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    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    The lonesome ranger stands at the edge of the balcony in his rented room at the Old Hroldan Inn. A fitting place, he thought, where these two rivers meet. These two unstoppable forces of nature ran for what could seem like eternity until they finally smashed into each other here, finalizing their inevitable approach on each other.

    It was this symbolism that drew the pensive ranger to this place, where he had sent out his ravens to the various holds of this land and beyond, a desperate call for friends new and old.

    For nearly two hundred years had the ranger been alive, yet for nearly thirty years he had been an exile from his own realm.

    The mad wizard Garum and the forces of the wicked, if far off, kingdom of Th'ylehah had finally caught up to him. His old enemy was here, in Tamriel and possibly Skyrim itself! The one who burnt the farms, the villages, the people of Evondale. The one who beheaded his beloved king and queen. The one who imprisoned - and possibly killed - his betrothed.

    As jaded and vice-filled as the ranger had been these last few decades, the fact that Garum himself had come both spurred him on as much as it filled him with trepidation, and more questions. The assassins and mages that the ranger had managed to take alive had at least provided him with some useful information before they expired at his hands...

    As soon as a party of whatever motley crew would answer his call would arrive, the ranger would set off on his first lead...the location of his old friend and cousin, Prince Pelham.

    Hale Loneshadow was going home.

    Hello everyone! So, I'm very bummed out about the lack of new and open RPs here, so I figured on making one of my own creation. This, for those of you unfamiliar with me or my character, Hale Loneshadow, is huge for the overall story of my world. I felt that incorporating both familiar and unfamiliar territory, enemies, people, and situations could make for a fresh and exciting motivation to get people back on this.

    I'm open to however many people want to participate, long as it doesn't get too overcrowed. As for reqs, just post when you can, and make them as well flushed-out as you can. A solid character with solid motivations can make or break any tale.

    Anyways, come join me, and LET'S QUEST!
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    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    Ooh this sounds really cool. Does it matter what kind of character card we make? And could you possibly make one for Hale so those who way to participate, like me, will know a little more about him.

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Feel free to do whatever kind of character card you want, as long as it emulates who your character is, and their own origins/motivations! Of course the traditional personality/age/race/sexuality/gender/gear/traits/etc should be there in one form or another, but as long as we can tell a good story (eventually if this takes off!) then we'll be set. And sure, I'll put my card up now, sorry for the late reply


    An Excellent Site Member

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Did someone say “One Final Adventure”?!

    SIMOOSE! I missed you buddy. Ha ha, yep, it's time for Hale to try and reclaim his long lost land...or is it?! Find out next time, on HALEQUEST!

    But seriously, I'd love for all of y'all to get on board with this. I can even start an intro with the 3-4 of us, so drop those character cards people! I've been thinking of this story for a long time.


    Caw Caw
    || drops the copy+paste bomb ||

    † Morthaine "Morgan" Ever †


    " My loyalty lies not with who, but why they would need my loyalty."




    "A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking; its trust is not on the branch, but in its wings."-Unknown

    × Age is estimated to late 20's; she couldn't care less about time and the limit it has one one's schedule.
    × Reserved/Aromantic. She has never been able to define love, nor has had any real interest in it (this could change over the course of role-play). The concept of romance is a confusing one to her.
    × Discreet assassin. She is purely solo, and - in fact - despises the known guilds.
    × Travel is routine. She is a wanderer rarely seen-easily dismissed- one may note her lack of a traveler's bag. She visits inns, and occasionally soldier camps. The most sleep she ever gets or cares for is around 3 hours at most.
    × Family is her mother alone. Her mother was the one that taught her a lot of defence (though Morgan took some of that skill to fighting). Her father, however, was never a part of her life, except the cause of her existence. Doubtless if he were one of the two that tried dragging her mother into submission, him being the only one that actually succeeded.
    × The view on the war is not entirely specified when asked. She is annoyed by all parties, especially the Thalmor.
    × Gods are merely an existence; she will never worship any, nor speak of them in good manner. She claims to create her own luck, her own fate, her own time. It is not uncommon for her to face the wrath of the deities for being unappreciative of them.
    × Though her immune system is very secure, she is still mortal. She has a habit of picking at open wounds, said for the various scars she bears. Rest is scarce. She has no real concern for her physical condition.
    × She is purely nord (and resistant to cold temperatures- or she simply refuses to acknowledge when she has frostnip).
    × Her voice is rather low to be feminine, but high for a male- part of the reason she can be mis-gendered. Her tone is clear, and she has no true accent.
    × She goes by Morgan to those she labels a stranger/acquaintance.



    "A fine coat is not always an indication of an attractive mind."-Aesop's Fables
    × Her eyes are probably the most notable attribute. The iris is unnaturally bright, and almost makes her sclera appear rather dim. It does not help with the addition of darkness about from unhealthy sleep.
    × The most distinguishable scars are on her face and ring fingers. The duo of fingers was sloppily amputated by a man that she refused to go home with, which resulted in a violent act- she was "not going to be married any time soon". The scar on her face is the average battle scar, running from the center of her lips to the outermost left brow.
    × Her body is molded by years of battle and experience in agility. Lean, broad- her skin almost a deathly pale.
    × Her hair is messy, rarely tended to, and fit to her hood that most never comes off. It is not entirely lustrous, almost a rather dull brown.
    × Prone to causing discomfort, she shamelessly observes people with a bold but blank stare- when she's not eyeing her hands.
    × She wears ragged attire, dotted by a variety of tears and a few ends scorched. There is platinum protection in the shape of a feather on her left arm, as well as the small detail on her right shoulder. Tassels hang from a pristine metal bird skull on her waist's belt, the skull being the holster for her sword. Lastly, her hood and mouth-mask are never removed in the eyes of others. Her attire allows for "blending", often taking up silent reputation of a Vigilant of Stendarr on the roads or travelling mages.
    × Her weapons include a platinum bastard sword and up to 10 ebony kunais hidden under her white sash. The sword has a subtle engraving that can be assumed to be a bird's claw print. With the weapons, she also has a pouch worn on a thigh, containing poisons and linen bandages.
    × She favors her left hand, but her right hand proves just as useful.
    × She stands at 5"10





