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  1. axl_rose

    Master Difficulty

    I don't understand why people would want to have to really think in the middle of battles, use tactics, decoy's and really waste time in fighting...this game is fight,fight,fight, not criticizing it but now at lvl 81 i play it in very easy so i can dispatch every enemy in a matter of...
  2. axl_rose

    Master Difficulty

    I think fights are very boring, i enjoy doing stuff more than fighting and i hate just having to slash and slash and slash a guy with my sword till it finally's just so boring. Also the leveling system is so frustrating that now that i am at level 81 im playing in very easy...why ? cuz...
  3. axl_rose

    this is so annoying

    Thanks, the damned elf had gone all the way back to solstheim with my stuff and i had to pay him 500 gold again to re-hire him.
  4. axl_rose

    this is so annoying

    my follower disappeared and i asked my steward to follow me so that i could know if anyone was following me or not...i don't want a new follower i want to find the one i had...or at least what's left of him so that i can get my stuff back :( Im going to head to Solstheim and see if he's...
  5. axl_rose

    this is so annoying

    that's not my problem ?
  6. axl_rose

    this is so annoying

    So i had that guy from solstheim with the plopstin (chitin) armor following me while i was gathering materials to build my homestead after downloading hf on ps3 yesterday...i was basically fast travelling beetwen some mill, riverwood, whiterun and heljarchen hall when i suddenly realize he wasnt...
  7. axl_rose

    What is Skyrim missing?

    guys guys guys, don´t you think that this game is already to much of a combat game ?? Now that im playing the game at level 81 i have to play it in very easy to feel a bit stronger because of the stupid leveling system. I want a DLC that makes the game more alive...prostitutes ? hell yeah I...
  8. axl_rose

    The game really needs this

    And im spartacus
  9. axl_rose

    The game really needs this

    yeah want i meant is that nords are more agressive than imperials or so, and they like a good fight, bethesda could simply make a less organized more brutal arena than the one in oblivion.
  10. axl_rose

    The game really needs this

    and in this life or the next you will have your revenge right ?
  11. axl_rose

    The game really needs this

    Well, if skyrim is nord's home, and the nords are a "viking" like race, more brutal and strong than normal people, then why didnt they created an arena like in oblivion ? i mean, the game really needs one ! it just doesnt make sense...what do you think about it ?
  12. axl_rose

    What do you do in skyrim after getting a high level?

    i mostly sit at bars and inn's , drinking mead and listening to bards play .
  13. axl_rose

    hello fellow nords! and other inferior races...

    Ha! slash ? "he's in my ass that's where slash is ". No im not that Axl rose, axl always chooses the name "dexter" in message boards anyway . Yeah im sure i will, im kind of bored of the game nowadays , i love the game its probably my fav. game ever but at the end of the day everytime u get a...
  14. axl_rose

    hello fellow nords! and other inferior races...

    Just wanting to say hello to everyone, ive had skyrim since day 1 for ps3, the only other game from the TES saga i played was oblivion. I've finally decided to join a skyrim forum because i love everything about the game and im sure i'll find even more things to love about the game here...