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    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    Ah, I see.

    Is there a crash course to understanding Fiáin? I don't care if it's 20+ pages, it would really help me out.


    The Gentle Utensil
    Name: Veloc

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Age: 24

    Appearance: Tan, muscular, and short, standing at only 5"6. Velour has brown hair and green eyes. Veloc has a branded symbol that is hidden beneath his armored sleeve on his shoulder.

    Clothing/Armor: Veloc wears light hide armor except for his left arm, which is covered in a steel-like metal. He wears clothes underneath his armor.

    Weapons: Two twin swords (looks like these https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8a/47/a6/8a47a6bc92e8565c40e9bb808a91cc14.jpg
    Doesn't know any magic

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Personality: Veloc is a loyal person, but a bit of an asshole. Always making a a joke at the wrong time, usually resulting in a fight with the person next to him. He does, however, know the seriousness of the situations he gets into. Nevea tends to be the only one who can take his jokes

    Background: Veloc was born and raised in the city of Edos. Edos was hailed as a symbol of hope, managing to survive the strongest of forces sent by the Aspects time and time again. As Edos was under the constant threat of attack each citizen who was physically fit underwent some kind of training, whether it be in combat, stratagem or magic. If you served well, you lived well. Veloc first met Nevea as a child at the age of ten during his training. They were both constantly kicked out of their classes and sent home without supper, usually as a consequence of Veloc's schemes.Almost a decade later, tired of the constant work and little pay, the pair would meet what they thought was a man under threat of execution by the city's guards for refusing to serve. He hired them to escort him through the city on a path that led to what they were told was a way out of the city, something the two had sought for themselves for a long time. After knocking out dozens of guards, they reached a dead end. The man who hired them used a powerful spell to blow an entire section of Edos' wall away, revealing not only a way out as told, but a path for an army of men loyal to the Aspects. Both Veloc and Nevea tried to fight but were quickly knocked unconscious by the man and dragged outside as 'payment' for their services. When they awoke, they both found Edos to be completely ransacked, its' citizens killed and army destroyed barely without a fight. Veloc and Nevea fled the former great civilization, living with guilt of destroying one Fiain's last great cities.

    Name: Nevea

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Race: Demonics

    Appearance: 5"4, long blueish-purple hair, purple eyes. Pale, white skin. Wears robes with no sleeves to allow her magic to flow freely from her arms. Has two brands, one under her eye, the other on her ribs. Wears a peculiar necklace that seals parts of her powers, and parts of her personality.

    Weapons: none

    Magic: Uses various types of Ice Magic. Her Ice is colored the same color as her hair.

    Personality: Nevea is mostly a quiet person. She wouldn't be the first person ton introduce herself to make friends, but when she does make one she is stunningly loyal to them. Is practically the only one who understands Veloc's self proclaimed "God-Like Humor", even if she doesn't laugh. Without her necklace, she becomes crueler, more sadistic.

    Background: Nevea was born inside the walls of Edos. Her parents were killed fighting off an Aspect-supporters regiment. She was raised by various citizens who were kind enough to take her in. As she grew older, Nevea became cold and uncaring towards other kids. Her skin colder than snow to the touch. Trained appropriately in using Ice Magic, it wasn't realized just how powerful, and sadistic, she was until her first sparring match, where she intentionally froze her opponent's entire body, leaving him with Hypothermia. Worried that she may become a threat to the city but not willing to abandon her, Edos' top mages combined their powers to create an amulet which they called Suppression. The amulet lowered the effects of her powers and 'suppressed' her violent urges and sadism enough to pass for a normal behaving person. The adjustment to her new behavior and magic capabilities forced her to be put in a beginner's class, where she would meet Veloc.
    Last edited:

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Name: Maitiu Colvus

    Nicknames or Titles: Pleasant

    Age: 35

    Ethnicity/ Nationality: Demonic

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Non-Humans

    Affiliations: Lachlan “Rhud” Calvio

    Profession: Bounty Hunter, Private Military Contractor

    Afflictions: Farsighted

    Appearance: Human form-He has pale skin and a gaunt face, and always seems to have dark bags under his eyes. Contrasting with his pale skin is his inky black hair and pure crimson eyes. He makes it a point to never take off too much clothes so his face is the most people usually see.

    True Form- (Still working it out) The closest many see of his true form is when he turns his hands and feet into talons or claws for climbing. Seems to have red scales however.

    Height: 6’2”

    Weight: 200 lbs.

    Personality: Aloof and sarcastic, Maitiu always seems to be in a bad mood. Never too keen to bonding with other people, instead favoring to keep them at a distance and usually at the end of a long barrel. Has an odd habit of growling at people before talking to them. Also usually keeps his eyes closed if stuck without a mask with people he doesn’t know.