    "I did not fail, I found a way to do it wrong." -Benjamin Franklin
    × A nord, yet considered to be her own breed. Her "battle cry" is not a roar, but rather a shrill scream. It can temporarily stun an opponent, if not deafen them. The skill is rather hard on her throat, sometimes even leaking blood out of her mouth from its use.
    × She is focused mainly on one-handed swords and smaller, axes and maces are an exception when the first-mentioned are unavailable. As for two-handed, she is only able with halberds. She has no skill in the bow. However, arrows are her friend when she misplaces her throwing blades.
    × Maintaining her own poisons, it is figured that she has experience in alchemy. However, she only has experience with making poisons. She has no knowledge on healing or "boost" potions, claiming that bandages come by cheaper. With her poisons, she also packs a limited supply of bottles, filled with what seems to be thick fog (similar to smoke bombs).
    × She cares not for magic. In fact, she becomes oddly hawkish when she is being preached at about the wonders of Winterhold.
    × She stays in no single place. She is not repetitive in her movements, though she does stick to the swift, clean route. She can be generally identified from the clean, precise strikes on her opponents.
    × Her weak area is magic. Relatively, she is unable to use scrolls or tomes. She has a lot more potential in dodging fired spells than learning them. Blessed she might as well be when her opponent has no form of life-detection in their abilities.
    × No doubt that thieving would be a stat. Uses her superior sneak to her advantage, though she sees coin as a joke. At most, she steals uncooked venison and sometimes a temporary horse. "Coin is merely a lazy way to obtain", she would claim.
    × Her coordination is found everywhere on her body. It would be expected from someone that scales cliffs and bounds from surface to surface with ease.


    "Her actions are predicted to not be predictable."

    Morthaine is not very giving, and she never seems to take. Dismissive, she has no intentions of polite mannerism, holding the door for none. With stubbornness, she often keeps her matters in her own hands, taking little to no heed of offers to heal her recent battle wounds or to sustain her hunger. Overall, she is insensitive and stoic, but curiosity lies underneath the mask. Her snarky side would show more often if it weren't for her quiet watchful nature. The disturbing lust for blood has always been there since she was a kid, throwing stones at the fish in the nearby waters. However, it could be a miracle she prefers simple free-running over bloodshed, though bloodshed remains a second-favorite.
    Arrogance is a negative. She can be flashy in combat, and she has to be reminded that she is not invincible, said for the patterns of sores about her body. Reckless to the extreme, she will leap off maddening heights with aim towards the smallest body of support; she can be considered "really brave or very foolish." Often probable, her actions can be shocking (and without a single regret), affirming that everything is allowed, as long as she is willing to take the consequences. She is seen unnaturally calm in all scenarios, but the true emotion lies within her eyes, and perhaps the occasional twitch in her nimble fingers.

    She assassinates for she believes is beneficial, whether it be to her or for the common. Due to her wish to stay discreet, she rarely takes contracts.


    Nestling, oh tyke

    How Mommy wishes your presence so. She knows you are officially beyond tears, beyond any sorrowful emotion, beyond any feel for misery.
    Mommy is full of apologies yet spoken for how you stand, but she only knows air will be in your wings' favor.

    Mommy made quite the mess today. She did not bother cleaning it. It stained the floor. But Mommy did it for the best. Mommy was attacked by a thirsty man. He pinned her to the floor. Don't fret, darling, she ended his thirst and more. All liquids he could have ever needed are merely red stains on the floor. He was served well by Mommy's ebony throwing knife. Messy was the engraved tattoo on his throat that led down his chest.

    Your name is engraved as well, fledgling. She hopes this new light will serve your path. She hopes that light will give you good friends. She hopes that light will serve and be served with your admirable mind of the shadows.

    My darling, you always were skilled in playing hide and seek in the dark. More than ever.

    The journal was almost obliterated by the flames, but with second thoughts, Morthaine hurriedly scrambled for it with the fire poker, the same fire poker that left the home messier than the story within the journal scrap. Furniture was skewed out of the burst of a pulsing mental vein, a burst of fury alone. Her hands at this very moment and the eventful moments before were so spastic.

    Father was none known to her world. A father figure was probably a man of her mother's forgotten inn that was one of two that tried dragging the woman to submission, and the only one that succeeded. After that, her mother was overwhelmed with a desire to fight back. She passed her personal training to her daughter, with the exception that Morthaine was able to be much more developed as the skill began at an early age of nearly eight.

    Her mother's inn is abandoned, and will forever remain. Her mother was still breathing when it was left, and she became a smithy, and a rather good one as well, designing weapons with a hilt that enabled throwing them. Her mother's death caused by an intruder unknown, but could be assumed to be in relation to those her mother slayed in self-defense.

    Her mother's written thoughts are within her tactics. Many of the ink that is scribbled in the secure journal is relived by Morthaine to finish tasks that her mother couldn't/wouldn't do, whether it be thieving for her own survival or completing the abandoned designs of armor.

