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This is the First person game that i like the most.
Enough to make me make this level of hack: (a trainer with feature's level equal to a mod)
It's created by Auto Assembler of CheatEngine. The core is about 5700 lines.
It's compatible with all mods except language mod (translation)
After playing around with my hack and mods (envision face, univision face, beautiful Eyes, Maid 2 - deception, control dragon, real time dragon fast travel, etc...) The game become very very interesting.
This is my maid after mod the Maid mod by univision mod:


Such a beautiful story about your personal maid. (from a stranger to her most precious person)

Unfortunately, TES is still lacking something:
  1. Character Appearance is so bad! (especially the girls! they're all looked so ugly!) But we have some mods can resolve this problem: Envision face, Beautiful Eyes, Univision face, makeup faces, enhanced character edit, etc....

  2. In magic system: lacking something so-called "Magic Resonant". I means: casting spell on spell making spell become stronger (only when you're expert-ed in magic, otherwise magic cost will be very large compared to 2 single spell or compared to when casting it in expert-ed state). This feature can be extended to "mixed spells". another example: casting a high level magic in a long time cause the resonant of absorbing that magic element which will drain less magic power and increase the speed of absorbing and concentrating magic element.

  3. So simple of physical attacking system (arts of swords, fists, kick etc...). Ki system is needed! Intelligence of fighting system is needed!
    Currently fighting system was too simple! nothing enough to be called material "art". The game must develop this system to make Swordsmanship catch up with ki system and magic system. ki system without a good fighting system is just a failure! This is the core of the "art" of fighting game!

  4. So simple of magic effects.
    Example 1: Because magic casting is based on invocations or magic words etc...(all of them created by mind and it's "material" is magic power) So that, casting spell must involve a matrix of magic words or a many lines of magic words must be involved and "running around" to controlling the mechanism of absorb magic elements in the environment and concentrate magic elements until required intense/density of element is met. Canceling casting spell may cause negative effect which will damage low level magickan (self attacking because of the cost of cancelling magic strategy and the exploration of magic element which is hold by the magic word lines which is suddenly removed cause the magic elements uncontrolled and cause radiation, that's damage everything nearby (you usually casting spell on your hand, don't you? :)) ). To avoid this, caster must cast another spell which will disable old matrix of magic words and then control magic elements to spread them to surrounding safety; this work drain magic power more than casting that spell because it's create a stronger matrix of magic words to over control and reverse the old one. That's why only low level magickan is got damaged by forcing casting spell to be cancelled) ) . This theory create a new branch of magic: Cancel/Normalize magic. In the novel, there are a light magic spell can do this very effeciency.

    Example 2: the dead body will be spoiled by environment over the time. Until it's become a skeleton, there is no way to revive it! You can keep it safe by Eternal Ice spell(or scroll of mage)

  5. So simple of human relationship & AI.
    Example 1: lacking of "NPC swear loyalty to Player". That's means even if you betray his/her old master or his/her friend, he/she still fighting by your side. If he/she like you enough (especially relationship is lover), he/she will sacrifice hisself/herself to protect you from danger (Assassin magic spell, arrows or sword attack). If he/she isn't an essential character, then you must revive he/she by paying precious cost equally to some soul to get back one soul from the god of death or demons. NOTE: revive && resurect is different. High level Resurection bring that body back to living state but just a dead-moving body without original soul. Low-level resurection is once time spell: effecting time is limited and the body is sacrificed (physic structure was changed totally, just like a conjured guardian), if he/she fall down again, he/she will become an ash pile! there is no way to resurect he/she again! becareful! If you are not experted in conjuration, you should absorb his/her soul to a soul gem before god of the death come to get her soul or before her soul dissolved to void, and then use scroll of eternal ice to keep the body safe for future revive! (If you really like that NPC). After the reviving, should have a "lovey dovey" scene of "couple get together"! :D (Romantic mission)

    Example 2: NPC's reaction, talking ways, and emotions is lacked! All emotions based on Affection Point, This is not linear measurement unit like a floating point number. It's a "tree" which will have crossroad points. That's separate the limit of being friends or lover or just a subordinate. Think about it! very interesting if fighting game have a good system of emotions and AI about relationships! The most important thing make a "virtual world" look like a "real world" that's every persons you meet reacted like a real person! especially in human relationships!

