Nord Refugee Character Diary - Hrisskar III

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Well-Known Member
- Fredas, 4th of Evening Star, 4E 201 -

This morning was a strange one. I awoke and left my room and ran into a man claiming to be a writer. He had a book he had been working on and wanted it delivered to Solitude. He promised me that someone at the bard's college would tip me well for it's delivery. It seemed like an easy enough task, so I took the book into my possession.

It was still early in the morning so I headed upstairs to warm myself by the fire while I waited for the shops to open. I decided to crack the writer's tome and see what it was about. After all, I had 2 hours or so to kill, and the girl playing the flute behind me only seemed to know a few tunes.

It turns out the book is about the legend of Olaf One Eye, who supposedly slayed a mighty dragon on his way to becoming high king of Skyrim. It was an interesting read, and peaked my interest once again about dragons and whether or not they were real. According to what I was reading, they were real. In fact, the book was more a discussion on the details of how Olaf defeated the dragon, and not on whether the thing actually existed in the first place.

And this is where my morning took a strange turn. As I closed the book the bard began to sing a new song. At first I didn't really pay attention, instead noticing that everyone had left the room. The shops were probably open now and people were getting their days started. But then a single word from the bard's song stood out and called my attention ... dragonborn.

Now I've heard bits and pieces of all sorts of legend, including the dragonborn, but there was something about the way this bard was singing the song. It was as if she was singing the song to me ... purposely ... and not just because I was the only one in the room. To avoid being rude I waited the song out, but quickly left after the final note. I'd had about enough thoughts on dragons for one morning.

In preparation for my trip to Solitude I stopped by each of the shops. I sold the few items I still had in my possession from yesterday, and looked to see if anyone had anything new in their inventory worth purchasing. The alchemist had an ingredient to go with one in my pouch, which I now know can be combined for a nice paralyze potion. I bought the ingredient and made the potion, as well as a weak health poison.

Now I'm in a cart, along for a lengthy ride to the other side of Skyrim. At least I have something to occupy my time on this trip. Yesterday I found some charcoal on the peddler, and was about to sell it all off this morning. But then I got an idea. With a bit of charcoal I could sketch some images of my adventures into my journal. I used to draw and paint a bit when I was a child, so it should come back fairly easily. And it will undoubtedly help the hours pass. Mother knows this splintery wood plank is not much of a seat for a bumpy road.

I think my first sketch will be of my nemesis back on the island in the Sea of Ghosts. I only hope I can catch the essence of his terror with my hand.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, bro. I got the image idea from you. d;-) Just put my own twist on it to make it different.

As for dragonborn, I'm curious too. I created this character specifically to play the main quest, but now I'm just in a mode of going with the flow of the story and what feels right. Who knows what will happen.


Well-Known Member
- Loredas, 5th of Evening Star, 4E 201 -

I'm just waking and the sun has been up for at least six or seven hours. It's already well past mid-day. Not really my fault, though. I arrived in solitude a few hours after midnight last night, and it was impossible to sleep in the back of that rickety old cart. If wasn't the jarring bumps it was the freezing cold and if it wasn't the freezing cold it was the howling of wolves ... and other .. more sinister creatures.

Upon my arrival at the capital I immediately went to the Winking Skeever Inn. There would be nothing else open at this hour anyways, and I was starving. I purchased some delicious cooked beef and a room. Despite my exhaustion I was inexplicably feeling very awake still. I decided to take the barkeep up on a drink and ordered a nordic mead. I nearly splurged for the Black Briar mead, but I should be careful with the gold I have and not let it burn a hole in my pocket.

There was a fair-looking maiden playing a few pleasing tunes. So I sat at a table and took in her music and my bottle's stiff drink. I was hoping both would ease me into a sleepier state.

The mead did it's job, and the beautiful bard was doing the same ... until she decided to sing a tune in place of just playing her lute. Her voice was fine. That was not the issue. The issue was her song of choice. Dragonborn. Twice in less than a day now I've heard that song .. had that song sung ... so it would seem ... to me.

