Nord Refugee Character Diary - Hrisskar III

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Well-Known Member
Feed the giant some paralysis potions! :D It'd make a tasty addition to his diet of mammoth cheese.

Trust me I've been contemplating that. The downside is I only have two potions and I can't reapply the poison during combat very easily because of my restrictions. It's not a dead idea yet, though. d;-)


Well-Known Member
- 23rd of Sun's Dawn, 4E 202 -

This morning before I left Whiterun I stopped by several of the shops. I had this idea to maybe use a bow and arrows against the giant, so I needed to figure out what this approach was going to cost me. Given that the reward will likely only be a hundred septims, I can't afford to spend a thousand on a magic bow and elven arrows.

After browsing the available inventory I headed back out to the giant's camp to do some additional scouting. If I was going to implement a the bow approach I would need a vantage point with a good view but limited access. I'm not quite sure of the reach of a giant, or his mammoths for that matter.

I rode around the camp for a few hours, checking for suitable attack points and suitable escape routes. I also surveyed the surrounding area so that I would know where any sabre cats or other beasts happen to lurk about. No point in running from a giant and running right into a bear or a pack of wolves.

Eventually I decided there was only one suitable spot to launch an attack from. There is a rock outcrop on the southeast side of the camp. It's definitely not ideal. I'm still not sure if the giant will be able to make it across the rocks on the side to reach my spot. It's a narrow ledge of rocks so I'm hoping he either won't see it or won't be able to use it.

My second task, and equally important, was an escape route. I would need to have Dawn close by, but not too close. If she hears the battle she may try to assist, and I'm certain that would be her end. I can't lose a second horse to a giant. I just can't.

I think I found a spot that is far enough away and protected. If I'm forced to use it, it will be a fairly long sprint to make. But I just can't afford to have her closer.

My last consideration was how to conduct the actual attack. During the day or at night? Poisons or no? What things could go wrong? How to handle the mammoths if I use all my arrows killing the giant? There is also a cave just below my vantage point. I snuck inside and discovered at least one more giant inside ... and there are probably more. What happens if they join the fight?

This was my day. An entire day devoted to planning what still feels a bit like a suicidal task. In reality this is now two full days devoted just to planning an attack. I feel comfortable in my plan, but I also know how often plans go awry.

With a giant and two mammoths I have a hard time believing my plan will flow smoothly.



Well-Known Member
- 24th of Sun's Dawn, 4E 202 -

Last night, on the way back to Whiterun from the giant's camp, I came across some bandits near the watch tower east of the city. They closed in to attack me but the guards at the watchtower ran in to assist and killed two of them. The third fled into the fading light of evening.

This was good fortune not only for the bits of gear I could collect for sale this morning, but also because one of the dead bandits had a hunting bow. How fortunate! The gods are surely smiling on my venture today. Now I don't have to purchase a bow, and only half of the arrows.

I'm headed out now to see if the dead bandits are still there so I can finish collecting their remaining gear. I may also look for the third bandit as he was gravely wounded and may have died nearby. If not, perhaps I can finish him off and take his gold and armor as well.

If the dead bandits are gone and I can't find the third, though, I'm headed to the giant's camp. I decided late last night to fight this fight during the day. As much as I'd like to have the cover of night, I think I would be better served to be able to see during the chaos that is sure to come.


Well-Known Member
- 3rd of First Seed, 4E 202 -

I traveled the road and found the two slain bandits to be gone. Some wild animal likely dragged them from the road and made a nice meal of them.

I did, however, find the third bandit. He was dead as I suspected, but not in the way I had predicted. I saw his body, laying face down in the grass. He was stripped naked. Standing over him was a very large nord. He pulled an even larger axe, the likes of which I've never seen before, off his back and told me to move along.

Instead I coaxed Dawn in a bit closer and he attacked. I led him towards the watchtower, hoping the guards would once again assist me so I'd be selling that large axe by lunch. But the guards all fled. I should have taken that as a sign and done the same.

The nord switched to his bow and proved to have solid aim. After two of his arrows struck Dawn I took her around the backside of the tower to hide her. I dismounted and then went back out to meet my foe.

