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Graphic Designer
"Help me, please Crow!" The dunmer called but it was unnecessary; Crow was already on his feet and advancing on the group of Khajiit, placing himself between Savile and the group’s leader. “And just who the hell is this one.” the old cat barked. Crow didn’t answer immediately he was to busy sizing up the man and his cohorts, he could tell the men had combat training. There balance and stances made that perfectly clear. “I said who the hell are you!” the cat repeated pulling his dagger, Crow quickly brought his forearm across colliding with the cats paw knocking the dagger out of his hand sending the blade soaring across the room sticking into a nearby wall.

“Veloca, how about you give me a hand with your friend’s pals here!” He yelled tackling the ringleader pinning him against the wall and knocking the air out of the Khajiit before quickly delivering a series of fast body blows to the cats abdomen. Crow knew this would be a tough fight but was sure he could take the cat, he only hoped his friends would jump in as he was badly outnumbered and would surely fall on his own.

Star Gazer

Well-Known Member
Isnar watched the fight and knew the two of them could take the khajiits. He saw the cat draw a dagger, but Crow knocked it out of his hand. More combat experience than I thought. Maybe he's more than a drunken barfighter after all. Isnar thought. If it gets ugly, either run away or take the small khajiit by the door down. He is short and maybe in his 20's. I might be able to take him out if I use my surroundings. Isnar looked around, desperately, for an escape route if things got interesting. Pot of boiling soup above fireplace, take and toss in khajiit's face. Push him to side as you get the hell out of there. Isnar thought, strategizing. He wondered if his shaky hands would guide the boiling water to where it was aimed. The alcohol was getting to him, and his broken leg was aching from the night before. He tried to stand up, but he couldn't. He fell right back into the chair he was sitting in. Isnar was stuck. He would be unable to reach the boiling water, he would be unable to escape this situation. The only thing the old man could do was watch the fight, and hope it went in his friends' favor.


Well-Known Member
The pain.. GAHHHH!!!! I have at least a few broken ribs from those punches... By the Nine that guy can deal out some damage. Savile struggled to his feet, unwilling to allow these Khajiit to show off his worthlessness. The last thing he could ever want was someone risking their life to save him. So Savile charged at one of the Khajiit, delivering a strong punch to one of the Khajiit's face. The Khajiit shrugged it off and brought a knee into Savile's chest. Savile tried to ignore the pain and sent a elbow into the Khajiit's throat. The Khajiit looked a bit irritated but punched Savile once again. Savile summoned up all his strength and elbowed the cat's stomach. The cat cringed in pain, leaning his head forward. Savile grabbed his head and applied as much force as he could with his knee. The Khajiit went flying back, blacked out. Savile had managed to take down 1 Khajiit, but he estimated by now he had a few broken ribs and perhaps a broken nose. Nothing too debilitating but could cause a lot of pain in their own right.
(OOC: How many Khajiit are there? I was thinking 4 for some reason?)

Mr.Self Destruct

Chosen Undead
Caleb stood from his seat as violence erupted yet again, this time, it was serious. Weapons were being drawn, and these people were trying to kill each other. Caleb immediately recognized Crow, one of his few, newly made friends. He was fending off Khajiit along with the Dunmer junkie from some nights before. Caleb finished off the last of the ale from the glass bottle before flipping it around so that he was holding the neck of the glass. "Hey there." The Khajiit reeled around toward Caleb, shortly before getting struck across the face by the bottle in a flurry of glass shards and blood.

"Argh!" The Khajiit cried out, stumbling to the side in a discombobulated daze. The cat snarled, revealing a maw filled with fangs. His face was matted with blood, and shards of glass had been embedded in his skin. "I'll kill you!" Caleb expected time to slow, or the adrenaline to kick into his veins. He'd expected to lose control and have his instincts once again take control, but they didn't. Nothing happened, time didn't slow and he stood there like a stunned idiot before getting tackled down by the Khajiit.

Caleb raised his arms to protect his face as the Khajiit unsheathed his claws and began slashing, he roared in pain as the claws tore into his flesh, and blood dripped from his arms and onto his face.


