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    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    Just one second... I turn my back for just one second, and he's gone... Then the muffled screams start. Me, Micael, and a few guards rush to a cupboard. Inside lay Soridius, stabbed in the gut by a dagger.

    My mind is a complete blank. Then it all comes back to me and I rush to the mans side, kneeling I cut the ropes around his wrists, and take the gap out of his mouth. "Soridius! Oh Arkay be with me, hang on friend. Micael! Go find an alchemist! Bring them here immediately!" Rubbing my hand together I feel the magicka run through my veins. "I'm gonna take the pain away." As I put my hands on the wound, they start to glow a bright white. "You, guard." They all look at me "Well I don't care who! Find the person who did this dammit!" Before they can go someone speaks "I don't believe you have the social status to be bossing around my Guards, my little mountain flower." "Igmund! Now is not the time for your games! One of mine has been stabbed! And your just going to sit there and do nothing?!" He walks closer, my eyes flutter a little. My strength is failing. I can't stay awake much longer. "Now now darling, let's not be like that, who is he to you anyway?" Rage fills the Jarls eyes "He's a friend Igmund now gods be damned if you don't help him-" Suddenly my head starts to spin, and my vision becomes fuzzy. Unluckily for me the Jarl notices "Calm down dear, no need to be upset. It's taking a lot of energy out of you, you'll need it." He smirks. "Igmund." I say quietly. "Hmm?" "If you don't tell these guards to go after that man right this instant, it will not bode well for you my friend. I had hoped to have your blessing to continue my search here, but I have orders and I'll not see a man who decided to help me die, and the man responsible not behind bars. Now if you will, get these useless arses off their feet and into action! Do something damnit!" Then Micael comes back into the Keep along with an old woman, the alchemist from The Hags Cure. "Thank you, please I've done all that I could an-" as I stand to grab her hand I fall back to my knees. The woman sets me down "Now now dearie, don't move so fast, you need rest, she used up too much Magicka. You lad-" she says pointing to Micael "Take this young woman back to the Inn, the guards here will help me take your friend here back to my place. Now go she won't stay awake for much longer." Micael gently grabs my and helps me to my feel. As we walk, well I'm practically being dragged since I can't walk, I stop him "We, we have to find the person who did this." I say weakly.


    Micael looks to Ash at his side. "And we will. Here." Rummaging through his bandolier he pulls out a phial. "Its a magicka potion, it should help the weakness you're feeling pass."

    Micael escorts Ash back to the Silver-blood Inn where the innkeeper's wife helps get her back to her room to lie down. Micael looks to the kind lady, "Please keep an eye on her, I shouldn't be gone long. And...dont let anyone besides myself see her before she's up and about on her own."

    Micael stops by his own room and puts his armor back on and taking a moment to think before heading out into the overcast Markarth day. He arrives at the Keep and is directed to one of the Jarl's guest chamber's where Soridius is being looked at by the alchemist for the time being.

    "So how does he look? Is he going to be fine."

    The old woman sucks her teeth for a moment looking Micael over before responding. "The blade which got him seems to have been poisoned. I haven't identified it yet so I can't properly treat him for now. He's a strong one though, but this is up to him and the gods for now."

    Micael furrows his brow and thought before walking off, back to where Soridius was found to search for any sign of what exactly happened.

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    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    As what seems to be the usual no I wake up with Wolf laying on me sleeping soundly. "Wolf, wake up. Come one, let's go get some food." He stands and yawns, then walks to the door waiting for me. Pulling on my boots I stumble to the door. "Woah, must still be a little asleep. Not as weak thought. The magicka potion Micael gave me must have helped." Grabbing some bread and an ale I eat in silence until the old innkeeper comes up to me. "Little Lady your friend, the Breton, said that the Redguard, Soridius? Sorry not so young anymore hard to remember things. He said that Soridius should be fine as soon as they figure out what kind of poison was used." He walks back to the bar. So that means if they can't figure out which poison was used... He'll die. Groaning I stand and make my way to the Keep, Wolf following closely behind.
    (Hey guys, Dovah do you want Soridius to die? Or are you just bored of that character? If so I gladly give you permission to do whatever the heck you want man. Just tell us what's up before you do!)


    OOC Nah, Soridius can live. I don't mind, just came up with being assaulted whilst writing.

