Imperials or Stormcloaks, what one?

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Imperial Legate
Red Herring.

Whiterun under Jarl B is a city-state. His people come first. You forgot to mention how the good Jarl says he's running out of money to pay the guards. Did that help? :cowboy:

So that's why he's buttering up to the Empire... to get a refill :cowboy::cowboy:

Proventus: "My lord, our provisions are running dangerously low. Our stores of meat, wine and grain are all but depleted."
Balgruuf: "Purchase more supplies, then. That's your job as Steward, isn't it? Why do you trouble me with these details?"
Proventus: "My lord, since Ulfric Stormcloak's uprising, the cost of goods has doubled. I'll need more coin if I'm to provision us properly."
Balgruuf: "Our coffers are nearly empty. I can scarcely afford to pay the guards, and we need every one of them in these troubled times. You'll have to make do with what we have, Proventus."
Proventus: "Yes, my lord."

At least he's not spending the money at the hair salon.


Imperial Legate
Because that Imperial 'law' only came into effect AFTER what happened, nobody had a problem with it until the Empire sent Tullius. If it was such an illegal act Ulfric wouldn't even have had the chance to pull out his sword before he was arrested/attacked by the Solitude soldiers & more importantly, the countless guards the KING would've had lol. The Empire only goes on about this law because there puppet ruler has been killed. If it was a dispute between let's say Igmund(Totally loyal to the Empire) and Torygg on personal terms rather than political terms, I can almost guarantee the Empire would've had no problem with it as it doesn't effect their hold on Skyrim. Jarl killing Jarl is legal in Skyrim and that is what ultimately should matter most, forcing foreign policies on a nation should not happen and is pretty muc what this Civil War is all about.

AFTER? There is no 'AFTER' fella - Skyrim is Imperial Providence and Empire approved the Moot's decision.

The High King made a mistake by allowing the duel, Ulfric deceived him. But I'm shor u already know this well. ;)

Because the Stormcloak Jarls were at that Moot and had just as much say in this matter as the pro-Empire Jarls.

Besides this, the Moot decided he's the High King - a single Jarl has no say in it. That's it.
He didn't make a mistake, he knew the moment the challenge was made he lost his claim to the throne, either fight and die or refuse and have his honor stained and a new Moot called.

"I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. But I fear he's in too far to stop now. Likely only Ulfric's death, or the overthrow of the Jarls supporting him will end this. Either way, much blood will be spilt." - Rikke

The Empire has no intention of allowing any pro-Ulfric Jarls to live or take part in the Moot. Further proving my point if you believe Torygg was deceived lol, not much of a King if he doesn't know his own laws.. Also the Moot to name Torygg King was just a ceremony, as he was the direct heir to Istlod, meaning no Moot needed to happen(A Moot is only needed if there is no heir). There was also no Stormcloak Jarls as the rebellion wasn't active at that time.

Intentions? Na, how in the hell do you know what the Empire's intentions are?

That's your opinion ghost-writer. All of it is your conjecture.


AFTER? There is no 'AFTER' fella - Skyrim is Imperial Providence and Empire approved the Moot's decision.

The High King made a mistake by allowing the duel, Ulfric deceived him. But I'm shor u already know this well. ;)

Because the Stormcloak Jarls were at that Moot and had just as much say in this matter as the pro-Empire Jarls.

Besides this, the Moot decided he's the High King - a single Jarl has no say in it. That's it.
He didn't make a mistake, he knew the moment the challenge was made he lost his claim to the throne, either fight and die or refuse and have his honor stained and a new Moot called.

"I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. But I fear he's in too far to stop now. Likely only Ulfric's death, or the overthrow of the Jarls supporting him will end this. Either way, much blood will be spilt." - Rikke

The Empire has no intention of allowing any pro-Ulfric Jarls to live or take part in the Moot. Further proving my point if you believe Torygg was deceived lol, not much of a King if he doesn't know his own laws.. Also the Moot to name Torygg King was just a ceremony, as he was the direct heir to Istlod, meaning no Moot needed to happen(A Moot is only needed if there is no heir). There was also no Stormcloak Jarls as the rebellion wasn't active at that time.

