Spoiler Lore: Since Oblivion

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Active Member
I can't believe all the stuff that's happened since Oblivion. (OMG stuff is highlighted/bolded).

Mind = Blown

From http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Fourth_Era

4E 0 — End of the Oblivion Crisis.
4E 1 — The Empire's Collapse Begins
  • Black Marsh secedes from the Empire a few years after the proclamation of the new era; it is soon followed by Elsweyr.
4E ?? — Titus Mede is crowned the new emperor by conquest.
4E 18 — Prince Attrebus Mede is born.
4E 22 — The Thalmor seize control of Summerset Isle and rename it Alinor.
4E 23 — Annaïg Hoïnart is born.
4E 29 — The Aldmeri Dominion is recreated after Alinor and Valenwood proclaim a union, and all contact is severed with the Empire.
  • The union came about after a Thalmor-backed coup overthrew Valenwood's government. The Empire and its Bosmer allies are caught off-guard and defeated by Altmer forces that invaded Valenwood following the coup.
4E 40s — Umbriel, a floating city, appears on the coast of Black Marsh, heading toward Morrowind.
4E 40s — Red Mountain erupts; Vvardenfell is destroyed.
  • In Vivec's absence, the Ministry of Truth becomes unstable. Vuhon creates an Ingenium that uses at first dozens of dying souls, then a small number of living ones to stabilize the rock. The soul of Sul's wife Ilzheven was among them. In a fight to free her, the Ingenium is destroyed and the rock crashes into the city of Vivec with all the energy it originally had. The impact causes Red Mountain to erupt and destroys the entire island of Vvardenfell, as well as causing massive destruction to the rest of the province.
  • The Argonians invade southern Morrowind after the eruption of Red Mountain.
4E 98 — The two moons of Nirn, Masser and Secunda, vanish for two years in what becomes known as the Void Nights. The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Cheydinhal is raided by Imperial Forces. The previous Listener is supposedly killed in the attack.
[edit] Second Century

4E 100 — The Void Nights end, with the Thalmor taking credit for the return of Nirn's moons.
  • The Khajit credit the Thalmor as their saviors and Imperial influence in Elsweyr begins to wane dramatically.
4E 115 — The Elsweyr Confederacy becomes the two kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine, which the Aldmeri Dominion accepts as client states.
4E 122 — Most of Winterhold collapses into the sea. The citizens have blamed the College of Winterhold but the College denies it.
4E 168 — Emperor Titus Mede II ascends to the throne.
  • The Empire is now a shadow of its former glory. Valenwood and Elsweyr had been ceded to the Thalmor, Black Marsh had been lost to Imperial rule since the Oblivion Crisis, Morrowind had yet to fully recover from the eruption of Mount Vvardenfell, and Hammerfell was plagued by infighting between the Crown and Forbear factions. Only High Rock, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim remained prosperous and peaceful.
4E 171 — The Great War begins with armies from the Aldmeri Dominion invading the Imperial provinces of Hammerfell and Cyrodiil.
  • After Titus II rejects an ultimatum to make massive concessions to the Thalmor, Aldmeri armies invade. An army led by Thalmor general Lord Naarifin emerges from hidden camps in northern Elsweyr and assaults southern Cyrodiil, flanking Imperial defenses along the Valenwood border. Leyawiin falls to the invaders, and Bravil is surrounded and besieged. Simultaneously, an army under Lady Arannelya crosses western Cyrodiil, bypassing Anvil and Kvatch and entering Hammerfell. This army is joined by smaller forces landing on Hammerfell's coast. Imperial troops are forced into retreat across the Alik'r Desert.
4E 174 — The Imperial City is sacked by Aldmeri forces.
  • Titus II flees north from the city, smashing through the surrounding Aldmeri forces with his main army and linking up with reinforcements heading south from Skyrim under General Jonna. The Imperial City falls to the invaders. The Imperial Palace is burned, White-Gold Tower is looted, and the Aldmeri commit many atrocities against the defenseless populace.
4E 175 — The Battle of the Red Ring results in the complete destruction of the Aldmeri army in Cyrodiil, a victory for the Empire precipitating the end of the Great War.
  • The Imperial City is retaken and Titus II's decision to withdraw from it the previous year is vindicated. Despite this resounding victory, however, the Empire is exhausted and unable to continue the war. Realizing this, Titus II seeks to negotiate with the Aldmeri Dominion to end the war.
4E 175 — The Great War ends with the White-Gold Concordat.
  • The Concordat is a peace treaty between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. The terms of treaty gave the Thalmor free rein to stamp out the worship of Talos throughout the Empire, and ceded a large section of southern Hammerfell. Critics note that these terms are almost identical to the ultimatum that Titus II rejected at the start of the war.
4E 175 — Hammerfell leaves the Empire after rejecting the White-Gold Concordat.
  • Titus II renounces Hammerfell as a province of the Empire to preserve the treaty after the Redguards oppose ceding their lands. The Redguards see this as a betrayal, and a lasting bitterness between Hammerfell and the Empire is sown to the delight of the Thalmor. Hammerfell continues to war with the Aldmeri Dominion for the next five years.
4E 180 — The Second Treaty of Stros M'kai is signed.
  • Having been fought to a standstill by the Redguards, the Aldmeri Dominion completely withdraws from Hammerfell.
[edit] Third Century