    I wake up, my head is dizzy and my stomach hurts. There is an old lady preparing ingredients in the corner of the room. I clear my throat. She turns around. "Ah, your up. I'll fetch your friend for you." She leaves returning with Micael. "Are you alright?" The lady asks me. "Yes, I think I will be able to leave." I go to get up but she pushes me down with surprising strength. "Just one more potion," She smiles sweetly. I drink the potion in one and immediately my head swirls and my whole body begins to shake, everything is pain. I just want it to end, I want to die. I see the lady run to the door and bolt it shut, she turns around and pulls out a sharp, serated steel dagger, designed to inflict the worst of wounds. She screams in a terrible voice, "You'll pay for what you did!" She raises the dagger and brings it swinging down towards my neck, I close my eyes. I was waiting for death, for the pain to go. But then I heard a clang, Micael had stopped the knife with a quick movement with his sword. He is using both hands and seems to be struggling. I realise this and focus my mind on the task at hand not on the pain, suddenly the pain drops and I regain a bit of strength. I get up and grab the ladies arm holding the dagger, she turns shocked to look at me. She stops pushing against Micael and turns to me, her eyes, terrible, bloodshot and enraged look at me with a mix of longing and anger. She screams again and I twist her arm round, forcing her to drop her knife, I catch it on my other hand. I hold her arm still, and slice the knife down, taking her hand clean off. She screams in agony. I yank her other arm just in time and slice off her other arm. Then I pin her arms behind her back and hold her strongly. I look to a stunned Micael. "Well open the door!" I say, urgently, but not unkindly.


    "That...what? Right!" Micael stammers moving to the door and opening it. "That was...interesting." Micael takes a rag and gags the woman as Soridius holds her in place and he holds his hands out. They fill with a yellow golden light as he heals the woman slightly.

    "There, now she won't bleed out and can't bite out her own tongue. The fools you woman, you're a poor assassin. You should've had the mind not to be taken alive at least."

    Micael takes the woman from Soridius. "You should take a seat. That potion she gave you is likely another poison. You must have a poisoner's cocktail pumping through your veins right now."

    He sits the woman in a chair and finding some rope binds her to it. "I can't say I trust anyone in this city now. We should interrogate the hag but I'll go fetch Ash. She may know which questions to ask at a time like this. So rest up and do try not to get poisoned again." Micael says with a smirk before leaving the room closing the door behind him.

    Moving through the city at a light jog Micael gets back to the Silver-blood Inn before long and tracks down Ash. "You need to come with me. Soridius is up but was attacked by another would be assassin." Looking around quickly Micael continues, whispering "We've captured her but you should come as we question her."

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    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    "What happened?! An assassin? Again?" My mind can't wrap around everything as I run after Micael blindly. They were going to question her? If she's any good at being an assassin she'll likely not speak. She's likely just a forsworn agent, but if not we could have a bigger problem on our hands. The Dark Brotherhood.
    Micael open the door to a room in the Jarls Keep. Soridius is sitting on a chair beside a thrashing old woman. Also sitting on a chair. "Soridius! By the gods are you alright?"
    Not waiting for an answer I rush over and pull out some herbs from my pouch.
    "Here these should help." Grabbing a tankard on water left on an end table I start ripping up the herbs and tossing them inside .
    Handing it to Soridius, I smile "I normally do this with mead but I'm not sure I trust the food or anything we didn't bring here anymore."
    Turning to the woman, "Now who the hell are you. And why have people been after me and my friends? Don't make me ask again." I glare menacingly.


    I spit at the woman's feet and say to Ash "She said I would pay for what I did. No idea what that's about, unless one of the worthless little bandits I slaughtered was a loved one of hers. Quite likely as we're in Markarth, I've killed many Forsworn pigs." She glares at me and then at Ash, then back to me, suddenly the anger in her eyes goes and she nods at me. "What? Did I kill your child or husband or something?"


