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    Battle-Jaded Orc
    This roleplay is currently closed to new members.

    If you would like to know more about the Tsaesci's history with the Empire as well as their physical descriptions, here is a link to an informative article on the wiki.

    Rules: The general public RP rules stand. There will be no Dragonborn, no godding, no killing off other players without everyone's combined consent, and no controlling multiple characters (unless briefly controlling a canon character while conversing with them, etc.) Mild use of language will be tolerated, but nothing excessive. Have fun!

    The Dovahkiin has vanquished Alduin, the World Eater. The dragons have progressively fled Skyrim over the past decade. The civil war has not yet been won, however, and bloodshed is a common and well-know concept. As if a three-decade-old war and a dragon invasion were not devastating enough to Skyrim, the province faces yet another ancient evil...

    Three months ago, unknown ships were spotted approaching the coast of Solitude. They could never have expected it... So forgotten in history, so lost to time were the Tsaesci.

    There was no warning - no defense prepared. The warships bore hundreds of ungodly visions of scales, blades, and fangs...

    Elisif the Fair, Falk Firebeard, General Tullius, three guards, a carriage driver: the survivors of terror incarnate. Word of Solitude's consternating demise swept the province nearly overnight. Two weeks later, Elisif gave a speech from her new, perhaps temporary post in Whiterun. "We have fought amongst each other for thirty years, my fair subjects," said she in an old yet attention-commanding voice, "but now we yet again are affronted by a third power. Two weeks prior to my speech today, Solitude was overthrown by a Tsaesci invasion. I do acknowledge that scarcely anyone alive today holds much knowledge of these... beings," she spat the last word out, hinting an unnerving combination of a terrifying recollection and an unspeakably maddened state of mind. "They have intruded upon our continent before, in the First Era. The Empire was able to stop them, but on a whim. Again, in the Second Era, they struck, but discretely. A leader of theirs became a ruler of Tamriel after murdering the royal family. One last time in the Third Era, the Tsaesci claimed the lives of nearly half a Legion and an Tamrielic Emperor. And now, they have stricken out at Skyrim, for reasons still unknown and perhaps unknowable.

    "We are still ravaged by civil war, and weak. Perchance this is why they have chosen to launch a foray on our land. But we will prove the beasts otherwise! I have already consulted with General Tullius as well as Ulfric Stormcloak; a temporary treaty seems to be underway. Until then, children of Skyrim, warriors, adventurers, hunters, and sorcerers, I plead for you to venture hither to Whiterun, where we will form bands of militiamen to combat the loathsome villains that scourge our land!"


    Battle-Jaded Orc
    "Thanks for the ride..." mutters Gorzash, rummaging through his pocket and unearthing exactly three septims.
    He receives a quizzical look from the carriage driver, but his gaze drops as the Orc returns it. He pivots his stocky frame toward Whiterun's main gates, hauling a fattened sack of assorted goods atop his broad shoulders, and habitually feeling around for the bounty letter in his pocket.
    The typical invigorating air of the city that filled Gorz with as much optimism as someone like him could be capable of feeling was absent this evening. To complement this, each member of the unusually large amount of travelers along the nearby roads all possessed an unnerving posture: slightly slumped in mild fatigue, but at the same time more alert, cocking their heads at the movement of the tall grass caught in a sudden breeze.
    As if on cue, the guard just outside the city walls nods at him, sizing him up. "Here to see Elisif, are you?" says the guard, folding his arms across his cloth-covered cuirass.
    The comment is casual enough to catch Gorz's attention, as he can nearly tell for sure that the man is not joking.
    "You said... Elisif? High Queen Elisif?" he asks, futilely attempting to cover his bewilderment.

    "Is there another?" the guard chuckles, but soon he solidifies his expression at the realization that the Orc before him really does not know what is going on. He quickly continues, "You haven't heard, have you? Of the snake-people's strike on Solitude? 'The Tsaesci's Foray' they're calling it."
    Gorz knits his brow, obviously disturbed. Even more so, he is confused. Who were the Tsaesci, he wondered? What happened to Solitude? Is this part of the war? A myriad of questions fight each other in his head to be asked by him first. Instead of attempting to pick one, he hurries through the massive doors, hauling his sack of equipment all the way to Dragonsreach...


