Anyone else believe in elven supremacy?

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I will not tolerate failure...
that had nothing to do with it was just to point out, that sheogorath is just the indirect creation of the deadra who cursed Jyggalag, and is not really a person but a curse


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Weird, wasn't there Ingame lore comparing Akatosh to Alduin as the same being in Cyrodiilic and Nordic culture?

There was indeed, but I think it was one of those books that's slightly mistaken to provide balance in the game. I'm going from the uesp lore pages, which are usually fairly reliable. Another thing is that, if Alduin was the god of time, you'd think that he could have more sway over being cast into the time-wound thing by the Nord Heroes using the Elder Scroll.

Also, this is a fun book that actually makes a lot of sense and correct points.

at the end of the 1st era Mehrunes Dagon attacked the city of mournhold and was stopped by almalexia and sotha sil, it did not take a dragon to beat him

So? You said yourself that the Tribunal had god-like powers, and if there was two of them, then why is it an issue that they defeated him? It takes an extremely powerful Daedric Prince to successfully manifest itself on Nirn in the first place. This sub-debate isn't about dragons, and I don't really see your point.

Now please, let's get back on topic.

As a human, DEATH TO THE ELVES :p

However, as a neutral, I can totally understand the basis of Aldmeri principles, that they are the rightful ruling race of Tamriel as the first settlers and most refined and educated. They have a rich history of knowledge and experience, and seek to provide peaceful rulership. However, I firmly disagree with the current Thalmor and Aldmeri Dominion, they are tyrants and extremists, and seem more interested in crippling the other races than just and fair rulership.


I will not tolerate failure...
What does the Daedric Prince Sheoggorath have with any of this?
And so what if Almalexia was ancient? She was still alive, and Nerevar was tapping her quite hard.
And Almalexia didn't die of age :p
even an ancient elf can still look physically young and yes Indoril Nerevar was her husband, Ironic that her husbands reincarnation killed her isn't it


Wrong again.
Jyggalag got cursed by the other daedras to become Sheoggorath, and he returns to the form of Jygallag once in an Era to restore order in his plain, If I am correct. However, it is possible that the Hero of Kvatch became Sheoggorath and Jygallag returned to his true form.


I will not tolerate failure...
Weird, wasn't there Ingame lore comparing Akatosh to Alduin as the same being in Cyrodiilic and Nordic culture?

There was indeed, but I think it was one of those books that's slightly mistaken to provide balance in the game. I'm going from the uesp lore pages, which are usually fairly reliable. Another thing is that, if Alduin was the god of time, you'd think that he could have more sway over being cast into the time-wound thing by the Nord Heroes using the Elder Scroll.

Also, this is a fun book that actually makes a lot of sense and correct points.

at the end of the 1st era Mehrunes Dagon attacked the city of mournhold and was stopped by almalexia and sotha sil, it did not take a dragon to beat him

So? You said yourself that the Tribunal had god-like powers, and if there was two of them, then why is it an issue that they defeated him? It takes an extremely powerful Daedric Prince to successfully manifest itself on Nirn in the first place. This sub-debate isn't about dragons, and I don't really see your point.

Now please, let's get back on topic.

As a human, DEATH TO THE ELVES :p

However, as a neutral, I can totally understand the basis of Aldmeri principles, that they are the rightful ruling race of Tamriel as the first settlers and most refined and educated. They have a rich history of knowledge and experience, and seek to provide peaceful rulership. However, I firmly disagree with the current Thalmor and Aldmeri Dominion, they are tyrants and extremists, and seem more interested in crippling the other races than just and fair rulership.
Mehrunes Dagon was summoned like a dremora is summoned, but the mythic dawn were so stupid they did not think about trying that, I have not read that in a while, I believe it was a witch that summoned him


I will not tolerate failure...
Wrong again.
Jyggalag got cursed by the other daedras to become Sheoggorath, and he returns to the form of Jygallag once in an Era to restore order in his plain, If I am correct. However, it is possible that the Hero of Kvatch became Sheoggorath and Jygallag returned to his true form.
and it is possible that that is just a repeat of past events and the champion of cyrodiil is fated into turn into jyggalag like his predeccor and vanishing into the void while another takes on the role of sheogorath and then they 2 would eventually turn into Jyggalag and vanish into the void


Okay, so I was wrong about Alduin-Akatosh.
Back on topic then ;P

You know, there was this Thalmor Embassy compound near Solitude. Until it misteriously burned down. I wonder what savage could have done that.. :Dragonborn:


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I believe what the dwemer Believe science and logic that is why their race had technology while races like the nords live like cavemen because of their foolish beliefs

If you're so passionate about Dwemer beliefs that the Aedra aren't real, then why do you profess yourself to be a part of the Thalmor, who hold a different belief system altogether?