    × She can be figuratively depicted as one of Skyrim's eagles. She can go unnoticed, but when trouble arrives- she is a very hard target to hit, and sticks to where most find difficult to reach, whether it be the narrowest platform on a mountain or a hold's towering walls.×
    × Chaotic Neutral/Good ×

    × Inspired from Assassin's Creed ×


    Dialogue | White
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    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Damn @Alty ! I'm loving Morthaine..err, Morgan, already! Looking forward to seeing how her attitudes will play into this noble quest that Hale's got planned haha. Her skills will most definitely come in handy. Oh, and @Simus , if you want to join you're already welcome old friend - one more thing, I remember you occasionally would RP as Simus and his daughter (forgot her name :sadface: ) so if you want to do that, go for it. It would help add to the characters here.

    Also, pick y'alls Colors! This will be Hale's. This will be Prince Pelham's.

    Anyways, here's my CC's for Hale and Prince Pelham...

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Name: Hale Loneshadow (his real surname is only known to a few close friends in Tamriel)

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Age: Appears as in his mid-thirties, actually 203 years old

    Religion: Follows the monotheistic religion of Evondale, and though devout, he is not particularly pious...

    Race: Passes as a large Breton (see Character History for full story on my guy!), actually Evodalian

    Traits: Charming, sarcastic, friendly to all whom deserve it, loyal to a fault


    Hale Loneshadow stands a full six feet tall, with a swarthy body and strong broad shoulders. He typically travels with his dark cowl pulled up and over his face, pipe in hand and a sly smile on his lips, inquisitive brown eyes calmly yet consistently scanning his surroundings. He is not lithe, but even though he has a somewhat bulky frame he has learned to move swiftly and smoothly. His dark burgendy cloak, forest green vest and rough-hewn brown boots allow him anonymity, and astride his loyal horse he looks the part of the lord he once was.


    Sarcastic and sardonic humor; uses this as both a disarming way to charm friend and foe alike (think Jarlaxle if any of y'all are familiar, I saw some mention of ol' RA Sally!), as well as to lighten tense situations. Occasionally falls into bouts of pensiveness during lulls in action, where he finds a spot and smokes his nirnroot/pipeweed and contemplates his past actions. Can be good, can be bad, depends on the situation. While Hale's jadedness and by extent debaucery occasionally rears its head, in his heart, Hale is still the paladin-ranger he was raised as, and will go out of his way to help any in need. This comes into play as he usually scouts ahead of the group, willingly putting himself in danger to ensure the solidity of the group at whole. Unless, of course, he's drunk/hungover!

    Fears: Leaning into his emotions about the fall of his homeland; failure; dying; battling wizards

    Phobias: None, so far...

    Likes: Redheaded women, pipeweed, good company and better friends, helping those in need

    Dislikes: In his own words, "I fluffing hate wizards"


    Sturdy leather breastplate with a reinforced steel plate over the heart/left chest area; has a Skyforged steel pauldron on his left shoulder, a gift from the Companions. Mithril shirt with a minor resist magic enchantment. Leather boots with a "quickening" enchantment - doesn't give him superspeed by any means, but just enough extra speed once in awhile to give that slight edge to get around a foe's guard. He has his battlehelm from his days back in his homeland, but almost never wears it. He also wears orichalum-reinforced wrist/armguards.


    His revered bastard sword named Sindar, which has a frost enchantment within it. His greatbow, Toril, is his immediate secondary weapon, which needs no enchantment due to its already magnificent stopping power when coupled with his bodkin arrows. In addition, Hale has two wands (one of fireball, and one of a barrier - fireball takes a day or more to recharge after 3 uses, and the barrier has a very limited range and time).

    Gear/other stuff he will carry for this quest:

    His beloved horse and companion, Bregan, has always been with him through thick and thin. He will always hear his master's call. The saddlebags carry extra trail food for long term travel, medicinal herbs and potions, rope, a small tent, flint and steel, and of course, a decent supply of wine, pipeweed, and his father's pipe!
    His magical belt given to him by his father; with a light flick of the belt buckle, Hale can read the minds of those within a short distance around him (about 20 feet in a circle). So, he's either "readjusting" or getting a leg up on you!

    Character History (buckle up mates):

    The story of Hale Loneshadow, known officially as Hale Thelion De'Telemater is neither long nor overtly joyful.

    He was born in a far off land, perhaps not even of this dimension, known as Evondale. This was your Arthurian, fantasy-style kingdom (think Numenor + Camelot with a smattering of Rome) which, for thousands of years, held the tide of hellspawn from the Empire of Thylas at bay. Hale was born of an offshoot of the royal line of Telemater, of which his greatest friend, Pelham Telemater, was next in line for the throne. Hale's moniker of Loneshadow came from the commonfolk of the realm, whom Hale would consistently fight for both on the battlefield and in the courts. He walked as a welcomed shadow in the eve whenever a village came under danger from the enemy, never staying too long in one place, but always preferring the frontier villages and wilds rather than his tower loft in the City of Evon.

    Throughout the first one hundred and fifty-odd years of his life, Hale grew and matured through many experiences, eventually taking his oath as a paladin after the Second Demon War, after his show of selfless valor at the Battle of Blood Peak, where he and a score of his ranger-brothers held the entrance to the mountain pass in order to allow ten thousand civilians to get to safety. After ensuring the safety of his people, Hale led his surviving men on a final assault against the overconfident Sorcerer-King of Thylas, Garum the Mad, striking down his Spellsword Guard and finally the Mad King himself. At the war's end, he had finally garnered the approval to marry his longtime love, Lady General Vera Immaculus, and set their wedding for the spring of the next year. The demons banished, and orks driven back into the deep mountains, it would seem that Evondale would finally know some peace.

    But that peace would not last, for not six months after his apparent defeat, Garum was back once more...