Needless to say I quickly downed the remainder of my mead and headed to bed. My mind, just minutes earlier losing itself in a sleepy delirium, was alert again. Why was I feeling so on edge? I mean, it's just a song, right? I can't really explain it further, but there's just something more to it than that. Somehow it IS more than just a song.

I awoke this afternoon feeling better rested, but still the song and these bards are on my mind. I'm looking forward to collecting the tip for delivering this book and getting out of Solitude. Maybe that will help me shake this strange feeling.

Still, I feel compelled to render a quick sketch of last night's songstress.



Well-Known Member
- Loredas, 5th of Evening Star, 4E 201 -

Looks like I'm spending another night in Solitude. After sleeping half the day, delivering the book, and visiting a slew of shops .. evening was on before I knew it. I found several very valuable items for purchase today but couldn't make a decision. The extra four hundred gold I received for delivery the book was more than worth the twenty pieces it took to get the both of us here. But how to use my newfound wealth is the question of the hour.

At a garment shop I found a very nice amulet that would bestow an advantage to my melee abilities. At a general goods store I finally located some filled soul gems, which I've heard can be used to restore magical qualities to enchanted items. At another shop I discovered several different bows for sale, all of them fantastic in their own rights. I also found a ring at one shop that bestows the same benefit as the amulet, but the ring would cost me only fifteen hundred septims versus two thousand. Unfortunately I'm already wearing a ring that enhances my heavy armor.

I'm going to spend the evening in the inn's bar weighing my options and make my purchase in the morning. Oddly enough, I was presented with a new option here in the tavern. Over a few conversations I came across a man wiling to fight alongside me for just five hundred gold. This actually seems like a very good investment.

Another fellow I met is from Hammerfall. We shared a few stories and then he mentioned a place far to the west that has a wall as black as the night. Legend has it, when approached, the wall will speak to one in the ancient dragon tongue and bestow a power upon them. Good story. I nodded my head politely and bid him farewell.

What is with everyone talking and singing and writing about dragons lately? It seems I can't escape the topic. While browsing the bows today the fletcher hinted at something about arrows to kill a dragon, but when I asked him directly he scoffed at me. Something similar happened while at the blacksmith. For no apparent reason he began talking about killing dragons, and how a sword is all but useless and one needs arrows instead. Were these two in collusion together to sell arrows based on creating fear that dragons exist? Seems unlikely but still ...

Ahhh, and here we go again. The bard just started singing the song from last night. That's nice. Now I'll surely have be dreaming about dragons tonight.


I know I'm risking sounding like a parrot, but I must put in my own two cents and compliment your fascinating work here. Despite the fact that there are thousands of these journals and the like scattered throughout the internet, I find you put the most heart and detail into your work, and I'm obviously not the only person you've inspired.

The more and more I read, the more and more I regret how I've been playing the latest Elder Scrolls entry. Basically I created a powerhouse battle-mage and bum rushed through everything and completely missed the full experience. My major downfall is my weakness for achievement points. And while a promised myself I'd enjoy the game first and focus on the points secondly, I most certainly failed.

So now I'm at a crossroad. I'm close to level 50 with my current character and I would like to 100% this game before a friend of mine does, but I'm very tempted to create a new character and work with similar restrictions. And I'm most certainly interested in keeping a journal because I love to write. I could care less if I get a similar following as you, much as you didn't care when beginning this venture. So, I leave it to you, stranger. If you would take the time to generously reply to my post, I'd very much appreciate your input into my dilemma. I've given up in trying to decide myself and I've gained a hearty respect for you and how you game. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm risking sounding like a parrot, but I must put in my own two cents and compliment your fascinating work here. Despite the fact that there are thousands of these journals and the like scattered throughout the internet, I find you put the most heart and detail into your work, and I'm obviously not the only person you've inspired.

The more and more I read, the more and more I regret how I've been playing the latest Elder Scrolls entry. Basically I created a powerhouse battle-mage and bum rushed through everything and completely missed the full experience. My major downfall is my weakness for achievement points. And while a promised myself I'd enjoy the game first and focus on the points secondly, I most certainly failed.

