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    Well-Known Member
    Elizabeths' firebolt struck the leading wraith in the chest, and though the spell wore off quickly, Torin did not miss the hint of fear in the creatures' body language. With a shout, the ranger leapt past the wounded wraiths' companions, toward the flames. Both creatures surged after him, brandishing their weapons. Torin parried their attacks, and with his free hand, snatched one of the smaller logs from the campfire. When an opening appeared, he swung the burning brand in an arc, striking one creature squarely in the face. It howled, one hand swatting at the flames burning away its' hood, and lashing out wildly with its sword.

    "Use the fire! They fear it!" He shouted to the others, though he doubted his instructions were necessary. Soon, all three of his companions had joined him, brandishing burning branches of their own. After a few more connected strikes, the wraiths had had enough. One, the leader, Torin assumed, shrieked a sibilant command, and all three retreated right out the gaping hole in the towers exterior. Cautiously, half expecting a trap, the ranger crept to the ledge. Through the light rain that still fell, and the darkness of night, he saw three darker shapes, fleeing swiftly to the west. He sheathed his sword, troubled by the attack.

    He turned to his friends,"rest while you can. I will take the first watch. We leave this place at dawn, and should make haste to Solitude." As the others settled in to take what sleep they could for the rest of the night, Torin sat with his back to the wall, and lit his pipe. He let his thoughts wander to his friends not with him, even as he watched the darkness for any sign of an attack.


    Dashing Imperial Officer.
    As it turned out, Shadaris' estimation of the time it would take was nearly spot on. They crossed the symbolic bridge, leading to the village of Dragonsbridge. The place was nearly abandoned, however, with only hard faced soldiers, and a few frightened refugees passing through. Makeshift defences had been set up in on the other side of the bridge, and from a wooden tower, a soldier shouted for them to state your business.

    The archers on the wooden walls already had their bows strung and drawn, and the half-breton knight spotted a few crossbows among them. "My companions and I are making our way to Solitude. Perhaps you've heard of us? The fellowship that defeated the northern brotherhood, over a year ago, now."

    Several of the soldiers faces lit up. "Long we have looked and hoped for your coming!" The man who had first spoken, probably the commander, declared. Concern grew on his face as he examined Averaine and his companions. "But where are the rest of your fellowship? I heard there were a dozen of you. But I only see four here."

    "The rest of our company should be arriving soon. I had hoped you'd seen them already." He shot a concerned glance over his shoulder. The bridge, and village beyond were the easiest way to reach Solitude, save going by sea. And the only port city still unassailed, as far as Averaine knew, was Dawnstar. "Nay," the soldier said, his voice grim, "you are the first we've seen that aren't refugees. Pass on through. We will keep alert for your friends."

    A pair of guards hauled the barricade aside, letting Averaine and his companions through. As they stood to the side of the cobbled road going through the Dragonsbridge, letting a wagon carrying a group of ragged refugees towards the city pass, the vampire knight said "the others should have been here by now. I hope nothing has gone awry."


    Well-Known Member
    Donath hadn't been to Dragonsbridge much, but he remembered the villages landmark bridge. However, he'd never seen so many people heading across. Wagons bearing whatever the refugees could salvage, along with those too old or young, or in some cases sick and injured, to go on foot. The nord warriors heart ached for the people who'd lost everything when the Blight had finally shown themselves. But there was little he, or his companions could do at the moment. He was heartened to see that the soldiers had fortified, as best they could, the other side of the bridge. The bridge over the high canyon, dropping into the rushing water below, was the only way into the village, and further into Haafingar hold, for kilometers around. Strategically speaking, it probably would have been better to destroy the bridge, delaying the Blight even longer. On the other hand, an action like that would also strand any stragglers on the other side of the canyon.

    He kept quiet and let Averaine do the talking, paying attention to the whole exchange between the knight and the guardsmen. What he heard wasn't very comforting. He glanced at his companions, noting they looked equally concerned about the fate of their friends. The soldiers quickly pulled aside the barricades, letting Donath, Aliah, Shadari and Averaine inside the village itself. The stout Nord looked around the village, noticing that the soldiers had transformed the former Penitus Oculatus headquarters into a barracks, and that a small field of tents had been set up for people that simply couldn't push on any further. The four-shields inn was being swarmed with scrawny farmers and citizens, those who had no gold attempting to barter rings or other family heirlooms to get a pay for a full stomach. He also noticed the soldiers nearby, making sure the desperate Nords and other civilians didn't get out of hand.

