Recent content by punkin_head

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  1. punkin_head

    Rift Ball

    I figured that since there wasn't any sports in the Elder Scrolls besides the Arena in Cyrodil, I would make a sport in Skyrim called Rift Ball. It's kind of like football basketball and combat all mixed together. still working on the kinks of how its all played though...
  2. punkin_head

    A Fang in the Night

    A Fang in the Night “Move!” Tyrol bellowed, pulling his crossbow from his cloak. The silver inlays flashed in the light of day, sending reflections of light around the market. He pushed the scared people out of his line of sight and aimed. He leveled it and fired. The bolt...
  3. punkin_head

    Tip of the Blade

    Chapter 9 The Bosmer assassin and the now blooded D'Jango hesitated at the entrance of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Shaderael was afraid of Nazir’s wrath, not knowing exactly what the Redguard was capable of. He finally gathered his courage and entered his home. As...
  4. punkin_head

    Wolf's Bane

    Wolf’s Bane Killian screamed in agony. It felt as if fire had erupted in every cell of his body. He could feel the bones in his body rearranging. His arms grew longer, his knees bent backwards, and a snout started to grow on his face. Coarse, black hair burst out of his pores all...
  5. punkin_head

    Hircine's Hunt

    In the Void of Nothing Drevis was confused. One second he was sitting in his prison cell, and the next he was bathed in a bright light. Now he was paralyzed from the neck down in a place of nothing. He looked around to find dozens of other people, all paralyzed and screaming...
  6. punkin_head

    Hircine's Hunt

    i'm sorry. Skjorn is supposed to be Skjor. i haven't done the companions quests in a while and forgot his name.
  7. punkin_head

    Hircine's Hunt

    Hircine’s Hunt ‘What would the rules be?’ Hircine asked himself. He stood and leaned against the frame of the door leading out of his palace and into the Hunting Grounds. He needed to set boundaries. He didn’t want them getting a thousand miles out, that wouldn’t be fun, just...
  8. punkin_head

    Hircine's Hunt

    Hircine’s Hunt The arrow flew from the bow on its way to its mark. It struck the elk exactly where he wanted it to go. It dropped to the ground as the other elk ran towards the tree line. Hircine whistled loudly and Skjorn lunged into the woods, on his way to cut off the elks...
  9. punkin_head

    Tip of the Blade

    I guess it doesn't matter which side. Whichever I choose to side with, the other side will be annihilated. I'll try not to spoil any of the Civil war quests though
  10. punkin_head

    Hircine's Hunt

    this short story is about the Daedric Prince of the Hunt, Hircine. Thinking of having a short story for some of the other Daedra also. Hircine’s Hunt Hircine sat on his throne and gazed at his domain. The Hunting Grounds were beautiful and massive. Mostly woods and jungle...
  11. punkin_head

    Spoiler Hunting A Legend

    i love this
  12. punkin_head

    Tip of the Blade

    i'm thinking of the next few chapters being tied into the civil war, with massive battle and the Brotherhood being like guerrila fighters for one side. I can't think of what side to have them with though.
  13. punkin_head

    Tip of the Blade

    Chapter 6 Shaderael woke up just before dawn. He drank a healing potion and put on his armor, being careful with his cuirass. He walked into the un-bloods room and yelled at them to wake up, laughing as they fell out of their cots and prepared for a fight. With that he went to eat...
  14. punkin_head

    Tip of the Blade

    Tip of the Blade Chapter 3 Walking down the slight incline, Shaderael felt relief wash over him. He hated close calls. Being an assassin was about stealth, and guile. Not having every guard in the city hunting for your head. Walking over to Nazir...
  15. punkin_head

    Tip of the Blade

    thanks! yeah sorry about the dialogue. working on chapters 3 through five now. will definately keep my grammar in check :)