    -Bnahabra King-
    Trenya wakes from his nights sleep in the bannered mare and walks downstairs to the bar.
    He walks up to the bar and sits next to 2 nords who are in deep conversation. "Can you believe it!? The snake people took the entire city of solitude in one night! They said most of the survivors were eaten!"
    "YES! They said there was these snake like people who just up and attacked solitude! No warning!"
    "By Talos! So thats why Elsif is here!"
    "Yeah theyre recruiting for a militia to fight the snake people."
    "Bah I'm not joining. I'd rather stay here and not get eaten."
    Trenya butts into their conversation.
    "If you don't want to get eaten I suggest you sart running if they can take Solitude in one night they can probally have Skyrim in a day or two."
    The nords look at him astonished. "I think I'll go pack my things." Says one. "Me too." says the other.
    (Hmm lets go see elsif to clear some things up)
    Trenya heads off towards Dragonsreach..


    Battle-Jaded Orc
    Gorz has never seen Dragonsreach so crowded, especially with the type of people that were here now: Alik'r adventurers, fellow Orcs, the Companions, treasure hunters of all stripes, Khajiit monks, and a few familiar faces. Uthgerd the Unbroken stands at the southwestern corner, a grim expression painted across her usually cocky face. Vilkas consults Falk Firebeard now.
    "Name?" the steward asks in a monotone voice, not even looking up to address the famous mercenary and member of the Circle.
    "Ah..." Falk's gaze rises to the man's face, and he seems quite elated to see the warrior in person.
    "And what can you offer our militia?"
    "A sturdy blade," Vilkas suggests with a shrug. Falk can't help but crack a smile.
    "Alright, off the the Great Porch you go. Elisif is organizing the ranks herself, out there."
    Gorz mentally returns to the real world as his recent fixation is broken. Attempting to find the back of the recruitment "line" - more of a mob, he awkwardly makes his place behind a slightly build Breton. He's tapping his fingers agitatedly against his leg, darting his head this way and that at the excited conversations that engulfed him. Gorz is usually not one to make friends, but something about this Breton was intriguing. He seemed to radiate unseen waves of ambition and energy throughout the room...
    "What's your story, Breton?" The man turns to face him, and the Orc is slightly startled by a constantly dilating red left eye. "Why're you joinin' the militia?"


    -Bnahabra King-
    Trenya is startled by the large orcs vioce.
    "Oh. Hi I'm Trenya. Son of Rathalos Lord Of The Sky. I'm planning on traveling Skyrim gathering all the riches I can find. I came to Whiterun 2 days ago and woke up this morning to hear about all this snake people talk. They said they took Solitude in one night. But thats just local rumor, though if it is true and they did attack then I need to do everything I can to stop them. Hahaha can't sell to dead people."
    Trenya Calms down a little and his eyes return to normal.


    Battle-Jaded Orc
    "Treasure hunter, eh? Funny thing, my brother always said he'd be a treasure hunter..."
    Gorzash drifts off, shifting his weight uneasily. The far-out look in his eye is hurriedly replaced by it's usual reserved, intimidating state. He quickly answers the Breton's question in a noticeable effort to change the subject. "I've lost a lot here in Skyrim, but, ah, it's my home. Hah, but what really got to me was when I heard it was Solitude that was attacked. That's were my bounty hunting life began. Hah! The only other time I ever saw Queen Elisif."


    -Bnahabra King-
    Trenya thinks back. "I traveled with my father to solitude. It was the most beatiful city I've ever seen. This militia. I don't know about it. I'm not one to take orders from some captian who could easily under estimate the enemy. Frankly I don't like being alone." Trenya looks around the room, he sees many warriors and mercanary's signing up for the job.
    "Wonder if theres more gold in private contracting?"


    Battle-Jaded Orc
    Gorz considers this predicament. More gold could be acquired through private contracting; however, joining the militia would provide more organization, resources, and leadership for their journeys and battles. Presently he spoke these considerations in a temporary decision.
    "Let's stick with the militia... More resources, an' such... We'll be in better hands if anything goes sour."
    Gorz cocks his head slightly, as if he suddenly remembered an obligation. "Oh, and I'm Gorz. Sorry, ah, I'm not the best with conversation."