  6. Desire of life:
    Example 1: you and NPC Need eats, need sleeps, and any needs of a human for living. It will affect to specific reaction. for ex: when you too hungry, you'll have a "starve" effect which will make your movement slower, supine, lower your blood level. If you try to use much of strength, you will be got a dizzy. And if NPC too hungry, they will looking for food or cooking for themself. If your follower hungry or low stamina, they will ask you for what they need: rest for a while or move slower or ask for delay journal and cooking something (they will cook for you too! you are always served by your subordinates! except some lazy kind of person or "ladies" who don't know how to cook! Don't mind about them! "Cute" type is always lovely! Such a reality & fantasy world!) This feature upgrading can create a new branch of 18+ of TES(Higher price!:D ) if you like it.
    Example 2: Lacking desire of life, NPCs will never act automatically(naturally) but need script to act! ~~> make the skyrim world become unconnected and too complex for developer! And The world activity looked so gloomy!

    Example 3: Crime is not on player only! NPC should cause crime too! this based on his desire + money he have + starving state? etc... This feature require a world with large amount of citizens. May not possible to implement in TES. But if it's possible, you can create a quest branch that player can build his own citadel/city or become sovereign of a city! what is it's benefit? You can rebuild the policy for army or economies. You can hire mercenary. You can create/command your own army, create your own flag, rebelling and become the king! etc... But this feature is not recommended for now! because almost PC is not meet the system requirement for this kind of upgrade! or... developer must work a lot to optimize calculation and adapt this feature! Very interesting!

  7. Dynamic Teaching NPC: You can teach NPC Magic Spells, Ki skills, current general skills, shouts, and "AI" (The way they fight like editing their AI Package in Skyrim Creation Kit). This will create an 'active effect' in relationship with that NPC. I think this is a necessary upgrade if you don't want your unessential actor like a wife/husband die because he/she is too weak.
    Somehow, "harem" is possible in this kind of world! i think so! then, they are your "lovely force" always by your side and and protect you with all they have, even if sacrifice their own life! They should be essential actor? no! that's make you protect them instead of command them follow & protect you. But "heart" cannot be commanded! They will die for you even if you told they not face to dangerous! Yes, they receive that command: they won't aggressive in the battle but never let someone harm their lover!

  8. For subordinates:
    Example 1: Command to Protect someone (ex: your Lover)
    Example 2: Hire army to become your subordinate or conquer a bandit group to be yours men!
    Example 3: Won't allow too much subordinates in quests that unavailable for player to carry follower. Except they have an invisible spell or have been cast invisible spell (for special followers like "harem" or quest followers only! not your army! that's unfair!)
    Example 4: Learn skills/magic/kiArt from subordinates (may useful in some cases)
    Example 5: NPC estate. If player conquest that NPC (maybe monster/dragon etc.. types) by the "good way" (keep it's mind). Then you keep it's estate too!
    Ex: If your subordinate/contracted_monster is "dragon master", he has his own subordinates. I means, he can call his army for helping/serving your orders. Example: order him for calling a group of dragon for carrying your army (long distance transporting & sudden strike). This upgrade need a bunch of upgrading! But it make the game more amazing because it's like a combination of "First person" and RTS game! yeah! it's a RTS "semi-support"!

  9. Generic problem: Realistic "Mystery world system". (game must like real life in "another world")

    Example: relation between Magicka-Health-Stamina. In logical, they are quite similar because each "world" have it's own "rule of elements", relate it to real world and estimate it's reality. Even if you are playing a game, that game world must have a logical "rule of elements" which is exist without the need to talking about it, gamer will easily realize that rule. If not? then they must learn it somewhere trusted source in game, otherwise you will receive wrong info from "low knowledge citizen" and be fooled about magic system. That make a virtual world become more and more "reality" even if there is nothing real in the game. (this based on human's learning mechanism)