    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    "Speak now hag! Before I cut out your worthless tongue. I've had enough of would be assassins for one lifetime! Now as I am quite agitated, you best speak and fast." Waiting for a minute, I jump up and punch the woman in the gut. "Now my friends here might not want to hurt a 'lady' but I don't give a DAMN who you are you witch! TALK." Sitting back down across from the lady she leans down and mumbles something I can't quite hear. "LOUDER WOMAN! By the gods!" She looks up and her eyes turn from a brown to a bright red in a flash. "He's coming back for you child. And no one will stand in his way this time. Not even your old 'friend' the Dragonborn, will stop us now." Pure rage courses through my veins "Where is he?! What have you done with him! When I find him I will kill you all!" Turning around, my cheeks grow wet and I realize I'm crying for the first time, since that dreadful, hurtful, day. Looking to the two men I find them shocked at my show of weakness. "I-I just can't-" before the sobs can take over I run out of the room and out of the city, Wolf trailing behind me confused.
    Walking around the woods calms me. I find a nice spot by a small lake and sit under the shade of a tree, there I let the sobs that have always been behind my eyes free. Sobs raking my body until I just can't cry any longer. Soon my face dries and Wolf is snuggled up into my side. I slowly drift off to sleep, exhausted by my show of emotion today.


    Brit Fahiil Vahdin

    Walking into Helgen with my pack strung across my back, filled with all the herbs, meat, and furs from my days of hunting. After selling most of the furs and meat, I head outside and see two carriages carrying Stormcloak soldiers. An execution... One by one they are unloaded and rounded up, asked their names. "Ralof of Riverwood." I look away, I know that name, of course he would join the fight to 'free' Skyrim. Gerdur will not be happy to know of his death. Then another name is called softly, I am unable to hear it but this man doesn't not cower down in fear. Does not look afraid at all. He stands tall, even as a red headed Nord is executed. I cannot look away from this man, who does not cower from a death that is right in front of him. He is shoved down onto his knees, as a rumble takes to the wind. No one pays it any mind. The axe has been raised, about to come down, when suddenly a large black dragon lands on top of a tower and roars. The executioner stumbles and falls to the ground. For once the man has a look of such stricken fear that I cannot help but rush to his side. Ralof, my old friend shouts to the man telling him to run to the keep. I follow blindly. The ground shakes.

    Waking up with a startled gasp, I pull my knees to my chest, feeling as if the tears will fall again. But there is not enough water in my body to allow it. Standing up and stumbling a bit I grip my bow tighter and walk towards the dwarves city. Opening the gate, I continue on my way ignoring the stares of the common folk. Walking to one of the tallest houses, my nerve fumbles as I rase my hand to knock. Before I can walk away, the door opens and out comes a large man twice my size, slightly taller than Soridius. "Ash..." He says lowly. I smile as one more tear falls from my face "Argis-" he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. Allowing me to cry on someone for the first time in a while. He pulls away, "Why have you come here little one? Is everything alright?" I smile at him as I wipe my eyes. "As alright as I can be when... He's missing..." He nods his head and grabs my hand lightly. "Come, I assume we must speak. I doubt your here to see-" "Argis! Who's at the door?" He sucks in a breathe and looks to me, I slightly shake my head. "No one my lady! I thought I heard someone out here." He slowly creeps into the house pulling me along. "You big buffoon! How useless can a housecarl be?! Just look at you!" She screams from another room. "Then may I be given the day to stay in my room madam?" He shoves me in the room closes the door and walks away. "I don't see why not! It's not like your of any use to me!" My eyes narrow "Thank you my lady, yell if you need anything." He says as he rolls his eyes and walks into the room. I sit on the bed and look down at my hands. "Oh she'll yell alright..." I mumble he just chuckles. "Now little one, why have you come?" I look up into his eyes and sigh. "I know, I said I'd never come back here didn't I..." I fake a small smile. "I'm here because I need to talk to her... Even if she has no information, even if he still hates me, I have to know if he's alright Argis. What if he's in need of help? And I don't come and he gets hurt-" he pulls me into another hug more tears falling down my cheeks. "He always been there to save me Argis, I have to be the one to save him now... Even if I die in the process." "Now now little one, I know that's not the only reason for all these tears. What's really bothering you?" He pulls my chin up so I have to look at him. "They're after us again Argis..." "Who little Elf?" I cover my face with my hands unable to answer straight away. "The Theives Guild, Mercer Frey told them that we'd betrayed them all and stole from their coffers. But that's not the worst part... They've hired the Dark Brotherhood to do their dirty business... Astrid already hates me, her dog of a husband attacked us in the night, I had to put him down. I bet they don't even have to pay her for my head..." I mutter darkly. Argis' hold on me tightens. "W-why? Why now?" He says after a minute or two. "Because he's not here to save me anymore... Because I'm weak, without him..." Suddenly the door opens and a woman enters the room. "Ah ha! Trying to sneak in this house again, trying to steal him from me!" she grabs me by the hair and starts to pull, but then Argis has a grip on her arm "Priests don't act like this." He mutters darkly. He's not holding her tightly but she's still unable to get away from him. "Let go of me you mammoth for brains! Don't you remember who your talking to?!?!" I put my hand on Argis' arm stopping him. "Seena... Please, don't do this. I'm only trying to find-... Your husband..." She glares at me "NO! Your not! Dibella granted him to ME. HE's MINE! You'll never have him!" She rushes me and shoves me hard. I go back a few feet but no more. "Please! Even if you don't trust me, you have to want him back! Just tell me where he went! Then I'll leave, I'll leave him with you and never come back..." Tears are falling again as I look at the woman who used to be my friend.