    It would seem that, in striking his body down, Hale had played right into the Mad Sorcerer's hands, for Garum had now gained the penultimate favor of his dark gods, and ascended into powers beyond reckoning! Demons by the millions poured forth into their realm, and the many legions of men, dwarfs and elves who made up the grand kingdom of Evondale could all but stymie their own demise. This third, and ultimately final Demon War lasted nigh upon a decade, each side gaining and loosing ground in both the material and astral planes, for it was a war of magick as much as flesh and blood. The War culminated in the epic, continuous, five-month-long Battle of Vradden Plains, where six million creatures of darkness clashed with one million men and dwarves, the elves having long given up the war and moved into parts unknown. Eventually, the forces of good were pushed until their backs were, quite literally, up against the Grand Wall of the Vradden, the massive set of wall and keeps which bordered the City of Evon itself!

    In a last ditch effort to save their people, Hale, his father Avalain, his friend and the Prince Pelhamm, and none other the King Artorias Telemater led a secretive charge behind enemy lines against the head of the snake, just as Hale had done now years ago.

    This ended in tragedy, and soon the hordes poured forth freely into the beautiful city, and finally broke into the High Keep itself, cutting down the Queen and the court before they could fully make their escape. A final stand was upon the companions.

    Before he knew what had happened, his King and his father both lay dead before him, their men slaughtered, and his greatest friend wounded...but alive. Hale himself was locked in a duel with Garum, not even worried for his own survival, for what had he to live for?

    "H-Hale.." gasped Pelhamm, clutching his deep leg wound, unable to stand, "just fall down.."

    "Save your strength my friend! We must finish him!" The Loneshadow yelled back, blocking another blow from the cackling Sorcerer-King's staff-glaive.

    "...No, my friend. We cannot win here...must find another way...just fall back...remember our days at Cerene, and fall down..." Pelhamm replied with strain, and the pull of a hidden lever on the throne, of which Hale and he were holding back the wizard.

    Understanding, Hale closed his eyes, and with a final prayer to his God, whipped Sindar around and above his head, smoting Garum's staff and his arm with it, and as the evil sorcerer fell back with a howl and a bloody stump, the Ranger closed his eyes and fell back through the newly created interdimensional portal, to the gods know where. A final look at his oldest friend which implored a combination of pleading, hope, love, and sorrow, and Hale suddenly found himself on a ship sailing a warm sea towards a cold but wonderful land...

    Now, a pair of decades later, Hale has become familiar with his new home, even making a small home for himself in the lands of Winterhold. He has gone on many adventures and met many new and interesting folk, though now he finds himself without his old friends, wondering where they have all gotten off to...

    However, as he sits near the fire at the Old Hroldan Inn, the Ranger shakes all of these traumatic memories to the wayside, at least for the moment. He knew where his old friend was being kept! Not only that, but he had the means to return to Evondale, if only for a short time: the mageguard he had "interrogated" to death gave up both the scroll and ring necessary to open the portal back to the Throne Room of Evon, and from there on, Hale and whomever decided to join on this mad quest would have three days to find and retrieve the Prince before the portal would close for good.

    The Ranger grimaced in resolve, knowing that they must return to Tamriel afterwards to conquer and defeat Garum the Mad once and for all.

    He just hoped no one would get in his way...



    An Excellent Site Member
    Name: Alice Psyrakon

    Race: Imperial

    Age: 28, though she's young enough to look about 18.

    Class: Arcane Ranger (Sword, bow and stealth skills augmented with destruction and illusion magic.)

    Gender: Female

    Colour: This

    Looks: 5',0", small and skinny with pale, cream colored skin and small but curvy breasts. She has neck length ebony hair and no scars, blemishes or age marks of any kind save for a scar on her right shoulder from a Thalmor sword. She almost always wears a smile and is usually clean and presentable.

    Equipment: A fire enchanted yew hunting bow (Mother’s Fire) passed down from her mother and steel arrows that she taught Alice to fletch herself. During the fletching, Alice is able to enchant the arrows to explode in a fireball spell upon contact. Not only is the target damaged by fire and the shock of the explosion, but is showered by splinters of burning wood and steel. The arrowhead itself is designed to explode inside the target, doing severe damage to it's innards. Unfortunately, such arrows are very expensive and time consuming to make, so she doesn't use them very often. She can brew several poisons and apply them to her sword or arrows but damage health, slow and paralysis are her favorites. She has no qualms about using poisons against game or beasts but is reluctant to use them against people, doing so only when necessary.

    She also wields a shock enchanted imperial sword (Father’s Steel) forged by her father and an unenchanted steel dagger for utilitarian purposes.

    Alice wears a very special type of leather armor that her mother made for her and taught her to fix. It's a form fitting white bodysuit that covers her entire body from her throat down, minus her hands but including her feet. It's made from dyed leather and reinforced with frostbite spider silk, producing a light and very strong material: Strong on the order of steel chainmail and with a fraction of the weight. The suit opens in the front via a Dwemer invention called a zipper, a moonstone track starting at the groin and ending at the collar and is opened and closed by a fastener, ending at the collar when closed. The soles of the armor's feet are made of dotted rubber, another Dwemer invention created from an alchemy recipe and provide good traction when walking. The armor is also enchanted with Ebonyflesh and Fortify Stamina for additional protection. (In summary, think leather footy pajamas.)

