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Jeff Travers

New Member
I was on my third dragon soul. I was a participant in all 3 kills, not solely responsible for any take down. With the first two, after I absorbed the dragon's soul, the other characters we're for the most part awestruck after witnessing the 'Dragonborn'... They boasted and cheered me.

But on the third dragon, just bones remaining at the entrance to Winterhold, I turned to the other participants and witnesses, expecting more ooo's and ahh's after my soul absorption. But instead, one Winterhold Guard, I believe a Stormcloak, says 'You better get out of here.' I thought he was talking to someone else. Then another guard chimed in, then another. I thought 'Uh oh, what's goin on here, they're lookin at me'. So I trotted thru them heading towards the College. In my peripheral vision I could see one of the guards running along side me looking at me. I heard more and more footsteps. I didn't want to look back but I sensed that these guards were trying to decide whether to attack me or not. They continued to taunt me, but didn't attack. When I reached the College, I got one arrow in the back.

Now this is just frickin awesome. Usually in a game you're either friend or foe. But the anxious feeling building in me as the animosity seemed to be gathering in these guards. Just awesome.

Question would be.. why DID these guards react differently than guards in other cities/towns? I had no bounty on my head at the time. Do the Stormcloaks have a different attitude towards the Dragons?

Jeff Travers

New Member
On another occassion, again a Dragon fight, I was left so totally impressed with the lack of scripting that drives these fights. After a dragon attacked me on a mountain pass, he heads towards a small village down a river. He is losing the fight. He flies upstream and crash lands across the river from me. On my side of the river the terrain is angled about 40 degrees, with a cliff falling off the path down to the river. So the Dragon is lower than I am. He sees me and starts sending ice bursts towards me, but they hit the cliff, right below the path. The ice splashes up and over my head, just dusting my face with ice crystals. He can't fly anymore, and so he can't get an angle with his voice casts that will strike me. I run across the path, fire duel firebolts into him, then back up and watch his next burst hit the cliff just below me.

But it isn't that easy. There are other characters, some attacking me, some attacking the Dragon. So I'm fighting off the guards or thieves or whatever, and trying to focus on this awesome situation the Dragon is in.

One trip across the path and I see the dragon's head wind up and fall to the ground for the last time, with a big troll standing nonchalantly next to the kill.

This just couldn't be duplicated. Great job with this game man.


New Member
my wow moment was HOLY F*** A CLEAR DRAGON!!!
it attacked me out of nowhere and was really strong.
it was funny he left a clear skeleton too :p


The Bill Gates of Skyrim
Wow- Saw 4 mammoths, 2 giants, and a dragon at the same time (killed em all ;)
Omg Really?- Got 1 hitted by a giant and soared hundreds of feet in the air
Holy crud that was cool- Beat the main story :)


Thane of Winterhold & Windhelm, Harbinger
It's experiences like these that have got the word out there, my poor friend can't find a PC version anywhere in the city. Word of how good this game really is, is spreading.


New Member
My "wow moment" was when i walked into whiterun i believe, talked to a kid then i played hide-and-seek with them. Talk about in-depth gaming!


A guy at an Inn in Whiterun challenged me to a drinking contest. Being a lover of ale I accepted. Next thing I know I pass out and wake up in Markarath on the other side of the friggin map with no memory of how I got there next to a ticked off priestess in a temple.
Did you finish that quest line? You should.


In relationship with Skyrim.
My first random dragon encounter. On my way trekking to obtain the Horn of *insert mythical sort of word*, I found a large temple called Skyhold or something like that. Eventually when I came near it there was a rumbling sound. At first I thought: "Oh, it's just some sidequest that I could complete." Next thing I see is a dragon smashing down right on top of the temple in front of me. I didn't move for about 10 seconds, I was taking in what the f*** was going on, and I proceeded to turn around toward my objective and run like hell.
What begun was an epic chase down the extremely high cliff of the mountain while ice breath and iceballs were thrown my way. I think I was dripping with sweat, trying to navigate an extremely steep clifface, as well as being chased by a friggin' dragon. Oh my was it epic. I want more to come.


