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    Artemis Shadows

    The Watcher
    She laughed softly. Business? Don’t we all have business?...As for those septims, we may be thieves but grant us a little dignity, we don’t trust just anyone no matter how tempting the offer especially assassins...no offense intended though Ivory only assumed the fact that a thief would not trust anyone no matter the offer to be true. More than likely if you offered one of the lower thieves a bag of septims he would do whatever you wanted. But Ivory was not a lower thief and she was not so easily tempted. Suddenly, she felt goose-bumps slowly rise on her skin. They were being watched, but by whom? She brushed that fact to the back of her mind and continued talking, However....I have heard and maybe seen..some things, that may or may not involve this “job” but who knows, you could be lying, or you could not be. I don’t see anything that backs up your words so therefore, I cannot and will not let you see the Guild Master, my deepest sympathies Ivory honestly had no sympathies for the man but she did however consider some options for a moment and decided she was a nice person today. “I can and will however, pass on a message should you so desire”.


    Active Member
    "Ahh.. an honorable thief huh? Since when is there honor amongst thieves? Or assassins? Fine, tell her to meet me in the Bee and Barb. She can bring the whole damn guild for protection, I dont care, as Im not planning on fighting." Marcus then walked off towards the Bee and Barb and entered. The heat of the fire hit his face, and he walked up to the bar ordering a drink and and finding a table, waiting for the guild master to show, if she did show...
    Subzi grinned as Dragon went off on his tangent rambling. "I don't care for your respect, and I damn sure don't look to strike fear into anyone, no where have I ever even implied it. When you handle yourself the way I do I prefer not to be noticed so why would I want to strike fear? Striking fear requires being noticed. I rather make it as impersonal as possible. Business never personal, you should know that well Dragon." Subzi touched his lips softly and looked to his side than back at Dragon "You can verbally bed your ego all you want, Dragon but it doesn't get anything done for anyone; including yourself. Do you give the Mark of Dibella to your ego after all this bedding you love to do?"

    Subzi looked at Salms "I like Salms as well, he's a good guy so Salms I have nothing against you. You always been good to me and I will return that sentiment. I don't look to make a grown man pick sides or play favorites."

    Looking back at Dragon, "But you, with that last tirade I can pass on, you've never took the time to fully understand or appreciate how I have the success I have on these contracts but you pad your pockets happily when I complete them." Putting his hands on his hips and staring intensely at Dragon, "All I ask for is to be lead to my own devices so I can best do my job but you've always insisted on this fall in line style. That may work for you "Toe-Rag," but that don't work for me. We can hurl insults back and forth, you can tell me you'll carry me to the highest cliff and throw me off, I can tell you I'll put an arrow through your throat quicker than you can utter a word, but ultimately it doesn't get the job done. So feel free to continue with your verbal bedding and flexing, I however are more concerned with completely a contract and doing my job. I've worked with the same people you're working against here in the past, still have relationships with some of em, made coin, made friends, gained respect. If you have none for me well than there's coin to be made elsewhere, but perhaps we could try; just an idea here, killing the ego trip and actually fulfill the contract."

    Correcting his shirt and looking at both Salms and Dragon, "I think that's the best idea, don't you?" Subzi saluted Salms and nodded at Dragon then bid them adieu. "I will meet you in Riften, you may not like how I go about it, but I'm always reliable."

    Captain Nagisus

    Jake the Dog!
    The Dragon growled slightly, and threw a large stone in Subzi's direction as he walked off. "About as reliable as a squid..." he muttered under his breath, continuing to walk in the other direction, down the path alongside the Treva river towards Riften. "Salms," he said, resuming his usual tone, "if the Thieves guild find out we're comin', I want you to march straight in Subzi's direction and kill him. Maybe you could buy some wine with what ya find in his pockets." As he crossed the bridge, he added, "If only I could spit through this helmet. I'd love spitting at Subzi."


    Dictator of my bedroom
    (OOC: sorry about not posting for a while, I've been busy with school and on top of that I've had no alerts come from the RP.)

