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  1. joeykttn

    Your "wow" moments.

    I have a lot of "oh, wow" moments when I play..sometimes the beautiful scenery, sometimes the funny things said, or the little things that make the game so immersive, but today it was when Braelin was facing Faendal, apologizing for hitting him with yet another arrow, an arrow from his bow...
  2. joeykttn

    My first RP thoughts

    I've decided to semi-rp with Braelin (lvl 13 Breton), as in "practice" since I've never done it before. I'm allowing her backstory to unfold as she goes, like puzzle pieces. For example, she's adopted Lucia, as she reminds her a bit of herself. She has no family, and can't even be sure who or...
  3. joeykttn

    PS3 Skyrim newb..need help developing chars

    Yea, she apparently likes challenges. She thought she wanted to be a mage. Now she is almost certain she'd be happier as a non-mage who can throw fire once in awhile. She was blown away by the feeling when she did a sneak bow attack and one-shotted the enemy. I think it woke up a secret desire...
  4. joeykttn

    PS3 Skyrim newb..need help developing chars

    patience...ahhh, yes. I'm learning that. Although I think I've screwed up my current character, She is a lvl 11 breton mage, who wants to be sneaky, shoot fire balls, have awesome archery & carry a dagger for backstabs. I think I've screwed up my perks, as I'm really not sure at all...
  5. joeykttn


    .......this time. I don't want to use the elf dude as a follower (sorry, don't remember his name, starts with an F), because it feels so wrong making him leave the woman he loves. I apologize for knocking something off the table in the blacksmith's house, cringe when stashing dead bodies, want...
  6. joeykttn


    Right?! And "it's smaller then I remember"...?? LOL
  7. joeykttn


    So, Braelin sorta, kinda accidentally stole something from the counter in front of the man tending the Riverwood Inn. She said sorry, as she most certainly didn't mean to take it. (There really should be a confirmation button..sheesh). The man never flinched, which surprised her. She went on her...
  8. joeykttn

    PS3 Skyrim newb..need help developing chars

    Thank you for additional clarification ;) Regarding the DLC, I found out there is a way to dl them straight from my disc, since I have the legendary version, so that's all handled. I do have tons of ?s about RP, so I'll be posting for sure. Thanks!
  9. joeykttn

    PS3 Can't save?

    Nevermind..all better after a system restart. Can't figure out how to delete thread though :)
  10. joeykttn

    PC How to sleep?

    I've not played long, so there may be other ways, but the way I've done it (on ps3) is find a bed, and when you get the same little icon like you would get to pick up/loot something, you will see if it's available to sleep in or not. I think sometimes they are already owned, and you can't use...
  11. joeykttn

    PS3 Can't save?

    So, I started a character under my son's psn ID (so I could keep save files straight by character), but it won't let me save game progress? I have several characters on my PSN id, and have been able to save no problem. Am I not allowed to play on more then one ID per game disc?
  12. joeykttn

    PS3 Skyrim newb..need help developing chars

    thanks for the great answers! Very helpful ;) If enemies level with you, does that mean there are not areas where I shouldn't go because of the enemy level? (I'm sorry, my only gaming experience is WoW, where there were places you were smart to avoid depending on lvl). For RP, do you try to...
  13. joeykttn

    PS3 Skyrim newb..need help developing chars

    Hi :) I got a copy of the Legendary edition for xmas, and have played one char to lvl 8. But I've done a lot of reading here and I think I need to delete & start over. I'm so overwhelmed..haha I want a Khajiit thief/assassin (a bad girl who will most likely be a vampire someday, and a stormcloak...
  14. joeykttn

    *wave* new to skyrim

    Hiya ;) So, I'm a WoW girl, but life says I can't spend days grinding out levels anymore, so for 2 years I've been looking for something that would scratch the itch, and someone just suggested I try Skyrim. I've played for a grand total of 3 or 4 hours, and am hooked already haha My fav WoW...