New Member
I have 2 Wow moments thus far. (Spoilers for Mage guild questline) Working my way through the Labyrinth to find the staff of Magus I was confronted by Undead Creatures that could use dragon shouts. I had not realized I was in the wrong place until I was deep into this side dungeon. At this point my Battle/Mage darkelf was far from powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with this foe. Everytime it shot me with an arrow, Dead... Everytime I got in close dead. I realized my only chance to get outta there was to use my dragon shout for freezing when he was close enough to a hole that went straight down to another area of the dungeon.... But how do you do this when you cant drag frozen creatures across dungeon floors... sword and sheild right next to the edge of the hole and hid. sure enough while it was stalking the room it walked right up to the stuff I dropped and I blasted it with my freeze shout and down it went. WOW (I killed it later btw cause it was waiting outside in the Labyrinth for me...

2nd moment after finishing and becoming Arch Mage I wanted to take the Dunmer Apprentice on a few quest with me and was headed up to the top of the guild to do a fast travel to a nearby town to sell some stuff, Random dragon encounter on the top of the College with me and my apprentice. Not only was it awesome to fight a random fight in such an epic context, but when it became too injured to fly and fell to the ground I was worried that running down the steps to get to the ground floor would erase the random encounter. Not the case. Now there is a cool Dragon skeleton decorating the courtyard of MY College.


New Member
I think my overall wow factor so far is the fact I still have not done the quest to go visit the Greybeards, the first time, because I've been so busy with thieves guild and dark brotherhood quests, this game is amazing hands down.


New Member
Can't believe nobody mentioned Blackreach. The first time I went down there, my jaw literally dropped!
After that I spent a good 2-3 hours just going around the place exploring and enjoying the view.
Even though the game has had plenty of "Wow!" moments, this was the first and so far only time I was really amazed.


First one coming to mind is encountering my first giant village. I had the strange idea that giants were neutral so i decided to try and talk to it, only to find my battlemage`s corpse fly about 100 feet before hitting a mountainside. The second one is that i enter a ruin/cave for a quest-line (not telling which one, may be a minor spoiler). I went trough a door into a huge room and the gate closes behind me. All the sudden a dozen skeletons appear and in the center a huge ass skeletal dragon. The skeletons were no problem but the bone dragon killed me with its sick ass breath. I reloaded the game and ran past towards the second door.

Third was my first finishing move using twin bound swords, looks totally kick ass!


Active Member
Todays wow moment was fighting a dragon priest, and out of no where comes a fire dragon, and im doing all this in a snow storm. Im getting hit with fire balls from different sides, and the priest keep going to the edge of the cliff, so every time i try to go fight him with my sword, i risked falling off the edge.


Active Member
Being a Thane of Winterhold has its perks as I found out as I once again inadvertently committed a crime. The guard went to arrest me and I was like "Hey don't you know I'm the thane of Winterhold" and he was like "Oh, okay then I'll look away this time". LOL that was awesome. Or after fixing up my Steel Plate Armor and I walk by a guard and he compliments me on it. Or when I stopped in a dungeon to read a book and while reading Lydia has a little bit of a coughing fit, that was awesome. It's the little things that really are starting to give me WOW moments.

BTW - Does anyone know if bodies decompose over time? I notice that they don't just disappear like in other games, which is more realistic. I'm pretty methodical when I kill people in the open world as I have taken to disposing of their bodies.
I like throwing them in a river, or making a large pile, and doing shouts at it!


New Member
My wow moment:
I am a Wood Elf, level 30, full Dragonscale armor (legendary), was wondering in some cave.. Not sure where, and a god damn two-handing fiend chops my head clean off with more than half health left. I got smoked.

Justin Kriegel

New Member
My real "WOW" moment was when I was forced to fight ~6 Draugrs while trying to fight 2 Frost Dragons, followed directly by a Dragon Priest... It was, by far, the most hectic fight I have ever involved myself in. Luckily, my trusty Spellbreaker was at my side to enable to me take the frost breath full-on, unflinching like a champ :D