    Example: "health" and "stamina" is quite similar type, when you're so tired (stamina so low) your health must be affected too. But why they are separated value? that's quite illogical. "Magic" is based on physic organs too (almost in nervous system). If you over used magic, your external & internal organs will be get serious damaged too!
    Reading a chinese novel about magic & ki (some how translated as "air" in english. This is very famous concept in asia), i realized that such a good system & relation of magic, physic, ki, "shout" and conjuration system. That novel title can be rawly translated as "I'm great magickan"
    -->Should replace the AV system to a proper AV system:
    # Physical Strength(stamina - mainly Based on physical muscles)

    Magic Power
    (Magic elements in the world can be controlled by magic power
    + there are 2 main type of magic elements:

    +- Natural elements
    +-- earth
    +-- lightning
    +-- fire
    +-- water(frost)
    +-- wind(air, moving speed)
    +- All of them can be used by human

    +- Special elements:
    +-- Light(angelos type special power. It's mainly defense and healing. Human can use defense and healing magic of light magic only!)
    +-- Dark(demon only, human who want to use it must create contract with devil at the cost: your soul after death!
    +---- Max level of this magic that mere human can use is mid-high level only. High level demon can use dark magic at the level of high and Ultimate!

    + There are a special magic branch: Dimensional magic: Include teleport, In the novel, the main character innovate and invent new spells: Dimensional Blade, Great Dimensional blade, Dimensional shield, Dimensional blockage (freeze target(s)). All of them are very strong but need a very large amount of magic power to use it.

    + Magic power is different to life and soul. It's existence is attached to all physical part of body and affect to them each time casting spells, that's why your life may be in danger if you over used magic)

    # Ki system :It's the basement of all material art, fighting skills! Without this, material arts are just crappy "arts"!
    **Internal effect: It's affect to physic organs & improve stability and tough of strength.
    **External effect: the way Ki system traveling & concentrating in organs or "Special Ki Spot" (in chinese 穴道) will temporary promote muscles system(swing sword faster like a tree in the flow) and high level ki user's swordmaster can expose ki and concentrate it on the head of sword/weapons, this make the sword look like it's have been expanded by a cloudy ki line, make sword's antipersonal and range increased a bit (legendary level can materialization of ki energy and become visual transparent sword (Ultimate ki sword). It's glowing and can penetrate any physical protection or non-hi-end magical protection). Some ki swordsmanship change this mechanism a bit to create an "air blade" to attack enemy from afar.
    + Ki System
    can be applied in
    +- "internal use" :separated arts which will affect to health,speed,etc..
    each ki skill need a esoteric guild(Special ki skill of a family. It's an esoteric book) of "internal ki" to make that ki skill available and each ki skill level is based on your Ki using level and exp in repeating practice of that ki skill]
    +- and "external use", included 2 types:
    +-- Defense ki arts{Ki Shield, or permanent protection ki layer surround ki user etc..},
    +-- Attacking ki arts : which is looked like magic spell but non color and transparent, it's usually damage ki system of target.
    Attacking ki art may use from afar like spells or directly touching attack to target by kick, fist, ki swordsmanship strike, etc.. which will cause greater damage to target ki system or internal organs. Especially cause deadly damage if attack at the right point ("special Ki Spot").
    The ki system is almost based on blood-vessel system. That's the reason why the damage to ki system cause serious damage to organs and life.

    # Life(origin is Health) :Living state is based on the health of every organs in the body, quantity of blood remain in body(open wound type cause the dead rapidly! low level of blood make your face paled!).
    If an internal organ in deadly state, you life is fading... to the death! A sword penetrate your body, you'll get injured seriously for one or some organs, heal it immediately by Ki healing skill or magic healing spell or...die! The arrow through the head? you'll be dead immediate if it damage the brain! Spinal column got damaged by arrow or physic or spell? you may lose control and fall down! heal it by spell or ki!

    # mind : represent for soul, It's the base to control magic & ki & material arts. It's basement is brain. That's why any seriously damage to brain cause instant death!
    + Brain is the best point to make an assassination! You cannot control the casting of healing spell or ki healing if your brain is broken!