    A carriage, drawn by a team of mules who looked like they had even less meat on their bones than the haggard driver and passengers rolled up the road behind them. Donath and the others stepped to the side of the road to let them pass. "The others should have been here by now. I hope nothing has gone awry." Averaine said, bringing up the concerns on all their minds. The warrior nodded "Aye. The Blight might be spreading faster than we thought." He thumped the base of his axe against the soft ground, hoping to take their minds off the grim possibilities. "But we can't be stayin' here. Maybe the others found another way to Solitude. Or they'll be joinin' us soon. Gods willing."


    Well-Known Member
    Torin lead Lythare and his two young, Imperial companions through the wilderness for several days. The closer they came to the capital Solitude, more the weather improved. When the small group reached the small town of Dragonbridge, the storm clouds had cleared, though some still lingered on the horizon. The town itself had been hastily fortified, with soldiers and guardsmen keeping a careful watch on the surrounding lands. Streams of refugees, clad in rags, and scraps of what had once been clothing.

    The ranger felt a twinge of sympathy for the people that had been caught in the path of the Blight. He motioned for the others to follow him, and made his way onto the landmark bridge that the village was named after. The setting sun cast long shadows as the four made their way across the bridge. Torin stopped and craned his neck up to see a soldier staring down at him. "Who goes there?"

    "Torin Greenbow, and his companions. We're passing through, on our way to Solitude. We hope to meet with the rest of our fellowship."

    The man nodded. "We've been expecting you, master ranger. Go on through."

    The news that Torin and his friends were expected heartened him. It meant that at least a few of their friends had made it to Dragonbridge. The guards pulled the gates open and waved the four of them through. The rangers keen eyes soon found Averaine, in his red plate armour with Aliah, Donath, and Shadari standing to the side of the road. "Averaine, old friend. I'd feared we'd miss you and the others."


    Dashing Imperial Officer.
    Almost as though his words had summoned their companions, Torin, Lythare, Julius and Elizabeth crossed the bridge. The ranger, with his keen eyes, spotted Averaine and the others first. "Averaine, old friend. I'd feared we'd miss you and the others." The vampire knight smiled grimly. Despite the situation, he was quite glad to see his friend once more. "As am I, Torin. With the Blight spreading so quickly, I began to fear the worse."

    He looked to the others. "Shall we press on to Solitude?" Salthar, of course, had yet to appear, but Averaine trusted the vampire lord to be able to make his way to the city. Perhaps, he was already there. Knowing Salthar, that was not beyond the altmer's abilities. Resting his hand on the pommel of his sword, he turned to the road, eager to be on the final trek to the capital city.


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Salthar arrived at the gates of Solitude shortly before dawn. The guards didn't question him, though he received more than a few odd stares. The Blight hadn't yet reached the capital of Skyrim, though the number of refugees heading to the large city, though the vampire suspected many would simply board ships bound for the empire or even further south.

    It wasn't long before the Altmer spied a group of people that were very clearly not fugitives. He left the position he'd taken up by the gate, and went to meet them. "Good, you've arrived. I trust your journey was not too arduous?" His own encounter with the Blight had been rather harrying. Seeing as his companions were still alive, although a little beaten up. "Come. It's time we plan the next step of our journey."


    Well-Known Member
    Averaine suggested pressing on to Solitude, and the others agreed, moving along the busy road that lead to the capital of Skyrim. Torin was somewhat less surprised than he should have been to see Salthar standing outside the city walls, clearly waiting for them. He greeted them, before leading the fellowship through the gate. The great city was much like Torin remembered it. Though he seldomly spent time in it, or Haafingar hold itself for that matter.

    Which was why he was surprised when, shortly before entering the city, a voice called out his name. He turned, and grinned as he saw a broad chested man, shield strapped to his back, short brown hair framing a face hardened by war, but currently, the man was smiling widely. He closed the distance and wrapped the ranger in a bearhug. "Torin Greenbow!" Bjornir Strong-shield exclaimed. "How long has it been, my friend?"

    Chuckling, the ranger replied "far too long Bjornir. I see you're still with the guard." He nodded at the badge of the Solitude guard on the mans' torso. The Nord nodded. "Captain, actually. But-" He glanced around, to make sure it was just the two of them. "The news of the war has been reaching Solitude for months now. I wish I was doing something, not just guarding the capital."