    Over this armor, Alice wears a pair of brown leather knee high riding boots that also close with a zipper, have black rubber soles and are enchanted with Fortify Carry Weight and Fortify Stamina. She has a pair of matching leather gloves with the same enchantments and a blue dress with short sleeves and a mid thigh length skirt. The dress has three brass buttons and a fine collar that goes below her throat that she keeps buttoned up. The dress has the same enchantments as her armor, but is more for style than actual protection. Alice also wears a simple silver band on her right ring finger and a pair of small silver earrings with a tiny sapphire in each. Both have Fortify Magika. (The entire outfit together makes her look something like Link in the Zora Tunic from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.) She also has several pairs of one piece footy pajamas that are of similar style to her leather armor but are made of soft, light mixture of tundra cotton and wool (the closest Elder Scrolls equivalent of fleece). This makes them warm and very comfortable and the resizing and self-cleaning enchantments add to this. Part of the self-cleaning enchantment is a weak heat spell to keep them warm when not in use. Alice, her little sister Cilla and their stepsister Mila treasure these pajamas and are able to swap pairs whenever they choose thanks to the resize enchantments. Alice's favorite pair is white with black skulls and black ribbed cuffs and collar. She always has at least this pair when travelling.

    Personality: Alice is extremely friendly and outgoing. Her small size and endearing nature make her easy to love and adore. She loves to meet new people, talk to them and get to know them. As a result, she's a friend to most people she meets and leaves a good impression on almost everyone. She also has excellent manners and is very good at addressing those in power. She's very intelligent and has mixed illusion magic with archery and tracking to become a cunning hunter and archer. She's good at moving quietly through both urban and wooded environments and could be a very good thief if she wanted to. However, she sees such behavior as not only grossly dishonorable but extremely unladylike.

    For the downside she's emotional, a little immature, sensitive, sometimes impulsive and a bit of a drama queen. Much of this has mellowed out throughout her twenties but she feels very deeply and tends to dwell on things a good deal more than she should, especially when she feels alone or unnoticed.

    She's a devout worshiper of both Talos and Mara, her father teaching her the honorable ways of the former and her mother the kind-hearted ways of the latter. She seeks to act honorably in all aspects of life but also has a desire to share her love with everyone.

    Alice also has a stranger side to her in the form of a very special gift. Alice is able to see into the future. She was born with this power and has learned how to use it to See things she’s interested in, but she’s never fully understood it or where it came from. She and her family have determined that it’s a gift from either Akatosh or Azura but they’re not sure which one. Indeed, both have helped Alice at different points in her life, both through dreams and direct communion, so she pays homage to both. She’s certainly more comfortable accepting guidance from the Great Dragon than the Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn, but is willing to accept either in times of need.

    For Alice to see anything more than a passing glimpse takes great concentration on her part and reaching far into the mists of the future requires the assistance of others. Even with proper discipline, the future is always changing so there’s no guarantee that what she sees is the absolute truth, or that she’ll understand it. It could be nonsense, it could be a convincing lie, it could be true but unhelpful or it could be the key to saving the world. It all depends on luck and the will of the gods.

    Relavent Backstory: Alice's parents were covert worshippers of Talos and they were discovered by the Aldmeri Dominon one year before Helgan, as well as her mother's status as a former Blade. Thalmor agents chased her and her entire family out of their home in the Imperial City and burned it down. They fled to Bruma so some of her father's friends could take them to Skyrim, but they were betrayed and captured. Rather than die at the gallows, they all broke out and fought out of the city and into the Jerrall Mountains where more Thalmor agents awaited them. Alice's mother died defending her children, her father was incapacitated and she was separated from her little sister and two brothers as they either fought or fled. Alice suffered grievous wounds herself when she stayed and fought after her father told her to run. She was quickly overwhelmed by the Thalmor but her father killed all of her attackers in an attempt to save her. Afterwards, he begged her to run and this time, with her eyes spilling over with tears, she did so. She hobbled a few feet before succumbing to her wounds and passing out. She was rescued the next day, but her father was separated. She was brought back to the Imperial City and he came back to look for her but was captured during the search. After several days of planning with some new friends she had made, Alice broke Simus out and the two were reunited. After resting for a time, they headed north to Skyrim to join the Stormcloaks, find the rest of their family and rebuild their lives as best they could.

    Over the next year, the family was partly reunited. Alice's twin brother Titus was found among the Companions and with their father Simus being an old member they were welcomed with open arms. Their little sister Cilla was found after a long hunt for a vampire syndicate, starving and sick, but they were able to rescue her and take her to their temporary home in Whiterun. Unfortunately their oldest brother Stephen died trying to protect Cilla and sacrificed himself so she could survive. It was a tragic loss and Simus still goes to Stephen's grave outside Whiterun every week to see his dead son.

    However, new members of the family were added in addition to the old ones. As they got to know the city Simus and Alice befriended Carlotta Valentia and Simus eventually took a shine to her. He stopped Mikhail's pandering towards her and she helped to nurse Cilla back to health, bringing the poor little girl back from emaciated starvation and a bad case of the rattles to relative health in just a few weeks. In fact, when Carlotta was done with her, Cilla had gotten quite chubby and had come to love her new mama. This helped Carlotta see what kind of man Simus really was and where his priorities were, and before long they started seeing each other. Cilla and Carlotta's daughter Mila soon became fast friends and their parents found they were quite a bit more than that. Over the next year they got married and the two families truly became one. Alice had trouble accepting Carlotta as her new mother but was eventually able to sort out her feelings and today they love each other just as much as any mother and daughter should.

    Alice served under her father and Ulfric during the Civil War as Stormcloaks and joined the Legion during the Second Great War. Given her own command and out of her father's shadow Alice was able to develop into a truly capable commander. She coordinated efforts for both armies during the war and commanded an entire legion as a Legate by the time it was over. With the Imperial victory and Skyrim and the Empire reunified the oldest and most horrible of Alice's demons were finally slain. She and her family were offered the chance to go back to Cyrodiil but after so many years in Skyrim and so many adventures with her people they decided to stay. Skyrim had become their home and it would be theirs forever.