    Disregarding his mistrust of the hold guards, Swims-With-Silence nodded, got up out of his seat, and walked away. But then was suddenly stopped by Galahad, who said in a noble manner, " oh, and Swims? Just remember, any deaths caused by the Thieves possessing the staff will be on your hands and should any innocents die.... May the Gods have Mercy on your soul." Swims-With-Silence turned his head to his right afterwards and replied, "Don't worry, ours is not to inflict death at all during this mission. I'll try my hardest to stay my blade from flesh, unless I absolutely have to." Swims-With-Silence then paused for a moment and turned his whole body around to face Galahad entirely from the distance, and said, "I'm going to sleep, I'll be dressed in rags when I wake, don't ask how. See you at dawn, the thing we've been tasked to protect, which I'd rather die and succeed for, than to be alive and fail."

    With that being said, Swims-With-Silence gave Galahad a little salute gesture, pressing a clenched fist against his sternum and standing entirely upright, then turned back around and walked steadily to the entrance of the Fort. He pushed the door(s) open and headed for the sleeping quarters in the Fort, hearing the noises of crossbows firing bolts at dummies in the distant background as he walked through the halls. When he finally arrived to the sleeping quarters, he walked slowly to the bed he claimed as his own within the room. He sat down on his bed and started undressing and unlacing his Dawnguard armor. He struggled to get his Argonian head and tail through the holes they were meant personally to fit through when his armor was first crafted.

    Swims-With-Silence finally got the armor off of him after about approximately 4 minutes, and was half naked in nothing but his underwear. He folded and placed the armor in the shelf in the nightstand next to his bed. Then closed the shelf with his left hand and opened the shelf underneath that one with his right and pulled out the beggar's rags that he looted from a hypnotized Vampire Thrall's corpse during his past mission to infiltrate Castle Volkihar and furtively rescue some of the Vampire's human cattle. The thrall that died was mauled by a bear in the wilderness during the journey to bring them back to whatever city they came from. Swims-With-Silence tried to protect the thrall and kill the bear; which he did, but the bear killed the thrall too quickly. Swims knew it was immoral to loot bodies of the dead, however, in the back of his mind, something kept telling him that the ragged clothes would prove useful in the now-present future. Knowing that it would be frowned upon is why Swims-With-Silence refused to tell Galahad how he acquired the ragged clothes.

    Swims-With-Silence quickly adorned the rags, of course having a lot less trouble putting those on than dressing in tight armor, than collapsed in his bed. The Argonian fell asleep very quickly, as usual for him.
    Cailan sat in the Bee and Barb, impressing a few girls by doing some funny tricks with a few septims. The door opened, and he checked the visitor with his eyes, just a habit. Now, Cailan did not recognise this new face, so he deducted the man must have been a traveler come to Riften for business. However, this newblood had a special air about him, something that distinguished him from the average lowlife fence came to Riften.

    Suddenly, he noticed a small fold in the man's clothes, near his hip. A dagger, i knew it, Cailan thought. And quite a big one as well. That must mean the guy is an assassin. Why else hide your weapons? Deciding it was interesting enough to check out, he turned his attention to the girls at his table again.

    "All right, playtime's over!" he said laughing, and nimbly threw the girls the septims. They giggled back, and walked off. Before they were two steps from the table however, Cailan already had the septims back in his hand. He ordered more mead and looked at the assassin intently, not even trying to hide his gaze.