    Torin frowned. "By all accounts, that is an important job. Especially since the queen happens to live in the capital." Bjornir scowled. "Not what I mean. I wish it was like the old days. Travelling out to seek to find and defeat the enemy." Torin pointed to the gates. "These are worse than mere bandits, my friend. Much worse." Stubbornly, the captain held his ground. "Then you need me more than ever. If not for your sake, then Solitudes." He looked like he would have liked to say more, but shook his head. "But enough- the queen is expecting you in the Blue Palace." This last sentence, he directed towards the group in general.


    The Angry One
    Shadari looked around the capital city of Skyrim, Solitude. Not much had changed since she'd last been there. The little that had changed, was not for the better. But the assassin wasn't interested in the changes throughout Solitude. The city had lost most of its' charm, for her, anyways, years ago. Instead she focused on the reunion between Torin and a barrel chested Nord. Obviously they knew each other. Maybe they'd been old friends before Torin had joined up with the group.

    She uninterrupted her own observations when the newcomer, who, she noted, wore a guard captains' pin on his chest, announced that the queen herself was waiting for them. "Hmph. It's been a while since I was inside the palace. We should probably get going. Don't want to keep her majesty waiting."


    Well-Known Member
    The journey to Dragonsbridge and from there to Solitude was pretty straightforwards, and they didn't enocounter any more of the Blight. But everywhere they went, they saw signs of the creatures rampage. Refugees were flooding towards the capital hoping to find some safety. Nordic soldiers waved the group through the checkpoint at Dragonbridge, and they continued, meeting the rest of their friends at the small town. After swapping greetings, they moved on and met Salthar outside of the capitols gates. Once inside Torin met with one of the guard captains, and was obviously an old friend of his. After they had spoken for a little while, the captain revealed that the queen was expecting the group inside the blue palace.

    Shadari spoke up, sounding unimpressed, as usual. Julius on the other hand, was surprised to hear that she'd been anywhere near the palace, never mind inside. "You've been inside the blue palace?" He gasped, then, a few seconds late, remembered that she was, after all a highly skilled assassin. "Oh. Right." The closest he'd ever been to the palace grounds was guard duty at castle dour, during his first weeks with the legion. He nodded towards the distant tower. "She's right. We should probably get moving."


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Torins friend, the broad chested guard captain, lead the companions towards the blue palace. The trip was not especially eventful, an atmosphere of grim expectancy hanging in the air. Clearly, the soldiers in the capital were expecting a siege. And the citizens were no different. Even the market square was unusually quite, with only a few people going about their business. Probably, the queen had implemented a rationing system in hopes of prolonging the citys' supplies.

    Reaching the courtyard of the palace, they were met by nearly a dozen guards. Concern for the queens welfare was obvious. Elisif was well liked by the populace, and her assassination would demoralize both the civilians and the military. However, by now the fellowship was well known, and with the added wait of their captain, Bornir, the guards made way, one heading inside to announce them.

    High Queen Elisif looked much like she had two years ago, before the emergence of the Blight. But looking closely, one could tell that she wasn't getting much sleep. Her clothes were slightly less fine, her hair not quite as well maintained as before, and there were bags under her eyes. The audience chamber of the palace had undergone a change as well, with a large, rectangular table set in the middle of the room. A map of Skyrim was laid out in the center.

    Both the steward, Falk Firebeard, and the court wizard, Sybille Stentor, were present. Elisif, already n her feet, stepped forwards to greet the group. "It is good you have come. Word has been spreading about your exploits against the Blight, and your defeat of the Brotherhood before them. Now, we have a task, that your unique skills are well suited to. And it may well win us the war." The queen fell silent and glanced at her court wizard.

    "At the queens' command, I was scrying areas where the Blight are known to traverse, in order to help our soldiers. I found something that concerned me. Not because of another army marching out from below ground, but a rather large gathering protecting a cave. A great hole in the mountains. I divined it was near the Reach, though I can't tell where, exactly. "

    Salthar frowned thoughtfully, examining the map, specifically the Reach hold. "This region doesn't lack for caves." He pointed out.. "And I doubt the Blight will allow us to search for this cave uninterrupted. However, if the Blight don't want us in the area, it's almost certain we can find something useful there. Perhaps something that can help us defeat the Blight." He turned to his companions. "What do you think of the situation?"