    Alice still lives in Whiterun with her family to this day and still holds her Legion position as Legate, working with her men to keep the peace she has fought so hard to establish. Her father is now retired and has led the Companions as Harbinger ever since Kodlack Whitemane's death six years ago.


    An Excellent Site Member
    Name: Titus Psyrakon

    Race: Imperial

    Age: 28

    Class: Warrior

    Afflictions: Lycanthropy

    Gender: Male

    Colour; This

    Looks: 6'0" with a lean muscular body, pale cream colored skin, sapphire blue eyes and a triangular clean shaven face. His long ebony hair goes down to his shoulders and is kept in a ponytail by a leather strip. He almost always wears a confidant smile and is quite handsome when he cleans himself up. He usually smells like sweat though, as he trains and fights alot.

    Equipment: Titus wields a skyforge steel battleaxe forged by Eorlund Gray-Mane, as well as a hunting bow his mother made for him for his eighteenth birthday. He uses steel arrows. He also has a skyforge steel sword and steel shield. None of his weapons are enchanted as he considers all forms of magic a crutch. Something that could diminish your true skills as a warrior by doing more of the work for you. He wears Nordic steel armor with steel shin boots and steel Nordic gauntlets. He also has two sleevless black shirts and two pairs of olive green pants and a pair of leather boots. Both sets of clothing resemble sackcloth prison outfits but are nicer and more comfortable.

    Personality: Titus is soul of fire and passion. He's curious to the point of being foolish, friendly to the point of being boisterous, self-confident to the point of being arrogant and decisive to the point of bravado. He rushes into most situations bullheaded and meets all problems head on, regardless of the best way to approach them. This has gotten him into trouble many times, not to mention driving his parents and twin sister nuts, but it also means he doesn't back down from a challenge. Titus is driven enough to overcome any obstacle and firmly believes that with enough force and willpower any barrier can be crushed, knocked over, smashed through or otherwise forcibly removed. He also fights to the death for any he calls friend and is unshakably loyal, be it on the battlefield or in a social situation.

    Titus' manners are rather rough and he often speaks before thinking. These traits, combined with being easily frustrated by those in power have gotten him into trouble many times and led to a good number of tavern brawls but he always comes to regret it later. He doesn't wish harm on anyone but sometimes it happens and even though he is slow to learn from his mistakes he always tries to correct them.

    Backstory: Titus was born in the Imperial City in Cyrodiil along with his twin sister Alice. Even though they look similar and were born together, their personalities are very different. Alice has a deep interest in magic and learning while Titus has little interest in such things. He does not share his sister's good manners or sophistication and smashes through obstacles with passion and zeal while Alice, while just as unyielding, is much more cerebral in her problem solving. She looks for ways over or around problems rather than straight through them. This vastly different outlook on life has been the flashpoint of constant conflict between the two siblings but also allows them to complement each other's deficiencies very nicely. As Titus and Alice have grown up, their sibling rivalry has become more focused and competitive. They constantly push each other to be faster or smarter or more perceptive or otherwise improve their young lives.

    When the Thalmor came down on their family and discovered that their father Simus was a Talos worshiper and their mother Amy was a former Blade from the Great War, Titus and Alice recognized that they needed each other more than ever. They fought and bled together as they fled the Imperial City towards Bruma with the Thalmor hot on their heels. Their parents were the guardians, their older brother Stephen the strategist, their little sister Cilla the morale officer, but Titus and Alice became the sword of the family. They were the first to fight the Bruma guards after they sold them out to the Thalmor and they were the first to take the fight to the Thalmor in the Jerrall Mountains when they caught up with them. That was when things got hard.

    As Simus and Amy bought their four children time to escape, Simus was incapacitated and Amy was struck down and stabbed to death by moonstone blades. Titus watched in horror with his brother and sisters as their mother died before their very eyes. Alice was the closest of them all to her and she flew into a blind rage, charging the Thalmor to try and save her mother. She was quickly struck down and stabbed through the shoulder while Simus was pinned to the ground and had to watch. Alice cried in pain and Titus and Stephen tried to drag her away as she screamed for her mother. A stray arrow hit Stephen in the shoulder and the brothers dropped Alice. The Thalmor were on them and they knew if they tried to carry Alice they would all die. While Stephen carried Cilla away, Titus was forced to abandon his sister and best friend, hoping against hope that their father would survive and protect her. He ran through the snow and never looked back.

    Titus was separated from his brother and sister in Skyrim's wilds and for a week wandered on his own, trying to find his family. In that time he found Whiterun and The Companions. He knew his father was a member and once he told Kodlack Whitemane who he was and had proved himself some, he was welcomed as family. Over a month he trained with his new family, and among this group of warriors in a foreign land he felt he had come home.

    He found Simus and Alice after this month and hugging his sister again remains one of his happiest memories. His father was immensely proud of the strong focused warrior his son had become and despite the loss of their mother, they were a family again.

    Simus and Alice joined the Stormcloaks but Titus remained in Whiterun with The Companions. Simus was sad to leave his son again so soon but he could see this was where he belonged. Titus went on to have his own adventures, bringing honor and glory to both his families and always having good stories to try and one up his sister with whenever they meet.

    When the Second Great War broke out, Titus joined the war effort immediately, eager for revenge against the Thalmor and unwilling to watch his father and sister fight a war without him a second time. He stayed out of the civil war because he thought the whole thing was stupid but the Thalmor were his blood enemy and he was most certainly not staying behind. He joined the Legion as a hired blade rather than a regular soldier and served as Alice's personal bodyguard throughout the war. He still continues to guard her to this day.