    + Mind can associate with ki or magic to spread out a special sensing ability. Only expert of mind controller can use this.
    +- Range of sensing and detect stealth level is based on ki/magic level (you can't detect a higher level of ki/magic user who is hiding intentionally).
    + You can create a connection of mind to your subordinate/lover/ConquestedBeast to learn everything from them or teaching them! Bad type of Mind magic system almost belonged to dark magic (devil type magic)
    + for NPC, if conquested by low level forcing magic, he'll lost his own mind and become your slave. He'll lost his mind. This means he'll lost all mind magics/skills, all his subordinates (you can't order anything to his former subordinates or asking him for summoning them). Losing mind decrease Fighting AI very much. (he'll be always Fighting in stupid ways. Like a robot!:)))

    + Mind fighting may start by the conductor is Ki or magic power. Because you can only spread mind in the surrounding by Ki or magic power.
    + Loosing in Mind fighting will result in the damage of nervous system. Serious loosing will make nervous system damage seriously and turn into Crazy state forever!
    +- In case you win, you can choose between destroy target mind or just damage it a bit (dizzy him), and now, target’s mind protection is down! (If enemy win, they will always damage you at the highest damage possible! :D )

    + Direct controlling : by [cast spell “Mind control”] or [establish mind connection with contracted_Creature and use feature “Direct control”].
    +- Both of them look differently but they are similar in mechanism: “mind control” breakdown target “mind protection”(mind fighting), then temporary take control by force openning mind connection.
    That’s why using this spell need a mind fighting, in the other hand, a strong “mind” is required for using this spell.
    --> new proplem arised: some spells work like a mixed chain of ki/magic spells. The prerequisite for spell to be affected is complexed a bit. But can bypass this problem easily just by the current game engine!
    +- Need a new branch system of magic: “Mind magic”-“Mind control
    +-- side effect of contracted creatures: “loyalty” and “affection/feeling” for owner. Because after contract created, some connection established: mind & soul. Therefore, beside there effects, target and owner also have a “deep understanding” each others like understanding themselves(healthy state, current feeling,etc..).
    That’s why love conquering this target is very easily compared to when she/he still a free person (this is only for loveable races: angelos, Devil, Element Spirit, human, elves).
    - -
  10. special sense of experts: magic sensing and ki sensing mentioned above.

  11. Temporary magic/ki enchanting to Items: (temporary blessing on it. Not enchantment with magic effect)
    The swordsmanship above is a kind of ki enchanting to weapon. Similar with temporary magic blessing to weapon.
    But all kind of magic/Ki blessing on weapon require a better effective of controlling system. Example: combo of magic|ki. It's need the "q" button support custom hotkey for it. example of a basic implement: after press q, It's allow hotkey which is a key from the keyboard to select/use spell/combo (user defined), other implement: allow a combo hotkeys in "q" menu to open up "sub quick menu" which will allow a hotkey like above.

  12. Magic VS Magic or Ki VS magic/ki.
    Example 1: Fireball vs Fireball? Fire breath VS frost breath? etc... you can take a look on the serial of game "Dragon Ball" to understand what i means. Example: "dragon ball z - Bid for power"
    Developing this feature make TES better very much!

  13. Add special races: (unplayable)
    *Angelos: Specific in using light magic. High level creatures, very beautiful and look like human with white feather wings. (can fly by wings) Their Level based on amount of pair of wings: strongest is angelos King with 6 pair of wings. This race may raise a religion conflict with catholic. Should change "Angelos" to "Valkyrie" or something else!
    *Devil: Specific in using dark magic(the most offensive magic - ultimate level dark magic can absorb every spell attack it except light-type). Have horn, bat wings or dark feather wings(fallen angelos). Fighting with this race is a hell to you!
    *Spirits of Elements: Include Earth spirit, Lighting Spirit, Water Spirit, Fire Spirit and Wind spirit. Each of them can control their own element very good (fast casting+ Powerful than human + effectiveness ) and usable their own element magic only! They are very beautiful too!