    "My my, what do we have here?" Looking up weakly I see a guard walking up to me. I try to stand only to stumble and fall onto my knees again. He chuckles darkly "What a pretty Elf you are." I scoot backwards and hit a wall. "Now now, don't be that way. Come have some fun with me." As he gets closer a figure comes up behind him, smacking him in the back of the head with an iron jug. He falls to the ground unconscious. A woman in priest robes runs up to me, dropping the jug. "Oh Dibella! Gods! Are you alright?" She looks down at me, I manage a small smile. "T-thank you." I stutter before I pass out.

    "I-I don't believe you..." She says softly. "I can't help that... But please you have to let me save him. There are worse thing at stake... Than a broken heart. Alduin is back and he must be stopped, and we both know your husband is the only one who can stop this..." She looks up and me tears falling down her eyes. "If I tell you, you must leave Skyrim forever, and NEVER return." She mutters darkly. "F-fine, okay I'll leave Skyrim. Now tell me where he went. Then I'll bring him back to you and leave forever." "He-he said he was going back to a place called, something dark... Blackreach?" My hands fly to my mouth to stop a gasp. I look back to Argis to see his face pale, Seena looks at me curiously. "Why? What's in Blackreach?" "That's where he said he'd found an elder scroll... But there also the deal of Falmer, dwemer machines, and poisonous mushrooms. He said he'd never go back there..." Seena cries softly, I hesitate to put my arms around the small grieving woman. Knowing she probably wouldn't want my comfort anymore than I'd want hers. "Why?! Why did he go back?" She cries out.
    Argis sucks in a gasp and runs into his room, coming back out with a note in his hand. He hands it to me "I'm sorry I didn't realize this sooner. Here read it little one." Opening the letter my blood runs cold.

    'If you ever want to see your little Elf again, you'll bring me the elder scroll. Hurry hurry now Dragonborn, she calls out for you.'

    I drop to my knees. "No, he knows I wouldn't get captured alive. Not again... Why would he go?" It dawns upon me that he didn't think twice, thinking it would get me out of danger, just put him in twice as much of it. "I'm so sorry Seena, he left to save me..." I hand her the note and rage fills her eyes. "I knew it! He still loves you! He never ever wanted to marry me! Get out, get out, get out!" She looks at me tears falling as she throws the note back at me "it's all your fault! GET OUT!" Argis grabs my hand and leads me out of the house. "I can't let you go alone little one, but I can't leave her here or I'll be punished for leaving my Thane's wife to be murdered-" I put my hand in his chest stopping him "I'm not alone this time Argis, I have friends this time. Who both agree that saving... The Dragonborn is more important than anything else right now. But I must go, I need to sleep on this before I tell them... Goodbye Argis, I will never return here... Forever this time. I will escort him to the gate. But no farther. I must go... I need to think about all that has happened. Thank you old friend, you are much appreciated. I give him a hard hug, when he presses his lips to my temple. "Don't die"he whispers, "don't die for a man who never loved you..." When he backs away I see tears in his eyes. He walks back into the house leaving me to think, that maybe there was someone who loved me. As I walk back to the inn and fall sound asleep on my cot.