    Views: Is known to hold the opinion that shooting something is the best way to deal with it. Even if the mission is something like escorting merchants through the wild.


    Lens Helmet: Appearing as a tight black facemask with strange telescopes over the eyes. This strange piece of engineering by Maitiu, that became something of a trademark. The stylized helmet has the feature of telescoping eye pieces that help his vision up close. Many assume the opposite that it helps him shoot with freakish accuracy, but they are idiots.

    Leather and bone plate armor. What started out as a simple reliable leather set of armor, became augmented with bone plates from some of the large beasts he and his partner had hunted. Placed at the joints and over his vitals, Maitiu enjoys some extra protection, just in case the enemy gets too close.

    Balista Custom- A gun with a revolving firing mechanism. Designed to disperse energy or launch the crystal it is loaded into the barrel. It can either be used as a rifle, or by releasing the seal and folding the barrel on a pivot to have the extra barrel length instead act as a primitive scope.

    Bolas- For beating opponents who get too close, or for their intended use of wrapping up an opponent’s legs.

    Skills: Shooting (At most ranges.), Scouting, maneuvering through the terrain, stealth, decent at thrown weapons, most types of knots.

    Background: Work in Progress


    I'll try and get a character card up soon, hopefully by the end of the night. If there's anything in my card that doesn't exactly mesh with the lore/setting you've created feel absolutely free to let me know and I'll be happy to edit things up!

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Ah, I see.

    Is there a crash course to understanding Fiáin? I don't care if it's 20+ pages, it would really help me out.
    The basics: The planet is really huge and mostly unexplored. Days are longer than what they are on Earth (roughly twice as long, but we're still deciding on that. I randomly took a liking to 53 hours). I'm not sure about weeks yet, and months will be vastly simplified. Winter will be called something akin to "Season of the Shadow", Summer, "Season of the Flame/Draconic", Fall, "Season of Change/the Demonic", Spring, "Season of Magic/the Angelic". These are not set in stone yet but these are the general archetypes I am going for in naming.

    The setting we start out in is basically a giant half circle of impossibly large, impassable mountains trapping us against one of the most deadly oceans ever seen in fiction. This area of land is roughly the size of a continent, and has yet to be fully explored due to how extremely dangerous it is. However, under the reign of the Aspects, several kingdoms have been able to sprout up, although they're small in terms of landmass standards (growing up rather than out, if that makes sense).

    The Angelics are the principle harbingers of civilization, and most definitive forms of language, culture, technology, etc. come from them. They are responsible for giving most things their names. They are beings of magic, and in terms of raw magic power are unmatched. Even their language is swathed in magic, and even a being who has no understanding of what they were saying would still have some inkling of understanding, and even be compelled to follow their orders (depending on the power of the speaker of course). They sport angel wings and are typically elf like in stature and build, even lighter and more fragile though, with their strongest muscles reserved for their wings. They are the more diplomatic of the races and have no particular grudge or favor towards any other race, though they tend to be a very arrogant race. They were created primarily by the Aspect of Fate, and they are ruled by a counsel presided over by an Emperor and Empress.

    The Demonics are about freedom of the individual and expression first and foremost. They are wild, free spirits whose shape is rarely constant and language nigh incomprehensible to an outsider. Their language, in fact, has only ever been learned by a handful of individuals, and even they can barely communicate with it. It is a wild and confusing language, in which every word can have countless meanings, and those meanings exponentially increase for every word added after one. It is also incredibly difficult for a non-demonic to even be physically capable reproducing many of their words. Demonics are changelings who often thrive on chaos and misdirection, and typically more powerful Demonics are responsible for natural disasters such as tornados and earthquakes due to their extreme affinity for controlling many elements of nature. Their physical traits are inconstant, but their eyes are the most difficult part of their body to change. If anything is going to give them away, it is their eyes. They HATE Draconics, and even now while the Aspects are the greatest enemy, can commonly be found clashing with them. They were created primarily by the Aspect of Madness, and their leader is the Demonic Alpha.

    The Draconics are about strength and power, and the observing of their traditions and beliefs above all others. Might makes right, and none are more mighty than the Draconics. They are the pinnacle of what a dragon is on Fiáin, and are much more intelligent than their lesser counterparts. They are also generally stronger, though there are some exceptions. The Draconics are very close minded and unaccepting of beliefs and customs which contradict their own, and are generally a very solitary and scattered species which prefer to keep to their own small family groups whenever possible. Though they're not exactly family friendly, they are all about family first and foremost. As parents, they are the toughest on their children, as they expect their children to BE the toughest. They value their children more than anything else, and even a possible threat is in danger of being annihilated, along with everything within several hundred miles, if a fully mature Draconic catches wind of it. They HATE Demonics so much that HATE, even in all caps, is an inadequate word. Of the two sides, it is obvious that, though both sides hate each other, it is the Draconics who hate more passionately and strongly. The Draconics are, no surprise, almost always the aggressor in conflicts between these species, though the Demonics are no saints in this either (they typically antagonize Draconics with words and tricks). The Draconic language is composed of a combination of the verbal noises their reptilian anatomy naturally produces and body language, though body language has far more weight than anything verbal. As such, it is almost impossible for a non reptilian creature to even attempt to emulate their language. The Draconics were created by the Aspect of War, and they are ruled by the Draconic King.