  14. Conjuration upgrading:
    Example 1: conquer any type living and make it as your slave, then you can conjure/summon it whenever you need. After contract created, you can borrow or consume/learn all of his/her special power like Light-Attack Magic or Dark magic of Devils!
    Example 2: ultimate beast of elements.
    Each element have a strongest beast that can use all magic type of that element smoothly(fast concentrate + unlimited magic for using that element magic) and controlling that element magic effective(living for so long make it very smart). (very very hard to conquer this beast type!)
    Attacking them by their own element magic won't damage them but "heal" and make them stronger!
    Example 3: Element enchanting to reanimated corpses: at ultimate level of magic, you can enchant element magic to corpse by an amount of an ultimate element magic. It's property & Fighting ways/ fighting skills changed. I learned this from the novel above. Very interesting!
    Example 4: Create a dimensional space to store contracted_slave or enchanted corps for summoning (re-call - less magic power consumed) in future.
    Example 5: Another branch of conjuring magic to conquest target(not effect to human) and force them become your slave/subordinate (decision by yours). Target can be: Devil, Angelos, Spirit of elements, element beast, dragon, monsters, etc... Forcing human become your subordinate is based on speech skill or "mind magic".
    + A contracted monster need a "blood seal" contract to make the contract established
    +- There are a new branch of conjuration magic which is for contracting with monster/other races (Called Conquest magic). But in some case, target will make contract by itself (In Scenario or player have been done and meet some "secret rule" of that race/family,etc.. example: there are no conjuration spell to conquest /force contract with demon race. They must do it by self)
    +-- The prove of "succeeded contract" is the violet badge created from [blood of owner or slave] and a specific magic words matrix. Of course blood is red! but a succeeded rite would turn the blood badge/seal to violet.

    +-- If your mind power is weaker than target, you won't capture it but making your mind broken (turn in to crazy state forever) --> Game over! This case happened in creating contract with strong type of monster which have a strong mind and resist the conquest magic and Resist your mind
    +-- After contract created, the souls connected too! That's why Owner can open a mind pipe line with slave anytime/anywhere. That's why owner can learn/teach anything to slave, or making commands to slaves anytime(the reason of supporting RTS features). Opening this pipe will drain a lot of magic for creating and keeping "mind connection" alive.
    +--- I've talked about "sharing special magic attribute" with contracted monster/slaves etc... like light-Attack magic or dark magic (from devil) without selling your soul in a low level contract with devil(this case, you are slave). There are a special rite to share magic attribute & magic power together with them. In the novel, this rite is in a shameful way(xxx). But i think we could create another rite for each race which will use special magic spell in conquest magic system, this spell require target voluntary share their own magic. (This means they are your lover or subordinate who is like you very much or contracted monster etc...)
  15. Constrains of Physical state and the use Magic,Ki, material art and appearance.
    Example 1: Each ki art need the flow of ki in ki system inside body, if the route disconnected (organs/kiLine wounded or got a ki attack) , you cannot use that ki skill!
    Ki lines is almost blood-vessel.

    Example 2: similar to ki, magic is depend on the export spot of specific magic spell and depend on nervous system(Magic created by mind with material is magic power). The magic export spot isn't a spot to export magic directly, That point export Magic Words line/matrix. The magic word line is the controller to magic elements. Your mind control there lines of magic word like speaking a foreign language. You can't control Special magic element types like Dark Magic or Light-Attacking magic because inside your magic power, it's lacking the attributes of devil/angelos. That's the rule of elements in this fantasy world!
    If the development of magic word is good enough, you can create a "dynamic magic system" which will allow player "invent" spell. It's based on character's knowledge of magic + MagicPower and the GameWorld's Laws which is defined by bethesda.

    Example 3: material art is based on physical strength(almost is muscle) and ki.

    Example 4: muscle system grow up based on physical strength! If a girl want to avoid this constrain, she must always use a muscle blessing spell to her muscle system whenever she's fighting to avoid the muscles grow up.

    Example 5: your face will become pale if your blood level is not good.

    Example 6: You will be fatter if you eat too much! especially fat food. game should have a helper for this. In reverse, you'll loose weight if you let it's hung for a long time or don't eat enough food. (I don't recommend this! this constrain is an unnecessary complex!)

  16. Riding system:
    (1): Amount and Type can carry: for now,you can only ride horse/dragon. Further more, horse, dragon can only riding by one person. That's not true! at least, a horse can ride 2 persons, a dragon can carry more than that much! This problem appeared in case "user can fly around the map by dragons or some kinds of monster", or in case of "war". Do you satisfy with the army of warriors and knight who's just riding on the horses only? In this upgrading, your army may ride dragon/monster etc.. if your "subordinate" can call for dragons/monsters, you can use them for your force/followers.