I'm back, bitches
Veloca looked up with surprise at Caleb's question; it had come from out of nowhere, and yet, at the same time, she had the sneaking suspicion that it was also coming from something deep inside of him as well. It was a good question, one that really made her search for a good answer. It certainly wouldn't be the Nord, William. She had been in enough combat with him to last her for a good long while and he wasn't worth any more of her time or effort.

Would it be her father, the man who had beaten her all her life and given her the scars lining the side of her face? She softly placed a hand on her cheek at the thought, anger smoldering and building up inside of her. Would it be her mother, the woman who had birthed her but was too busy selling her body to be of any help at home? Veloca turned her head up to Caleb, who seemed he was still contemplating something himself. "I don't know. I've got a few ideas. But I'm not sure who I would choose." She didn't ask him who he was thinking about. For some reason, that seemed like something too personal to ask him, and she wasn't sure if she felt comfortable doing that yet.

A moment later, she saw the Redguard man from the Fight Club meeting approach their table, saying "Y'know, it's people like that who give a bad representation of certain groups. Trust me, not all Redguard guys are like that." He smiled slightly at Veloca as he finished his statement, and she nodded at him with a small smile on her own face.

She was about to introduce herself to the Redguard when she heard a series of crashes coming from the front of the bar. Veloca stood up and craned her neck, thinking that she had caught a glimpse of someone she knew in the fight. Sure enough, Crow was helping Savile fend off a couple of Khajiit, who looked armed, dangerous, and worst of all, incredibly angry. A fierce look of determination immediately covered her face; any cloudiness in her eyes from the alcohol had disappeared completely. Her hands flew to the daggers on her belt, and as she grasped one in each hand, she lunged toward one of the Khajiit holding a dagger not much larger than hers.

The Khajiit saw her in time to barely get a defensive move up, but Veloca rebounded with an underhanded swing that caught the underside of his jaw. She was moving with velocity fueled by alcohol and anger, a deadly combination for anyone, and even more so for the unfortunate soul caught at the ends of her blades. As the Khajiit howled in pain, he growled at her and flung the dagger down, slashing at her with extended claws. She nimbly avoided the blows, her feet lightly dancing around as she adjusted her position depending on where his next swing was coming from. Every few attempts, Veloca would flick her blades at the Khajiit, sometimes making contact, other times barely missing.

Soon the Khajiit's arms were covered in gashes and cuts from Veloca's blade, and she finally decided to finish the cat off. As he stumbled forward after a hasty slash at her face, Veloca twisted her hands so that her blades were now facing the opposite direction, and she slammed them into the base of the Khajiit's skull. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell to the floor, unconscious and sure to be feeling a pounding headache whenever he regained consciousness.

As she stood up, Veloca saw a Khajiit leap on to someone out of the corner of her eye. Whirling around, she saw Caleb on the ground, his face being slashed as he yelled out in pain. Whirling her knives around once again, Veloca kicked at the Khajiit, hoping to get it to roll off Caleb. Instead, it reacted by rolling and immediately leaping to its feet, swiping its claws at her before she could block them. She staggered backwards, her face and the area just above her elbow where both burning now where the claws had left gashes in her skin. Gritting her teeth, Veloca leaped at the Khajiit, going head on instead of dodging most of his attacks, which, thankfully for her, were fewer than she'd expected. She took a few more cuts and swings at the Khajiit before she finally swept his feet from beneath him and caused him to crack his head on the floor. Just like his fellow companions, the last Khajiit lay on the ground, knocked out and a bit bloodied.

After breathing heavily for a few seconds, Veloca sheathed her daggers and walked over to Caleb, kneeling down next to him. He had cuts on his face as well as several deeper gashes on his arms, which were still bleeding profusely. Looking up, she spotted Crow and Savile, who looked like he had sustained some internal injuries. Helping Caleb into a sitting position, Veloca looked around and saw the Redguard man still standing at their table. Smiling slightly, she said to him, "We're one crazy group, if you couldn't tell."