    -Bnahabra King-
    Trenya looks around the room. "It's alright."
    "I'm not much of a talker myself I just suffer from lonelyness hahah runs in the family we have to have somone near by to know that we're not alone. But don't get me wrong I still need my alone time."
    Trent looks at the Orc dressed in armor with a Giant hammer on his back. "Nice wepon. Where you get it?"


    Battle-Jaded Orc
    Glad that Trent has brought up a topic he is rather comfortable speaking of, Gorz replies fondly, "Oh, this? Haha, I picked this up in a Dwemer ruin. It was about... two years ago that I stumbled across it."
    Allowing his sack of battle-prizes to rest on the floor next to him, he pulls the massive hammer from its securing straps on his back. Lowering the hefty weapon and displaying it horizontally across his palms for his new acquaintance to see, Gorz begins the long tail of how he came about the Dwemer artifact, sheathing it and moving his bag every time they progressed in the line.


    -Bnahabra King-
    "Wow thats a pretty epic find! I think my greatest find was an arrow whose feather was in the shape of a rose. Trenya reaches in the arrow pouch on his back and pulls out the rose feathered arrow. "Father said it's called the Rose Of Sithis. It's an arrow used by the assassin group, The Dark Brotherhood. I found it laying in the chest of a skeleton. I assumed it hit its mark. I intend on using it to kill. What I do not know but it will be an important kill... Somone well worth the deed."
    Trenya places the arrow back in his pouch.
    "Other than that i don't have much. Well I have 3 of my family coins."
    Trenya pulls a gold coin out of his bag It has a Z on one side and a Paw on the other.
    "Father said he got them from where ever he lived before. I don't know where. Dad never talked about his past or why his teeth are sharpened. He told me I would find out on my own some day. I don't know what thats supposed to mean."
    Trenya looks around at the diffrent races and people in the room.
    He seems to be one of the few Bretons
    "Haven't seen this big of a crowd since i was last in Solitude. Some bard party was going on at the time."


    Article Writer
    From within the crowd, the short Khajiit slinked forward enough to gaze questioningly at the behemoth of an Orc that stood not too far off. It is usually the shining of a skooma bottle or the glitter of coins that catches his eyes, but this source of sparkling seemed to come from the hammer. A curious possession that this trader had never quite laid eyes on, that was certain. The Orc, haughtily showing it off with pride and arrogance, seemed to have earned the prize rather fairly - it would be an injustice to steal it, not to mention quite unhealthy. Besides, there was a surplus of his favorite remedy hidden beneath the leather strappings for now, so there was also no need. On the contrary, a little bit of civilized conversation would be helpful; maybe this Orc knew of why the crowd was here.

    "Khajiit bids you welcome, though this one is the one intruding here and for that, Khajiit is sorry." Ahsamiir was careful not to reveal his name just yet, in case this large brute figure was a friend of one of his recent brawling victims. "One cannot help but wonder though what such a protruding figure is doing in this crowd. What brings you here?"

    The crowds sift slightly away from Ahsamiir, apparently shocked that such a small "inferior being" would dare approach the well-built giant, but the beast does not pay heed to these silly prejudices.


    Battle-Jaded Orc
    Gorz peers through his singular glossy eye, down at the surprisingly reverent Khajiit before him. He makes several attempts at maintaining eye contact; however, the sly-looking cat's - a trader, perchance - gaze frequently flutters down to Volendrung.

    Presently, the Orc speaks, his baritone voice proclaiming both wariness and a hint of acceptance, "No need to be sorry, here, cat... After all," continuing with a slight smile now sketched across his mug, "we're all here for the same purpose. If it is my personal motives you seek... Solitude is where my life - well, where it 'took off,' one might say. Became a bounty collector there..."

    His eye dilates slightly, and it fixes on an unknowable point in space, as the rest of his brain conjures the painful yet somehow tantalizing memory. He notices his own drifting-off and quickly regathers himself mentally.

    "And why have you come to this... to Whiterun?" inquires he, attempting to reignite the conversation after his phrenic wanderings.