Intentions? Na, how in the hell do you know what the Empire's intentions are?

That's your opinion ghost-writer. All of it is your conjecture.
From posting quotes by the second-in-command. What more proof do you want than what comes from the horses mouth lol? I thought in-game dialogue was the be all and end all when it comes to proving something for Imperials?


A Mage that loves a Templar
Proventus: "My lord, our provisions are running dangerously low. Our stores of meat, wine and grain are all but depleted."
Balgruuf: "Purchase more supplies, then. That's your job as Steward, isn't it? Why do you trouble me with these details?"
Proventus: "My lord, since Ulfric Stormcloak's uprising, the cost of goods has doubled. I'll need more coin if I'm to provision us properly."
Balgruuf: "Our coffers are nearly empty. I can scarcely afford to pay the guards, and we need every one of them in these troubled times. You'll have to make do with what we have, Proventus."
Proventus: "Yes, my lord."

At least he's not spending the money at the hair salon.

Balgruuf: "Damnit. Where'd they get catapults? The city walls are already falling apart as it is."
Quentin: "My scouts tell me they're loading them with fire."
Balgruuf: "So, he wants to take my city, walls intact."
Quentin: "The men will be fighting in flames."
Balgruuf: "My men are fearless. It's the Imperial milk drinkers I'm worried about."
Quentin: "If you prefer I took my men and left..."
Balgruuf: "No. Of course not. Just - don't let me down Cipius. We'll need to set up water brigades to combat the flames."
Quentin: "Already taken care of."
Balgruuf: "You Imperials are efficient, I'll give you that. How long until they arrive?"
Quentin: "Not long. They're hiding in the country side."
Balgruuf: "Damnit. What's he waiting for?"

By the sound of Balgruuf he doesn't sound like hes about to go into poverty and losing guards because of lack of funding when hes spitting out how better his guard are against the Stormcloaks then then Quentin's legion of soldiers. For someone who is so concern of losing guards from lack of funding he doesn't sound too grateful.


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
I always wondered about that. If the Empire/Tullius truly wanted to kill Ulfric why didn't Tullius executed him first? You know to taunt his next Stormcloak prisoners about how much of a failure their leader is, and how easy it was to capture him, and such.

Judging by Tullius own words.... It sounds perfectly logical to have Ulfric be on the chopping block first, yet he wasn't. In fact it seems as if Ulfric was going to be last? Who knows what was going through Tullius mind on that day.

Few theories.

Probably got distracted by Elenwen appearing. But, they're taking Ulfric's head back to Cyrodiil. Even if you killed him first, you still have to wait around. So kind of makes sense to do him last, let it sink in he's failed and watch his own men die. Or actually he may have gone first if it wasn't for that Stormcloak rushing ahead, then they just did it in whatever order.

There wasn't a need to rush, Ulfric was surrounded by an entire garrison. He wasn't getting out of his situation, after all no one thought a Dragon would come out of no where.

You call the Stormcloaks nothing but a militia of shopkeepers and farmers. Keep one description and stick with it okay?

They technically are, but they do have ex Legionaries.

If it's nothing but a rebellion that only needs locally recruited auxillaries to deal with, then it doesn't effect the Empire AT ALL and should have no bearing on your plans with the Thalmor.

Of course it affects the Empire, and it would require normal Legions to deal with it properly. Why do you think Tullius is requesting reinforcements? Between Pale Pass and Titus II's unwillingness to directly involve himself, it requires creative thinking on Tullius' part.

It does have bearing on our plans, because the Legion believes the Thalmor are behind this uprising.

Also, check out the "Crisis of the Third Century". The Roman Empire managed another two centurys after such an incident :)

So has the Imperial Empire after the "Oblivion Crisis", the differences between this Third Century Crisis and what is happening now is still big. I doubt Rome was facing a Great War, where they would either live or die and having two thirds of their Empire perhaps break away on the brink of such a war.

The Nords have done more than any other race to 'earn' the respect of the Empire.

Actually, Skyrim is perhaps the most troublesome province of the Empire. Nords on a whole are quite respected warriors, but there are differences between respecting a culture and a people.