Star Gazer

Well-Known Member
Isnar hadn't moved from his chair the entire fight. He was glad he was out of harms way, as well. Isnar held his pipe in-between his legs as he packed the tobacco in with his hand. He lit the pipe and brought it to his mouth. He puffed a few times. "I could'a done better." Isnar joked, unable to leave his chair.


God of the Arena
The fat lass had already taken up most of the bed and was passed out when Dalious entered the room. He sighed from her being there, but was too tired to care. He lay down next to her, uncomfortably. He tried to sleep but was annoyed, so he moved to the floor. The floor was hard and creaky, which kept him awake for another long while until he finally found a comfortable spot. He almost dozed off, but then heard the roars and clanging from a fight downstairs. The clashing and banging was so loud it kept him up even longer. Eventually it stopped and then...silence.
"Finally," he muttered, feeling sleep come upon him at last.
Then the outrageously loud sound of a horn blasted through the room, awakening him fully. He realized it was the snores from the fat lass.


Guess who's back...
Cyrus's female kinswoman was about to reply to his comment with a returning smile on her face, her mouth opened, but no words came out as her eyes darted towards something going on behind Cyrus' back. She stood and manipulated her neck and head so she could get a better look of exactly what was happening. Cyrus turned on his heels slowly, and witnessed a vicious scuffle unfold. There were several Khajiit thugs attacking a Dunmer and a Breton, with a murderous look in their feline eyes. This was no ordinary bar fight, daggers were held and claws were unsheathed, anger and malice filled the air.

As Cyrus surveyed, he saw that the fight had divided itself into sub-fights as allies arrived to help their friends, exclusively individuals who Cyrus had seen at Adrian's meeting. The Dunmer and Breton were the centrepiece, holding off and dealing with their respective Khajiit opponents, the violent Imperial from earlier was further across the room getting his face clawed off by a bloodied, maniac cat, and the Redguard he was about to converse with ran through his peripheral vision before throwing herself and her blade at her stunned, startled feline adversary.

Cyrus simply held his stance and watched the brawl play out, frequently taking a guzzle of his mead, greatly entertained by the act, and found the whole thing like something out of a pantomime, albeit a bloody, ensanguined one. By the closing curtains, the defenders were the victors, with every hairy feline either knocked out or killed, and the Redguard woman was finally able to speak to Cyrus, with a pleasant, warm smile on her face.
"We're one crazy group if you couldn't tell"
Cyrus smiled at the comment, looking around the room, glancing at each member of the 'crazy group'. Their victory over the walking rugs were not without injuries, everyone involved had their share of cuts, fractures and soon-to-be-bruises. Looking back at the Redguardess, he replied,
"Then perhaps you've got room for one more crazy member" Cyrus said, smiling as he uttered. In case his request to join wasn't enough, he followed up with,
"I'll buy the next round?", his smile still on his mouth.


young but able
It was R'alle's 14th birthday today. He told no one,he walked over to the local bar. He passed 3 khajiit on the ground. He looked at them and recognized them. L'azro,J'akro,P'inito. They are skooma dealers. L'azro was a skooma hitman. They were just doing their job and they were beaten up. He stood and dragged each one around the side of the bar. He was enraged with whoever did this to his fellow Khajiits. He knew a group did this to them. They were all experienced fighters, no lone man can take them on. He was confused. why would someone do this? He walked in the bar, it was full of people. He stood at a table with another Khajiit. The cat was asleep. R'alle's claws were thicker now,he was less scared in a bar now.

R'alle walked over to the bartender. He ordered a glass of milk. The bartender nodded giving him some milk. He walked back to his table and enjoyed the milk.