    An Excellent Site Member
    Name: Francilla Psyrakon (Goes by Cilla)

    Race: Imperial

    Class: Firemage and bare knuckle fighter

    Gender: Female

    Colour: This

    Age: 20

    Apperance: 5' 5", Brown shoulder length hair that she keeps in a ponytail with a leather strip. Usually appears calm and relaxed and wears an almost arrogant smile. Despite almost constant training with her fire and fists Cilla stays quite clean and presentable. Her hair however is almost always dry and frayed but that's more due to it being frequently on fire than her not trying to brush it.

    Personality: An interesting mix of honorable warrior and free spirit. Impulsive and hot-headed but also highly creative and with a strong moral compass. Like her brother Titus, Cilla tends to hit first and ask questions later, often regretting it afterwards and often making things worse by setting things on fire but always trying to fix things. She possesses a keen intellect and strategic mind like her sister and has become quite good a thinking up unconventional strategies to problems. She enjoys being pampered and having things done for her but she's not lazy when something has to be done.

    Clothing & Weaponary: Something like this:


    Mail armor with light plates covering her top, a crimson shawl and leggings for her bottom and brown leather boots. Her mail shirt goes down to her thigh to protect them better but is usually covered by the shawl and waist plates so there's not a whole lot of it to see. Her gauntlets are specially made to channel fire magic and have slots for extra soul gems to boost her spells' heat, spread or range.
    Cilla also has a pair of white footy pajamas covered in blue raindrops as well as a solid baby pink pair with white hearts and another white pair with fireballs. Unlike her sister however, she's quite shy about being seen in them and is rather embarrassed if anyone but Alice saw her wearing them.

    Cilla used to carry a steel dagger but decided against it as her fire spells developed. She's never found reason to carry anything besides her fists and her magic into battle.

    Bio: Cilla was born in Cyrodiil and lived in the Imperial City. She was homeschooled by her parents until she was 10 and then started attending classes at the Arcane University with her big sister and two brothers. She also helped her parents with their blacksmith shop sweeping, sorting merchandise and other minor tasks to help run things. In her free time she enjoyed reading, being read to by her father, helping her mother in the garden they tended, exploring the city and going onto trips into The Great Forest with her mother and sister.

    Overall, Cilla was a very happy little girl who could have everything she wanted. However, that would change when the Thalmor discovered her father was a secret Talos Worshiper and her mother was a former Blade. The Thalmor ran them out of their home and chased them to Bruma where they were supposed to meet a contact to get them to Skyrim. However, they were betrayed by the local guards and were sentenced to be executed. Fortunately, her parents had a great many friends in the city and they were able to break out with their help. The Thalmor caught up to them in the Jerrall Mountains however and her parents fought to the death to allow her and her other siblings escape. She watched her mother die to Thalmor blades and magic and then watched as her sister Alice charged into the fray after their parents specifically told them not to. Alice was stabbed through the shoulder after giving the Thalmor a few clumsy strikes and Cilla screamed in terror at this. Her oldest brother Stephen picked her up and carried her from the fighting with all speed, separating from their other brother while in flight and leaving Alice and their father Simus to fend for themselves.

    Over the next few weeks, Stephen and Cilla ran and hid from the Thalmor. Stephen was a powerful mage and taught his little sister a few basic spells to protect herself. They lived on the run for weeks until they were captured by vampires as slaves. Stephen was tortured by the creatures and they eventually turned him to expand their ranks. Stephen was horrified at the monster he had become and became so depressed he wished for death but Cilla still loved him and even though he wanted her blood, Stephen still loved her. He did everything he could to protect Cilla and keep her healthy, using the argument that she should be physically mature before his new masters fed on her in order to keep her alive. Several months of this terror-stricken life passed until their father and sister finally found them. Both Cilla and Stephen were overjoyed to find their missing family members and were able to use their inside knowledge to help them bring down the vampire coven that had held them prisoner for so long. Tragically, Stephen died in the final assault against the local Vampire Lord but weakened him enough for his father Simus to finish the job. Cilla grieved for her brother's loss, but was relieve that he was free of his terrible affliction. Plus, she now had family and friend to share in her grief so that made things bearable.

    Simus and Alice brought Cilla back to their home in Whiterun, practically smothering her with affection all the way and doing their best to help her cope with the thing she had experienced. This gave Cilla the needed strength to put her past to rest and now looks only to the future, with her father and sister at her side. Even during her darkest days, when she was so starved she barely had a stomach and so sick with the rattles she would stay awake coughing she never gave up. Carlotta Valentia, the woman she knew her father was interested in, was a big help in this. In just a few weeks she had not only nursed Cilla back to health but gotten her quite chubby and very cute. Cilla got to stay in her footy pajamas all day, eat and sleep as much as she wanted, play with Mila during the day and spend lots of time being loved with Carlotta, Simus and Alice. One of them would always be there to tickle her awake every morning, read to her during the day and cuddle with her in bed at night until she went to sleep. Slowly she healed and after a year the two families became one.

    During the Second Great War Cilla was still too young to fight but she was experienced enough and eager enough to start training. She joined the College of Winterhold at eleven and studied there until she was eighteen, starting out with a wide variety of spells but eventually focusing into exclusively destruction magic. When she was fifteen she joined the companions and learned to fight but always ended up fighting unarmed somehow. Her brother trained her body and her sister trained her mind and these days she helps to serve both as a member of the Companions, writing wrongs, setting and example and burning stuff wherever she goes.


    An Excellent Site Member
    I know three characters is a lot but I was able to balance it in another RP already. Also Hale, the vampire event in Cilla's backstory is based on Into the Dark, your first RP here on SF. So Alice and Cilla will be very happy to see their old friend again. Especially after Reforging an Empire and Reforging an Empire 2 if you remember those ;)


    An Excellent Site Member
    thanks Alty. I’m looking forward to Elspeth and Morthanie meeting in When Gods Fall and to see how she reacts to my three siblings.