The Dunmer fought alongside the Nords during the Alliance Wars.

Just look a few quotes down, and to be honest I'd expect you to already know of the Nords accomplishments in the Great War.. Or do you just cherry pick your knowledge?

What of the Bretons and the Imperials? The Nord Legionaries doing their job and upholding their oath to the Emperor doesn't mean their culture should just be suddenly respected.

Imperials and Nords have fought many wars together, conquered Tamriel together. Do the Nords respect the Imperials? Hardly, they view each other as either weak or savages.

And it doesn't matter if you disagree with it or not, the Empire uses Ulfric's 'racism' as propoganda, when they are just as guilty of it themselves.

The 'Empire' doesn't even bring up Ulfric's "racism", not once does Rikke, Tullius or any Legate mention it. You have those who may support the Imperials, view Ulfric and the Stormcloaks as against outsiders and xenophobic. It isn't so much Ulfric's actions, but lack there of. He's entirely Nordic focused.

The Empire doesn't segregate people, nor are they xenophobic. The Stormcloaks are your standard Old Hold Nords, if you're a Non-Nord you're rarely trusted and considered an outsider who doesn't belong.

Let's all feel sorry for the poor Dunmer whilst at the same time treating the Nords like idiotic tribesmen.

The nobility of provinces may look down upon Nords, or those who don't know much about them. But not once does the Empire as a whole segregate them, or treat them as second class citizens.

Tullius ends up respecting the Nords, his time with them changes his view. Coming from Cyrodiil, there are huge differences to Skyrim's way of life.

The Orcs face racism from everyone, Imperials, Nords, Bretons, Redguards. But, these people are not the Empire as a whole. The Empire (Which doesn't have a single culture, race, or is racist) were the ones who recognized the Orcs as citizens.

Calling the Empire racist against Nords is a stretch, because Nords are the Empire also. Unless they're racist with themselves.

A Jarl isn't JARLS is it? Your quote is wrong. One political figure was killed, not two or more.

"That's what started this whole war. The Empire couldn't ignore that. Once the jarls start killing each other, we're back to the bad old days." - Alvor.

No it isn't wrong, it is just grammatically correct. "Once the jarl start killing each other" wouldn't make sense in English (Cyrodilic).

Jarls as in two Jarls fighting. Takes a Jarl to kill a Jarl.

The fact that they are such a warlike people is why you need them so badly. If not for the ''lawless barbarians' of the Legion and their battle hardened courage and experience, you'd have no Imperial City left.

You do realize that without any race there wouldn't be an Empire left. Doesn't matter what the Nord Legions did, they wouldn't have been able to do it without the Breton or Imperial legions either. It could have been the Breton Legions just as easily as it was the Skyrim Legions.

They're trained the same way, a Nord Legionary is the same as an Imperial Legionary or Breton Legionary. Where do you think this experience comes from? Legion training is the same for all races, unless you're not infantry.

The utter disdain the Empire shows towards Nords and their culture even just after the Great War is disgusting.

The Empire isn't a single race, Nords make up the Empire. If you mean the disdain certain Imperials show the Nords without ever knowing them personally?

Nords show Imperials and Bretons disdain, even after fighting together as brothers in the Great War. The soldiers would respect one another, they will always prefer their culture over others however. Bretons believe their politics are better than Skyrim's. Nords probably feel the same about theirs.

If my people litteraly saved the asses of my rulers and were still looked down upon as lawless idiotic barbarians I'd be mad too.

Your rulers don't look down upon you. The Elder Council and Emperor have never shown any disdain for the Nords. A General here, some random nobles who have never been to Skyrim, yeah. Doesn't mean the entire Empire hates you.

"Can't say I'll ever get used to the damn cold, or understand these Nords... but I've come to respect them." - General Tullius

He comes to respect them, still waiting for you to respect the Bretons, the Dunmer, the Imperials.

Romans adopted everything from foreigners. The formation fighting was just an adaptation of the failed Phalanx.

Would have been far more interesting if the Argonians remained the Romans of Tamriel. Lizard Emperors.

The Empire's 'main' race are the Imperials, who are obviously designed from the Romans. There names are Latin ffs. How can you be so ignorant to the obvious?