So now I'm at a crossroad. I'm close to level 50 with my current character and I would like to 100% this game before a friend of mine does, but I'm very tempted to create a new character and work with similar restrictions. And I'm most certainly interested in keeping a journal because I love to write. I could care less if I get a similar following as you, much as you didn't care when beginning this venture. So, I leave it to you, stranger. If you would take the time to generously reply to my post, I'd very much appreciate your input into my dilemma. I've given up in trying to decide myself and I've gained a hearty respect for you and how you game. Thank you.

Please, by all means, sound like a parrot. I didn't start this journal to get a following and I don't continue it for that either, but I will freely admit that it feels good to hear people are enjoying it and following it. So thanks for letting me know, and don't hesitated to post again .. for any reason.

As for your situation, I've been there. My first character in Oblivion ended up far too powerful, despite a few restrictions I played with (learned a few lessons in Morrowind). So this time around I wanted to just have the best overall experience possible. My first character was a dunmer archer-mage, and by level 24 I decided he wasn't right for the main quest, so I started this one ... with even more restrictions .. and have added more since starting him.

So, if I were you, I would weigh what was more important to me; what would bring me more joy, entertainment and satisfaction. Beating my friend to 100% or playing an amazing game in an amazing way. It's hard for me to decide that for you, but my personal opinion is you should forget about your friend. Skyrim is a single player experience. Compete with your friend in BF3 or COD or any other MP game, and experience Skyrim on your own terms. Trust me, if you implement my restrictions and play the game it WILL be epic. And if you add some role-playing thoughts as you go and keep a journal it will just be that much more epic. If my hardcore restrictions seem a bit much, just go with expert or adept difficulty and keep the rest of the restrictions.

Well, that's my thought anyways. Interested to hear what you decide. d;-)


Well-Known Member
- Morndas, 7th of Evening Star, 4E 201 -

We just arrived in Whiterun by cart. By 'we', I'm referring to myself and Belrand, the hired sword I met at the Winking Skeever. I decided to take him up on his offer after heading out that night to stroll the streets of Solitude and clear my mind of all this dragon nonsense.

While walking along I met a man with a terrible old injury, a missing eye. He claimed to have lost it in the great war. I gave him a coin for his troubles and then he began going on about this helmet he had lost in a cave nearby. I got a bit more information and told him I would look into it .. perhaps.

By the next morning I had decided it was a worthwhile quest. I was missing a helmet myself, and it sounded like this particular helmet might have some 'special' qualities. So I lightened my fortune by five hundred coins and took Belrand on as my companion for the excursion. He's a bit on the elderly side for my liking, but I figure any extra blade is better than none. Who knows, maybe his age has made him a master with his weapon.

After a full day's hike we came to a depressing realization, however. As far as I could tell we had found the cave entrance, but we had also found a snowy sabre cat as well, guarding it's entrance. As I pondered whether or not the two of us could take the beast another cat appeared. Now that was a sobering sight. No matter how badly I wanted to retrieve that helmet, there was no way the two of us were going to tackle a pair of big animals like that.

So we returned to Solitude, and on the way there I decided we should head to Whiterun. I don't have any pressing business there, but from there we could potentially cross the plains and go back to the bandit cave I found a while back ... when I was staying in Morthal. Coming from Whiterun might allow us to avoid the sabre cats I had barely skirted when coming from Morthal. Considering I nearly overcame the bandits last time, and considering my skills have improved and I have help now, I think we should fair well in this venture. If only we can make it there in one piece.

Tonight, or rather .. this morning, we shall stay at the inn in Whiterun. I purchased some meat and a nice desert for Belrand and I to share for dinner. It's a bit harder on my purse to feed two mouths, but I'm sure the old man and his old sword will pay me back in other ways at some point. Speaking of him, I think I'll immortalize him here in case he doesn't make it back from our quest.