    Well-Known Member
    Aliah crossed her arms as she examined the map. If the Blight didn't want them to get something, it was almost certain to help them. On the other hand, there was still the possibility it was a trap. The Blight had proven to be cunning foes-their commanders, at least. Luring a force into a pointless battle in the Reach would only weaken the forces of the above world. With a sigh, the vampiress shook her head. "I don't think we have much of a choice. If there is something within, no matter how minor, that could help us. And, though I hate to be the bearer of grim news, we need all the help we can get at the moment."

    Looking at the grim expressions of the jarls court, it was clear they didn't like it any more than she did. "If we send troops to the Reach, we'd need a solid reason, not just speculation, my lady." Falk Firebeard said. Aliah was already shaking her head. "No. If we investigate, a small group is best. Otherwise, there's a chance the Blight reinforces the area, and we lose any opening we had." She looked at her companions, "It'll be just us."


    Well-Known Member
    Donath entered the audience chamber of the blue palace with the others but kept to himself during the discussion. He was, and had been a fighter for most of his life. And for the most part, he left the strategizing to others. So, as Aliah, Salthar, and the members of the queens court debated on the best plan, he listened patiently. Though he couldn't help but grin with approval upon hearing that it would be just the fellowship heading for this location the Blight didn't want anyone getting to.

    "Ha. Small chance of success ? Outnumbered by hordes of ravenous monsters?" He shrugged and grinned. "What are we waitin' for?" He clapped Torin and Averaine on the shoulders. "Come on, lads. We'll need sharp blades if we're gonna be cuttin' through those Blight bastards." With a chuckle, he started towards the exit.


    Well-Known Member
    Surveying the map, Torin frowned and stroked the short stubble that had begun to grow on his chin. The Reach wasn't known for its wilderness. Or cover from surveying eyes. Aliah made his point for him, noting that a small group would be better than any army. The Blight would see the army, and, more likely than not, bring up an overwhelming amount of reinforcements. "There will be little cover in the Reach. We will need to move quickly." Before the others replied, Donath made his enthusiasm known, clapping both Averaine and Torin on their shoulders before turning them towards the doors. The ranger didn't resist, instead letting the stocky warrior guide him outside.

    Bjornir, having waited outside with several guardsmen, turned to him. "Well? How'd your meeting with her highness go?" Torin shook his head. "Still in progress. Though it seems a small group, namely my companions and I will be heading to the Reach." The guard captains eyes shone. "A dangerous assignment indeed. Seems to me, you could use another sword on your journey." Torin knew his friend was quite serious. But he had duties of his own to take care of. "What of Solitude?" The captain shrugged. "I can better defend the city while out in the field. Not awaiting a siege." He had a point, the ranger had to admit. "I would be glad to travel with you once more." He said honestly, "I shall suggest that Salthar bring you along when we depart."


    Active Member
    Lythare stayed quiet, though her eyes examined the map of the Reach. The region was fairly barren. For herself, as a ranger, the territory would prove difficult to navigate stealthily. But ignoring whatever the Blight were guarding would be foolish. Aliah pointed out that a group of any larger than their own would draw dangerous attention. "So we're on our own. Nothing we haven't faced before. But, if we don't sieze this opportunity now, we may lose our chance."

    She turned to the doors, where Donath, Averaine and Torin had already gone through. She followed them. "I'll tell the others to make ready." She announced over her shoulder. The strategizing she'd leave to Aliah and Salthar. Stepping outside, she breathed in the cool ocean air, mixed with the smoke of woodfires. Looking to her three companions, and the guard captain who'd escorted them to the palace, she said, "we'll be moving soon. Aliah and Salthar are just finishing some last minute arrangements."


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Salthar watched the rest of the group leave the palace, his mind clearly elsewhere. The Blight were participating in unprecedented behaviour, something that was a cause for worry. Perhaps more so than the armies of foul spawn that continually appeared across Tamriel. "Master Vivarian." The voice was insistent, carrying a hint of concern as well. More than a little chagrined, he realized it was Elisif who'd been trying to get his attention for the past several moments. "My apologies." He murmured, "my thoughts were elsewhere."

    "I- we, were wondering about your intentions on a wider scale."

    "Intentions?" Salthar repeated flatly.

    "There's been a noted lack of response from the Coven." The queens steward pointed out gruffly.

    " And you're wondering whether I intend to support your own forces, is that it?" The vampire asked, a cold smile on his lips.