The Argonians had Latin names too. I'm not saying they're not based off Romans, but their culture isn't 100% Roman. You do realize that 50% of Cyrodiil are more Nordic in nature?

And the Roman mail armor was designed after fighting in Gaul. Esay to compare the similarities isn't it?

If you're looking hard enough. As I said to Ozan, we can compare 'The Matrix' to Tamriel too.

Once again, taking things to the extreme to make your point more valid. Typical strawman.

You're right, I apologise.

I was pointing out YOU CAN compare the Empire to the Romans, Nords to Vikings, Redguards to a more Arabic culture etc etc, as that is OBVIOUSLY what Bethesda based each culture from. Nords who die in battle go to a final resting place of no pain, unlimited drinking, feasting and fighting that basically mirrors valhalla is in no way similar to the Norseman now is it? lol..

You can compare them, but it doesn't mean they're going to follow the same road. Such as "Well the Romans did it, I'm sure the Imperials will manage" or "Vikings were able to do this, thus the Nords can" "Spain did this!" etc.

Not really, your arguments become worse when you relate my inteligence to my allegiance of an in-game faction.

Pfft, filthy Nord. Get civilized.



Intoxicated Arch-Mage
"I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. But I fear he's in too far to stop now. Likely only Ulfric's death, or the overthrow of the Jarls supporting him will end this. Either way, much blood will be spilt." - Rikke

The Empire has no intention of allowing any pro-Ulfric Jarls to live or take part in the Moot.

Tullius: "Don't you Nords put any stock in your own traditions? I thought the Moot chose the king. We're backing Elisif. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing."
Rikke: "Not everyone's agreed to the Moot. You've been here long enough to know that Nords aren't always sensible. We follow our hearts."

Galmar: "The Jarls are upset. They don't all support you."
Ulfric: "Damn the Jarls."
Galmar: "They demand the Moot."
Ulfric: "And damn the Moot! We should risk letting those milkdrinkers put Thorryg [sic]'s woman on the throne? She'll hand Skyrim over to the elves on a silver plate."


A Mage that loves a Templar
Tullius: "Don't you Nords put any stock in your own traditions? I thought the Moot chose the king. We're backing Elisif. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing."
Rikke: "Not everyone's agreed to the Moot. You've been here long enough to know that Nords aren't always sensible. We follow our hearts."

Galmar: "The Jarls are upset. They don't all support you."
Ulfric: "Damn the Jarls."
Galmar: "They demand the Moot."
Ulfric: "And damn the Moot! We should risk letting those milkdrinkers put Thorryg [sic]'s woman on the throne? She'll hand Skyrim over to the elves on a silver plate."

Don't take emotional seriously. Ulfric was clearly expressing them out of frustration.

Ulfric: "I am indeed Ulfric Stormcloak, and at my side the man/woman we know as Stormblade, and the world knows as the Dragonborn. And indeed, there are many that call us heroes. But it is all of you who are the true heroes! It was you who fought a dying Empire who sunk its claws into our land, trying to drag us down with it. It was you who fought the Thalmor and their puppets who would have us deny our gods and our heritage. It was you who fought your kin who didn't understand our cause, who weren't willing to pay the price of our freedom. But more than that, it was you who fought for Skyrim, for our right to fight our own battles... To return to our glory and traditions, to determine our own future!"
Soldiers: "Huzzah!"
Ulfric: "And it is for these reasons that I cannot accept the mantle of "High King." Not until the Moot declares that title should adorn my shoulders will I accept it."


Imperial Legate
Proventus: "My lord, our provisions are running dangerously low. Our stores of meat, wine and grain are all but depleted."
Balgruuf: "Purchase more supplies, then. That's your job as Steward, isn't it? Why do you trouble me with these details?"
Proventus: "My lord, since Ulfric Stormcloak's uprising, the cost of goods has doubled. I'll need more coin if I'm to provision us properly."
Balgruuf: "Our coffers are nearly empty. I can scarcely afford to pay the guards, and we need every one of them in these troubled times. You'll have to make do with what we have, Proventus."
Proventus: "Yes, my lord."

At least he's not spending the money at the hair salon.