Mini Mongo

Drog Do Faal Mongonite Lahvu
William awoke still in the Inn, he saw loads of people from the fight club in the bar. William checked his pockets, luckily nothing was stolen but on the other hand there wasn't much to steal.
He saw he still had some mead from last night and he gulped it down, apparently in all the time he was asleep no-one had moved him, maybe to scared to approached William but everyone was fighters so nothing was to be scared about.
He looked up and around him seeing R'alle, he shouted out ''Hey R'alle, over here bud!'' William hadn't seen R'alle in a couple days now, Isnar and himself both wondered were he was so William wanted to talk to him.
There was another Khajiit asleep like William had been. But un-like William the Khajiit looked like he had been robbed of in his sleep, or the Khajiit was a beggar, both seemed realistic enough.
William waited for R'alle and wondered how he had collapsed, perphaps the woman ended up punching William but that was un-likely since Isnar separated them.
William then thought back and remembered smoking then drinking some pints of mead, which must have knocked him down falling to the floor. And knowing Isnar he probably picked him up and placed him on the chair.
He couldn't see Isnar but he was either at the docks or the Fight club, he would see later but for now he had some catching up to do with R'alle.

Mr.Self Destruct

Chosen Undead
"Did I get em?" Caleb said with a forced sarcastic smile as Veloca helped him up. He wasn't sure what happened back there, why things didn't go smoother. "Damn it." Caleb said, looking at the lengthwise cuts along his arms. He touched his finger against it and immediately pulled his hand back as searing hot pain shot up from the cuts. "Could somebody get me a towel or something?" Caleb said, his arms shaking.

(Sorry for short post, tired.)


Well-Known Member
Savile was glad that others had put themselves in harms way to defend him, but at the same time he knew the Khajiit's had the right to kill him. He had missed a few payments and, in self-defense, killed one of their comrades. He spoke to Crow, who he was beginning to trust just a little, "Crow, I lied. I missed some payments for my Skooma and killed one of their friends. They had the right to kill me, I should have just let them. They didn't deserve this because of my mistakes."

Star Gazer

Well-Known Member
Isnar watched R'alle drag the khajiits through the bar. What a shame. He must have known them. Isnar thought. They were either dead or injured. "I should have just let them. They didn't deserve this because of my mistakes." "Never should a man give up his life because he owes someone something. Live long enough to make a name for yourself. It's not in my nature, or yours, to give up and die. That is the secret to how I've lived so long." Isnar said, frowning. The old man saw R'alle walk back into the bar. "Hey R'alle... you know them?" Isnar asked, motioning for the young khajiit to sit next to him.


Graphic Designer
Crow continued to exchange blows back and forth with the tough old cat, both men had taken their share of hits but he had begun to gain the upper hand. Noticing a slack in the tired cats step he used the opportunity to turn the tides. Turning his body at a angle; he side kicked the Khajiits kneecap with all the force he could muster, bone flesh and tendon gave way as the cats leg broke with enough force to send the bone jutting out the skin. Screaming in utter agony the cat fell to his knees, as Crow grabbed his head and delivered a skull cracking headbutt the Khajiit crumpled to the ground unconscious.

Standing straight Crow could feel the burning pain of the cuts and soon to be bruises. He had won the battle but had taken his share of whelps; spitting blood on the fury heap he ran his fingers through his hair soaked with sweat, adrenaline still pumping he let out a laugh far darker then his usual warm laugh. Surveying the scene he saw his friends had all been victorious but were not unscathed. Making his way to Caleb he helped the Imperial to his feet “just never a dull moment eh?” Crow said smiling.

Turning to check on Savile he heard the dunmer begin to speak. "Crow, I lied. I missed some payments for my Skooma and killed one of their friends. They had the right to kill me, I should have just let them. They didn't deserve this because of my mistakes." Crow had already figured this had something to do with the mans addiction. “Did you kill this Khajiit in self defense? If so the kill was justified.” Crow had taken many lives to protect his own while in the Foresworn and as a pirate; he was not proud of this but had no regrets as it was simply a matter of survival. “Besides I was aching for some action anyway, can’t let Caleb have all the fun now can I?” he finished patting Caleb on the shoulder.


young but able
R'alle placed 10 septims at the sleeping cat's paw. He knew the beggar and didn't want him to go hungry. He stood and walked over to william and Isnar. He sat and ordered another glass of milk. He took a sip and looked at his friends. " Yeah they were like my older brothers at the skooma den, they were good people until someone busted their skulls. They will be unconscious for about a day. Who did this? R'alle released his claws underneath the table. His claws were thicker and longer now, more lethal. He was enraged at what happened to his kin. He would avenge them.