    The queen and steward exchanged uncomfortable glances. " The Blight is a threat to us all." Elisif pointed out.

    "If and when the time for the Coven to become involved in the war presents itself, I shall inform you. Now, we really must be off." With a short bow to the queen, and a pointed glance at Aliah, the Altmer vampire turned on his heel and left the palace to join his companions. Once outside, he met the Nord guard captain, and friend of Torin. Salthar quickly accepted him into the company, and when the fellowship left the city, their number had grown by one.


    Well-Known Member
    Aliah followed Salthar, quietly seething at his callous treatment of Elisif and her court. True, they had pressing matters to attend to, but Salthar had become more and more arrogant since the events of a year ago. She clamped her mouth shut, not wanting to argue in front of the group. In silence, she walked with them as they left the capital, the grim, hopeful stares of soldier and civilian alike following them. Aliah knew what they hoped. That the fellowship would find some miraculous way of defeating the Blight, and everything would return to normal.

    The gates were pulled open by the solemn guards, who watched the group depart with a far more realistic, if somewhat defeated air. They knew of the dangers that awaited them beyond the gates...even in their own hold, dangers of the Blight lurked. The clouds, reluctant to part, overshadowed their journey. As a restored fellowship they crossed the bridge of Dragonbridge, and headed towards the Reach. Already Aliahs' keen eyes could make out the largest of mountains that were part of that region.

    For the first hour or so, the group kept to the road, passing desperate refugees and grim soldiers. Soon, they left the road behind, taking to the wilderness. For the first time since leaving the city, she spoke. "We should stick to the outskirts of the Reach. The mountains will make pursuit difficult, and there are plenty of places to hide, should we need to do so."


    The Angry One
    Shadari, unlike her companions, hadn't been idle while her companions waited for Aliah and Salthar to conclude their business with the queen. The assassin had instead taken to the streets, and from there, to the roof tops of the city. From her perch, she watched the people of Solitude go about their business. To her eyes, they seemed a lot more desperate, grim face and sunken eyed. She couldn't hear the laughter of children, or voices raised in joy.

    The assassin wasn't exactly used to joy and peace, but the sheer desperation in the faces and body language of the citizens was discouraging. She sat on the edge of one roof, her legs dangling down, and wondered how they were going to infiltrate a place so guarded by the Blight. They definitely didn't operate like normal soldiers. Which meant Shadari and her companions would need one hell of a distraction. As if her thoughts had summoned them, she spotted the rest of the fellowship making their way down the street.

    Dropping down to ground level, she fell in with the rest of the group. They mad good time away from Solitude and Dragonbridge, but left the roads soon after. The wilderness wasn't that much safer, in her opinion, but it was better than being out in the open. Aliah eventually spoke up, pointing out that the mountains of the Reach would make it harder for the Blight to find them. "I agree." She added,"it's always good to have a bolt hole to disappear into, and the caves will serve just as well."


    Well-Known Member
    Donath set the haft of his axe against his shoulder, taking up a rearguard position. The area around Solitude was calm, for now. But the river of refugees heading across the dragon bridge and towards the capital spoke of danger and death farther a field. "Like we're needin' any reminder of it." The gruff warrior grumbled. The groups march eventually carried them farther and farther away from the well traveled paths and roads. Not long after that, the largest of the Reachs' mountain tops were in view.

    Both Aliah and Shadari mentioned the mountainous paths as safer for the fellowship to travel. Or, at least it would be harder for the Blight to track them. Donath himself had some bad memories of caves...but that had been years ago, and far from the Reach. Besides, the fellowship would almost certainly be going under the mountains, where draugr, falmer, and worse were probably lurking. "Aye." He spoke up, hiding his misgivings as best he could. "The mountains. The paths there won't let more than a few of the bastards follow us at a time, and there be plenty of places to duck into, if we need to."


    Well-Known Member
    As the group reached the rocky foothills of the Reach, and the skies were clearer, with a chill wind howling through the crags. Despite the clear weather, Aliah was on edge. They were moving closer and closer to their objective, and the concentration of Blight forces. It would take some spectacular maneuvering to avoid the enemy. Unless, of course, they managed to avoid the Blight entirely. However, the vampiress doubted that. The mountains would be crawling with the beasts. "We must take care from here on out." She warned, knowing, even as she said it, that her words were unnecessary. All of her comrades knew the danger they were in.