Balgruuf: "Damnit. Where'd they get catapults? The city walls are already falling apart as it is."
Quentin: "My scouts tell me they're loading them with fire."
Balgruuf: "So, he wants to take my city, walls intact."
Quentin: "The men will be fighting in flames."
Balgruuf: "My men are fearless. It's the Imperial milk drinkers I'm worried about."
: "If you prefer I took my men and left..."
Balgruuf: "No. Of course not. Just - don't let me down Cipius. We'll need to set up water brigades to combat the flames."
Quentin: "Already taken care of."
Balgruuf: "You Imperials are efficient, I'll give you that. How long until they arrive?"
Quentin: "Not long. They're hiding in the country side."
Balgruuf: "Damnit. What's he waiting for?"

By the sound of Balgruuf he doesn't sound like hes about to go into poverty and losing guards because of lack of funding when hes spitting out how better his guard are against the Stormcloaks then then Quentin's legion of soldiers. For someone who is so concern of losing guards from lack of funding he doesn't sound too grateful.

Ok. So the Empire was willing to just leave. Again, no one answer my question(s) from before... would Ulfric just leave?

Sometimes you just want to be alone the following morning... :eek:


Imperial Legate
He didn't make a mistake, he knew the moment the challenge was made he lost his claim to the throne, either fight and die or refuse and have his honor stained and a new Moot called.

"I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. But I fear he's in too far to stop now. Likely only Ulfric's death, or the overthrow of the Jarls supporting him will end this. Either way, much blood will be spilt." - Rikke

The Empire has no intention of allowing any pro-Ulfric Jarls to live or take part in the Moot. Further proving my point if you believe Torygg was deceived lol, not much of a King if he doesn't know his own laws.. Also the Moot to name Torygg King was just a ceremony, as he was the direct heir to Istlod, meaning no Moot needed to happen(A Moot is only needed if there is no heir). There was also no Stormcloak Jarls as the rebellion wasn't active at that time.

Intentions? Na, how in the hell do you know what the Empire's intentions are?

That's your opinion ghost-writer. All of it is your conjecture.
From posting quotes by the second-in-command. What more proof do you want than what comes from the horses mouth lol? I thought in-game dialogue was the be all and end all when it comes to proving something for Imperials?

True, but facts with no context is like an Orc without a soul.


Imperial Legate
Red Herring.

Whiterun under Jarl B is a city-state. His people come first. You forgot to mention how the good Jarl says he's running out of money to pay the guards. Did that help? :cowboy:

So that's why he's buttering up to the Empire... to get a refill :cowboy::cowboy:

Tha fl*ff man. Even if he gots a refill the pl*ps ain't going to him?

Take the green belt off your eyes knucklehead the Stormcloak Nobles has money too.

Judging by the state of Windhelm, most of it has not been going into the city fund(s). :sadface:
Last edited:


Imperial Legate
Hey raijin, do you get to the cloud district very often FFS?


Whatever monies Whiterun has, goes towards Whiterun's Freedom.

No Empire of Stormcloak req'd.


I always wondered about that. If the Empire/Tullius truly wanted to kill Ulfric why didn't Tullius executed him first? You know to taunt his next Stormcloak prisoners about how much of a failure their leader is, and how easy it was to capture him, and such.

"Ulfric Stormcloak! You are guilty of insurrection, murder of Imperial citizens, the assassination of King Torygg, and high treason against the Empire. It's over." - General Tullius

Judging by Tullius own words.... It sounds perfectly logical to have Ulfric be on the chopping block first, yet he wasn't. In fact it seems as if Ulfric was going to be last? Who knows what was going through Tullius mind on that day.

If it had been me, I would have executed all of them together at the same time.

You wouldn't want Ulfric to go first, that would leave a statement. No, you want to fl*ff with him a little bit before he goes. So it's like these plp are dieing needlessly because of you.
You think any of the Stormcloaks are thinking that during Helgen? They're fighting the Empire because they loathe them, if anything taking them off to a secret location and discreetly executing Ulfric and a few of his men instead of giving them a public trial or even a public execution will just cause more people to rebel. For a Legion General I thought that move was really, really amateur.