    (Okay guys this took me like an hour and a half to write my thumbs hurt so bad lol. But I wanted to progress the story more, and also give some insight on how Ash 1. Knew the Dragonborn and 2. That he was her first love, and that's why she feels she must save him even if it costs her, her life. Like I love my OOC so much I cried writing this for her, I feel for her. She will most likely not want to wake up on her own so someone might wanna come find her.)


    I walk into the inn and here the unmistakable sound of Ash's snoring. I walk into her room and gently shake her awake, "Wake up, we've got a full day ahead to find the Dragonborn."


    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    Startled awake I grab my knife from under my pillow and put it to my 'attackers' throat. Finally opening my eyes I jump and pull back my knife. "Soridius! By the gods man! Don't scare me like that!" Rubbing my still puffy eyes, I look up at the tall Redguard who has become my friend. "I know where he went..." I mumble quietly. Turning away from him I start to pack up the rest of my things. Finding the leash, Wolf whines at me. Looking down I scratch his ears before throwing the leash away. "You'll just follow me anyway won't you boy?" Taking off the harness is when I notice Wolf has gotten bigger these past few days in Markarth. It barely fits him anymore, so I throw it away aswell. "I hate to say this... But Soridius out journey hasn't even begun yet, and it will get more dangerous still."


    "You know where who is! And where is this who? By the gods Ash, you like your secrets! Anyway, before we leave we must go and get Micael."


    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    "It's wasn't a secret this time!" I snap. Instantly regretting it I speak, softer this time, barely audible. "I went searching without the Jarl consent, remember when I said I had a contact in Markarth?" The Redguard nods. "Well I went to speak with... Her. And she told me he went- Actually I should wait until we find Micael I really don't feel like going through this twice..." It was hard enough to just live through it. "Well come along Wolf. Let's see if that nose of yours can smell Micael."


    "Um, alright." I follow Ash out of the door and we go to find Micael. We are walking down the street when we see him coming, Ash waves, and he comes over to us. "Morning." I say to Micael.


    Micael descends the steps from Calcelmo's study musing over some of the notes he'd taken. If they were right, while the dwemer machines were autonomous there could be perhaps a yet undiscovered way to control them. Between their shared interest, and a rather sizable bribe on behalf of the empire, the shrewd wizard seemed delighted to have someone to share his research with.

    "Not to mention share some of his more practical spells, these will most definitely come in handy." He muses to himself as he walks jostling paper, scrolls and spell tomes into his pack.

    Micael is packing what look like scrolls and notes into his pack as he walks before looking up at the sound of his name. Seeing Soridius and Ash he quickly puts them away and smiles widely waving back.

    "Good morning Soridius!"

    Dark bags are under his eyes as though he hadn't slept but he looks to Ash.

    "Good to see you up and about, you had us worried there the other night. I figured *ahem* you may want some time to...collect your thoughts...Any way that would be assassin has been taken care of. Have you two eaten?"

    Micael blathers on seemingly a bit overcheerful.

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    "The only thing I thought about after the assassin was the shock on her face after I slit her throat. I digress, yes I've eaten, I ate before waking up Ash, her deafening snores were rather irritating."


    "What you meant to say was "Imperial sanctioned execution" isn't that right Soridius?" As Micael gives a nervous smile.

    "Morbid bureaucracy aside, I found the most charming bakery that serves the best garlic buttered rolls I've ever tasted...unless whatever topic I see splattered across your faces can't wait...?"

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    "Yes that's what I meant, I even buried her in an official burial chamber. It was a lovely place, just behind the farmers shed. Anyway, on to the most important matter of rolls. You say you found the best? Ha! I was walking through the woods and I came across a khajiit, they offered me a roll that had a special ingredient. I asked how much it was, it was 50 septims! I told them I would buy it if they lowered the price and they said that the danger they went through to get the ingredient was worth 50 gold. I told them to go away, I wasn’t paying 50 gold for a roll with probably a bit of honey in it! When they turned away though, I gained interest, I regret it now but I stabbed them in the back and took all their rolls, stupid of me, it was murder. I know. Anyway, I tasted the rolls and as soon as I did, everything was wonderful! I finished all the rolls and carried on. The next day was the worst of my life, ok maybe the day I saw my father get murdered was the worst, but it was still horrible. I inspected my vomit and found out that there was an extremely high amount of skooma in the rolls, I couldn’t leave my home for the next week. The khajiit, a fascinating race, but there are quite a few addicts mixed in with the honest traders. Lets leave the subject of skooma and vomit. What do you plan on doing today?