    Shadoxen are the most mysterious of all the races, and almost nothing is known about them. It in unclear if they even live on Fiáin, or some pocket dimension which only they seem to have access to. They are living shadows, in that their true forms are that of a humanoid shrouded in darkness. They are the go-to assassins, sellswords, mercenaries, whatever you would call them, of the world. The forms of payment they accept vary widely, and depends most on the Shadoxen in question. They value keeping their race's secrets secret, neutrality, and independence. It is unclear if they have a system of rule presiding over them or not, but it seems as if they operate like a very large, very mysterious guild. They have no particular grudges nor favorites, and were created primarily by the Aspects of Death and Time.

    Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and the other races like them haven't really been able to establish themselves on the planet the same way the others have. It is usually only those who have been able to make their way to an Angelic settlement that resemble their more modern cultures. They have few independent establishments, and these establishments are usually few in number and small in size. Humans especially are behind in the independent civilization department. As such, the Angelics have sought out and gathered as many of these relatively "primitive" races as possible in order to garner more strength to resist the Aspects.

    The Aspects are practically gods. It goes without saying that they are IMMENSELY powerful. There is a pantheon of them, and you are welcome to bring ideas for new ones to me at any time. I did not give them specific names because they don't really HAVE names that they would refer to themselves as, so every culture that has experience with them has their own names for them. The main Aspects which I have created as primary characters are the Aspect of Fate, Aspect of Time, Aspect of Death, Aspect of War, Aspect of Curses, and the Aspect of Madness. Some of them, such as the Aspect of Fate, have not made their goals or allegiances immediately clear IC, and there is much speculation on their position and plans. Others, such as the Aspect of War, while they don't necessarily care about exterminating everything, are still a major threat due to their sheer violent nature.

    The wildlife is also immensely dangerous, and there is a whole class system and everything that I came up with for it, but just know that taking a casual stroll through the woods, more often than not, is likely to result in death.

    And as a final note, eyes are very important in this world. Most supernatural beings, if they're going to be revealed at all, will be revealed by their eyes. The old saying that the eyes are a window to the soul, or the common belief that the eyes reveal intentions and lies, is taken to another level here. Angelics can try to hide their magical power all they like, but higher class Angelics cannot hide their power easily. They are so powerful that their eyes literally glow and radiate with power. Draconic eyes tend to radiate with fiery tendrils. Shadoxen eyes tend to swallow the light around them. Demonics have it the easiest, and are the most difficult to identify, but their eyes usually have some chaotic element to them that can be used to reveal them, and it's usually unique to the individual Demonic. The Angelic thing applies to ALL beings with magical power though, Angelics just tend to be the most magically powerful.

    Aspects are extremely dangerous to look in the eyes, or in some cases look at at all. No one, for example, knows what Death looks like.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    I'm going to review everyone's CCs again and add details to Jack's when I get spare moments. Are we ready to get down to world building business and RP planning? Need to settle on Calendar systems and random stuff like that as well as starting circumstances.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Nuro, I decided to run a custom affliction. I'd like help hashing out details and developing it with you. The rest of you are welcome to pitch in, but he has the most experience with my horrible horrible HORRIBLE first attempt.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    It needs to be hereditary and progressive with time. It causes episodes which are typically violent, usually through strong hallucinations. It makes sleep especially difficult and subjects are prone to sleep walking, especially during intense nightmares. Weak immune systems, strong fatigue, and extremely stressful circumstances are possible triggers I'm considering atm.

    I would try harder to model it after a rl affliction but my experience and understanding of them is very limited, even after research. One big thing is that the triggers for this need to be concrete and grounded so that it never seems it's happening because the plot demands it to. I'm also not sure about how strong the progression should be, and what possible treatments and roots for this affliction should be.

    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    Your problem is that you're making a story-breaking illness. We're not writing a novel that ends with Jack's unintended suicide. We're making a story, a cohesive story, as a group. You're focusing too much on what could happen to - and because of - Jack. What you should be doing is creating an illness that affects the story inadvertently.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Ok. I'd rather not RP something like that.

    I'm super confused with the whole Earth Age/Fiáian Age thing. What's the difference?

    That and you mentioned a "Cinder Plane to the West." Is that...a hold or a city?