As I rounded the corner I saw him fighting a kahjit. Apparently a kahjit caravan had been passing through and come across the nord. They were fighting him but he was slaughtering them one after another. His enormous axe would sing through the air like a scythe and the kahjit would fall like grasses during harvest.

My blood pumping and my heart pounding, I charged in.

I only remember some of the battle. I remember closing in with my shield raised, absorbing a massive impact from the axe, and then realizing I still wasn't close enough to strike back. As far as I can remember I took one more bone-crushing blow on the shield and then I saw streaks of lightning all around me and I passed out. I'm pretty sure one of the kahjit used a magic spell but missed the brute and struck me instead.

Either way I've been laid up at The Bannered Mare contemplating how I went from heading out to kill a giant to being nearly killed by a giant nord. This doesn't inspire much confidence.


Well-Known Member
- 3rd of First Seed, 4E 202 -

Well I sure didn't expect to find myself in Windhelm tonight.

This morning I traveled back to the giant camp to execute my attack. I rode around for an hour or so to do a final scouting of the area, just to make sure all was as before. Satisfied, I stowed Dawn in my predetermined spot. Then I hiked up to the small rock outcrop.

There were two giants outside today, which presented a dilemma. Which was I supposed to kill? Both? That hardly seemed fair as the contract specifically stated one giant, not two. Besides, how was I going to deal with two mammoths and two giants anyways. That wasn't part of the plan. As predicted, the plan was already going wrong.

I waited patiently for another hour or two. My legs hurt from crouching on the rocks. I had hoped one of the giants would wander off, or go back inside the cave. But this was not happening. It was about this time that my thoughts were disrupted by one of the giants. He had apparently grown tired of me hanging around and decided it was time for me to go.

He was right below me, just out of reach with his massive club. His agitation was apparent, given how he was raising his club at me and grunting in his nonsense language.


I decided this was as good a time as any to spring the attack. It would be impossible to miss with my bow at this range. So I drew an arrow, breathed a prayer, and let the chaos loose. One arrow was all it took. The giant went mad with rage. The mammoths began stampeding everywhere, causing the ground to shake in a fearsome way. And the brother giant ran up the hill on my flank, right to the narrow path of rock that led to me.

My stomach and feet filled with dread at the sight of this giant's speed and direction. Before I could even fathom the situation he was nearly on top of me and I had to act. To my left was an escape route I had planned for, but it required jumping over a tree. From practicing this on one of my previous scouting days I knew it was possible to get hung up on the tree, and I couldn't afford that right now .. not with a giant about to reach me and squash me like grape.

I had no choice but to take my emergency escape route, which was right off the outcrop in front of the cave entrance. The mammoths and the other giant were right down there, and I would have to jump down and turn to face them immediately .. and shout my fear into them. There was no room for error. I had to make sure all three of them felt my voice, or I was headed toward oblivion.

Luckily I pulled off the maneuver, and managed to sprint to where I had left Dawn. Every step it took me to get there left me feeling like a club was about to finish me, but I made it somehow. Unfortunately right as I arrived and reached for Dawn's saddle she bolted. The giant was right behind me!

By the grace of Mara I was just able to get a hand on her saddle and pull myself up as she galloped away.

I rode her all the way to the road before I let her have a break. I was shaken, but frustrated as well. I had failed to fulfill the contract, and it seemed my plan was flawed all along. I saw no other way to carry out this contract, which meant I would receive no additional work either.

It was then that I noticed an imperial noble and his bodyguard wandering leisurely up the road. This spoiled and corrupt imperial pig, riding along without a care in the world .. after I just rode for my life for a hundred measly septims; risked my life for price of his tunic. My frustration turned to rage and my imperial hate led my thoughts. If I couldn't get paid for killing a giant, I would pay myself for killing an imperial politician.

With a start I turned Dawn up the road and sprinted her to the next large rocky hillside. It was a perfect place for an ambush, and I wasted no time in setting up. I only had a few minutes before the noble would pass by.

Sure enough, I had just gotten myself in position as they passed by. My first arrow was off by a bit and struck the noble's horse. I haven't shot a bow in some time now, and obviously I've become rusty. The noble immediately dismounted and drew his dagger as the bodyguard drew his sword. The foolish old man spotted me and charged around the rocks to put his dagger to the test. The imperial guard trailed behind him.