    (2): Monster high and mighty: this is monster's personality. He won't allow "person" he hates riding on him! some type hates dirty equipment. Almost strong type like dragons, strong monsters hates "weak persons" (level is too low). But they won't reject their master order.(this rule allow you to make them carry your follower even if they are weak!)
    In the novel, to move in long distance, the main char usually ask his subordinate who have the ability to call dragon for riding. In this moment, player can ride dragon, what about your follower? There are only riding dragon in a limited range. If you limit player with the rule "can only ride dragon if your level is high enough" (Because of the dragon's high and mighty), then you should remove the limit of "flying in a radius only"!

  17. Destroy everything: Strong Magic/physic Attack(ex:giant, machines, dragons, etc..) can destroy physical structures like Big stones, building, gates, towers, etc.. For now, there many games supported this feature.
    More realistic effect: ex: dragon fire breath can burn houses; incandescent stone tower, make them weaker, etc...

  18. Lovely monster: This feature is for the people who is like pets (in the west, this will be welcomed strongly!) I think i don't like pets, but i like this feature! :p

    + Add some lovely monster

    + Add Small form for not-bad contracted Monsters (this is his lovely form, you can summon him and let him by your side, he'll usually in this form for not tangled your ways. This upgrade need a transform magic spell for each conjured monster. That's why "not-bad" monster is required!). He will automatically transform to original form if enemy is not too weak for him, or they are a crowd, or in case he wanna show off his power (in some case, this will avoid a bloody fight). I've learned this from the novel.

    + --> New Magic system(may be hidden): Transform Magic.
    +- This is difficult magic. If something went wrong, caster will be got stuck in the form of useless creature forever! Need a high level of Magic Controlling skill to be used by human.
    +- extend to more than 1 or 2 forms for transforming. This will support multiple states(difficult level) boss like some popular japan game.
    +-- Each form may have a separated attack_style/magic_spell,Magic_Attribute/etc… like another actor.
    +-- Monster automatically transforming is based on his personality(modest or “high and mighty”) and the case. The example above is a sample of this idea.
    +-- Werewolf transforming in current game version is a simple example of “transform system”.

    + Add lovely act: (in small form only) like pat head, etc... This increase it's "like" point to owner

  19. Controlling magic skill decide the ability of concurrent magic word lines to be exported.
    + The stronger magic, the more magic word lines exported once time.
    +- If your concurrent exported lines is not enough? You can still use that magic spell strained (still have requirement of minimum concurrent magiWord lines), but controlling or cancelling it is not good (slow or maybe impossible)!
    +- In the novel, the main char increase this by special event and cause his body changed from human->angelos-Devil body with a pair of black-white feather wings-> 6 pairs of black-white wings.
    +- I means the expert of magicka elements should affect to character appearance. You can consider about this idea. I don’t recommend this.

    + Magic power can be increased by
    +-- learning/MagiExp or MagiLv up.
    +-- Eat very rare item that help increase magic power. (only very rare item have this effect)
    +- In the first case, magic controlling level is increased slightly as a certaintly result. And the 2nd case is not like that! The main character in the novel is a pro magickan by 2nd type!
I known there are TES online which can resolve the problem of realistic reaction (not in talking dialogs but in actions). But the selfish of human can't let them serve anyone else with all loyalty! Intelligence NPC Is Needed!
If you have interesting about this suggestion and optimizing it to be usable in reality then contact me via email.

Seanu Reaves

The Shogun of Gaming
Honestly it sounds like you like the gameplay of the Elder Scrolls but want a different world especially with all the powers and lore fluff (like races, Ki, etc...)

Honestly I like these concepts while some (A.I. Visual fixes) are just improving the Elder Scrolls, some of that other stuff seems like a different fantasy franchise. I personally like these concepts and wouldn't seeing them implemented into another game.

Edit: I know this is a nitpick but could you separate each of the bullet points with a line of blank. Its hard for me to read all of the details due to the wall of text :D

Seanu Reaves

The Shogun of Gaming
I agree with you on the simplistic combat system. I always thought it would be cool to be able to learn specific styles similar to Jade Empire. Allowing for better customization and aesthetic feel. And thank you again for editing it. I know it must have been inconvenient but it does help :D

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