    Article Writer
    Ahsamiir looks the giant Orc on eye level and judges his character to be sincere at the very least, genuine at the very most. A wrinkle crosses his forehead and a smile beams from ear-to-ear, despite the slight irritance at being called a 'cat'. "You seem a very nice brute, this one must admit. Perhaps not the brightest but Ahsamiir doubts you need brains in your line of work, eh?" A wink and a nudge would hopefully establish the humor that was intended. The Khajiit hastily created some fabricated pseudo-truth response: "'Khajiit has only been here in Whiterun for a while now, hoping to get involved with the local traders. They really do offer good deals to friends here!"

    His gaze turns to the Breton nearby and locks onto the red eye. This man smells of magics, but I cannot see any signs. He wears the trapping of a necromancer or a priest of the dead, but he smells not of bonemeal. Thoughts bounced against his skull as he tried to remain cordial to this stranger. "And who are you, Breton? A friend of the burly orc here?"


    -Bnahabra King-
    Trenya turns to look at the Khajiit.
    (I smell Alcohol on this one. A drug addict more than likely.... We'll get along just fine)
    A grin crosses Trenyas face. "Hello I am Trenya." He says in his most prolific vioce.
    "I'm a treasure hunter, as well as a healer. Gorzs is my new freind the orc here."
    Trenya Offers a hand (Lets see what you'll tell us cat. I'm here to make friends not enemies don't be scared.)
    "And who are you?"


    Article Writer
    "A fellow treasure hunter!" The Khajiit exclaimed with lighted exuberance! He shook the hand of the Breton with vigor and continued "That is what Ahsamiir does when he is not trading for certain select goods, and when he is not knocking heads together. He mainly has to knock together the heads though, since this land is filled with idiots that are in need of cranial impact." That should be a safe cover. It's more or less true, this one supposes. The beast looks over the ever shortening line and catches a quip about scaled warriors from the crowd. Judging from the looks of the orc, the muffled conversation of the crowd, and the general uneasiness of all involved. Ahsamiir drew two possible conclusions.

    He decided to act on the first one, boldly asking "So, are the stories about the lizards true then? Ahsamiir comes only with assumptions, and these assumptions do not bear news of warm sands ahead." One of his claws rested on hip, about to reach for a bottle of Honningbrew Mead he had attached by the waist strap. It was still chilled, which was a good thing considering how hot the crowd was getting.


    Battle-Jaded Orc
    The burly Orc's attention is caught at the Khajiit's comment pertaining to the bashing of heads. He regards this with respect and speaks, "So you 'take care' - shall we say - of ...sleazy customers? Hahaha..." His laugh is deep and rich, as well as surprisingly jolly for someone of his grim and intimidating stature. Curses... this "conversation" business isn't my thing... he silently thinks to himself, as he realizes that he has once again allowed himself to interrupt the natural flow of dialogue. Sensing that both of his new acquaintances have raised futilely-concealed quizzical eyebrows at him, he makes yet another endeavor at colloquy:

    "Ahh... yes, in my line of work, the bashing of heads together is a... ahh... common practice, you might say. Pleasure to meet a fellow... seeker of rewards and peacekeeper, if this is what you are." Afraid his assumptions have been erroneous, he considers speaking again; however, his unsureness restrains his words, and he is left with his diaphragm half-contracted, mouth open, yet silence accompanies him. He decides to allow the Khajiit to explain himself better, if he so chooses.

    "Anyways..." Gorz murmurs, realizing that he has not yet addressed the Khajiit's question, "I'm sure this 'Tsaesci' assault isn't a joke, if that's what you mean... Elisif wouldn't have beckoned for all us adventurers to come here and sign up for a militia, unless she's a bigger prankster than I remember." He is sure his try at a joke has failed, but he waits with anticipation for someone to let out a chuckle.

