wanted criminals there is, wanted dead or alive for stealing the shrine of kynareth. he didnt know why he was still here. he sighed, thinking of the many ways out of his thieving life. "i could pay my bounty," he thought. "or i could just kill every guard i see. why dont i just kill myself?" he shuddered at the thought of that he turned to the inn he was staying in, and walked in, sitting down near the fireplace.

    (if thats to hard to work with, just let me know. i can add more.)


    Phyrior , a dark-skinned tall high elf-redguard half-breed dressed in black robes with halved moon symbols on them sat down next to Alikh'r. He was also wearing a hood.A brief smile appeared on his face as he looked in the fire.Then his lips opened and he started speaking ,quietly , yet clearly "The fire reminds me of the past...of what I could have done ,but I choose not too" .Phyrior's smile started to fade off his face as he continued to stare at the fireplace.With a quarter of his eye, he was looking at the argonian. Thinking he is not going to notice.

    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    alikh'r sighed. he enjoyed the warmth, but the fire itself gave him chills. "reminds me of corruption... of damnation," he said. he looked over to the man, trying not to show his face. he'd never seen such clothing, but it seemed rather... strange. "may i ask... where you got that armor? it seems rather... familiar."


    At first , Phyrior hesitated to answer , but then he looked at how Alikh'r was dressed.Then he whispered with a strange enthusiasm "I took off a pilgrim's dead body 3 years ago.You could say I stole it...but all in an honest day's work , right thief?" .Phyrior didn't felt comfortable talking in the inn where everyone could hear what he said.He got off from his chair and said "The fire is not trustworthy,it tells everyone what it heard , the snow on the other hand , is always silent, even when it's painted with blood".Phyrior exited the inn and moved to the Aretino Residence , where there were no signs of living.He stood next to the door there.His footprints were fresh , one could easily follow him.

    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    alikh'r nodded. "your ri-" he was cut off by the sound of the door swinging open. a couple of guards enter the inn, holding a piece of paper, woth a picture of someone on it. "excuse us," he announces." has anyone seen this man?" he holds up the paer, the picture of an argonian on it. "WANTED! DEAD OR ALIVE FOR ONE MILLION GOLD" it read. alikh'r remained silent.

    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    alikh'r looked back at the orc. "is he an idiot?" he thought. "isnt that me?"

    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    alikh'r was about to breathe a sigh of reloef, but then realizes he wouldve blown his cover. he jist quietly nodded.


    Phyrior was still waiting in the quiet alley , where nobody seemed to show up.He tought to himself "Where is that argonian?He should be here by now, maybe he doesn't want to talk." Phyrior was getting impatient ,then he saw a few guards exiting the inn.Upon seeing him in a such empty place , the guards started walking towards him , as Phyrior remained quiet and calm.
    Kareturek went out from the inn and saw someone in an alley so he walked in there and and asked "Hey you, what kind of armor is that I have never seen anything like it before"

    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    alikh'r quietly loked at phyror in disbelief. "does anyone know who i am?" he thought to himself. he stood up, perring at phyror. "come with me," he said quietly. he began to walk towards the door.

    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    (pretend i didnt say that. i got confused by the setting. also, i cant delete posts. it always freezes.)

    alikh'r damascus

    the most pitiful argonian you'll ever meet
    alikh'r exited, looking around suspiciously, just in case of prying eyes, when he noticed a figure in the alley. unsire of what it was, he entered the alley silently. he didnt let his guard down, though. he kept one hand near his dagger, just in case.


    Phyrior refused to answer the orc.He remained silent as he was watching the alley.He looked the orc in his eyes and answered him.
    "This is a dangerous place, orc."
    Phyrior opened a scroll , mumbling some words from another language.He readied his left arm while flames gathered around it.He threw a firebolt near Alikh'r , missing him intentionally. Upon doing so he shouted:
    "It's pointless to sneak , thief.Without the luck of Nocturnal you cannot hide yourself from my eyes.
    I mean no harm to you or this orc, so show yourself!"