4E 201 — Torygg, the High King of Skyrim, is killed by Ulfric Stormcloak at Solitude.
4E 201 — The Nords of Skyrim engage in a civil war.
4E 201 — Dragons return and Alduin the World-Eater makes the first strike on the small town Helgen symbolizing the return of the dragons and the end of the world.
4E 201 — The Dovahkiin saves the College of Winterhold as well as the city of Winterhold
  • Ancano's plot to seize power from an ancient artifact known as the Eye of Magnus, which was discovered during an expedition to the ancient ruins of Saarthal. The Psijic Order were also involved aiding the Dovahkiin in stopping the Thalmor and safely securing the Eye.
4E 201 — Alduin is slain.
  • The Dovahkiin, with the help of the heroes of old, defeats Alduin in Sovngarde. Dragons remain in Skyrim but with no leader are scattered and sparse. It is hinted that Alduin was not utterly destroyed and that his soul may exist to return at end times to devour the world. Paarthurnax may be alive and is roaming the world. His plans include teaching all remaining dragons "The Way of the Voice" to overcome their nature to dominate.


Active Member
So, Hammerfell, Black Marsh and Elswyr are no longer part of the empire. The Khajit are willingly clients of their High Elven masters. And the wizards of Winterhold blew up half the city and cast it in the sea....

This is why I hate the High Elves/Thalmor/Altmer.

Now, I'll have to play one. Damn.

Nightmare Shadow

Master of Shadow
So, Hammerfell, Black Marsh and Elswyr are no longer part of the empire. The Khajit are willingly clients of their High Elven masters. And the wizards of Winterhold blew up half the city and cast it in the sea....

This is why I hate the High Elves/Thalmor/Altmer.

Now, I'll have to play one. Damn.

It's alright, its a great experience. Just don't feel too bad if/when the character dies :p


In my opinion..
Khajit are intelligent, I hope they scratch all the Thalmor's eyes out once they notice their a bunch of assholes lol

I also like how the Redguards alone were able to fend off the Aldmeri Dominion.


New Member
Yes all this stuff is in the books we come across in the game Seadog. Now you see why I have an obsession with books in the game. The lores I've been finding in these books are incredible.


Premium Member
I've been reading a bunch of the books but it was good of you to paste this compilation here. It's hard to keep track of the lore when it's scattered through multiple volumes. Especially when you start finding Part 4 of a book series before you find the first part, etc.

Edit: I am glad I had finished the College and Main Quest before reading this. Out of curiosity, how does one add spoiler tags to a post?


New Member
Hey Metall I have the same issue when I find a book with the vol 4 attached to it. Now I can't read it until I find the other 3 volumes. Makes the game an d collecting the books more fun.


|\/| P |/\|
Awesome topic and op. Nice one.

I was able to piece most of it together from the story line and some in-game books, but learned a few new things. For instance, I never knew the Argonians invaded Morrowind. I knew Red Mountain erupted, but didn't know some of the dark elf refugees may be war refugees. Though I guess it makes sense, am I remembering my lore right in thinking the dark elves enslaved Argonians for manual labor? I can't look it up at the moment to see if I'm right, but if I am I suppose it's good old fashioned revenge.

I also didn't know the Khajit were loyal to the AD. I don't like playing as Khajits or Argonians (I don't know exactly why...I think maybe cause I don't having a tail in third person [haha, I know, petty right?]), but I definitely learned a little more about them.

I'm pretty torn on what race to choose from a lore standpoint. Redguards are definitely interesting, as they seem like the best hope to oppose the high elve's objectives. I don't like to see races that were once united under the empire fight each other because I think it weakens their chances in the long run to successfully oppose the AD.

Ebony Knight

Lore Sword
Awesome topic and op. Nice one.

I was able to piece most of it together from the story line and some in-game books, but learned a few new things. For instance, I never knew the Argonians invaded Morrowind. I knew Red Mountain erupted, but didn't know some of the dark elf refugees may be war refugees. Though I guess it makes sense, am I remembering my lore right in thinking the dark elves enslaved Argonians for manual labor? I can't look it up at the moment to see if I'm right, but if I am I suppose it's good old fashioned revenge.

I also didn't know the Khajit were loyal to the AD. I don't like playing as Khajits or Argonians (I don't know exactly why...I think maybe cause I don't having a tail in third person [haha, I know, petty right?]), but I definitely learned a little more about them.

I'm pretty torn on what race to choose from a lore standpoint. Redguards are definitely interesting, as they seem like the best hope to oppose the high elve's objectives. I don't like to see races that were once united under the empire fight each other because I think it weakens their chances in the long run to successfully oppose the AD.
I too learned a few things in here. I had no idea that Black Marsh and Elswyr had removed themselves from the empire. Nor did I know that Hammerfell was kicked out. Causes me to have some serious changes in my story decisions and makes me glad I did not pick a side in the Civil war on either of my characters yet.

You are correct and the argonians as well as the Khajiit were general used as cheap labor in Morrowind where slavery was common practice. It does make sense given the Argonian nature for them to invade Morrowind in it's time of weakness though i had no idea. I'm so glad that my loyalty to Redguards has paid out. Stick it to the Thalmor!


I'll definitely be reading this again. Great compilation in a readable form, thanks. :)


Account closed (at sincere request).
I primarily play a khajiit, and am apalled at the thought of siding with the Thalmor or their masters the Aldemeri Dominion, plus my next character was possibly gonna be a Argonian and again siding with the Aldemeri is insulting.. I can see them taking advantage of a weakend empire but elves any elves I don't see it.


Thanks for the lore, luckely your disciption of Alduin`s demise is vague and i already completed the Winterhold Quest Line :)