Star Gazer

Well-Known Member
"Well, young khajiit, I am sorry to say this, but they attacked us. I will not waste our time trying to lie to you. We fought in self defense. I know this hurts, but you will see them when they wake up. They are not severely injured, except for that one." Isnar said, pointing to a khajiit, covered in blood. "When he wakes up, make sure he drinks plenty of water and gets that wound covered." Isnar said to the barmaid. Isnar found a septim on the ground. Oh my lucky day. The old man thought with a smile. "I'll take a water." Isnar said. "Alright, but once you finish, you and your friends need to get out of my bar. Getting in a fight will get you thrown out of anywhere." The argonian said, frowning. Not everywhere. Thought Isnar, leading his friends to the door. The fight club would start soon.

Mini Mongo

Drog Do Faal Mongonite Lahvu
William followed Isnar, he could see that R'alle was clearly upset and angry. A blind man could see it.
He weren't sure why they were getting kicked out, and William was going to argue but he knew the fight club was starting soon.
And he just could wait so instead he just walked with Isnar ''So R'alle, what have you been doing the past few days, me and Isnar luckily knew you could keep yourself safe but are you fine?'' William was hoping he was fine, but in a way he was hoping he was attacked. That way he could get his first fight in the new fight club over and done with, William wondered if you would get more gold now. All he knew is someone was actually running it now, and they took rules very seriously.

Mr.Self Destruct

Chosen Undead
"Crow, I lied. I missed some payments for my Skooma and killed one of their friends. They had the right to kill me, I should have just let them. They didn't deserve this because of my mistakes." Caleb smirked, the junkie who had accused Caleb of being foolish and likely dying because of his 'attitude' was a hypocrite on top of being a skooma fiend. He said nothing however, as the group was herded out of the doors by the Argonian innkeepers. "It'll be day soon, suppose we should start heading down to the docks." Caleb said while wrapping towel clothes around his lacerated arms.


Guess who's back...
The Argonian barkeep, who seemed so humble and timid earlier, showed surprising assertion as he shepherded his flock of patrons out of the establishment, with a stern frown on his face, teeth almost poking out of his semi-snarl.
"C'mon, get out, all of you. Leave your drinks. Just leave. C'mon, get a move on."
Cyrus felt a bit sorry for the guy, he had a lot of mess to clean up, but Cyrus reckoned he'd seen worse. This is Riften, after all, the Argonian must've mopped up worse things than a few unconscious Cats. The sun was lurking over the horizon in the east, peeping over the Velothi Mountains that marked the border with Morrowind. What a dark, dreary place. Cyrus felt sympathy for the Dunmer, first they had their homeland near-obliterated by the eruption of Red Mountain, and then the Argonians moved in and kicked the survivors out. Although the reptilians probably felt the need for retribution of the slavery of their ancestors by the Dark Elves, was it acceptable to punish their kin? Those who had never slaved anything? Cyrus cut his philosophical thoughts short, as he decided he would head down to the docks early, in lack of anything else to do, and any respectable places left to drink.

Cyrus noticed the Imperial who had been pinned and mauled by a crazed Khajiit, and his mutilated arms. That guy had drawn the short straw when it came to luck, and yet he seemed tough enough when he sent the Redguard flying through a table. Perhaps the adrenaline tank was exhausted when the cats came-a-knockin', or perhaps he simply hates short-tongued Redguards enough to launch them through nearby furniture, who could say? Cyrus sighed as he missed the taste of mead in his mouth, and strolled towards the docks, pondering what the day could have ahead.


young but able
R'alle looked at William. " I'm fine. I've been staying close to the abandoned house. There were a group of khajiits walking around there earlier.I think they might be up to something. I'm not sure but when I asked the bigger one he pushed me,and walked off." R'alle said this embarrassed.he rubbed the back of his head feeling the knot. He walked with Isnar and William. They were his only friends, he could trust them. R'alle was grateful for people like william and isnar. He rubbed his left arm thinking about how William pulled it out of socket. He forgave him.

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