All it took was one massive strike from my mace to end the miserable skeever's life. He should have used his wits and let his guard do his fighting. But his guard faired no better. He was dead soon enough.

With Dawn loaded down I headed back to Whiterun. As I neared the watchtower a bounty hunter accosted and demanded I pay him for my crime. He wanted twelve hundred septims! I refused and he chased me for a bit before he ran out of breath and gave up. But as I passed the watchtower the guards there also tried to stop me .. and arrest me. I was no longer welcome in Whiterun it seemed.

It was late in the day but I decided to try and make it to Windhelm. Hopefully news of my attack hadn't spread that far already, or even if it had, hopefully they would support my efforts. I had to dash Dawn past all the guards around Whiterun as they sent arrows after us to try and stop us. But my horsemanship was decent enough and we avoided all the arrows, leaving Whiterun behind as we splashed across the river with arrows striking the water all around us.

The rest of our ride today was uneventful .. and long. But we're in Windhelm now. The guards seem to be okay with my presence, although one did nearly stop me. He muttered something about me looking familiar. I'm hoping it's just because he's seen me in Windhelm before, but I doubt it. I'm going to have to keep my head down while I'm here to make sure.

Gemini Sierra

Pre-emptive Salvage Specialist
I can't remember, are you on a PC? If so, there's a few mods out that allow you make camping materials, tents, campfires, bedrolls etc. You could so incorporate them into your game and save money by not having to go to taverns all the time. they do add to your weight, but that would be like a needed burden for adventuring.
I started carrying a tankard, wooden bowl, plate, spoon, ladel, and a pot to add to the realism of camping/adventuring. You can even setup the camp (oh yeah, mod name is Portable Campsite) and leave it so you can adventure out different places.


Active Member
this is cool man. ive read through all 17 pages in the past few days and have enjoyed it all. started my own play through similar to yours. except i have it on expert, since ive never even played on adept. also, i couldnt completely do away with the HUD. i have it at maybe 20% opacity which really just allows me to faintly see where im aiming my bow while sneaking. although im not the type to do a journal like this i have a backstory and such. i play as a kahjiit who was raised by an alchemist whos brother hadvar(i believe this is correct, the imperial from the opening quest), and as such he has the name and acts as though he is imperial. theres a bit more to it than that but this post is long enough already. in mine though my character actually did witness the dragon attack at helgen. im at level 8 by now i think and have died at least a dozen times. oh, and also i allow myself 1/3 carry weight plus armor weight. thanks for the inspiration man keep it up.


Well-Known Member
I can't remember, are you on a PC? If so, there's a few mods out that allow you make camping materials, tents, campfires, bedrolls etc. You could so incorporate them into your game and save money by not having to go to taverns all the time. they do add to your weight, but that would be like a needed burden for adventuring.
I started carrying a tankard, wooden bowl, plate, spoon, ladel, and a pot to add to the realism of camping/adventuring. You can even setup the camp (oh yeah, mod name is Portable Campsite) and leave it so you can adventure out different places.

That would be freaking awesome ..... but I play on Xbox. d:sadface: Sounds so cool, though.


Well-Known Member
this is cool man. ive read through all 17 pages in the past few days and have enjoyed it all. started my own play through similar to yours. except i have it on expert, since ive never even played on adept. also, i couldnt completely do away with the HUD. i have it at maybe 20% opacity which really just allows me to faintly see where im aiming my bow while sneaking. although im not the type to do a journal like this i have a backstory and such. i play as a kahjiit who was raised by an alchemist whos brother hadvar(i believe this is correct, the imperial from the opening quest), and as such he has the name and acts as though he is imperial. theres a bit more to it than that but this post is long enough already. in mine though my character actually did witness the dragon attack at helgen. im at level 8 by now i think and have died at least a dozen times. oh, and also i allow myself 1/3 carry weight plus armor weight. thanks for the inspiration man keep it up.

You bet brotha. Glad you're enjoying the journal and having some fun imposing some similar restrictions. It really adds to the game experience, right? Master difficulty is really freaking hard with all these restrictions though, lol.