    Ri'tai The Wordsmith

    Khaaz dovah of the highest level.
    Ri'tai opened his eyes. It had been a long couple of days, and he was tired. Why couldn't he just sleep?!. He still remembers the battle. It was horrific, his fellow warriors being cut down left and right. He was lucky, though, with his timing. He managed to find Tullius, fighting off three of the strange creatures, but it was obvious he was tiring. "the Strange lizards seem to be-ah, winning sir." He said to the general, as he struck one of the lizards, who was unaware of his presence, on the head with his ebony war axe, leaving it stuck in the lizards skull. It fell down as he drew his staff.
    "You don't say" Panted tulius sarcastically, as he slashed the neck of one of the other creatures, who was distracted by its companion's death. Ri'tai quickly gave the last monster a 3 second blast of his staff, who fell over not a second later, with almost a gasp.
    Ri'tai, tulius and the rest of the surviving soldiers ran from solitude as fast as they could, but even so, a small group of the lizards, or 'tsaeci' as some of the soldiers called them, caught up with them, and took him. Why him? He has no importance, and yet here he was, caught up in stuff he can only barely comprehend. He then realized something. He wasn't tied up! He nearly jumped up, and got knocked down with what felt like a club. As he yowled, he heard some laughter. If he only he had his child. Even at the young age he was, manes have deadly battle prowess. Still, he had an advantage. They underestimated him.
    He rolled exactly 98 degrees , got himself into a handstand, roled backwards, before standing up. He looked at his opponents, 3 of the Tsaeci, one of them larger than the 2 on the side of him. "What do you want, demon?" He growled. The larger one slithered forward, A huge spear in his hands. Ri'tai knew he had made a mistake. However, lucky for him, the door opened, and a prouder looking lizard crawled in. He said some words he didn't recognize, and the 3 tsaeci ran out, or slithered quickly. "Praan nu, khaaz, kos kaan, kos fahdon" He had no Idea what the words said, but he felt there meaning. Sleep. And he did. He was so tired, he didn't even notice the burn that was cutting his flesh, binding him.


    Full-time Skeever King, TaliWhacker, Cheeseman
    Rale walked out of the inn, feeling refreshed and rested. It had been a long week with many different contracts, but he managed to get a good number of hours asleep.
    He walked past the market stalls and overheard two women talking. Interested, he ground to a halt and began to eavesdrop on them.
    "Did ya hear 'bout them snake people up in Solitude, they says they took the whole place in just one night.Hroki's already signed up to the militia they're makin' at Dragonsreach, Queen Elisif is there herself." Said one of the woman, in a very Nordic accent. The other spoke, but with a more refined accent."Oh my that's terrible, I hope they get rid of those awful creatures." The two said there goodbyes and walked off.
    "Militia? Hmmm, I am low on coin. I've finished all my other contracts, why not finish a job some mindless Imperials can't finish." Thought Rale, strolling up the steps to the cloud district. He looked around and saw the rich people of the district skulking at him. Rale was used to it, he was a lowlife assassin, and always has been. He dragged himself up from the horrors of poverty and despair, but with his mental health at risk. Was it really neccesary for him to end innocent peoples lifes to benefit a rat like him?

    When he reached Dragonsreach, a huge crowd was inside, many warriors, mages and archers were talking amongst themselves. Rale felt out of place, he had his fathers Nightingale armor on, one of the most rarest armors in Skyrim, and everyone else had Iron, Steel, Ebony and many other common armor. His ebony bow, Eclipse, was unusually dark, almost as black as the night sky. He felt different for he was an assassin, the scum of the earth, no honor, he was a villain amongst this crowd of kind people, who were here to save Skyrim, not gain money. He had to work with these idiots, he might as well get used to thier vibe. He stands behind a Khajiit talking to an Orc, and folds his arms unpatiently.


    -Bnahabra King-
    Trenya looks at Gorz confused.
    "Never met her. Hahaha Dad robbed the blue palace once."
    Trenya thinks back to his father coming home with a bunch of shiny armor and wepons along with some other trinkets
    "Hahaha boy was dad disappionted when he found out all the wepons and armor were only replicas. Hahaha. He sent them all back the gaurds never caught the thief but after he sent this stuff back I assume they gave up."
    Trenya looks around. "How much longer is this gonna take? Huh just thought of something. We're going to save Skyrim arn't we?"
    (Wow wait! if we let the snakes take a city or two then there will be houses full of loot and treasure.)

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