OOC It Started With A Core

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    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    "It started with a Core. That's what they say. All this. They say the Last Dragonborn found it. And that, that was the start of the end.
    Stories tell of the Last Dragonborn to be a hero, to be the Saviour of Skyrim. How they were wrong. He found the Core, and it spoke to him, told him of the for coming. And his involvement. And they came. They came from the sky. No more advanced than us, but they studied us, found our weaknesses, used them against us and conquered us.
    It started with a Core. Legend has it it will be ended with a Core."

    This is a folk story, written hundreds years after Skyrim, and the finding of the Space Core. They came from the Sky, and conquered Tamriel. Once conquered, the once great nations were forgotten, and areas were divided into districts i.e. Colovia became the Dale (Make up the name for you characters District, unless someone else whose in is from that district), even great
    Join Tauron of the Dale, in a fight to regain Tamriel for Man, Mer, and Beast.

    Leader/founder of the Rebellion - Sid - Tauron of the Dale
    Second in Command - Parven - Parven
    Adviser - Brian Shipley - Hodhon
    Ranger - MagicBlade - Andrei

    No Godmodding (Of course)
    Set in Skyrim, Cyrodiil, Morrowind, and Solstheim
    No futuristic weapons etc. because Man, Mer and Beast haven't improved technology since the conquering of Tamriel.


    Hmmm.... I'll get a cc up shortly, still deciding wheter to use my pre made chars or a RP specific char... great idea though.


    Name: Andrei
    Age: 34
    Race: Breton
    Class: Marksman
    Occupation: Solitary wanderer and hireling
    Birth Sign: The Shadow
    Birth Place: The Rift
    Current Residence: None
    Current Family: None

    • 5'9
    • Black buzz cut
    • Clean chin
    • Blue eyes
    Apparel: Black leather armour with black-grey hooded cloak and black tight bandanna over mouth.
    Weapons: Black dwarven bow with multiple gears and pulleys to maximise power and range. Steel quiver with steel arrows and 6 throwing knives on back.

    Personality: Quiet, deceptive, and not a very trusting person, Andrei clings to the shadows and despised social interaction. He is known for his loyalty when the cause is just, and is very eager to work.

    Major Skills
    Light Armour

    Minor Skills
    One Handed

    Bio: With I smother dying in childbirth, he grew up around his Father who had to hunt and fight to make their keep. He was an excellent hunter and assassin and he taught Andrei how to use a bow and sneak. Andrei was a natural and began delving into the ways of poisons. Teaching himself with experimenting and long sleepless nights, he became a poison artist and had many different types of effects and deadly fast acting poisons. His father died when he was 23 and Andrei began his life as a solitary man, shying from the world, in the trees as a Hunter of Undead and bandits

    Combat Style:

    Preferring to snipe his enemies from the trees or shadows with his bow, and then coming in with his knives.
    Strengths: When he is in the shadows or in the trees.
    Weaknesses: If one on one with an opponent close up he may struggle to hold his own.


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Great CC, what position do you want?


    I don't think Andrei is the type of guy to be a leader sorta thing. Perhaps.... just a simple Ranger for the group.

    Brian Shipley

    System A D M I N by day Xbox freak by night
    Name:Hodhon (Meaning: Tomb)
    Race: Altimer / High Elf
    Gender: Male
    Age: 121
    Birth Origin: Cloudrest
    Religion: Praise the Nine Divines
    Class: Wizard
    Appearance: Tall and skinny, skin is pale, long white hair just past his shoulders
    Apparel: Master Wizard Robes of Destruction/Conjuration. No concealed weapons of any kind, he personally doesn’t like the feeling of metal bound to his body/skin
    Occupation: In Cloudrest he was part of a gladiatorial team. His father wanted him to join. Since leaving Cloudrest he has yet to discover his true calling
    Weapons/Combat Style: Master Destruction/Conjuration, Adept Alteration/Illusion, Apprentice Restoration
    Likes: Magic, The night sky
    Dislikes: Metal, Conforming laws that inhibit the ability of one’s true self.
    Bio: Out casted by his own father, mother died of unknown reasons (Trying to find answers). Hodhon has a sister named Velvox, he does not know of her whereabouts. Velvox and her mother got into a rather displeasing argument about religion. Velvox was starting to think otherwise about the Nine Divines. Her mother not needing to hear anymore sent Velvox to the dungeons. Hodhon remembers the guards taking his sister away. The sound of his sister’s chains scuffing the ground made him cringe. The next morning, Hodhon woke up to the sound of mournful sorrows down the great halls.... His mother had been murdered in last night’s sleep and Velvox escaped the dungeons and fled. Hodhon remembers the day he received the grave news about his mother like it was yesterday, in reality this incident happened 71 years ago