    Artemis Shadows

    The Watcher
    Ivory remained on the bench just for another minute, thinking on what the assassin had said. Honor? That word seemed so foreign. She hadn’t heard it since Oreyn mentioned how it was a valuable trait not found among men or mer very often anymore. She shrugged the thoughts out of her mind and got to the task of delivering the message. She slipped through dark alleyways and arrived at the small grate and slid inside and closed the entrance. She walked through the darkened tunnels until finally she arrived at the cistern. It took her only a moment to find Servina. Ivory walked up to her and said, “a assassin wishes to speak with you, he is in the Bee and Barb, he mentioned something about some job with lots of gold involved” she slightly bowed her head at the Guild Master and said nothing more. Ivory walked over to her part of the cistern and sat on the bed. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. Her curiosity was burning bright, what had the assassin refused to reveal? She knew that Servina had achieved a new item. A staff. Servina hadn’t mentioned it too her however. She just happened to...sneak a peek without anyone knowing. Ivory remembered the flow of energy she had felt as she touched the revolting thing. Her face had twisted into a look of disgust. It belonged to a powerful magic user. A necromancer, the worst of the worst. Her disgusting time with the Altmer mage all those years ago taught her to recognize such vile things. She grit her teeth and held back the urge to destroy the staff, she had managed to calmly and silently return to her nice little bed, despite all the anger inside. She said nothing to anyone about the secret staff. It seemed very likely this "job" might involve the staff. Very likely indeed. There were interesting times ahead and Ivory could hardly wait.
    Subzi continued through the hills and mountains in The Rift knowing full well he was not trusted by Dragon shaking his head. "For all the contracts we worked on, all the times I came through he still gives me a hard time everytime we get a new one." Subzi enters Shors Stone and waits passes time waiting for the connect by thinking of his future in the mercenary hall. He's met by his connect shortly there after, welcoming his friend with a handshake, some mead, and a purse full of coin for his aide. "This is a larger sum than usual my friend, I'm thankful but why the extra coin?" Subzi stepped away looking straight out over the horizon at the top of a hill, "This is the last contract I will be fulfilling for the Mercenary Hall. The extra coin is a "Thank you" for all your help and time whenever I called upon you." His friend looked surprised "But what will you do after that? Coin doesn't last long in the land of Skyrim, at least not for our kind." Subzi turned around and sat on a rock looking over at his friend. "I've made some friends here, worked with all kinds, experienced a lot. But I won't be questioned by anyone. Plus I don't wish to just work to live anymore, I'm going back to Valenwood. My whole existence in this land has been to find some sort of family, perhaps I'll find some with my own in Valenwood." The friend; a fellow Wood Elf just stared, awestruck at his friend Subzi then blinked "I will do my best my friend!" Subzi smiled and said "I appreciate it brother, now about this contract...."


    Listen of the nightmother.
    He headed into the bee and barb and saw Marcus sitting next to man who was staring intently and walked over to a lone table in the corner, he ordered a pint of mead, just not to look to suspicious, he added a drop of an elixir that removed the alcohol from the drink and temporarily restored his eye sight, he needed to stay alert around here. He quietly observed his fellow assassin and the man next to him.
    "And what are you staring at?" Marcus said to the man next to him. He took a sip of his mead and stared back at the man.
    "And why would you stop playtime?" Marcus looked at the bartender. "I'll take another mead."
    (OOC: Short, I know. Im kinda busy)
    Cailan laughed at that. "You tell me," he said. "Although i have an idea. What does a killer do in Riften? No, no, don't say anything.... We'll know soon enough." Taking a tankard of mead from the argonian barmaid, he looked at the doorway for a second, where another stranger entered. Busy day, Cailan thought.


    Elrond walked into the bee barb a serious stern exasperation plastered on his wounded face, a hood covered his head the glint of a numerous amount of blades attached to a leather pelt that hung around his belt. But his cape concealed them well. A ghostly silence fell over the inn Keerava ran upstairs breaking the silence. Elrond removed his hood gasps filled the room he bared the mark of the brotherhood on his neck. He took his place at the foot of the table a man swiftly followed Elrond. Elrond shot him an evil glance the mysterious man he shook it of a returned outside.