    "Well to be honest I was waiting to see if Ash had found anything. She is our only clue as to how to track the Dragonborn down. Have you had a chance to look into that at all Ash?" Micael looks to the elf quizzically.

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    Brit Fahiil Vahdin
    After giggling about Soridius' skooma story, I hate having to become serious again. "It would be best if we leave Markarth, now. Too many prying eyes and ears here, at least too many to have such an important talk." Talking quietly. "I know the Dragonborns last whereabouts. He was heading to a place he never wanted to go back to. To find something that hasn't been seen in a few eras." Both men look at me curiously before Micael asks "What? What could he have went to find that was so important?" Looking around quickly I speak so softly I doubt the mean could hear me that well. "An Elder Scroll.." The two men have looks of shock on their faces. "But I digress, for no I have not had breakfast yet this morning. And neither has the pup. I think I'll pass on having some rolls for a while, after Soridius' story I don't think I'll need any Skooma Rolls!" I laugh "But if you men will give me just a small while, I will get some breakfast, oh and some more provisions. Wait for me if you will. If not I'll meet you at the stables later. I'm sure you have some things you might need to buy aswell." Walking towards the Inn, I turn noticing Wolf not following me. He races off down the street. "Oh bother. Wolf! Come back here!" Running after him, I am pulled into an alleyway. "Hey little Elf, leaving so soon? Without even a goodbye?" Slamming my elbow into my attackers stomach he coughs and let's me go. Spinning around dagger in hand, I stop centimeters before the mans face. "Argis! By the gods man! You should know better than to sneak up on me!" He coughs and stands laughing. "Yes, you think I'd have learned by now." He smiles. Wolf comes out behind him with some beef in his mouth. "Ah! And you've bribed my Wolf! Have you no shame." I smile back. Argis reaches behind him and grabs a small pack. "Here, I know how terrible you are when it comes to getting enough food for yourself." He laughs "Hey! I hunt and gather for what I need. Mostly..." "Yes, but I've also put some coins and parchment paper in there. So don't forget me this time, write me a letter. Just saying your safe, something. Is all I ask." He frowns. "I hate for you to have to go there," he looks down "And so would he..." "Argis, I owe him this much, to at least try... It's either that or let dragons destroy our homes and kill our families. And I'll not just sit by and let that happen while there's something I can do about it." I gently grab the bag from him and reach up to give him a hard hug. Looking in the bag I see around 1,000 coins maybe more. "Argis! I can't take this! It's too much!" I frown "Hold it right there little Elf, this is mine own coin to do whatever with as I please. Keep it." Sighing I laugh a bit. "Fine, but your a stubborn ass." "No more than you lass, I'm surprised that worked." Rolling my eyes I reach up and give him one last hug. "Argis, you know I really can't come back here now... I made her a promise." "That's only if you find him! I don't see why you made that promise anyway! It was irrational and unfair!" He pulls away. "Argis..." He looks back at me "I can't stay in Skyrim for much longer anyway, with the Brotherhood and the Guild after me I can't be here. It won't be long before more bounty hunters come after me. The safest place for me to be is long gone." "But- I could-" "No Argis. I have to go, now that I don't have anything I need to buy my companions are waiting for me." Snapping my fingers wolf runs to my side. "I will write to you when I have the chance. But please don't wait for my return. Or you will be waiting a very long time." Turning around I start on my way "Wait!" He yells "I have another present for you and your companions, to help with your journey. At the stables you will find three horses. They should already be saddled up. Tell them Argis sent you." I turn around "Argis-" "Wait, there's one more thing." Reaching behind him he pulls out an enchanted sword. "This one," he sighs "Isn't even from me, he left it for you. If you ever came back that is. The enchantment is very old and very powerful. I've never seen anything like it before." Grabbing it from his hands I hand him my iron sword. "Hold onto this for me will you? Remember me with it." With that I put my new found sword into its scabbard and walk towards the stables.
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