I do not think that what the Stormcloaks, or general nords, are thinking is that important. My opinion on he subject, as I have said before is more about Ulfric than long-term. Ulfric would have to watch the soldiers that were with him die, showing him that he led the soldiers to this point, and cost the prisoners their lives, for something he did/wanted. Shame the leader of the rebellion will he get into the hall of Valor in Sovengarde?


Before I jump on the comment tree, I'd like to point out how hypocritical it is for Tullius to criticize the Jarls for not wanting the Moot and not "Putting stock in their own traiditions" considering Ulfric is branded a criminal for doing exactly that.. The duel was Nordic tradition. :confused:

If it had been me, I would have executed all of them together at the same time.

You wouldn't want Ulfric to go first, that would leave a statement. No, you want to fl*ff with him a little bit before he goes. So it's like these plp are dieing needlessly because of you.
You think any of the Stormcloaks are thinking that during Helgen? They're fighting the Empire because they loathe them, if anything taking them off to a secret location and discreetly executing Ulfric and a few of his men instead of giving them a public trial or even a public execution will just cause more people to rebel. For a Legion General I thought that move was really, really amateur.

I do not think that what the Stormcloaks, or general nords, are thinking is that important. My opinion on he subject, as I have said before is more about Ulfric than long-term. Ulfric would have to watch the soldiers that were with him die, showing him that he led the soldiers to this point, and cost the prisoners their lives, for something he did/wanted. Shame the leader of the rebellion will he get into the hall of Valor in Sovengarde?
He didn't lead them to that point, it was the people who branded themselves as Stormcloaks, who sat him on the throne, who cried out for war, who picked up sword and shield etc etc. They knew EXACTLY what they were getting themselves in to, and so did Ulfric. That's the difference between fighting for a cause and just fighting, death matters little when you're doing what you believe is right.


Imperial Legate
Before I jump on the comment tree, I'd like to point out how hypocritical it is for Tullius to criticize the Jarls for not wanting the Moot and not "Putting stock in their own traiditions" considering Ulfric is branded a criminal for doing exactly that.. The duel was Nordic tradition. :confused:

And by Ulfric not allowing the Moot then... what do you call that?


Before I jump on the comment tree, I'd like to point out how hypocritical it is for Tullius to criticize the Jarls for not wanting the Moot and not "Putting stock in their own traiditions" considering Ulfric is branded a criminal for doing exactly that.. The duel was Nordic tradition. :confused:

And by Ulfric not allowing the Moot then... what do you call that?
Was it not you who said one Jarl doesn't change the Moot? He doesn't choose whether the Moot happens or not.


Imperial Legate
Before I jump on the comment tree, I'd like to point out how hypocritical it is for Tullius to criticize the Jarls for not wanting the Moot and not "Putting stock in their own traiditions" considering Ulfric is branded a criminal for doing exactly that.. The duel was Nordic tradition. :confused:

And by Ulfric not allowing the Moot then... what do you call that?
Was it not you who said one Jarl doesn't change the Moot? He doesn't choose whether the Moot happens or not.

One jarl doesn't decide the Moot.

Ulfric won't agree to the Moot.


Before I jump on the comment tree, I'd like to point out how hypocritical it is for Tullius to criticize the Jarls for not wanting the Moot and not "Putting stock in their own traiditions" considering Ulfric is branded a criminal for doing exactly that.. The duel was Nordic tradition. :confused:

For this Rikke even says the Jarls can't AGREE to the moot, so that might have something to do with the criticisms. it's like when one kid steals the last slice of pizza and that makes all the kids in the house unable to decide whether they want pizza or not.




Before I jump on the comment tree, I'd like to point out how hypocritical it is for Tullius to criticize the Jarls for not wanting the Moot and not "Putting stock in their own traiditions" considering Ulfric is branded a criminal for doing exactly that.. The duel was Nordic tradition. :confused:

For this Rikke even says the Jarls can't AGREE to the moot, so that might have something to do with the criticisms.
I know this.. I'm saying its hypocritical for him to criticise the Jarls for not agreeing to the Moot by Nordic tradition when he wants to kill Ulfric for following Nordic tradition.