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Name: High Prince Pelhamm Artorian Telemater

    Age: 199 (again, appears in his mid-thirties)

    Race: Appears as an Imperial, but Evondalian

    Sexuality: Heterosexual, but in his more debaucherous days he experimented a bit

    Appearance: (see pic below for a near image of how I picture him...yes, it's James Franco in Your Highness :rolleyes:) While muscular and strong, he is slighter of build than Hale, and leaner as well. He was always tall however, standing at an imposing 6'7", his long hair, clean cut face and boyish eyes make it easy to disarm potential threats without a fight.


    A bit more relaxed than Hale, the High Prince nonetheless has a regal and confident air to him, along with a selfless attitude that came in on small part due to his friendship with Hale. Growing up together, fighting together, and experiencing life together, the two were inseparable since they were babies, and learned much from each other. Still, Pelhamm is, or rather, was, the next in line for the throne, and therefore experienced more of the courtly life than his ranger cousin. As such, he is much more comfortable around luxurious settings and nobility than Hale, and knows how to traverse the courts of nearly any type of high society. However, he still holds the meritorious title of Warrior Prince, and is no stranger to long and open roads, and all which - and whom - comes with that. His wit and humor keep others in good spirits, and even through the most tragical of circumstances, Pelhamm oft does what he can to keep the spirit of optimism.

    Quirks: He cannot, I repeat CANNOT handle his pipeweed! Seriously, he puffs on some, and he is more harm than good in a fight.


    He wields a claymore sword made from the finest of orichalum, named Requiem, with a golden hue from its mother metal accentuated by its blessing from the Lord Priest of Evon, and as such as powers that give an extra bite when fighting hellspawn. The Prince also carries a pair of repeater hand crossbows strapped to his back, along with a dozen bolts each of armor piercing, explosive, and poison.

    Pelhamm wears medium to heavy armor, usually favoring the former; when on the road he favors a leather cuirass studded with steel, along with a pair of steel pauldrons on each shoulder. His mithril vambraces are imbued with a "strength of the bull" enchantment, aiding in the wielding of his greatsword, which catches many foes off guard, although this must take time to recharge itself after a couple of uses.

    The Prince carries about four or five different potions, though they are usually a majority of healing with one or two of stamina.

    A red ring adorns the Prince's right middle finger; this ring calls forth a massive fireball, and holds about half a dozen charges before needing a day or so to re-up.

    Obviously, Pelhamm is all about the very direct approach coupled with a bit of finess, preferring to both smash and dance his way through the enemy lines. He is, as all in the Royal Line are trained to be, a spellsword, and knows a few spells of restoration and illusion, although he was barely an adept at the time of the Third Demon War.

    Character History:

    High Prince Pelhamm Artorian Telemater was born lucky. He was sired when the Kingdom of Evondale was in the midst of - at least at the time - its greatest strife, being the only realm standing against the hordes of Thylas during the First Demon War. It was during his mature years, however, that he came into his own self, playing an integral part in rebuilding the lands and keeping the peace for more than a century.

    His father - and founder of Evondale - High King Artorias Telemater, looked on in pride as his only son and heir worked hard along with the Lord Ranger Hale Loneshadow to usher in the next generation of heroes, both big and small.

    The High Prince's friendship with his cousin the Ranger was quite naturally symbiotic in nature; Hale would teach Pelhamm all that his father, Avalain the Seeker, had taught him of surviving and thriving in the wilds and on the road, whilst Pelhamm would guide Hale in the courtly procedures that came with being of royal blood.

    Lo, it would seem that nothing could lay the pair low, not even during the Second Demon War, when Garum the Mad first came into power. Uniting the scattered hordes of Thylas, the Mad Mage led a massive invasion on the bitter northern shores of Evondale, his howling demons, screeching ork-kin, and roaring human marauders who worshipped the darkest gods in the most frozen wastes, came forth into the frozen north of the kingdom, pushing into the cold mountain pass known as Blood Peak...

    Hale and Pelhamm were waiting, and at the crux of the battle, the High Prince joined his friend in an attempt to smite the dark wizard. Slaughtering his entourage of blood mages and massive, deformed warriors, the pair along with a cadre of elite warriors, rangers, mages, and adventurers, finally defeated Garum and his entourage, with Pelhamm and Hale striking the decisive blows against the Mad Mage himself!

    And Evondale knew peace once more.

    Tragically, it was not to last, and the Fall of Evon can be read of in Hale's biography...but what happened to the Prince?!

    You see, although Garum had won the day, Hale had smote his primary source of magical gifts, the Staff of Ba'allamus, a gift from the dark god itself! It was Pelhamm who had truly given hope of salvation to Evondale in that most grimdark of moments, both opening the portal which saved Hale, and granting his ranger friend the power through his prayer to wound the Mad Mage as much as he did.

    This, obviously, greatly cheesed off the wizard to no small effect!

    As such, Pelhamm has spent the last couple of decades as a prisoner of war to the wizard, although with the departure of Garum to parts - at least to Pelhamm - unknown, he seized his chance to escape, and unbeknownst to Hale but beknownst to us, he found his way back through the portal which led his old friend to Skyrim, and even now, searches far and wide, when a mysterious black raven drops a message at the tavern he is staying at...

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    I know three characters is a lot but I was able to balance it in another RP already. Also Hale, the vampire event in Cilla's backstory is based on Into the Dark, your first RP here on SF. So Alice and Cilla will be very happy to see their old friend again. Especially after Reforging an Empire and Reforging an Empire 2 if you remember those ;)

    Love the return of the Psyrakon family my friend! And oh, you betcha I remember them all! Especially Into the Dark. I actually re-read all of those last week, which got me all into getting back on here for real this time! :D