    Elrond spoke with a serious air everyone tried to listen but no one heard Elrond signalled for the mysterious man to come hither he placed a letter in the middle of the table Elrond signalled for the letter to be opened it read

    “open with caution the following contract is to be performed with the most delicate care that you can perform.” Everyone shared an humorous look” it continued…

    Maven black briar has poisoned the innocent people of the Rift for too long my associate will bring you the location of you reward when the deed is done”. signed
    Laila of mistevel keep

    We all shared an uneasy look we walked out weary of are surroundings. The guards sort of treated us with respect something that has never happened to us never happened to an elf like me. It was like they knew what we were here to do. We were a horde of hell enraged assassins barrelling toward maven black briar
    As the assassin came in, and told his story, Cailan sI'm a racist asshole who doesn't understand boundaries, respect, or basic human decency and I need helped. "THAT's your explaination for killing Maven? Hah. You fool. Why would we believe you? Maven may be corrupt," Several nodded in agreement. "But she is also our protector. Think about it, nitwit, You'll be dead before you even get a look at Maven. Especially now that you've announced your presence! People of Riften, why believe this stranger when you can see with your own two eyes," An old, one-eyed man shot an angry look at Cailan who shot a guilty look at him. "That Maven Black-Briar is our lord and protector? Come on, if you chance to look upon another of those failed murderers, kill him!"


    Active Member
    "Wait! Dont kill him or you'll have the Dark Brotherhood after you. You wouldnt want that would you?" Marcus shot a look at the man sitting next to him. "If he would be killed by her guards, then who cares what he does. You dont need Maven anyway. Somebody else will just take her place." Marcus then got up and walked out of the inn, running to the Ratway entrance. "Im going to meet this 'Guild Master', no matter what those Thieves say." He said as he opened the door.

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Servina looked at her fellow thieves as they collected their things and departed the Cistern on their way to their jobs. Things had definatly changed since Servina took charage, there was no slacking for anyone and everyone had to jobs every day. Servina then heard someone speaking to her and Servina turned her head to see Ivory, saying that an assassin wanted to talk to her. Ivory then walked away from her without another word.

    Servina was startled and she just left Ivory's rudness. Servina decided to go the long way round out of the Cistern so she made her way out. She got to the Ratway entrance to see a man there.
    " Escuse me who are you?" Servina demanded touching a small hilt of a knife on her belt and giving the man a stern glare.


    Active Member
    "Well, I'm Marcus. And unless you are the Guild Master, then I have nothing to say to you. Im done dealing with just plain old members of the Thieves Guild. I dealt with one earlier, and she didnt give my message to the Guild Master." Marcus noticed the womans hand on the hilt of her dagger. "And if you would like to fight, I must warn you. Im a highly trained Dark Brotherhood assassin."

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Servina eyed the so called assassin up and down and giving him quite a disgusted look as he wasn't what she expected an assassin to look like, not that she hasn't seen other assassins because she has it's just that he wasn't how she remembered the Brotherhood. Servina was displeased by his words and thought that he was quite a perfetic little man.
    " Do not threaten me assassin, I could cut you down where you stand and you would barely have time to draw your blade, so if you carry on to threaten me I will kill you and feed you to the skeevers!" Servina said quite lightly with a definate touch of anger and disapproval.
    " I am the Guild Master thank you and the message was delivered to me so don't go saying things like that before you know all the facts as you just show yourself up as a stupid little man, with under average intelligence," Servina said holding her arms coldly.
    " Now talk!"
    Cailan suddenly stood behind the assassin, his dagger pointed at the man's heart. "This one has been stirring up trouble in the city, Guild Master. I followed him when he hurriedly left, and apparently with good reason. Shall i finish him?" He sounded confident, but inside he was getting very nervous. Killing wasn't what he was born for, and had never done it before.

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Servina watched as a fellow Thief came from behind the Thief the Thieves name was Cailan and he was a good hard working thief who always knew how to impress a lady with his charms and so called 'tricks'.
    " Cailan no need for any death unless necessary, but if he tries anything you can have the honour." Servina said giving both men a sly evil smile.
    " Now talk assassin!"

    Artemis Shadows

    The Watcher
    Ivory watched the thieves leave to go perform their daily jobs. Soon it was quite, except for some talking coming from the direction of the Ratway, it was the guild master, the assassin, and someone that sounded familiar but she did not recognize. She listened for a moment and soon grew bored and tuned the voices out. She took a book from under her pillow and began reading.