Active Member
You bet brotha. Glad you're enjoying the journal and having some fun imposing some similar restrictions. It really adds to the game experience, right? Master difficulty is really freaking hard with all these restrictions though, lol.
yessir. just cleared out a vampire lair for the jarl of morthal. was very tough, although the rewards made it quite worth it


Well-Known Member
- 5th of First Seed, 4E 202 -

It's been a few days since I've had a chance to crack open my journal. I got a bit wrapped up in a murder investigation in Windhelm. To be honest, I'm somewhat bitter about the whole affair. I helped them catch the murderer but I got nothing for my efforts. Well, I was allowed to keep a strange amulet that the murderer left behind. As part of the investigation I took it to a local curator and he offered me five hundred gold for it. I passed on the offer, thinking I might need the amulet to finish solving the mystery. Afterwards I went back and the curator was no longer interested in purchasing the amulet. Suffering.

It turns out there is no other work available for me in Windhelm. If I want to fill up my coin purse I'm going to need to head somewhere else. As much as I don't want to I'm thinking of traveling back to Dawnstar. There is another curator there and I'm hoping he might make an offer on the amulet. I leave at dawn.


Well-Known Member
Aw, I had the same issue with the necromancer's amulet. I thought I'd keep it as evidence against the murderer, but then I just ended up with it stuck in my inventory. =(

Yeah that sucks, because the dialog says something like "No, not right now." when he's asking to purchase the amulet. I thought I could do it later. I sure wish you could drop quest items if you wanted to. Annoying.


Well-Known Member
- 7th of First Seed, 4E 202 -

I dragged a body into Dawnstar as the sun broke this morning. The guards noticed but didn't say anything. I'm pretty sure they could read the night I had all over my face. None of them saw fit to make an issue out of it. Good.

Yesterday morning I left Windhelm and set off on the dangerous road to Dawnstar. I was hoping to sell this odd amulet to the curator of a new museum there. The journey proved to be as dangerous as I expected. I killed ten or so wolves and an equal number of frostbite spiders. I had to be careful with the spiders and make sure I never took on more than one at a time.

One group of these spiders had killed a man just as I showed up. After dispatching the spiders I checked the dead man and discovered he was wearing steel plate armor. That was a nice upgrade over my standard steel armor. I pulled it off and checked it out and it fit quite nicely. I had to leave my old armor with him in order to take a few of his other things with me to sell. I hoped to make Dawnstar early enough that I could go back and retrieve my old armor and sell it off as well. It had to be worth at least a hundred gold.

Eventually, late in the afternoon, I reached Dawnstar. My first stop was at the museum, which was not much more than a collection of cases in an old shack. The curator was an odd fellow and I'm not sure how well he can be trusted. Regardless, he wasn't interested in purchasing the amulet so I guess I'm stuck with it for now. He did, however, provide me with some work. I'm not sure if I will follow through or not yet, though. It seems a bit ... shady .. you could say.

After selling off what I could at the local armorer I left Dawnstar to go retrieve my old armor. It was late evening and I knew it would be dark before I made it back to town. That made me a little uneasy, but having Dawn with me gave me just enough confidence.

Unfortunately the man's body, and my armor, were gone by the time I got back to where I had left him. It was frustrating, but there was nothing I could have done. The armor was too heavy to carry with everything else I had.

Night had fallen by this point so I started back to Dawnstar. As I was about to leave the forest and head down the hill toward the town I was stopped by a man in the dark. I couldn't make out his face inside his helmet it was so dark. But he let me know his business quick enough. He was a bounty hunter from Whiterun ... and he was prepared to take me in. I was not prepared to go quietly.

Now it was somewhere around midnight at this point, and I decided to turn Dawn and let the mercenary give chase while I decided what to do. He had a large sword and a very nice and heavy set of armor. He was also quite fast on his feet. This was not going to be an opponent to take lightly.

I decided on a plan of bait and run. In other words, I would lead him up the road to a good location, then sprint away and out of sight. I would quickly dismount at this point with Dawn hidden behind a rock or some trees. With her safe I would crouch and move back in the direction of the bounty hunter. The moment I saw him I would freeze and let him approach. Generally he would not see me, as it was so dark, so I would have to move around a bit to lure him closer. Once he was in range I would attack him from the darkness, and after landing a few strikes and blocking a few blows, I would turn and sprint back to Dawn and repeat the tactic.