    And what's this Miatiu Colvus thing/person Nuro mentioned?
    Wait... why not? :p

    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    Something like trouble sleeping, and consequential hallucinations, is okay. I applaud attempts to do so, and I'll back you on it. But to have it be progressive and based on lineage means that the family knows about it (or the possibility of it) means that they will have been prepared for the worst outcome. So they'd have something to force sleep to occur, negating the effects of the illness.

    Additionally, even if he doesn't take anything for it, eventually his body would force a temporary shut down. You die from not having enough sleep, assuming an outside force prevents you from sleeping. So it would get progressively worse for about a week, until he'd just lose control of his body and collapse into a short coma.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Your problem is that you're making a story-breaking illness. We're not writing a novel that ends with Jack's unintended suicide. We're making a story, a cohesive story, as a group. You're focusing too much on what could happen to - and because of - Jack. What you should be doing is creating an illness that affects the story inadvertently.
    I'm not quite following your reasoning or why and how you came to this conclusion, but are you trying to say to tone it down?

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Damn tablet hitting the post button for me.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Something like trouble sleeping, and consequential hallucinations, is okay. I applaud attempts to do so, and I'll back you on it. But to have it be progressive and based on lineage means that the family knows about it (or the possibility of it) means that they will have been prepared for the worst outcome. So they'd have something to force sleep to occur, negating the effects of the illness.

    Additionally, even if he doesn't take anything for it, eventually his body would force a temporary shut down. You die from not having enough sleep, assuming an outside force prevents you from sleeping. So it would get progressively worse for about a week, until he'd just lose control of his body and collapse into a short coma.

    I suppose instead I could just scrap it and go back to the drawing board. It drastically changes the landscape of he and his family. The more I think about it the more superfluous it seems, although I can't say I'm really interested in RPing Jack without it. It was intended to be much slower and less severe than what you have described, although now that you say it I realize I don't know if I could trust myself not to derail things unintentionally. This illness would literally accomplish nothing that needs to be accomplished, save for creating tension with Jack's family. Anything else, such as a motivation for hating the Aspects, it would be overkill for.

    Hmmm. This is going to take me a lot of time to rethink and re process


    The Gentle Utensil
    Something like trouble sleeping, and consequential hallucinations, is okay. I applaud attempts to do so, and I'll back you on it. But to have it be progressive and based on lineage means that the family knows about it (or the possibility of it) means that they will have been prepared for the worst outcome. So they'd have something to force sleep to occur, negating the effects of the illness.

    Additionally, even if he doesn't take anything for it, eventually his body would force a temporary shut down. You die from not having enough sleep, assuming an outside force prevents you from sleeping. So it would get progressively worse for about a week, until he'd just lose control of his body and collapse into a short coma.

    I suppose instead I could just scrap it and go back to the drawing board. It drastically changes the landscape of he and his family. The more I think about it the more superfluous it seems, although I can't say I'm really interested in RPing Jack without it. It was intended to be much slower and less severe than what you have described, although now that you say it I realize I don't know if I could trust myself not to derail things unintentionally. This illness would literally accomplish nothing that needs to be accomplished, save for creating tension with Jack's family. Anything else, such as a motivation for hating the Aspects, it would be overkill for.

    Hmmm. This is going to take me a lot of time to rethink and re process
    Instead of going back to the drawing board, why not have so that it only seriously starts affecting him, we have a small side plot of finding a cure. Maybe with magic, kinda similar to how my Demonic's necklace suppresses her powers/true nature.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Something like trouble sleeping, and consequential hallucinations, is okay. I applaud attempts to do so, and I'll back you on it. But to have it be progressive and based on lineage means that the family knows about it (or the possibility of it) means that they will have been prepared for the worst outcome. So they'd have something to force sleep to occur, negating the effects of the illness.

    Additionally, even if he doesn't take anything for it, eventually his body would force a temporary shut down. You die from not having enough sleep, assuming an outside force prevents you from sleeping. So it would get progressively worse for about a week, until he'd just lose control of his body and collapse into a short coma.

    I suppose instead I could just scrap it and go back to the drawing board. It drastically changes the landscape of he and his family. The more I think about it the more superfluous it seems, although I can't say I'm really interested in RPing Jack without it. It was intended to be much slower and less severe than what you have described, although now that you say it I realize I don't know if I could trust myself not to derail things unintentionally. This illness would literally accomplish nothing that needs to be accomplished, save for creating tension with Jack's family. Anything else, such as a motivation for hating the Aspects, it would be overkill for.

    Hmmm. This is going to take me a lot of time to rethink and re process
    Instead of going back to the drawing board, why not have so that it only seriously starts affecting him, we have a small side plot of finding a cure. Maybe with magic, kinda similar to how my Demonic's necklace suppresses her powers/true nature.
    That was actually the original idea...

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