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Could you please post the role/ position wanted, so I can place in the first post whose in

    Brian Shipley

    System A D M I N by day Xbox freak by night
    Judging by Hodhon's ability of magic I would suggest a scout. He would be good at exploring beyond the area occupied by friendly forces to gain vital information about enemy forces or features of the environment for later analysis.


    Harbinger of Nocturnal
    do you have space for another character


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Yeah we've got plenty of spare space. Could you all try and ask some people you know to join as well.


    Harbinger of Nocturnal
    i will see what i can do
    anyway here is my cc

    Name: Parven

    Race: Khajiit

    Age: 25

    Skills: stealth, pick pocket, pick lock

    Weapons: Dwarvish sword made from ebony with strange runes ingraved into the side. Uses a bow bestowed upon him by nocturnal herself and uses forked arrows and a dagger hidden on his left arm, large dagger about 18 inches strapped to right leg

    Apparel: Heavy hooded black cloak with Nocturnal's mark, Black silent leather armor of daedric design, a strange pendent that radiates shadow energy, black silent boots and black gauntlets leather mask covering face

    Unique abilities: Shadow cloak of nocturnal may turn invisible while sneaking, pin point accuracy can deliver a blow to a pressure point disabling limbs, cannibal will eat enemies killed by self

    Likes: moon sugar, shadows, and yarn

    Dislikes: Skooma, Direct sunlight, Dark elves

    looks: maroon fur usually kept covered, dark blue eyes, slim and very muscular legs from jummping from tree to tree and running great distances.


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Position, preferably something other than scout or ranger, I'm thinking second-in-command or something....


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    And remember that most of these people have never met in person, that these 'heroes' will meet partway through the thread, that they talk through letters sent by eagles, falcon etc.


    Harbinger of Nocturnal
    I was thinking maybe an assassin or yeah a second in command is good too


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Okay, thanks for that, still need a couple more.


    Harbinger of Nocturnal


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Thus indeed. Now I'll try and get some people I know to join, but for now on, I'll post the thread, moderate language is allowed. And can you also put what 'District' your character will start in. Make the name up for the district, and it can combine and area of two countries.


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Oh and here's my CC
    Name: Tauron of the Dale
    Race: Imperial
    Age: 25
    District of Residence: The Dale (Was Colovia)
    Marital Status: Unmarried
    Combat Prefs: Escutcheon of Chorrol and Umbra as it appears in Oblivion. (At the Beginning)
    Skills: He's a Jack of All Trades, much like his ancestor the Hero of Kvatch
    Religion: Nine Divines,
    Appearance: Uncanny resemblance to the Hero of Kvatch. Black hair all pulled back into a pony tail. Grey Eyes. At the beginning wears Imperial Horseman Armour from Oblivion. Under his armour he wears a set of Shrouded Armour from Oblivion. 6 foot 4 inches and well muscled. (Image: Face of Tauron)

    Major Skills:
    One Handed
    Heavy Armour

    Minor Skills:
    Light Armour
    (And just about every other skill possible)

    Personality: Courageous and is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of Tamriel. He is loyal, and believes heavily that Tamriel should belong to Man, Mer and Beast. Has a feeling that Akatosh is watching over him personally, as when Martin Septim joined with the God, he gave the God a soft spot for the family.
    Bio: The Great Great Great etc. Grandchild of the Hero of Kvatch Tauron has inherited some of the family treasures, and has attempted to regain all of his families heirlooms, from the Cowl of Nocturnal, to Witsplinter, to the Skeleton Key, all of which sealed away by the family over time. He has also made it clear that he hates the insect-like overseers, and has been punished for it on many occasions, by whipping or sent to prison. He never knew his parents, he was whisked away from them at birth, and kept moving round, never staying anywhere more than a month. He was always told he was destined for great things, and yet he didn't understand any of it.

    Brian Shipley

    System A D M I N by day Xbox freak by night
    Sid, just an FYI. In the op you have hodhan that means wimpy elf who eats hotdogs all day...... Lol. Hodhon is the correct way good sir.