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    Daelon DuLac

    How do you backstab a Dragon?
    Name: Ingin Thorne
    Race: Nord
    Sex: Female
    Fighting Style: Light armor, dual wield battle axes or one-handed battle ax/destruction. Specializes in Archery, Conjuration, Destruction and Illusion. She also enjoys her enchanting and smithing as well as sneak and lockpicking. Sneaks almost everywhere when in interiors or before reaching opponents. Direct confrontation when on roads. No running away. Assassination, particularly long distance and sneak attack (throat slit). Thievery only if it does not involve pick-pocketing civilians (no problem with bandits or reverse pick-pocketing with poison and will even, occassionally pick-pocket a drauger).
    Personality: Rather irreverant in her approach to life, she has very little respect for any kind of authority figures (or anyone in general - she has the habit of saying, "The world is full of idiots, my job is to prove it to them". Her whole perspective is, life is to be lived and the only way to do that is with cash. She loves a good adventure and the better things in life and, while not minding the "camping" thing, much prefers a good in, good food and nice clothes. An inverterate flirt, she will use her womanly wiles on anyone that seems even the least receptive. With a sharp mind, she can usually size up almost anyone. While she enjoys the better things in life, she has a bad(?) habit of always giving to charities and beggars. One of her key credos is: "Why steal from folks, it's so much easier to loot their dead bodies." Perhaps that is why she likes to spend so much time in dungeons and barrows messing with drauger. She doesn't have anything against anyone except soldiers, Thalmor and bears. Soldiers because she considers them wastes of flesh that would rather have someone else doing their thinking for them, Thalmor because of their snooty attitudes (what they do she couldn't care less) and bears, well, because their so loud! Any of them she makes it a point to confront and kill and take all their stuff to sell it. While not a particularly nice person, she values the comradery of her fellows, particulary people of similar lifestyles (i.e. the TG and DB) and works hard to keep their respect. Occassionally she likes to adventure with companions but tries to stay away from animal companions as they have a bad habit of dieing when their around her (okay, she admits, it's usually by her hand - the barking and either running away or confronting the enemy get's on her nerves). ABove all else she enjoys fury/frenzying her enemies in to killing each other while she watches from a dark corner and swigs her Cyrodilic Brandy or Argonian Bloodwine.
    Looks: Tall, buxom, red-headed nord with a fierce tan, stunning good looks and eyes the colour of ice chips. Prefers to wear figure flattering armor (vampire or studded, although scaled works as well). Usually has a war ax on her hip. She has also been known to wander about in Tavern Wench gear a'la Narri in Falkreath. Likes to show off her girls.
    Background: Born in Helgen to Radolf Thorne, the local alchemist/wizard, she had a priviledged upbringing, but, given that her father was something of an oddity in the Nord culture as a magic user, she often felt an outcast. Having showed early talents in magic, particularly conjuration, illusion and destruction, by the time she was beginning to become a woman, her father decided that she should give up the tomboy life of a hunter that she had been relishing in since the age of 6 and her incessant wandering around Falkreath and Whiterun Holds and sent her to the Imperial City to study at the Arcane University. She immediately chaffed at her "studies" at the University and found her instructors to be overly cautious and stuffy. While she excelled at her studies, she fell in to a life in the Imperial City that involved petty thievery and, by the time she was 16, even some murder for hire. Being very good at what she did and specializing in espionage, breakins and discreet "accidents", she was often utilized on a freelance basis by the Thieves Guild in the Imperial City when it needed some more discrete contracts fulfilled as, such a pretty, well-bred young lady was rarely suspect. During one such contract, as she was working with a group of local merchants to undercut a newer and rather shady shop owner, she ran afoul with the henchmen of the gentleman and was forced to, not only kill him, but to kill all of his cohorts, rather messily as it were. Although not caught, the discovery of the bodies of so many in a well respected shop led the authorities to a closer examination of the relationship between the Thieves Guild and some of the merchants in the area and a round-up began. Sensing that it was, perhaps not the best of times to remain in the Imperial City for someone of her persuasions, she made the decision to return home and try her luck in Skyrim. As she had been gone a good number of years, she was surprised to see the heavy presence of Imperial Forces and Thalmor in her town. She was even more surprised, as she watched the execution of some peon "rebels" from the upper balcony of her home that, a dragon attacked! She barely escaped with her life but lost both her home and family in the attack. To her good fortune, as she made her way to Whiterun, she ran in to her childhood friend, Hadvar, who was now, apparently, an Imperial Soldier, who filled her in on the events of the last few years and urged her to use her special talents (he knew of her education at the Arcane University and knew well of her prowess with bow and knife). With plenty of cash on hand, Ingin entered the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, hoping for a peaceful night after her dramatic day and a chance to gather her thoughts. To her surprise, whom should she see but a motley crew of adventurers: a tiny little Nord man with a decidely seedy appearance; a dark haired young man that seemed to currently be holding court over a laughing group of locals; and a rather frightening looking Argonian who, apparently was laughing right along with them. This surprised her as Argonians were so very rare here in the central plains and mountains of Skyrim.
    "Orgnar!" She called across the Inn, catching the attention of the man behind the bar. "Long time no see!" She could see Delphine in the doorway of her room and could tell by the confusion on their faces that they were having trouble placing her. "It's Ingin you fools! I've grown up." She smiled brightly and sidled up to the bar, enjoying Orgnar's eyes playing on her developments since she had been 13 and last here. "Ingin?" he said, a bit short of breath. "Ingin." Delphine said in a flat voice. So she wasn't Delphine's favorite person. She never had been though.
    From Helgen to The Sleeping Giant in Riverwood to begin her Skryim adventures.