Skyrim based on something?

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Redguard Battlemage
After doing research, and reading, and reading, i have come to a theory about skyrim which may hold true or not idc but its just something i looked at.

skyrim as we know has 7 unique holds (the reach, the pale, eastmarch, the rift, haafingar, hjaalmarch, and Falkreath hold) Each of these holds has a warring commander known as a jarl, each one acts as a governor or state senator. Now theres 2 sides quarreling in this amazing game, Imperials and Stormcloaks, (Imperials obviously being modeled after the roman empire while the stormcloaks rebelliousness is modeled after the huns who attacked Rome during the mid 5th century but i digress. Theres vast landscapes changing seasons, even two citys pretty much offered up to winter. Many of the characters and races may not be modeled after things but i believe the redguards, imperials, nords, dark elfs, high elfs all come from this simple but yet expansive story. This skyrim game and the book im going to talk about are both foreign lands thought but by the creator and ingeniously brought to us.

Soooo Stick with me here i know its a lot to take in but hang with me here

The book is called A Game of Thrones its a truly amazing book full of twists and turns and epic jouneys, mysteries, and warriors (most of them resemble the nords) This book contains a land that also has 7 realms all with a governing body at the healm, each has a townsguard (non of them took an arrow to the knee i dont believe but ill keep looking) So anyway back to my point. Game of Thrones has two families at ends with eachother The Lannisters and the Starks. Theres a family called the Dragon Bloods really there name is Targaryen which in there language means dragon blood, they are the only ones who can talk and handle dragons as well as handling fire without burns. The Targaryens had the High King position until the Lannisters oldest boy killed him and offered it to the Ulfric like Robert Baratheon. Theres a lot of fighting a lot of wars. theres several books in the series so ill keep reading.

Im not asking you to read the book but i will ask you to watch the hbo series they did a great job on. if anyone wants the link for the free stream PM me thanks for reading


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Redguard Battlemage
This is the Trailer for the first season (they are currently in post production of the second season)
This is the most badass fight that ive seen in most of the movies today let alone in an hbo series. This is Khal Drogo (i made my latest character after him, a redguard warrior)


Aravis, deadly archer
I think you're on the right track. I've been reading the books and while playing the game I get the eerie feeling they are similar in someway. I'm sure the creators of Skyrim were inspired by the Song of Ice and Fire novels.


Redguard Battlemage
exactly its soo similar i was like whaaaa


I would absolutely agree. I'm 75% through the third book, "A Song of Swords," and have thought that ever since picking up Skyrim for the first time a few weeks ago.

Oddly enough, if you're not that far along in the books
Giants and Mammoths go hand in hand, and yes, a main character does take an arrow at least very close to the knee.

Putting the game down tonight to do some reading. By the way, if you only watched the first season, I would recommend reading the book, and then keep reading them. INCREDIBLE!


The Wood Elf
hmph. I've always believed that Skyrim Formed off one one joke entirely.


Redguard Battlemage
I would absolutely agree. I'm 75% through the third book, "A Song of Swords," and have thought that ever since picking up Skyrim for the first time a few weeks ago.

Oddly enough, if you're not that far along in the books
Giants and Mammoths go hand in hand, and yes, a main character does take an arrow at least very close to the knee.

Putting the game down tonight to do some reading. By the way, if you only watched the first season, I would recommend reading the book, and then keep reading them. INCREDIBLE!
i read the first book, but i havent picked up the second yet loved the first book and loved the first season


i read the first book, but i havent picked up the second yet loved the first book and loved the first season

Dude, I would try to stay ahead of it. Read the second season before it airs. At least for the first season, I got a lot more from the book. I'm not the type to say "the book is better than the movie," and am not saying that in this case either, but it definitely gave me some different perspectives.


Redguard Battlemage
I love the books, i got a lot more out of the book than the show but to see it come alive it was cool because i could finally put a face and a name together. voices help as well


New Member
I've noticed lots of things in Skyrim from diffrent games/ films (Having an obsession with Celtic/Pagan Culture pays of...) But have never thought about the association with Skyrim and Gmae of Thrones; Great books~!


Active Member
The first thing mentioned in your comparison is incorrect. There are 9 holds in Skyrim. You left out the holds of Whiterun and Winterhold.

I read the first book 15 years ago or so, when it first came out. It was a good book, but I never got around to continuing the series. It was too long ago for me to make any comparison really. All I recall is someone named Jon, who had a wolf, and an annoying royal family into incest.


Redguard Battlemage
I agree completely its extremely hard to do anything original and i was going by the holds, not the actual cities themselves. But i love the fact that they may have used this book and many others to create something better


Active Member
I agree completely its extremely hard to do anything original and i was going by the holds, not the actual cities themselves. But i love the fact that they may have used this book and many others to create something better
Yeah I now, but there are 9 holds. Whiterun and Winterhold just happen to have the same name as the major city/town contained in them. Not a big deal, just saying the first "link" of 7 holds = 7 kingdoms is not correct.


Redguard Battlemage
Im just going by the holds map that i have