Please, by all means, sound like a parrot. I didn't start this journal to get a following and I don't continue it for that either, but I will freely admit that it feels good to hear people are enjoying it and following it. So thanks for letting me know, and don't hesitated to post again .. for any reason.

As for your situation, I've been there. My first character in Oblivion ended up far too powerful, despite a few restrictions I played with (learned a few lessons in Morrowind). So this time around I wanted to just have the best overall experience possible. My first character was a dunmer archer-mage, and by level 24 I decided he wasn't right for the main quest, so I started this one ... with even more restrictions .. and have added more since starting him.

So, if I were you, I would weigh what was more important to me; what would bring me more joy, entertainment and satisfaction. Beating my friend to 100% or playing an amazing game in an amazing way. It's hard for me to decide that for you, but my personal opinion is you should forget about your friend. Skyrim is a single player experience. Compete with your friend in BF3 or COD or any other MP game, and experience Skyrim on your own terms. Trust me, if you implement my restrictions and play the game it WILL be epic. And if you add some role-playing thoughts as you go and keep a journal it will just be that much more epic. If my hardcore restrictions seem a bit much, just go with expert or adept difficulty and keep the rest of the restrictions.

Well, that's my thought anyways. Interested to hear what you decide. d;-)

First of all thank you for such a quick reply. You're right, I shouldn't be concerned with outdoing my friend if it comes with the price of missing out on all this game has to offer. You, my friend, have made my decision for me. I love achievement points, but this game goes beyond those urges and I need to suck it up and change my direction. Perhaps I'll begin at some point tonight with the choosing of a race and a backstory. Thank you for allowing me the space in your thread to help me gain clarity. I suppose I may as well post the journal entries I'll create in a thread here as well. I'd be honored if you'd read a bit and give me further input. You're the man, and I look forward to reading more of your work as it comes. Thank you again for being so humble.


Well-Known Member
You bet, bro. I used to whore after achievements too, until I spent 10 hours one day running over zombies in Dead Rising to get an achievement. At that moment I realized I had just wasted 10 hours of my life for something I wouldn't care about very much the next day. I still enjoy achievements, but I won't go after them anymore at the cost of truly enjoying myself. d;-)

Good luck with the new character and I'll try and keep up with your journal as well. I think you're going to have a lot of fun with it.


You bet, bro. I used to whore after achievements too, until I spent 10 hours one day running over zombies in Dead Rising to get an achievement. At that moment I realized I had just wasted 10 hours of my life for something I wouldn't care about very much the next day. I still enjoy achievements, but I won't go after them anymore at the cost of truly enjoying myself. d;-)

Good luck with the new character and I'll try and keep up with your journal as well. I think you're going to have a lot of fun with it.

Oh man, I've experienced that a few times too many, ha ha. And all I ask is that you take a glimpse at it. I'm sure you're a busy man, what with your double life as a Nord refugee and all. And I'm sure you keep up with other journals as well by folks inspired by you. But if you like it, hey, that'd be a great feeling. I'll keep ya posted. By the way, my GT is L0NELY ST0N3R if you're interested in adding me.


Well-Known Member
- Morndas, 14th of Evening Star, 4E 201 -

The bandit cave raid has been put on hold ... for a week now. While out hunting with Belrand we came across a moose. I struck it with an arrow and took off after it in a full sprint. Just as my breath was drawing short I caught up with my prey, and suddenly became someone else's prey.

A female bandit brandishing a sword and a dagger came from the brush, twirling her weapons with scary precision. I blocked the first hit, struck her back, then blocked again. The battle went on and I was beginning to wonder where my paid partner was at.

The apparition of a wolf joined the fight and suddenly arrows were streaking past the fray. Apparently my friend can summon beasts and bows. But it was too late. I could feel my legs weakening from the rapid flurry of blows the bandit was serving me. I used my voice and sent her fleeing. I had no choice.

I put one hit into her back as she sprinted off before I realized that the wolf apparition was now attacking me for some reason. Apparently Belrand had no control over it once it was summoned, as he ignored my plight and continued firing arrows at the fleeing thief. Come to think of it, I'm not sure she was a thief. I somewhat suspect she was an assassin, given her expertise with her weapons and the immediacy of her attack.