I think Aerinir should know about this!


I believe what the dwemer Believe science and logic that is why their race had technology while races like the nords live like cavemen because of their foolish beliefs

If you're so passionate about Dwemer beliefs that the Aedra aren't real, then why do you profess yourself to be a part of the Thalmor, who hold a different belief system altogether?

Well, the Dwemer were actually an elvish race as well :p


I will not tolerate failure...
I believe what the dwemer Believe science and logic that is why their race had technology while races like the nords live like cavemen because of their foolish beliefs

If you're so passionate about Dwemer beliefs that the Aedra aren't real, then why do you profess yourself to be a part of the Thalmor, who hold a different belief system altogether?

I think Aerinir should know about this!
I believes in elven Physical supremacy, I myself could care less about what my elven brothers believe, I joined because elven supremacy is the only truth, The dwemer were elves you know


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I believe what the dwemer Believe science and logic that is why their race had technology while races like the nords live like cavemen because of their foolish beliefs

If you're so passionate about Dwemer beliefs that the Aedra aren't real, then why do you profess yourself to be a part of the Thalmor, who hold a different belief system altogether?

Well, the Dwemer were actually an elvish race as well :p

Correct, but they have a different belief system ;) Don't believe me? is your friend.

I believe their was a castle in windhelm, where did it go?

You seriously believe that Ulfric Stormcloak would allow the Thalmor to build a castle near Windhelm? Your knowledge of the lore has been criticised, now I'm starting to wonder if you've even played the game, or are just a troll.


I believe their was a castle in windhelm, where did it go?
Into eternal glory, however I'm not so sure about the White-Gold tower..


That little castle is probably larger than your island :p


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I was talking about that little castle ulfric lives in

By 'little castle' you mean the Palace of the Kings? A previous seat of the human Empire? Oh yeah, that little shack..

What about it? You haven't raised a point.

I believes in elven Physical supremacy, I myself could care less about what my elven brothers believe, I joined because elven supremacy is the only truth, The dwemer were elves you know

DweMER - yes I realise they were elves, I'm not the RP Moderator for making cookies, you know.

If you couldn't care less about the Thalmor's beliefs, then why on earth would they consider allowing you a place among them?


I was talking about that little castle ulfric lives in

By 'little castle' you mean the Palace of the Kings? A previous seat of the human Empire? Oh yeah, that little shack..

What about it? You haven't raised a point.

And let's not mention that Windhelm is one of, if not the first town to be settled on Tamriel :p


I will not tolerate failure...
I believe their was a castle in windhelm, where did it go?
Into eternal glory, however I'm not so sure about the White-Gold tower..
it is strange how the White-gold tower of the Imperial Empire where the Emporer of Tamriel lives was originally built as a fortress for the Ayleids
who ensved the people now known as imperials


I believe their was a castle in windhelm, where did it go?
Into eternal glory, however I'm not so sure about the White-Gold tower..
it is strange how the White-gold tower of the Imperial Empire where the Emporer of Tamriel lives was originally built as a fortress for the Ayleids
who ensved the people now known as imperials
And later on got their asses kicked by a bunch of Imperial slaves


I will not tolerate failure...
I was talking about that little castle ulfric lives in

By 'little castle' you mean the Palace of the Kings? A previous seat of the human Empire? Oh yeah, that little shack..

What about it? You haven't raised a point.
you do know that you could probably fit 4 pa the Kings inside volkihar castle, yes the Palace of the Kings is a small castle


I will not tolerate failure...
Cyro-Nodic or Nedic Slaves, they were only known as imperials once tiber septim formed the empire
and the thalmor are not the ayleids