This went on for hours and hours through the night. Eventually I became exhausted, and knew I had to speed up my plan if I wanted to end this fight. I had nearly died already two or three times and I could feel myself getting more and more careless the longer the fight continued.

So I decided to make use of one of my two remaining paralyze potions. To my surprise, the hired sword took an incredible beating from me but still rose to fight me a few seconds later. Within a moment I had mounted Dawn again and decided I needed to use the other paralyze potion.

This time it worked. As the poison wore off and he rose back to his feet, with me raining down blows the whole time, he then ran off into the woods. He was near death and I couldn't let him escape now, not after the epic all-night battle we were waging. I gave chase through the trees.

Finally I caught up to him and a blow to his back dropped him to a knee. He begged for mercy but I had none for him. I raised my mace up high and brought it down on his head with all my strength. The fight was over.

The bounty hunter had a nice set of steel plate armor and a magical orchish sword. He had a number of other valuables as well, including a very nice elven dagger and two hundred gold pieces. I took what I could and packed it onto Dawn, but I still couldn't carry a good portion of his gear. I knew if I left him on the road he would probably be gone by the time I came back to retrieve his armor. I had to come up with some way to get his gear to Dawnstar.

So for the next several hours, despite my exhaustion, I dragged his body down off of the mountain and into Dawnstar. I had to implement a routine of dragging his body 50 paces, then going back and riding Dawn ahead of the body, then moving the body fifty paces ahead of Dawn again. It was a painstakingly slow process, but as the sun made its morning appearance I was dragging the body to the front of the armorer's shop. I can tell you, I can't wait to put my head to a pillow.



Active Member
Just finished catching up on all your entries and I gotta say they are amazing. Your story is an intense one, and you really know how to capture a readers attention. Can't wait for the next entry and keep it up man!


Well-Known Member
Just finished catching up on all your entries and I gotta say they are amazing. Your story is an intense one, and you really know how to capture a readers attention. Can't wait for the next entry and keep it up man!

Wow, thanks for reading all of them. Really happy you enjoyed the read. Thanks so much for the kind words as well. I'm doing the journal for fun for myself, but it sure is encouraging and inspiring to hear from people who are reading it too. d;-)

It's been a wild ride so far and I think it's going to get even more interesting very soon.


Well-Known Member
- 9th of First Seed, 4E 202 -

I spent an extra day in Dawnstar catching up on some much needed sleep and recovering from my night of never-ending battle. Then I left this morning to make my way to Winterhold. It is closer than Windhelm, although still quite lengthy and treacherous journey. I was nearly killed and Dawn was nearly killed on two separate occasions by wolf packs.

We managed to make it to Winterhold around midday. I stopped at the only shop in town and sold off a stack of wolf pelts. I really was looking to purchase a filled soul gem as my mace has lost it's magic after the brutal fight with the bounty hunter. But the shopkeeper had nothing I decided to leave and return to Windhelm.

By the time we arrived it was evening and I really wasn't feeling well at all. I stabled Dawn and got her and myself some food. Then I visited a shop in the Gray Quarter and purchased a lesser gem with a lesser soul in it. The shopkeeper commented that I didn't look well. So it wasn't my imagination then.

I don't know if it was because I was feeling ill or because he commented on how or looked or what, but I asked him whether any of his items were stolen or not. I've visited his shop a few times and he always seems a bit nervous about his business. He assured me that all of his items were legitimate, but then he remembered a ring he had purchased that might belong to a resident. Somehow he convinced me to try and return it to her without her knowledge. I'm not really sure why I agreed to help. I'm not much of one for sneaking around, and I couldn't pick a lock to save my skin.

It was late and I'd had another long day so I decided to find myself a bed at the inn. But on the way there I came across a guard and the body of another dead woman. Apparently the murder that I helped solve was not solved after all. I've been asked to resume the investigation with the guards. I'm really not interested, as I need to find paying work, but how can I turn them down. Innocent women are losing their lives. The girl tonight reminded me of my mother.

I guess I'll be paying the suspect a visit when I roll out of bed in the morning.