All pointless discussion now probably. I was able to put down the ghost wolf and went over to chat with Belrand about better coordinating our combat tactics. I'm not fond of having my private parts chewed off by his mangy conjurations. But he was too busy launching arrows at the girl, who was now hiding behind a rock in the distance. I remember staring at him in that moment, trying to figure out where he had pulled a bow from. It was then I realized he had summoned it, just like the wolf.

Around this time my fear command apparently wore off as the bladeswoman quickly made her way back over without me seeing her. I shouldn't have taken my attention from her. Nimble and quick she was, and suddenly I was back in the fight and not ready for it. I blocked what I could and struck when I could but it was nigh impossible. Her blades were a whirlwind around me, and before I knew it I felt weak in the legs again. My life was leaving me.

I turned to run and took maybe a step before an especially hard blow knocked me on my face. Now I'm on my back and trying to sit up. I've healed fairly well for only being off my feet a week, considering the lacerations I received. This particular setback has hurt more than others, given I had a second stomach to fill all week long. I hope Belrand enjoyed his meals while I laid in a bed of agony. I can't help but feel he let me down out there. Next time out I will have to keep in mind his fighting style and find a way to take advantage of it. Apparently my five hundred septims only bought his ability and not his cooperation.

Today we'll hit the shops and see if there is anything interesting to purchase. Then we'll stock up on some food and head out for the plains, and the bandits beyond. I might need an ale for the road this time around.


Another awesome entry, my friend. I'll make a note of it to never enlist that fool into my ranks, ha.

I've but one more thing to ask of you and of your wisdom. While I wouldn't mind using a Nord, as that particular race makes the most sense as far as the main quest goes, I shall not since you've done such a wonderful job here. Thus I'm at a crossroad once more. I've narrowed my choices down to an Imperial or an Argonian. An Imperial would surely make sense as well. And while an Argonian may not make much sense, I was considering going the route of the "unlikely hero." I've never played either race so it'd be a nice change of pace for me. Might you have an opinion on the matter? And once again thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
- Tirdas, 15th of Evening Star, 4E 201 -

I'm a bit hungover as I write this. Belrand is laying in a bedroll nearby, snoring loudly and sleeping off his own celebratory consumption. A slew of empty ale bottles at the foot of my bedroll reminds me why my head hurts. My bones and muscles ache as well, but for a different reason.

The morning of Morndas we left Whiterun and spent the day hiking to the bandit cave near the falls southwest of Morthal. It was an arduous journey, not just because of the number of steps required, but also because of the stress of avoiding mammoths and giants and bears.

We arrived near the cave as evening settled in. From previous expeditions I remember the area being inhabited by a few sabre cats, so the last bit of of the hike went that much more slowly. The two of us inched along through the rocks practically on our bellies to avoid being spotted and turned into a feline snack. We did see one sabre cat in the distance, or I think we did. The light wasn't good and it was hard to tell for certain. We crept along even slower just to be safe. It's amazing how quickly one's heart can beat when you're barely moving.

Once safely inside the cave I got to put my new bow to the test. This one is also enchanted, but with fire magic. Two orcish arrows put down the first bandit we encountered. The second was a bit trickier due to his position, but two strikes with steel arrows removed him from our path. I also managed to miss twice and wasn't able to find those arrows. Pity.

As we moved further inside I reminded Belrand that there would be three more bandits, one being the leader of the group. Of course, it was also possible that they had picked up some additional recruits, but I kept that thought to myself.

It was easily after midnight at this point, but the section of the cave we were sneaking through was lit like mid-day with several torches. It was going to be hard to surprise the remaining villains. Luckily I was able to get into a good position for a close-range shot at the leader with a poisoned arrow. Unluckily I managed to just miss with my aim and strike the edge of the cave wall between us. The sneak attack was blundered and now we were in for a full on fight. At least this time the odds were closer to even.

I readied my mace and shield as Belrand drew his iron sword and summoned a wolf. The leader came charging out at us, followed by one of the accomplice bandits. We traded blows back and forth like a warriors of legends. For the most part the bandit chief focused on attacking Belrand, which allowed his wolf to score a number of unblocked bites. The other bandit seemed intent on killing me personally. Perhaps he recognized me from my previous trip to the cave. So my attention stayed with him.

After a minute or so of intense battle I dropped the vindictive bandit and turned to aid my companion. The bandit chief was still going strong. I wasn't sure where the third bandit was, and that concerned me, but I was definitely glad he hadn't joined the fight yet. At this point it was just Belrand and I facing off with the chief. The wolf had vanished.

Surprisingly, the fight when on for some time. This particular bandit chief was quite adept at combat, and despite being outnumber she really made us work for our victory against her. But prevail we did, and I couldn't help but feel some pride that it was my mace that dealt her death blow.

We entered the next room, taking our time so as not to be caught by surprise by the remaining bandit. But after a careful search he wasn't to be found, but a tunnel leading to another room was. Again, we moved slowly and cautiously up to this next chamber. I hadn't seen this on my last visit, and now I wondered if we still faced more than just this one bandit ahead.

To our relief we entered the smallish room and found the final bandit .. dead .... slumped against a wall in the corner. Belrand and I exchanged confused looks while we tried to figure out how the bandit had died. There were no traps in the room, so it wasn't that. Then it hit me. When the summoned wolf had 'disappeared' it had actually chased down this bandit and tore him apart for us. How convenient!

I was feeling really good about our victory. We had worked well as a team this time, thanks in part to my willingness to adapt to Belrand's style. We had also overcome a significant threat, and there was plenty of armor and weapons to haul back for sale in Whiterun .. provided we could find a way to get it all back there.

We collected some food and drink and feasted like kings who had just conquered an empire. I think we both ate double what we normally would, and drank an equal portion too. It was dawn already, and we couldn't believe we had spent an entire day traveling and an entire night fighting. Thankfully there were several bedrolls for us to fall on.

But not before I made a special request. Belrand and I dragged the bodies of the dead bandits into a pile and I asked him to stand next to them while I made a quick sketch. He's a sporting fellow and obliged like a true friend. Then we slept like bears in winter.



Well-Known Member
Another awesome entry, my friend. I'll make a note of it to never enlist that fool into my ranks, ha.

I've but one more thing to ask of you and of your wisdom. While I wouldn't mind using a Nord, as that particular race makes the most sense as far as the main quest goes, I shall not since you've done such a wonderful job here. Thus I'm at a crossroad once more. I've narrowed my choices down to an Imperial or an Argonian. An Imperial would surely make sense as well. And while an Argonian may not make much sense, I was considering going the route of the "unlikely hero." I've never played either race so it'd be a nice change of pace for me. Might you have an opinion on the matter? And once again thank you in advance.

To be honest, I don't care if you use or nord or not. Use whatever you feel like using. But if it's your preference to choose a different race then I would consider the imperial simply because of how well it already fits with the story of what's going on in Skyrim (civil war and all). That's not to say you couldn't find a fit for an argonian. You just would need to be a bit more creative I think. I will say it might be fun to play a race you haven't before as well, especially if you know a bit about the race and use that knowledge to better role play. Personally I've never played an argonian either. Could be a lot of fun, though.

Hope I helped you not make a decision, lol.


To be honest, I don't care if you use or nord or not. Use whatever you feel like using. But if it's your preference to choose a different race then I would consider the imperial simply because of how well it already fits with the story of what's going on in Skyrim (civil war and all). That's not to say you couldn't find a fit for an argonian. You just would need to be a bit more creative I think. I will say it might be fun to play a race you haven't before as well, especially if you know a bit about the race and use that knowledge to better role play. Personally I've never played an argonian either. Could be a lot of fun, though.

Hope I helped you not make a decision, lol.

Well, you certainly provided a challenge with this response. I decided on the Imperial. Thank you for your input. I'll attempt to resist asking for more of your guidance.